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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • Drillski
    Free Member

    thanks User-removed, i think..

    Free Member

    Ap and Grum
    We live in a remote rural setting. I have a 14 year old daughter. She has just last week started walking past this property to catch the bus to town on her own as we try to sensibly increase her independance levels. Please excuse me wishing to at least know the worst case scenario.
    Residential home for the mentally and physically handicapped, not going to do the property value any favours, but there you go, we’ve all got to make room for one another on this crowded little island, and there but for the good grace of god go I or mine.
    Paedophiles and violent sex offenders are another matter.

    Free Member

    thanks ernie,I thought so too.

    Free Member

    Sorry , but thread hijack here, need the help of the mental health professionals who have been posting on this thread….

    can you be detained under Section 3, Section 37 or 37/41 of the mental health act for Paedophilia?

    trying to get some clarification as there is a very dodgy planning app gone in next door to me on a property owned by a local “character”, who always has some scam or other in operation ( BBC Rogue traders could probably do a complete series on them alone)that superficially looks like a care home for the disabled, but when you dig a little deeper, its already touting for trade, despite not being CQC req’d or planning approved, for “residents” that have been

    detained under the Mental Health Act particularly Section 37, 37/41, and 3 with forensic histories

    trying to make sure this is not yet another case of him getting approval for one thing, then using it for something else completely, and ignoring enforcement notices, dragging things out legally for ever, and generally ignoring the rule of law.

    again, sorry for the thread hijack…


    Free Member

    so ernie are you saying it Does include Paedophiles?

    Free Member

    thank you sooooooooo much. No there’s a planning app for a “residential institution” for the “mentally impaired” near me just gone in, which looks lovely, but when you see who’s the supervising consultant, and their speciality is supervising the very worst types of offenders, and you dig a little deeper online where they are touting for trade, before being approved or CQC reg’d, they talk about taking mainly people

    detained under the Mental Health Act particularly Section 37, 37/41, and 3 with forensic histories

    and I’m trying to make sure we’re not getting the wool pulled over our eyes here. The owner of the property is as dodgy as they come, he’d sell his soul for sixpence, he’s always got some scam in hand or other, but he’s one of the dangerous ones because he’s terribly charming and reasonable, until its too late, and has a marvellous way of avoinding the truth about anything that doesn’t suit him. Been bankrupt at least once before. Not a popular chap with anyone thats had any sort of dealings with him.

    Free Member

    seriously though, yes, see your GP, asap.

    Free Member

    repair with rubber vulcanising solution. Its for rubber! Strangley, it seems to work quite well.

    Free Member

    OT, but…
    Two fellas sat in a doctors waiting room, both a little anxious.
    One says to t’other, “What you in for?”
    “I’ve got a red ring round my knob” says the second,
    “Crikey, that’s a co-incidence ” says the first, ” I’ve got a green one round mine!”

    At that point the first chap is called in, and is out again in under a minute, all smiles and very relieved.
    “what did he say?”
    “Nothing to worry about” the now happy first fella replied, ” he just gave it a wipe with this special sort of solution and it disapeared: i’m all clear and ready for action!” and off he went.

    “NEXT!” calls the doctor, and in he goes. After showing the doc the problem, there follows a great deal of “umming” and “aaahing”, after which the doctor says

    ” I’m sorry, but we’re gong to have to amputate your knob!”

    “What?” says the patient, “WHAT???!!!”
    ” Yes ” said the doc, ” the protocols are quite clear, and there’s no time to waste!”

    “But…. But……” stammered the patient, ” you dealt with that other bloke just by wiping it off with some’at! Amputate?? By all that’s 29er, Why can’t you just do the same for me???”

    “Because, young man” responded the doc….

    “there’s one helluva difference between Lipstick and Gangrene!”

    Btum tish! 🙂

    Free Member

    I also accept that it is a duty we should all be prepapred to undertake as part of our responsibility to society, as a way of preserving the way of life and civil liberties our predecessors fought dearly and costly wars to retain. I suspect it would also be quite enlightening/depressing in equal parts.
    I just don’t see why jurors, and hence their families, and posisibly their employees, and their families, should suffer considerable financial hardship, when you consider the HOOOOOGE amounts of money swilling around being spent on on every other aspect of the criminal justice system/legal aid etc.
    I am not suggesting we should be paying massive wages to Jurors, i just don’t think it helps the system if the motivated and intelligent amongst society have to come up with stupid excuses to get out of their reponsibility to avoid potential financial ruin. Being slightly worse off we might have to accept. Being made homeless we cannot!
    And if the money has to be found to do that, how about a few less Sky TV sets, internet access, single rooms for the end product of the criminal justice system!

    Free Member

    Was telling a patient about his thread, and he said his worst moments were a deer popping out on him unexpectedly, topped a few minutes later while he was still a little spooked by a noise to his right in the trees, which when he looked across turned out to be a man, stark b@ll@ck naked, running through the trees on a path parallel to him! Cue Chris Hoy impression!

    Free Member

    Hmm seen it listed as an exemption on a website for england too. I jsut know this chap wasn’t excused, an as a result we all have to have an expensive clause built in to our business continuity insurance costs!
    Cant take teh risk you’ll get some geriatric loony court offical/judge!

    Free Member

    When you consider what is spent on bringing these cases to court, why jurors must suffer such drastic financial hardships in the case of the self employed is beyond me.
    I am more than happy to do my part in maintaining the jsutice system, I’d just rather not lose my home as a result!

    Free Member

    Yup many exemptions now gone. I run a single dentist practice, and when i’m away, the practice earns no income, yet everyone else still needs to be paid along with all the other fixed overheads. No longer an exemption, and a dentist “darn sarf” got selected for a fraud case, was kept away from his practice for many months.
    Long story short, practice went bust, dentist lost his business, his home, his staff lost their jobs, and his patients lost an excellent dentist, all because the judge wouldn’t see sense and excuse him from what was always going to be a lengthy case and put him on something simpler. Dentist was eventually discharged due to very serious mental health issues as a result of all this, and due to illness of another jury member, the trial collapsed. Geniuses!

    Free Member

    not such an issue with teh riding, but the first tiem i went up to put in an entry for Mountain mayhem after midnight, on my own, to Pat Adams place in the peaks, that was a bit “League of Gentleman” country in the dark and mist.
    Promised myself iwouldn’t be making that trip after dark on my own without at laast some silver bullets and holy water! Come to think of it, perhaps that some thing to add for night riding kit lists next time someone does a “what do you carry on a a ride” thread!
    Holy water in camelbak
    Garlic energy bars
    Pump/Stake combo
    Lights (with UV component)
    Air (pistol with silver pellets!)

    any more recomendations? 🙂

    Free Member

    if you’re having difficulty riding on your own in the woods at night, i suggest you watch this, then try a solo night ride on teh next full moon! soldiers

    Free Member

    unlucky buddy, will keep eyes peeled when about the area.

    Free Member

    Itching…… oooooh yes, there will be itching!
    Cold baths can help on occasions.
    And dont scratch them, they tend to scar then.
    I had it at 21, itched like a b%$£&^d, so i had a cunning plan, I would only scratch the ones on my head, in my hair, then if they scarred, no probs! Very satisfying to have a good scratch! Genius!

    Or it would have been….. if not for male pattern baldness!!!!!!
    I now have parts of my scalp that resemble the surface of the moon!

    Anti-inflammatories ( ibuprofen) can be a help.

    Free Member

    Just think, you’re going to go from an unbranded or Deore body to a blingtastic XTR weight weenie body, for nowt! Nice One! Weight weenies would kill to save that kinda mass!
    “Eatin’ is Cheatin’ !”

    Free Member

    if its properly wet, it’ll be properly horrible.
    Some work has been done but it is what it is at catton.
    One thunderstorm last year caused chaos in pars for a few hours, had it rained more, it would have been carnage.
    If its dry, its properly crackin’ for the average solo. Granted it may be a bit “boring” for the few top end solos, but for the majority of solos the lack of technical complexity or seriously stiff climbing is a benefit.
    I’d be inclined to sign up, but if it was properly horribly wet i just wouldn’t turn up. For a solo it wouldn’t be much in the way of fun.

    Free Member

    Not an uncommon pobelm on these smal, narrow chain, “domestic” chanisaws that teh public seem to have fallen in love with.
    It can be uneven sharpening of your chain but usualy its uneven wear of your bar ( or so i was told when it occurred to me)
    This can be down to, but not limited to, poor lubing of the chain.
    Do you refill the chain lube every tiem you refil with 2 stroke mix? Most chainsaw are set up to hold more chain lube than fuel, so that if you refil every tiem you refuel, you’ll never run out of lube. forget, and the chain runs unlubed on the bar causing wear, which is rarely even, causing the “curving cut” problem. WOPrse on narrow chains.
    Alternately if you hit a nail/stone etc, and damage teeth on one side of the chain only then you can see a similar issue.
    Bang on a new chain cheap enough and it pays to ahve a spare and seeif you problem is sorted. If not the bar need levelling, a competent chainsaw mechaninc will normally do this pretty quickly and cheaply.

    Free Member

    …and yes,
    I do know Stan Collymore got “nailed” on the chase ( allegedly)

    Free Member

    done, good luck.

    Free Member

    Nice work fellas!
    Shame we can’t get results like this more often.
    You’d perhaps think that the cops might have a dedicated search engine/piece of software that would automatically cross match stolen goods with internet auctions and perhaps shortlist these sorts of things for closer inspection? I mean, sure, with tellies there would be millions and it would be a needle in a haystack, but cetain things, eg MTB’s, perhaps motorcycles, ?

    Or am i just being a bit too 21st century ?

    It’d make a heck of a difference if these clowns couldn’t shift their illgotten gains via t’interweb easily.

    Again, nice result!

    Free Member

    i believe there is some good riding to be had near the volcanoes of Ruapehu ( sp?) to the southern edge of the lake( see recent article in the IMB)
    also there is a trail called teh Tongariro Crossing, which is supposed to be an epic, butnot sure if htats open to bikes or not, I only know about it as a walking trail.
    But if you’re going to to Taupo, you MUST visit Taupo Bungy!!

    Free Member

    you have misunderstood the basic question you should be asking yourself: this is why you are going round and round with no solution, though you are clearly now have some experience of your own in these types of events.
    You are asking yourself an “either/or” question re a HT/FS, when in fact this is not an either or question.
    I believe, and wiser bikers will be along soon to confirm i’m sure, that the rule of n plus 1 applies quite clearly in this case and that you should in fact be taking both. The only real question is whether you take a singlespeed for if things get apocolyptically wet and muddy.
    For 24 events you take EVERYTHING!
    in 24 hours do not understimate the value of comfort.
    My first 24 hours was summed up as “how hard can it be?”
    my second was largely billed by my backup crew as “sobbing for ginger cake”!

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday!

    Free Member

    I have convinced myself that bikes have increasingly lost favour with the young to computers..

    well, having just presented my 14 year old daughter with the second hand trance that i got her from fleabay, and her saying that it is her “best christmas present” i would suggest that some still find the traditional cool, and secondly, i am feeling pretty chuffed!

    Merry Xmas, i’m off to fit the cleats to her new SPD shoes.

    Free Member

    thanks for sharing that with us. Puts alot of crap in perspective doesn’t it!
    Have a beautiful christmas!

    Free Member

    thanks to all those who will be looking out for us as they do all year round. Managed to avoid the biggies myself and only on call 27th to 30th this year ( Still haven’t told the missus i’m on call then though….. been waiting for the right moment, as it were!)

    Free Member

    Biggest crisis fo rme is trying to balance teh difference in libido between me and the missus! seems to be going in different directions, but there’s nothing new in life about that.

    Seen some really messy results of “midlife crises” in the past. Have your flings with material goods is all i’ll say!

    Free Member

    plus one for the fender benders.

    mate recently added a small piece of inner tube in a neogard type of stylee between teh front end of his crudcathcer and the seatpost tube, just below the seatpost clamp. Genius as it stopped alot of crap building up around the clamp/ i’d imagine that it would eb even more useful if you were thinking about teh seals on an uppy-downy seatpost too.

    as we ride msotly cannock chase where there is very little in the way of claggy clingy mud, wheel pickup and clearance aren’t much of an issue here, so in the back of my mind i have several designs for a crudcatcher “hugger” style rear mudguard. Anyone tried making one of these?

    Free Member

    seriously consider the octanes, they fit the female form better

    Free Member

    Yup, they may be right, but you may also be able to get sensible treatment cheaper? Basically you are not convinced by the need/benefit of th treatment advised, in this case it tends not to end well. Seek a second opinion or clarification from your dentist before embarking on any treatment, but expect a hard spolint to be well in excess of £2-300 from any dentist who knows what they are doing/taking on!
    A soft nightguard, depending on your particular case is sometimes well worth a try.

    Free Member

    anyone else got any, or any they like?

    Free Member

    Drive, eurotunnel, take bike to chalet in morzine. Lots for wife and kids, oodles for you and bike.
    Next Question?

    Free Member

    Coastkid, i like yours, will try your approach with the r2 setting.
    Anyone else want to share?

    Free Member

    theme tune to “28 days”

    Free Member

    excuse me i don’t know the area, and I agree about the silly & dangerous obstructions, and yes natural england are a pain that want to pickle the countryside as is is in their imagination, but is it private land that you are talking about onjecting to people trying stop the riding on.
    If so, surely if the landowner wishes to allow free access, all well and good, if not, surely without a right of way they are within theor rights to say please don’t?

    Free Member

    well that’s me right out, thanks for nothin’……

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