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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • DrDomRob
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    Free Member

    Wellhung – That’s nice!

    I have a Croix de fer, I love it!

    Free Member

    As with – just pretend you want to get a 400 in the future.

    Free Member

    How about we put an expedition in to run alongside on fatbikes?

    Can’t take that much planning based on what their planners have produced!!!

    EDIT: Didn’t realise they were already there! Still at least it will make for an easy counter record – fastest to the south pole – if they are able to make it.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, i didn’t know that.

    I haven’t actually got around to taking the wheel off, fighting with gear cable at the moment, but there is play in the front, so new bearings are probably required.

    I’ll be back when I have done further investigation!

    Free Member


    This is OLD! Bish – You are a bit slow on the uptake mate!

    I Didn’t get it, I think the frame was originally up around the £4k mark before CRC got hold of it.

    Still contemplating something similar though.

    Free Member

    Haven’t we been down this route?

    Free Member

    I did a similar thing to what you are intending.

    Bought a Yamaha SR125 for 500 quid. Luckily I had a mate who had done his restricted licence the year before so took him. I let him ride it, when he had given it the all clear I took it out for a quick trip up and down the street. It was an awful bike, but I only know that now from the experience I have gained in the meantime!

    Being honest with you for the amount of time you are likely to own it, I wouldn’t worry too much about “what” 125 it is.

    [TONGUE IN CHEEK] If you can, get some daft bint to pull out in front of you, when you are travelling REALLY SLOWLY, a week after you pass your direct access, the insurance more than covered the purchase of my first big bike… But that is another story! [/TONGUE IN CHEEK]

    What ever you do ride it slowly to start with!

    Free Member

    Same on her cover of colourblind as well

    Free Member


    But these session musicians need to be employed somehow!!!

    Free Member

    If you could read my mind, the original, was on an album called the singer and the song I used to listen to with my dad when he was taking me to my Monday evening athletics training every week.

    That whole album I think has basically defined the music I like.

    I have never been able to find a CD version – we had a tape version

    Free Member


    That’s pretty much how I describe most of the music which really moves me.

    Free Member

    I can’t get on with the speed of the songs :/

    But that is true of most country music I’ve listened too. Love his voice though.

    EDIT: Just re-listening too Leona’s version of hurt, it is definately the instrumental aspect of it which ruins the song. The Piano at the start is about right, but the rest of it is too fluffy around the edges.

    Free Member

    sc-xc has a point.

    I actively hate X-Factor. the sheer thought of what it is and what it means for the poor guys who go on the show brings out in a right rage!!!

    However, I had no idea about the JC version of Hurt before this thread. Now I am listening to the JC catalog on You Tube.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know Johnny Cash had done a cover I’m just listening too it now, it’s pretty awesome.

    I’ve always assumed that the NIN version was the original!! Am I wrong?

    Free Member

    Iris is ruined by the unnecessary instruments too.

    Back to the now show for me.

    Free Member

    Also at least she appears to actually have some real influences!!!

    Assuming it’s not another spin off of Cowel’s drivel machine

    Free Member

    Am not watching it on the TV but I’ve just found it on you tube… Could be a damn site worse, at least she can actually sing. She has also done Iris it would seem (Not had a chance to listen to that one though)

    Free Member

    TBH I would rather go with the 6 bolt, but as someone else on here found the clearance is so tight between the disk and the fork leg that the bolt heads foul on the fork, so short of buying a new fork as well it would’t work.

    Maybe I’ll have a rethink.

    Free Member

    Cheers mate,

    We spent the afternoon looking into different hanging methods and inadvertently cleared the garage out, so we took the opportunity to try and re-pack it in a sensible way. It’s worked out ok, lets just hope we can keep it tidy!!!

    Free Member

    Cheers for the advice guys,

    Until I need to replace the new tyres, I think I’ll just stay with the inner tube as I know it works!

    Even if I do have to fix punctures a couple of times a year.


    Free Member


    I got told by the shop I bought the wheels from they were Tubeless compatable.

    No worries, tubes for me it is.

    What is the difference between a tubeless rim and a UST rim?!

    Free Member

    Long post beware:

    Before you completely ignore the barefoot running thing, have a read of this:

    then this:

    it gives good food for thought. I have completely changed my footwear and now use almost exclusively the vibram 5 fingers shoes.

    I did this because I had severe lower leg pain after long runs since I was about 17-18, I had been to several doctors and physio’s who suggested everything from complete rest (I rested for 18 months on one doctors advice) to regular short runs followed by leg massage sessions. In fairness the latter treatment did seem to work, however it was bloody expensive!

    I started using the vibrams to run in about a year ago. However I found that for any run over about a mile the muscles in my feet were quite painful, so i had to leave quite large gaps between my runs. Now I have a pair to run in and a pair which I use every day. Since I have started doing this then I have been able to run much further, however I am still running very slowly compared to what I used to do with shoes.

    That’s my running story, ignore it or take something from it… It’s up to you!

    Free Member


    There have been a couple of threads about this sort of thing… I’ll try and find them. If you are starting from scratch and are prepared to start slowly then it may be worth completely re thinking the way you use your feet….

    Did you ever run? Have you ever had any running related injuries?

    Free Member


    I haven’t got time at the moment to do a proper search for cheap shoes, I saw these in my local shop and it got me wondering….

    I had some endura bib shorts, lasted one ride before the seems started unraveling themselves…

    Would it bother me so much if I am only paying 25 quid in the first place, plus would the shoes actually fall apart!?

    Free Member

    I moved out at 18 to go to uni, spent most holidays away so didnt dealt live at home during the holidays.

    I moved home when i went to work with the company sponsoring my doctorate. I lasted 18 months before i hd to move out. My choice.

    I love my parents, but i couldn’t move back in, no money saving is worth losing my sanity over!

    Free Member

    Social scene isn’t an issue, I pretty much work full time in the company anyway with visits back to uni so I already know and work well with the guys who would be my colleagues, its more that the priorities would change.

    At the moment they let me get on with what I think I need to do with people reacting to what I ask them, wheras the new job would involve reacting to things that come into the office amongst some other stuff.

    Free Member

    But….. It is a permenant position.

    Something with no end date.

    Not a temp.

    Not many around these days, certainly not where I live.

    Free Member

    Trouble is there is still a lot of data capture I need to be doing along side the write up, hence the 6 month extension.

    Not to mention the modelling refinements!

    thanks MonqueChick, I may need the luck (Didn’t do a proper read through until now)

    Free Member

    Mine played up a while ago, it turned out that I had managed to switch it on to “power save” mode at some point. I switched this off and updated it, fixed the problem.

    If there is a network error which hasn’t been there before then there could be something interacting between your phone and the program. Try a different GPS program to see if there is a problem with that as well.

    Free Member

    I know the university have that policy, the 6 month position which would take me through to October next year would be on that condition.

    Free Member

    Have you downloaded all the latest updates?

    Free Member

    SBZ – :D I’ll ask my missus!!! I figured I’d fall back on the fact that D and R are also my initials if it all goes horribly wrong!

    djaustin – That is what I am wondering whether to ask them. Although the position I would be applying for also carries with it a fair amount of work, if I could persuade them to let me do a day or two a week focused on my thesis and not the other tasks then it might be workable. I have published in a conference, but that was 2 years ago, adn I have been plagued by hardware issues since. The frame work is there, but I am waiting for the results to come in!!

    Juan – fair enough, I can see that. I have 2 supervisors, one I am barely sure acknowldeges my existance (He’s head of research group and has 4 possibly 5 PhD / EngD students including myself that I can think of – that’s just in my field, God knows how many he has in similar but different fields) and the other is my industrial supervisor who listens to me, nods and tells me to crack on as I seem to be going in the right direction. Would happily work with both of them again though if the opportunity arose! The job is offered by my industrial supervisor so it may be a factor.

    CptJn – Engineering. I think the companies culture may allow me to bend them to doing research/job as a part time thing on the same money (They have already offered to cover my stipend for the 6 month extension which the uni wouldn’t have done.)

    MAtt24k – You sound like my dad! 9 years and still going strong. May just make it into double figures if I include the year available on nominal registration available if it all moves another 6 months tot he right!

    Free Member

    BTW doing ONE post doc where you’ve done your PhD isn’t the greatest idea of all. Doing several one the other hand.


    Free Member

    @Gary_Lager – Thesis is well, in the early stages. Although I am happy I have enough to write about, whether it’s to the right standard or not though, only my supervisor can tell me that!

    The advertised job is not a post doc, a normal job, but something which would be more secure, at the moment the uni are working on a proposition which might take me through the 6 months following my extension to October next year, which may lead to a podt doc, but it’s only a 2 year contract. I haven’t got the offer, but am fairly certain that I would definately be a strong candidate if I applied.

    @LabMonkey – I am hoping that since the offer is coming from the company sponsoring my doctorate they may have the same attitude as the guys you are working for.

    Free Member

    note for me records peeps

    Free Member


    The old ones are the best eh?!

    Free Member

    I have got no idea how many hours mine have been going for, but they still feel lush! So smooth and just work.

    I did have them pumped v. v. v. high at one point and that did stop the lockout feature working properly…. Solved by running lower pressures.

    Free Member

    DT Swiss EXC150’s here

    Bloody brilliant, 150mm fork that climbs like a locked out 80mm fork when required. Also if you have slightly less air than you should there is a little bit of movement before they final fully extend.

    Although this could just be mashing the mechanism inside in all honesty.

    Free Member

    All good advice here!!

    Coming to the end of mine now and I didn’t do a lot of those things although I did buy a pen which was beautiful to write with and use some lovely note books to write in. It makes a difference to me.

    Good luck, its going to be one hell of a roller coaster!!!

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