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  • Les Gets World Cup DH results, report and highlights vids
  • DrDomRob
    Free Member

    I have ridden mine everywhere I have taken my MTB, some of it is a lot more sketchy though and I definately think about my lines a lot more.

    Free Member

    Wow the number of clever people on here is quite amazing.

    No really, no piss taking!!!!!

    I am actually quite impressed, and kind of understand why STW has the reputation it does.

    I am also a lot more confused than I was!!!!

    Free Member


    I am going to carry on with this anyway cause I need to learn the language.


    Free Member

    Also, from what has been mentioned so far, it would appear an online application would be more beneficial to people than a standalone application…?

    I know Python is used to drive some websites, but I don’t know how effective it is considering the amount of data that MAY be generated adn therefore the size of the database required….

    Free Member

    njee20 – You have to start somewhere!!

    Poisonspider – it would be quite difficult to understand what the width of the error margin might be since if one rider who drags their brakes puts information in 10 times, and 1 rider who doesn’t only inputs 9 times, then the first rider will hugely affect the spread of data.

    However, you could be very cunning and only input the riders average for anyone place, ie although the first rider has done 10 rides, they only enter into the global statistics once, using their average.

    In which case the sample size would only be 2.

    Anyway, this is for a bit later down the line. Good idea though.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – I’ll have a look into it.

    I’ll start putting together something which defines the requirements, I’ll post it up as soon as possible… probably tomorrow or sometime at the weekend when the missus is back on nightshifts and I can unleash the inner geek without fear of reprisals!

    Free Member

    Haha @ Whippersnapper.

    Wwwaswas – it’s in the pile of things to look into, although I fear getting hold of the pigs and monkeys may be the downfall of that idea.

    Free Member

    1. You have a wish list for a program to help you monitor your bike components. At the very top level, what would you like displayed (ie replace part now, this part has done x miles…) and how would you like it displayed (Graphical, diary reminder…)

    Drac – if you are going to quote something quote it properly.

    I used the term “ie”, apparently incorrectly, to mean “for example”. So I apologise for that!!!

    I was offering suggestions of what people may want rather than dictating what they get. I actually completely agree with you, but one thing I have learned is NEVER to throw out an idea until it has been fully investigated.

    I was once involved in looking at different methods for vehicle recovery, I said no idea is a bad idea, someone amusingly suggested we use the A-Team. So we spent 5 or so minutes in the next round investigating whether this was possible or not. Obviously it wasn’t.

    Free Member

    15ish miles here, I’d say about 80% off road, with the last mile or 2 on tarmaced paths.

    Although I haven’t done it since just before Christmas.

    Starting again next week with the good old drive-cycle-cycle-drive-drive-cycle-cycle-drive-drive-cycle.

    Only issue then is my car ends up at work over the weekend….. I am sure it’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    Interestingly I am just going through bike journal and it would appear they are starting to add this sort of functionality.

    So far they have the ability to add chain and tyres.


    Free Member

    Ok, it seems TQG was the only one who actually read my original post properly.

    I asked what people wanted, I gave some suggestions that is all.

    So Graham, at the very top level you want to be able to select a component and know how much it has been used. It would make sense to do this in miles/km…..

    Is there anything else that you would want to know about the part? Would you for instance want to specifically about “rear wheel bearings” and how long a particular set has lasted, or would you want to know about a rear hub and how many times the bearings have been replaced and at what interval? Very subtley different, or the option to choose between the two?

    Free Member

    You seem to be assuming what the end result will be.

    Graham, I kind of need to learn from scratch,and this way allows me to learn doing something I find quite interesting even if noone apparently wants it. But you’d be interested in something which would show you how much your bits have been used?

    You would like something that says this component has been used for this long?

    Free Member

    Me :D

    Anyway, needs and wants are two very different things.

    Free Member

    You have kind of missed the point of the question, but answered it anyway…..

    I was asking what people would want to see on the top level and giving a few random ideas. The problem with asking for too much detail to early is you can so easily lose sight of what the intended outcome, ie what information the user is give, is supposed to be. I like to start with what the user wants to see and then work out how to give them that in the most accurate way possible!

    I would set up a blog, but this is just as useful to me, and I can also gauge how many people are likely to use it by the replies I can get on a well known well attended forum rather than trying to pursuade people to view my own web page!!!!

    As far as programming languages go, I’ll be using Python as it is 100% free and open source, how compatible it is with smart phone stuff I don’t know.

    Do people want a smart phone app? I personally don’t, but I can easily look into it.

    Free Member

    I’m still perservering. Gonna keep everyone who is interested updated.

    That’ll be me then! I’ll update tonight when I get home from work.

    Free Member


    How badly did I miss read Graham’s thread, no one has even bothered flaming me.

    Free Member

    Graham where are you man, I thought I’d at least get your support in this!!!!

    Free Member

    loddrik – interesting point, and one I completely agree with.

    Unfortunately one of the downsides of this freedom is that sometimes what is best for the long term future is over shaddowed by the short term wants of those with the loudest voices.

    Bit of a catch 22 really.

    Free Member

    Isn’t this what bombers are for?

    I feel your pain, I grew up in a coutry town in West Dorset, Bridport, for the 1st 14 years of my life, then moved to East Dorset because of parents jobs, I have always felt like I belonged back there, I recently got back in touch with my old school friends.

    Those who I considered at the more intelligent end of the spectrum have left, those who were a bit daft / crazy have all but left for the big cties and clubbing. The only ones who are left are struggling on low paid jobs in non skilled industries having taken whatever job they could get when they first started looking.

    Non of them are exactly dying of hunger, but they also don’t have the same opportunities and they are getting priced out of the housing market.

    Having said that Bridport isn’t really a commutable distance to any big centres so they only get the retiring guys and no the commuters, the pubs are open late in the town centre so there is a pretty decent pub based nightlife from what I can gather, plus they are surrounded by some amazing countryside.

    That said those that left said they found it quite suffocating growing up there.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m with you!

    Free Member

    If the bike was originally crafted by good workmen who understood the important features of the material they were working with and nobody has twated it with a massive hammer to demonstrate how strong it is then I would have no problems saying go for it.

    Free Member

    Damn you,

    You have got my geeky mind into over drive.

    Watch this space!

    Free Member

    Google (structural) health monitoring.

    It’ll give you an insight if you wana be REALLY geeky about it!

    Free Member


    I just assumed as it was a fairly relaxed event you could ride whatcha wanted.

    Hey ho.

    Just the 456 then!

    Free Member

    My first time too,

    I’m in a team of 4 and will be taking the CX bike and my 456.

    Can I donate to Team Bullheart on the day?


    Free Member

    Maybe “Hard” was a bit of an exageration.

    But I felt like I was pedalling for no reward, I pedal up to come down. Skyline was just long.

    The others were definately more rewarding for me.

    Free Member

    I did Skyline in early October, I wasn’t impressed :(

    The final decent is amazing, but the general feel of the thing is back to front, we seemed to climb on hard singletrack and then descend on fire roads.

    When we did ‘descend’ on single track it was more traversing, everytime I got into a bit of flow, there was a bit of unexpected uphill which completely put me off.

    Pretty much all the other routes and the final descent are very good trails, although I would take some skillz or armour. I took neither and rode into a tree after unexpected taking off over the awesome rolling final descent from… can’t remember which one. It really hurt.

    Free Member

    I took the day off work to spend with my better half….

    Then managed to be a MASSIVE PRICK at about 11pm last night whilst not getting my way and it took the whole day to sort out, nearly resulted in her walking out :(

    We’re going to try again on Wednesday evening!!!!

    Free Member

    “With one man climbing a tree to feed the birds….” My favourite line!

    Free Member

    This is possibly one of the funniest LSD related videos I have ever seen.

    No animals, just good old 1950’s soldiers and a posh man making some hilarious deadpan comments whilst commentating

    Free Member

    I like it.

    Free Member

    Mine’s black.

    Free Member

    So far not good.

    Lots of over acting combined with awful acting, combined with apparently boring characters and a wierd story line.

    Anyone else think the HD cameras have taken away from some of the shots rather than improving them? I can’t work it out but there is something odd about some of the shots.

    Free Member

    He lives the life I want too………

    Maybe I’ll blow my house deposit on a van and see how long I get.

    Would have to be big enough for 3 bikes too though.

    Free Member

    ’tis the left….. thank the lord for that!!!!

    At least mines not a recurring injury though, that must proper suck :(

    I haven’t done the graphics on mine, may make up some of my own in a sort of “Christine” of Steven King fame tribute….

    Can’t make it any fuglier!!!!!!!!!!! That said, your green is kinda retro cool.

    Free Member

    I feel your pain,

    I broke my arm the day after I finished my Carbon 456 build…. Hicksy very kindly poionted out that Carbon frames need to settle for a time period roughly rqual to the time it’ll take your injury to get better.

    Haven’t weighed it or taken any photo’s though, so you are already a long way ahead of me!

    Free Member

    If you require someone to test them in the real world (ie getting used every now and again, no maintenance, left dirty and generally ridden quite badly and into things.)

    I’m happyh to give it a go, for a small fee!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My better half just asked me where you would put braided HORSES on a bicycle.

    I laughed. She now feels silly.

    Silly other half!!!

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