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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • Drillski
    Free Member

    re the damp and insulation, I have a single skin garage, and in the winter it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cold and damp, that i was regularly putting teh bike away in there with snow and ice on it last year, and it was still there on the bike two days later! Nothing ever dries in there either and stuff does go rusty theres no doubt about it. Would love to have it warm and dry properly!

    Free Member

    If you’re keeping him on I really think the webcam idea is essential. That we can keep an eye on him for you while you get on with some work.

    Free Member

    Or is easily drilled sandstone with a nearby groundwater level good for this borehole option?

    We do have a pond , but it’s only about three feet deep and twenty feet across, which I imagine isn’t big enough to act a as as source on its own.

    Free Member

    I am indeed. Probably not suitable for drilling for the borehole approach as though we are near the chase, we actually live in /on the edge of what was once a sandstone quarry, and half the house sits on bedrock, it almost certainly isn’t that far below the surface for the rest. Quite a good spot for drilling wells for water though as the water table is pretty near the surface on a lot of the property, we actually had a 100 foot deep and eight foot wide well that supplied the ingestre estate many years ago via a beam engined pump, before it was filled in thirty years ago.
    When you say open system do you mean the sort where you suck in water from the environment/soil?

    Free Member

    Sauvignon blanc, need one, just been out to see a very poorly mate who probably won’t see Christmas , raise a glass to him with me guys.

    Free Member

    but not NHS dentistry….. that sucks the big one 🙁

    Free Member

    Is it not Stafford hospital that is almost constantly in the news for under performing and being terrible in general?

    A quick google brings this up. I wouldn’t want a place like that to be my local.

    Stafford is my local. Plenty of experience with self and kids, mixed in terms of quality of care there in the past to say the least, but definitely getting better now. Thankfully they are being reluctant to re-open full time until they are SURE they are capable of maintaining the service properly for the future. Care standards there were certainly very diferent to A & E departments in north wales and carlisle that we “visited” during the same period.

    But for all that, we always came out healthier than we went in, so result!

    NHS Rocks!

    Free Member

    hmmm, poignant thread this today, narrowly missed a huge pile of Doggy doos just off the best line ( i’m rarely on the best line you see :D)a few hundred yards from the finish at cannock.
    Slow or fat they may be, but my biffer mates & young kids rarely shit on the trails!

    **** disgusting!

    Free Member

    do we have to include motorcycles adn bikes we have stashed elsewhere?

    Christ! i’m running out of fingers, but thats for me, wife and three kids… still……

    room for one more!!!!!! 😀

    Free Member

    My Little brother was riding solo and was stopped from using his dirtworker during the early morning by an official, because of something to do with the spray! If he had been blowing chunks of crud onto someones tent i could understand it, but he wasn’t, and as regards noise, the DW is as good as silent.
    If its going to be a case of not being allowed to use your own bike washing facilities, and having to spend HOURS queueing for a bike wash, then count me out in future.

    Sounds like the timing issues from mayhem have gone from bad to worse. I notice it wasn’t Time Laps this time, any idea who it was?
    I see the lack of an on site bike shop was an issue here at SITS as it was at MM ( Ok wiggle were there but their stock of gear was laughable)

    The alck of recognition for the vets cats is always a bit of an issue, but at least give the poor souls the results! If you look at the entry form they are listed as a seperate sub category, and so should appear as such in the results.
    This on top of the fiasco with the showers this year at mayhem is really putting a big question mark for me over whether to go to MM next year, which is a shame as we were going to enter as a family now the kids are just old enough.

    For an organisation with so much experience, you have to wonder why these gaffs are occurring? Has provelo perhaps peaked? I think perhaps some direction is called for.

    Free Member

    Or am I way off the mark?

    These 24 hour events, any organiser can tell you they rely heavily on fresh blood. After the Last two years this must be . Moving to the south east on an all wear her course, with it’s Olympic heritage would surely be a no brainier?

    Or is that going to be too expensive? Perhaps some of the ridiculous prize fund of several thousands would be better spent on an all weather course! Do I really give a monkies if the top few teams won’t bother coming if there’s less prize money up for grabs? No, I don’ t think so.

    I’m sorry, but I think it might be time for a bit of fresh thinking regarding organising endurance
    racing if it is to thrive for another ten years.

    Free Member

    In terms of all weather venues, that can handle large events, there’s obviously the Olympic venue at hadleigh farm?

    Presumably someone has plans for this and the potentially huge south eastern audience/entry it would appeal to?

    Free Member

    Apparently it didn’t miss !!!! Expect reports of mayhem-esque conditions from the texts I have been receiving! 😥

    Still on the bright side it’s just passed 30 degrees here in morzine!

    Free Member

    this sort of behaviour could get you quite a following OP. You could be some kind of leader of a new weird quasi religious group…. If so, I might just join Yakult !

    I’ll get me coat 😳

    Free Member

    There curd be more and they curd be much worse.

    I’m a fromage frais’d not…

    Free Member

    They got in his whey, I’d have let it go, but Edam’d them!!

    Free Member

    or have we only skimmed the surface….. 😀

    Free Member

    I think we’ve had the cream of the puns now………. 8)

    Free Member

    So, affected persons, have you received satisfaction now? Has this gentleman made good on his promises or is this less than genuine? Come on we want to know.

    Free Member

    looking at his twitter feed he was able to attend Mayhem last month. And fund a pretty good lifestyle it would seem. Is he based in France or the UK?

    Free Member

    yes they area definitely a bit prone to this unfortunately, but the warranty service is excellent. Don’t know if this covers just the original owner though, so if buying second hand be aware. Affects frames from ’08 onwards. Have seen it on the new 29er too, same place as descibed above every time, adjacent the weld that attaches top tube to seatpost tube

    Beautiful bike, “climbs like a homesick angel” and supersharp handling. And again, excellent service from Giant warranty, but was boughth from new.

    Free Member

    had 08 float 100’s, repaetitive probs whatever i did, switched to RS, no probs!
    Then had new Trek, no option but to have the Float 120’s, and no probs with these, other than some dipstick at the factory had confused various oil bath quantities and put nearly 40ml of oil in teh air chamber adn 5 in the right side oil bath! ) ( pre kashima)

    Heard of other cases of people with one set of foxes bombproof and others less so.

    Free Member

    no, they can’t. Unless you want to “reduce the gap between the best and worst performing” by dragging down the best/more able.

    Free Member

    At work now ( 8:15 am) on the north end of the chase – wet wet wet! But warm, and you’ll realistically have the place to yourself!
    Never miss a chance for a ride.

    The other thing to remember abou this weather is that it’s not likely to change from this sort of pattern for at least another two months, possibly more, so you might as well just make the best of it. I bet if you go you still enjoy it.

    Free Member

    i use something rather like this,

    can’t remember the brand, cost around £40 from europe, very gentle heat, dries out even waterlogged MW80’s in about 3 hours. We have no cental heating and wife doesn’t like the smell of 3 pairs of wet boots by the fire for 2 days at a time. ( me and kids)
    I can leave it in the garage on a timer overnight, probs solved. If i was buying again i’d look or one that did 2 pairs at once if possible, mine only does one pair.

    tried virtually everything else, inc Absorballs etc( Rubbish for me), wouldn’t waste my tiem with anything else as i ride regualr through the winter regardles of conditions and knowing you’ve got clean dry kit the next day is a boon. the stitching also lasts longer if it’s not sat rotting.

    Free Member

    He was …. on track from 05:20 to 07:40 on Sunday morning.

    yup, good luck with that. Doubt there were many snappers out and about during that period given the night we had!

    Free Member

    Ride In Peace J. You will live on in many hearts.

    Free Member

    not there until august! 🙁 Bet those dry dusty trails will be a distant memory by then! 😥

    Going on a holiday with all MrsDrillski’s extended family, brother in law and I plan on making oursleves scarce each day until teatime, that was the deal that was struck and we intend to keep to it!!! Just to relieve the overcrowding in the chalet you understand 8)

    Free Member

    Get it done, just not this week if you’re planning on riding MM this weekend, as you’ll be up to your nuts in mud!!!!!

    Free Member

    Suggest looking to the peak district too, you’re only an hour away. Look for rides based in Castleton/Edale etc for easily accessible from Cannock area.

    Free Member

    So sad. RIP Nick.
    Love the people you are with, while they are with you, for we know not how long his will last.
    Nick seems to have had quality if not quantity of life.

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – Member

    I ride a belt drive, hub gear, titanium and carbon fibre bike.
    I’ll wash it before a race to remove any excess weight, otherwise I don’t usually bother.

    crikey MTG ! I’d have thought anyone with your frame failure history would be cleaning throughly and X-raying the damn welds after each ride!!!!

    Free Member

    Aged about 13, I was making a delayed fuse for an air bomb to teach someone who had “irked” me a lesson, by adding one of those trick birthday cake candles that can’t be blown out to the side of it to give me a few minutes extra to get away before it went off, after leaving it outside their front window!
    Unfortunately , whilst dripping hot wax onto the side of the candle to mate it to the blue touch paper ( in the days before theses namby pamby proper string fuses you get now!), said blue touch paper caught fire and started to burn in its characteristic way!

    Wouldn’t have been such a problem if I hadn’t been doing this in our front room!

    Blue touch paper lit the primer pyros in about 2 seconds flat, at which point nothing is gonna stop this baby ( thats why you have the namby pamby proper string fuses you get now!) and the thing started to splutter an hiss ready to pop out the airbomb in our lounge! Disbelief gave way to blind panic!

    THINK FAST!!!!

    Fortunately, the fireplace was empty, I shoved my arm as far up the chimney as it will go, showering my hand with red hot sparks, waited for it to give a loud pop as it expelled the airborne charge component, heard it rattling it way up the chimney, and leapt away from the fire place……..

    the noise, when it came a split second later, having been channeled by the chimney back into the lounge, a shape not unlike that of a giant brick trumpet when you think about it can only be described as “JESUSFECKINGCHRISTTHEWHOLEHOUSEISCOMINGDOWNANDTHEWORLDISENDING”

    Cue huge about of soot and debris falling down chimney into lounge. Ears rang for days after.

    Got away with that one!

    Probably not my worst pyro incident, but perhaps the most exciting!

    Not far behind that was trying to make our own Napalm effects by filling a metal paint kettle with mixture of BBQ lighting gel and Petrol, and then placing an electrically detonated theatrical “maroon” in it ( basically a classic “banger” available in sizes from “puny” all the way through to “your kidding right!” but with a length of wire allowing you to detonate it connecting to a 9v PP9 battery)

    Basically, we were actually closer to developing our own “daisy cutter” Fuel-Air Explosive than a napalm effect, and when you assesed the size of the scorched area, the area of defoliation, and the ammount of hair loss on exposed skin, its fair to say that 30 feet of command wire wasn’t enough!!! Not so much of a bang as an almighty

    “Crack – WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMF” followed by a feeling of all over warmth!!

    Free Member

    ….and as of yesterday the left side chainstays on my trek Fuel Ex 9 🙁
    Now i get to compare the warranty on a Trek with Giants I suppose

    Free Member

    yep, our runner was not impressed, as we had promised him aeound 800m 😀

    Would really like to see the finish into the arena coming in DOWNHILL, as has been the tow recedign years, unlike last years which was a dull uphill grassly slog to finish on a low note for the lap, by comparison with the full on brilliant descent into the arena of the previous years.

    Free Member

    nope, didn’t realise, (even though it seemed a stretch even for the american justice system,) it was forwarded to me a few days ago on a seperate issue, but a like a good fictional joke, it makes you smile a little!

    Seriuously though, yes, mob justice is rarely a good idea.
    Well done the chaps for doing the right thing.

    On an interesting note, regarding the large number of chaps that collared him, I wonder how the end to this story might have read if he had been pursued by a sole rider…..?

    Free Member

    obviously one can’t condone gratuitous and extreme violence, but…

    shame there’s no kerbs at Birches Valley!

    image001[/url] by Drillski[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Done a couple of Anthem frames, cracked where the seatpost meets the top tube, around the edge of the top of the weld. Have to say that Giant and Swinnerton Cycles Forest Centre on Cannock Chase were absolutely excellent each time, was very well looked after. Eventually went for a different model frame but have since bought Giant and from Swinno’s purely on the basis of the excellent aftercare.

    Free Member

    too late once a planning app is in. Has to be disclosed.
    I guess a planning app for an institute for sex offenders is going to put some folks off, though i could be wrong of course.
    Kind of reluctant to move form the home four generations of my family have built and grown up in too.

    Free Member

    That’s good to hear. And yes i could certainly see how it would be better than a doss house for job dodgers. But i need to know the truth of what this character potentially has in mind to be able to assess what we are looking at.

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