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  • DrDomRob
    Free Member

    Hmmm, I don’t think so as it only gives me things to change for meetings and sleeping.

    Free Member

    Sorry for the thread hijack by the way whattyre!

    Unfortunately I need to get on with some work :( Would be interested to debate this further with more hard evidence available though (googled pictures of Mo training and couldn’t find anything without a prominent sponsors logo, although all shoes were cushioned with heel lift interestingly)

    Free Member

    I took too long to respond! Can’t discount bolt just because he sprints. Running and sprinting are the same physical motion. You just engage different energy sources to achieve the speed.

    Free Member

    I was going to use Zola as an example, but in Surfers defense he said competes.

    And actually I agree with most of what is says in the above post, as with Zilog’s post.

    I don’t run bare foot, but I do run in Vibram Five Fingers (VFF’s) I am happily running 5 – 10kms in them and as long as I am doing it regularly my calves don’t get too hammered. I used to be plagued with shin related injuries which would mean I could barely walk if ignored. These have disappeared using VFF’s, which force me to run with a mid or forefoot strike rather than a heel strike.

    I have also tried the merrel Trail Glove shoe which uses a vibram sole with slightly more cushioning, not enough for heal striking to be comfortable, but enough for my feet to feel ok after hours of running and walking. I find it much less flexible and it holds my foot rigidly laterally, ie I think it artificially turns my ankle in and holds it there.

    I was using these for longer trail runs last summer almost exclusively, but I think they contributed to a stress fracture in my leg. I now don’t run in them and have brought my VFF’s back out again.

    So far my own limited practical research in this area has suggested that for me a very flexible sole that allows my foot to smoosh about and ankles to role around makes for least chance of injury. Other people may be different.

    Free Member

    Maybe but there is little or no evidence that it increases mobility or reduces injury. There is a similar amount of evidence to show it may be harmful.

    As with wearing or not training shoes?!

    Free Member

    Bare foot running:

    Some people think it is snake oil.

    I think it makes perfect sense.

    Read this through and make up your own mind!!!

    Free Member

    I quite like this… Knog Dutch Dog. Just a shame it isn’t big enough :(

    Free Member

    Takisawa2: I have a similar machine. Absolutely love it, apart from when I have to travel with it!

    Free Member

    Geoff, I do like the look of those Ortlieb ones.

    Free Member

    First and most obvious point, do you need to carry the laptop?

    Yup. I work 2 days in one place and 3 days in another, so as a minimum it needs to travel with me at least once each way. I also quite often work from home. I already use VPN and drop box services etc, but mainly for licence access or to back my work up.

    Secondly, do you need a big laptop? Why not small laptop + separate keyboard, mouse and monitor at each end?

    I probably don’t “Need” it. But it is what has been provided too me so I have it for a little while yet, unless I provide a replacement personally, which I don’t intend on doing.

    I’ll have a look at the links provided, but thanks for the advice so far.


    Free Member

    Ah, didn’t know that….

    Hmm, looks like I might be back on the powder coating option if white is a must!

    Free Member

    Cynic-al, are yours white?

    Free Member

    Just had a look at the Alpha rims, can they be de-stickered? On the stans website they look black and stickered too me….

    Free Member

    Chris – It’s rotating weight so it will make a slight difference, far more of a difference than losing the same weight on the frame… But, I agree, not enough of a difference to justify carbon rims. So I think the FFWD’s are off the cards.

    I am not a particularly light rider (75 – 8o kg depending on bowel movements), but am using 32 hole hubs (240s are MTB hubs)… Wondering if I can build enough stiffness into a lighter rim…

    Free Member


    With all of my other bikes, just riding is what is important to me, but I think the CdF is such a pretty bike that it warrants keeping that way, hence I am not applying my normal “ooo that’s a good deal, sod the colour it’ll make the bike better” attitude.

    I definately think this is my “just so” bike.


    Free Member

    could get them powder coated I suppose…!

    Free Member

    This is the thing – If performance was the only factor, I wouldn’t own a Croix de Fer!!!! The looks of this bike are quite important to me… But can’t decide if they are important enough to add another ~£30 per wheel

    TSC – Already bought the DT240s. They are sat waiting to be turned into something useful!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like you need to change the way you run.

    Possibly change your footwear.

    There is a lot of information out there, I personally am a convert to bare foot, but…. once you have the pain, there is little other than rest that will get rid of it.

    However, once you are walking / running comfortably again run slowly and concentrate on walking / running with good technique… I did this by ditching shoes and walking barefoot as much as possible.

    There is a lot of info about as I said before, but a good bet is the harvard bare foot running site:

    Free Member


    Andyl, you are my supervisor and I claim my £5

    Free Member

    Not personally,

    I know of people who have bought cars that have turned out to be stolen, a couple have managed to get their money back, but not all.

    It was just something I thought about whilst avoiding other far more important matters.

    Sorry, no juicy gossip I’m afraid!

    Free Member

    Yes Andyl you would be!!!

    I was looking at my bike and realised that all the parts apart from the frame are second hand, then browsing through the forum saw there had been a few bike thefts.

    I am not accusing anyone on here! I wana make that clear!!!!!

    Free Member

    So there is no come back at all?

    What about if I do get back in touch with the guy that I bought it from, I guess I could sue him for what I paid…

    Free Member

    I’ll join.

    Maybe it could be called something like the People In Support of Socially Fettered Law Abiding Private Sector Solutions….

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Stilltortoise – A very good point, but I guess it is the equivalent of the reduced quality you get from obtaining a dodgy copy of a DVD or similar.

    No where near as good as the original, but 95% of the expected experience….

    Free Member

    Three Fish –

    But that isn’t what you’re doing.

    I think it is, explain why I’m wrong.

    Free Member

    um how is this thread bike related ?

    It’s not, I just didn’t change the option when I started the thread.

    personally if i was keen on a particular old album i’d be more inclined to buy the mp3s for convenience, but spotify gives you a guilt free route for streaming!

    Fair point. I have somehow survived this long without an MP3 player though and every time I look to get one I can’t help thinking my phone is perfectly good for that… If only it had decent battery life!

    I don’t see why you should have any compunction in playing it in whatever order you fancy.

    But have I taken someone elses idea immorally?

    Muddyman – I kind of agree with you, it’s just a shame there is no real way of reimbursing those up and comings through recorded media without going through a label which as you say are more interested in the monies than the quality… IMO

    dyl – There will always be people who want shiny and new (like my missus) versus people who recognise a damn good second hand deal (like me, I hope!)

    I think we’re getting a bit mixed up with what I actually asked here. I am not worried about listening to the music, as has been pointed out if the music is on You Tube, and still there, it is there probably there legitimately.

    However the order the songs are put together was previously defined by someone else, this order then wasn’t my idea.

    At the moment I think I should be crediting the Ministry of sound some how on the play list…

    Free Member

    The track listing was free information on the back of the original CDs… You can not steal what was given freely

    That is a fair point, but someone still had to take time think of that magic… and there is a difference between imagining and experiencing, I don’t think the experience would have been the same if you had to shuffle between CD’s to get the listening pleasure. You could copy them onto a CD, but then you are infringing copyright…

    Why should a more modern method for accessing the tunes change this?

    I’m not suggesting it should, I was just wondering allowed… I was involved in an interesting discussion about what exactly culture the weekend before last which sparked this thought.

    Is there anyone on Singletrack who creates/produces albums? Maybe this discussion would be more fruitful on a music site.

    Free Member

    Three Fish – Sometimes it is nice to challenge your own preconceived ideas.

    Junkyard – I am suggesting that the thing that is “stolen” is the skill and thought that was used to put the album together.

    In my ears each one of those tunes is good, nothing overly special but enjoyable, however listening to them in the order that was chosen by someone at ministry of sound somehow adds to the experience. They compliment each other in such a way that the album contains more artistic merit as a whole than the songs do on their own.

    The analogy is good, but not perfect. I can listen to you tube and my play list anywhere that I have access to the internet. I can’t view my neighbours statue unless I am in it’s vicinity so there is an element of exclusivity which there isn’t in the case under discussion….

    Free Member

    Hels – I kinda think like you on this one. I feel the tiniest bit guilty even for having done it… But I think theft is a bit strong, adn I am not sure the analogy fits… (Does she hang silky knickers out or big safety pants?!)

    A better analogy I think is that I borrowed my housemates bike today (convenience over anything else) when I finished with it I put it back. If he hadn’t bought it then I couldn’t have done that… So do I owe him anything? (Yes, gratitude)

    The way I see it I am borrowing the songs when I listen to them through the tube, But the order of the songs and the actual songs chosen is something completely intangible. But it is still an integral part of what makes the album the album!

    Maybe I should email my gratitude to ministry of sound every time I play the playlist!

    Free Member


    Don’t tell everyone! I went to Kerala in 2005. The group I was in were the only tourists we saw for 3 weeks!!!!

    Even when we went to Cochin – which smelt of poo. Lovely place though!

    Free Member

    Sweet, Primera cycles to the rescue!

    I really should have Identified the preload adjuster and tightened that rather than the bleeding axle!

    Free Member

    Thanks goldenwonder.

    Need to find my nearest Mavic dealer now!

    Free Member

    Does anyone know where I can get a new axle for a set of Mavic cross max SSC SL’s?

    I don’t know exactly what year, but they look are these:

    Mavic SSC’s


    Free Member

    They marked down my search strategy part of the essay for saying that I’d use Google Scholar in addition to the usual sources.

    This is your issue.

    You may use google scholar to do the search, but actually you used Web of knowledge, elsevier etc.

    Google just did the boring bit of going to the relevent data base on your behalf.

    Free Member

    It sounds to me like you put “Google Scholar” down in your reference.

    This would be wrong… I don’t have time to give you an example but a quick google search (ironic) on appropriate referecing in academia should provide some guidance, ie

    Free Member

    hels – haha, bitter are we?!

    Google scholar is DEFINATELY a legitimate search tool.

    However, when you reference whatever you find you should not reference google scholar, but reference the JOURNAL the article has come from.

    If it doesn’t come from a Journal then you MUST aask yourself if you trust the source, if for instance you use a quote which comes up on “Joe blogs’ website of interesting facts” Then you are very likely to get marked down!

    Not quite Dr Dom

    Free Member

    I have a 456 carbon. It takes a lot of the zing (prepare for cliché bingo!) out of the trail but on long rides that keeps it comfortable, although does deaden the feel a bit. It is quite stiff so on the bigger trail stuff it does tend to get knocked about. However whether this is more than any other hard tail, I don’t know.

    I do have a croix de fer as well, very different bikes obviously, but it is steel. On the same trails (generally the gentler stuff) I feel somehow more connected to the bike, but that just could be because I am hanging on for dear life at times!

    When I am relaxed I am definitely able to push the 456 harder than I was my old Kona, both on downhill and general trails. Having said that my midget riding buddy can kick my ass all over the purbecks irrelevant of what he is riding, so it could just be my abilities.

    Free Member


    Wasn’t expecting this! Thanks to everyone for your input, especially the input that came in the form of MTFU!! I have been telling myself this for a while now, but it’s amazing how much more effective it is when someone else says it!

    I am currently writing a research proposal, which has somewhat got in the way of my doctorate, which is what my initial comment was about. However I am still struggling with the writing. I find it frustrating because I seem to have all the answers in my head, but when I come to write it down I find holes which then need filling and before long I am at the bottom of a heap of work I didn’t realise I need to do!!!!!! I think I need to allow myself to make assumptions more.

    My doctorate will get me to where I want to be financially, I am sure of that, but then my expectations are fairly modest so…

    Choron: I got what you meant!

    Darrell: If there was some way of barring you from this thread I would use it :P

    Zokes: Publication route isn’t an option I am afraid.

    Additionally I am doing an EngD, the program has morphed from a broad engineering based qualification which focused on putting people into industrial R and D roles, where I wasn’t expecting to drive as deep into the theory as PhD would, to all of that plus the requirement to have the PhD level of theoretical backup.

    As a result, my project which had covered a huge base including pure engineering, economic and political influences has had to be squished and molded to meet the new expectations. Combined with the almost never ending problems associated with long term data logging has put me a long way off where I expected to be.

    Still my industrial sponsor seems happy, and my supervisor is backing my application for more research monies so I can’t be doing too bad.

    I do however need to do more publications… Many many many more!!!

    Cheers again guys!

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