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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • dribbling
    Free Member

    After our first year of insurance on KittyDribble, premium with PDSA went up 30%.

    Looked around but not much devation with other companies for same care, so stuck with it and I’d put it down to the market in general, but I have no knowledge other than my own experience.

    Free Member

    I’m over it, really I am…

    Free Member

    +1 for focus.

    I had a ’59 1.6 tdci whick was outstanding on fuel v enjoyment; zetec so a few toys, great…until some **** stole it off my drive and torched it 4 hours later.

    Free Member

    Eat unprocessed food; do stuff.

    Free Member

    Take pictures of it on a nice lane, under a tree; for some reason cars reflecting a tree give me the horn.

    Free Member

    Friends? Are these people you don’t try to ..with?

    Free Member

    Footflaps – he’s an indoor cat (Done the moral dilemma on that one several times), so relaively easier to realise, however I have to thank commonlaw dribble though for noticing; she probably saved his life by doing so.

    Cheers Rio.

    Free Member

    Rio; that photo paints an image of serenity and regular glossing of interior woods.

    Every pet shop I’ve phone (near Leeds) tells me they don’t have any fountains, so I’m stuck with going to pets at home, who want £40. Hey ho, bite the bullet!

    Free Member

    Njee – thanks.

    Pants. Screwed then.

    Free Member

    Camo; that is the funniest thing I’m going to see this week. I strangely want to see it drive past…

    Free Member

    Price sounds reasonable; our bag of fluff has only been in the vet’s care for one day & it’s north of £400 so far, plus daily check-ups. Hope what’s on here about food etc is of some use to your situation.

    Free Member

    IME; keep dignity at all times; especially in such situations.

    Obviously your own company/staff set-up and dynamics call for their own consideration, but those that wing it often get found out, but equally can get the promotion…

    Thing is, there’s nothing you can really do, other than maintain your own consitency and demeanour – Upper echalants are not going to be swayed by someone calling out someone else for inefficiency, they will either know that already, or not care because of other factors.

    *A little something I knocked up* 🙂

    If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, and yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream – and not make dreams your master; If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;

    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools,

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much,

    If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run – Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son

    Free Member

    Thanks stumpy, but they’re not ‘stuck’ on, it’s weird – it’s like the stuff is ‘painted’ on – no sticker surface to grab hold of!

    Free Member

    Just returned from vet (with a personality of a walnut) – She’s suggesting wet food and funnily enough also the water fountain just mentioned.

    There were no crystals found apparently, so I guess that’s why they’re not mentioning the Hill stuff (especially as I noticed they were flogging it in reception). I’ll ask though this afternoon when I pick up his “anti-sapsmodic” drugs – hate the idea of giving him drugs, and he is peeing as we speak, but not eductaed enough to refuse medical advice with such a serious condition. Real tempation to think as soon as people see “insurance”…well, you know..

    I’m going to hunt out one of those water fountains now (I asked if it would be like one of those naff indoor water features; she did not look amused).

    All advice gratefully received thanks; will go for this hills stuff as a dry food anyhow now, for the daytime & wet food for evening meal 🙂

    Free Member

    Ditto; sorry about loss.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I sometimes find myself wondering whether this is a place for cyclists, or just randoms that like a fight.

    (not aimed at any one person, just observation on direction some threads take)


    Free Member

    “many have also discovered where the G-spot is”

    Men’s? Oh god.

    Free Member

    I like NastyWest; 20 years of trouble free banking, borrowing, excessive overdrafts and repaying back again!

    Agree with on-line presence too; was recently chatting to a Lloyds IT chap who said NW had the best on-line interface of all banks (how qualified he is to say that is debatable I guess.

    Postman’s been though; nothing apart from some pedals with grindy axles and play. Ruddy Pinkbike.

    Free Member

    Oops. Fail. Sorry. The chap hattys were done on a massive dry frying pan; again though, no flames!

    I will interrogate OH tonight for hints & tips and get back to you.

    Free Member

    Commonlaw Drib’s mother (very Indian) did some chapati’s, and excellent for scooping up stuff they were and looked like massive flying saucers.

    Can’t advise how she did them though; we were fairly peshed. However, no gas flames were involved!

    She used a wok full of oil; maybe that’s a tip, or an insight that I do not own enough cooking utensils.

    Free Member

    Can I place an order for some bahhhjis please? The crispy ones that cruch, not flumpy balls that bounce.

    PPG on way.

    Free Member

    “do do one”

    Reserved for people who are VERY in love.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    FWIW, as as you/STWers probably realise, this is just a collection of well-meaning, but totally sujective opinions based on individual life experiences, viewpoints, insecurities, mental health and shoe size …and formed from a few hundred words at best to summarise a 14 year relationship.

    To get to my point, you are the only person that can form your opinion on the information you have to you; how you react is a kind of Darwinism I guess..

    Personally, I’m a beleiver in ‘gut feelings’, whatever they may be (and whether we chose to take notice of them!)

    All the best for everyone.

    Free Member

    “5: George Galloway”


    Free Member

    Piers Morgan.

    I know, but the guy just encompasses everything unlikable in a human and triggers some instant rage in me.

    Free Member

    Your could move into Business Analysis as a first step?

    It’s a nice blend between IT and the business; plenty of people skills through stakeholder engagement (and managing suppliers :-)) , but it helps if you have a knowledge of the business…well, it’s kind of critical actually!

    It’s a real people job, where you have to promote the business requirements, often in the face of constraints but you really do build good relationsips with internal and external people. You could end up in any aspect of projects, from feasability, design, through to testing and implementation. (steer clear of governance though!)

    If you have knowledge in any kind of business, be it the one you work for or through vocational activities, it’s an advantage.

    Your exp would make the functionality side of things a doddle; I suspect you’d easily be known as the expert in reviewing Fucntional Design Docs etc – invaluable as often errors get missed by business experts not posessing the technical knowledge to spot an issue, which costs a fortune later on in Change Requests.

    Easy to get qualifications and then, you move onto project management…

    Just a thought 🙂

    Edit: I’m in Leeds 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m kinda emotional after reading this.

    Mostly been mentioned from my era; I’ll just add Green Beret for speccy +3 (disc drive, oh yes)

    …but from the arcades…

    Space Harrier anyone? “get ready!”

    Wouldn’t want any of them remade though mind you.

    Free Member

    “Ex council house in the country”

    = perfect.

    Free Member

    TR – that’s hard to believe; taken the boiler?????!

    Free Member

    ultimately all of the startup costs on the first couple came from income, and having equity in our family home

    That’s an insight…ta.

    DrP, that’s one of my main questions; the answer to which is what I’d like to know.

    Yup, sold. Rubbish, naive idea. I’ll keep focus on looking for a run down first home, in a half decent area, with a garden (I’ll roll over before I give up on a garden).

    Just to add though, for all the horror stories, I lived in Abbey Road, Torquay growing up, not a nice area but I was a decent tenant….but all a bit Disney again..

    A lot of good advice/experience though..thanks.

    Free Member

    “area counts for alot more than the property”…

    ..Funny, that’s what I re-iterate to the missus for not only quality of life, but re-sale value; I just detached that priority when considering a rental property….probably incorrectly.

    It’s the quality of tenant I guess is the issue; because if you never live there, it doesn’t matter where the property is in the main….unless of course you only find the door-punchers renting in that area.

    Ok, starting to think this is a p*ss poor idea…

    Free Member

    Cats are great; I’m in.

    Sadly though, I’m not on FB, but will forward to my hundreds, dozens, 4 friends..

    Ok, 2.

    Ok, the missus.

    Free Member

    Oh god, it’s from a phone…

    *leaves forever

    Free Member

    Screw the moth (don’t), but that looks like a great camera.

    Now tell me it’s from Lidl..

    Free Member

    Hi TR

    The £100 was based on the excess money I had to invest (that sounds really naff, anyone reading please refer to previous thread!)…

    What I want to buy has no relevance on this purchase, but I do understand why you’re asking – the 2 are not linked in my mind, but maybe they should be?

    I haven’t researched any areas, aside from Zoopla etc to understand trends and avg prices. This is just something that has occurred to me today and after a bit of googling, all seemed a bit ‘obvious’ (10% yield and longer term capital increase)..hence turning to you eclectic mix of individuals for more insightful/sarcastic/dangerous advice 🙂

    Free Member

    King, ta. It’s a valid point about potential dregs – I have a slightly romantic notion of being a decent landlord to those that cannot afford much, but that’s just cr*p Disney material.

    As in income you’re right; as there would be a mortgage and costs, income would be extremely negligible….in fact, I’m not sure why I think it’s a considerable idea any more.

    I suppose what’s swilling about it “the bank will see I can manage a mortgage, I’ve got some inferred security through ownership and there’s an extra (negligible) income and if I can maintain this and the ‘real’ house, it will eventually….eventually….rocket in value. It will; I know that, but it will probably take a very long time”

    ..and because it isn’t the primary residence, it doesn’t fall into the “oooh, my house has double in value”, without then having to buy another house that’s doubled in value & therefore never realising any capital gains..

    Complicated business; I’m getting out on the bike tomorrow to ponder.

    Free Member

    Ah, Prince of Nigera, good to hear from you again. PPG on it’s way.

    To clarify, I’m not ultimately after money, I’m after a home; also I didn’t say I wasn’t prepared put any effort in. My skills are of no use in renovating a home, other than menial tasks but we all have to learn, just balancing out the cost of mistakes, tools etc with what this would be – a stepping stone.

    No doubt I’ll half wreck the fist home, but that’s ok because it will be our home, not an investment.

    Otherwise, thanks!

    Free Member

    “She is shivering when i’m sat in a pair of shorts and sweating!”

    I had so many unsuitable responses to that, they all clogged up and I couldn’t decided on which one to type. 🙂

    I have a ‘thing’ which goes off in my brain when the thermostat twitches; it’s quite strange. I can be in another county and I know when she’s flicked the heating to manual, and whacked the temp up to 30, which of course it never achieves, even after 8 hours of trying.

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