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  • is a scam website
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    Free Member

    “MsD will be moving in soon though so lets see how the heating bill goes through the roof”

    +1(00KWH) 🙂

    Free Member

    Update – I blew the lot on a 2012 Epic S-Works Frame & Forks & a massive bag of tyrrel crisps.

    Premium bonds seem pretty subjective; but I like the gamble – worst case scenario I’ve lost £100 in interest, slightly more if I go down this P2P lending route, but in the best scenario I wouldn’t need a mortgage!

    I’m not sure that the capital would depreciate significantly considering the intended use of it – according to which speculative media/industry ‘expert’, there’s a chance it would increase with further house price depreciation. Of course that’s irrespective of what I do.

    It’s premium bonds for £3k and I’ll look into all the other good advice on here thanks of what I can do with the remaining funds. I would do the bike thing, but tech has moved on so much since I was a budding, MBUK reading bike mechanic 20 years ago (i.e stripping and rebuilding my own bike for no good reason other than because I could); I know I’d waste a lot of money by not knowing the current, now-hugely-diverse market – my own bike is a 2004 and that’s full of voodoo technology in my eyes; maybe I could go down the retro route?!

    Quilled stem, Altus C10 rear mech & square taper BB anyone?

    Thanks for all the effort and careful consideration invested in some of these replies as well; really appreciated.

    Free Member

    Some great idea thanks; didn’t know about this peer to peer lending – nice idea to be able to help others but don’t know how that will work when access neeeded; I will google thanks.

    Re: weddings/kids, I receive grief every week because I won’t marry until we’ve got a house; not renting snobbery or anything, but just priorities – can’t face the idea of getting further away from buying a hoouse to fund one massive booze-up. (Ok, I don’t really believe that..) We can get married post-house-trauma. Won’t escape kids, but honetsly though down quite fancy the idea; additional driver for ‘stability’ of home ownership

    Think it’ll be in premium bonds; over the period of time I’m looking at (circa 12 months); I’m not losing much by not investing in a savings account (probably £100 ish) – I’ll look into this peer lending too for the rest.

    Spooky – thanks; yeah it’s tax bracket, but also I’ve sold the car to cut costs, which means borrowing the missus’ to get there (My usual work pays for hire cars to travel to work)and the general decrease in quality of life for total net gain of about £3 an hour.

    Great point on the sick pay, never even occurred to me.

    Free Member

    Happy to hear “happy”! Enjoy celebrations!

    Free Member

    Deus, gotcha, told you I was a terrible gambler!

    I think this premium bonds business is just the ticket; it’s got the gamble aspect with no risk; opportunity lost is pitiful at current base rate. I was thinking of something leftfield, but I was just grasping at straws.

    I’m going to look into this premium bond business more tomorrow, spot on outcome from the post though – I’d never thought of that.

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Danny, seriously -let it go. Not dismissive of your concerns, but it’s not worth it.

    I think from your OP you probably know you’re getting too wrapped up in this issue; get out and ride, watch the office and read a poem called “desiderata” – bit flowery, but it’s top for regaining focus.

    Free Member

    Deus, going hugely off-topic, but this could be at the heart of why I’m a terrible gambler, but odds at 30/1, that would equate to £30 for every £1, which equals 3000%?

    1/30 on the other hand would return £1 for every £30 stake?

    However, I’m interested in the beans. 🙂

    Free Member

    “Bet on lionel messi to score a hatrick this season! I guarantee it! “

    I’d get better odds at the bank! Thanks though 🙂

    Free Member

    King – you make some good points thanks; shares is not preferred option by far, too volatile and I’m too ignorant. Interetsing about your similar position; can’t turn to Dad or Missus to use their ISA allowance as they have a close relationship, which is great, but I’m not declaring the recent increase in cash to anyone in order to retain focus on saving every penny – missus will lose the focus, spend more and although I don’t like the secret element, it’s for the greater good, and can’t put Dad in postion of knowing something he can’t talk about. Complicated eh!?

    Jeremy – you know I’ve never even thought about that; I’ll get googling straight away!

    Free Member

    30-1 = 3.3%? – Do you work for Barclays? 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers Tom, good advice again; flogged the DSLR & other prized posessions – Only item of value left is the bike, and that’s not happening! Other job suggestion wouldn’t work due to tax; already looked into that.

    As in post, I don’t have a problem using my time; but how to make money using the cash I have, which would return better than £100 over a year!

    Free Member

    Thanks King, was thinking that about shares – no knowldge of any particular market either which doesn’t help.

    Was thiking something a little radical, but don’t know what!

    I had an email from the Prince of Nigera the other day which seemed promising 🙂

    Free Member

    Agreed, good advice – been in thrift mode for some time, haven’t got a car now for first time in 15years.

    That’s it though; savings will do nothing for me – so looking for ideas of what would.

    Free Member

    “Just let it go” +1

    They’re everywhere. In my experience people aren’t as calculated as one can perceive them to be; so usually it’s your own issue, rather than theirs.

    Saying that, plenty of idiots around. Sellotaping phone receivers still amuses me. “Ring ring”….”Hello, self important person here”….”Ring ring”

    Watch the office. Will bring back your perspective.

    Free Member

    Move to Leeds. I get my haircut for £3.50. Not much of it mind you.

    Free Member

    2 personal favourites of mine.

    Instead of chest of drawers, “Chester Draws” (This was a frequent occurence in a particular job I once had)

    “Setting a new President” (A favourote with the R5 live oddly)

    Free Member

    Thanks ES, I know I’m losing out by not going outside, but keeping as much of finances as I can all in one place for an attractive picture for when I apply for first mortgage (which wil be with my bank; I’m a good credit candidate, but not risking mortgage rejection and they’re a top mortgage lender, so balances out)

    Jonba thanks, just the kind of first hand exp I was after – interesting about linking accounts.

    Anyone with expert view as to the legalities of protection; which concerns me most? Basically, am I covered by totally different legislation by having an online-only account?

    Free Member

    I tend to make a mess, unless I’ve got a cold. (See name)

    Free Member

    Thanks rb; just the kind of tip I was looking for…however from above posts I may as well ask missus to pick something.

    This all reminds me of that parrot in the carry on, which started picking winners for sid james.

    Free Member

    Mw, excellent story!

    Rb thanks, bookies favourite though; won’t reap me much!

    Free Member

    I’m way to stubborn to do social media, but thanks!

    Free Member

    It’s just blatant request for tips; accumulator (need nags’ names!) seems best option, or any strong views on surprise footy form etc!

    £8k slightly tongue in cheek btw, £2000 would do 🙂

    Free Member

    My utilities bill?

    Top notch escort, for 10 minutes. Enough time.

    Free Member

    Well, this is just sad. Why so much aggrovation being caused and reacted to? I’m a fairly competent pain in the arse myself, but I save it for the real world…why on a forum for people that share a common interest is there so much desire to talk down?

    Yes, probably naive myself, but there’s something wrong here.

    Sod it, bed. Job tomorrow where people will just stick to slagging people off behind their back instead of to their face, repeatedly, without consideration of anything other than some typed text.

    I know, someone will pick on this post no doubt…but I remember mint sauce. Cycling wasn’t this back then; it was luuuurve. Seriously, it was. Not this mush.

    Night all!

    Free Member

    A Harry Hill-esque fight between a 4×4, a train and some appendages?

    Free Member

    Nice shoes.

    Free Member

    Debating options of going without gym membership, or losing fourty pcm quid to join local DW…(had enough of p*** stinking changing rooms at my usual haunt).

    Just wormed the cat as well.

    Free Member

    “She always shows me the knife in the kitchen draw she says she will use when she wants to bump me off.”

    Someone check the kitchen drawer.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all replies; I was looking for guidance mainly in what pertinent numbers I should be noting if buying different than what is already installed. I gather from replies they’re all the same, aside from the max load?

    Screwfix good advice thanks. Competence is equal to how much a person is concentrating, in the main and imo. Unless of course you’re a total blithering idiot, or dangerously arrogant…which I’ll know the answer to when I flick the circuit back on 🙂

    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    I was okay until the words “kill” and “terminal” were used in concurrent posts.

    Free Member

    Yes, they’re in series under cupboard.

    I’ll get googling with some more confidence now; thanks very much for your help.

    Free Member

    Thanks, so when looking for 60va transformer for the ceiling, I needs no further differentiation of one type from another?

    This is the ceiling ones:

    ..and I must have the “kit” on the cupboards; the three lights just run into one of these below, and then stop. No sign of this mystical junction box you talk of.

    Free Member

    GT Talera, Cannondale M500 (I think), grey, wasn’t the beast of the east which I think was the M800?

    Then bought a ’93 Explosif Pro, way too small & loved it – even cut the handlebars down to about 1ft wide to lose weight.

    Looking at these pics (especially the Kelin’s & Marins) remind me of a different time, a great time, when you could achieve a top class bike on paper round wage and some shrews ‘trading up’; pre-ebay, pre-carbon, pre-credit cards!

    Free Member

    100% scam. B….rds nearly tricked my old man few months ago.

    Free Member

    Matt, thanks but I can only find them for £48?

    Free Member

    Funniest thing I’ve read today (and I don’t work for them either, they’ve just got cheapest DMR Vaults in Red I can find).

    Free Member

    Oh right, thanks all. I’ll stick them on the FS forum….

    Free Member

    Cheers, the idea of studs for front of mtb shoes is a new one to me..why?? Plus, anyone want them? No use to me!

    Free Member

    No mint sauce cufflinks although I’m intrigued by this clothing accessory you speak of; I shall google.

    Free Member

    Maybe he violated the cat! Thinking I’m questioning something I shouldn’t now…

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