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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Dr_UpGrade
    Free Member

    Yes… At the time I didn’t really look into seeing if it could be fixed!!

    Good luck with the consultation!

    Free Member

    btw… Am now over 50 and its still holding!!

    Free Member

    Yes… suffered with it from age 17-18 to about 36…

    Then finally went and saw a specialist (apparently who actually designed/founded the operation!)… Did the whole filing down of the ankle bone to make the slot for the tendon deeper, and cut some other ligaments in foot to run the tendon under them (instead of ‘over’ as normal), then screw those back in place..

    all in all was 3 months of non weight bearing with crutches, (which wasn’t easy!), but since then never looked back! Able to run, do tri’s and snowboard without the fear of it ‘popping out’…

    Free Member

    For me, I think the whole BMX ‘argument’ about practice simply goes away, when you think about how big a bmx track is and how ‘big’ the actual mountains are. BMX is more or less (as I see it, and please correct me if I’m wrong) ‘sessioning’ the same jumps and stuff over and over again.. So riding around in small circles… Whereas MTB-ing is actually much more based on cycling round in wider circles (or at least for me), and coming across a more varied and different terrain.
    Therefore the opporuntity to session things in a controlled environment under coaching is something most MTB-ers don’t normally experience, unlike those from the BMX background…

    And yes, I’ve been Jedi’d and it helped…

    Free Member

    Twodogs has it… Most of Munich to here is not unrestricted anyhow, and the austrian side is ALL limited to 100kph… But if you want take the exit off at Keifersfeldin (just before the border) head into Kufstein, and then pick up the 171 over to Alpbach (via Worgl and Kundl).. Very easy, reasonably quiet and not ‘that’ much slower then the autobahn now with the 100kph restriction on it…

    Free Member

    Steve, also just mailed you… Sounds like you ‘might’ have enough for another run..? :?

    Free Member

    I like my polaris AM1000’s… (DWR coating ‘only’ but nice and light feel, yet warm enough for sub zero commutes in the am here in Austria at the moment..

    Free Member

    I used to ride with Paul when I was living in Shropshire… He’s a good guy and builds good wheels for his mates… Sounds legit to me..

    Free Member

    Is any other kickstarter backer ‘still’ waiting for the delivery of theirs, or is it only me..? I know I’m in foreign parts, but Austria isn’t that much of a hinterland is it?

    Have emailed Sam, but nothing back yet…

    Free Member

    I think you are missing the point.. We were given (several) due dates, but none of them have been hit. Now I know delays happen, its business and dealing with folk half way around the world doesn’t help..

    But if this is your customer base, nay, these are your ‘backers’ who allowed you to build the frame in the first place, (for you to make a profit in the future), with minimal expense from your side (as I believe kickstarter works), then keeping the stakeholders fully informed of all delays and rescheduling is all part of the relations..

    Alas, for whatever reason this hasn’t happened, and I understand why “we” are now showing our frustrations…

    Free Member

    I share your pain Chris!

    ‘some’ feedback would be good, my emails are not even being answered at the moment…

    If you give a suggested arrival date, and it passes, then (to me) “good customer service” dictates that you give an update, or an estimated update… (damage limitation isn’t it)..

    Free Member

    Hi, I’ve recently moved here, just down the road from you, Just had the winter season here, and now time to explore on the bike..

    These sites may be useful?



    Free Member

    I am having to downsize my collection of bikes.. I have a dawes double edge that you might be interested in. Its a 19 inch captain and 16 inch stoker size I think off the top of my head. I fitted 100mm dirt jumper forks to it instead of the rigids it came with and it has old style M4 brakes (rear is a converted atoz adaptor).
    I’m in Austria and the tandem is back in the uk, but send me an email if you’re interested and we can sort out some pics etc.


    Free Member

    I’ll be 47 in 2014, and I moved to Austria in october 2013. Was offered a killer job, and my personal circumstances were such that I was ‘ready’ for it too…
    I am having to learn German which is a bit of a disadvantage as languages are not my thing, but its going in slowly. Farcebook and things keep you in touch with friends and family, and now the skiing, boarding season is here I expect to be quite popular with my friends too!
    Life is what you make of it, an adventure every now and again is a good thing!
    Good luck in your search…

    Free Member

    Well, a trip this am to Rosenheim’s Blue Tomato shop and a new pair of Vans Encore boots walked out the shop with me! Very good knowledgeable staff and helpful too…
    On the slopes the pm and I can confirm it was the old boots causing the heel lift!
    Thanks for all the help and advice on here… Happy boarding and skiing folks! (we just need more snow here in the Tirol!)

    Free Member

    Cheers! The good news is I’ve got all season for it to snow really so no rush! And thanks for the tip of a proper snowboard shop a few valleys down from me! :o)

    Free Member

    Yep, it all seems to have dumped west and south of Tirol for me (so far!)… I agree with the idea of going to try lots on, but like I said, I’m finding snowboard specialist shops a bit thin on the ground..
    Enjoy La Plagne!

    Free Member

    Hi Guys, I’m lucky enough to have landed a job in Austria and have got my season card and been out as often as I can. I’m enjoying it but I think my old Ride Viking snowboard boots are shot. I’m getting heel lift of about (what feels like) 1-2inches. They are 10+years old although not been used for around the last 5 of those! Do boots ‘go off’ while just sat on the shelf?
    Anyhow So whats good in snowboard boots for an intermediate all mountain type rider, with flow 5 bindings, size 8 (M270)?
    All opinions welcome. Oh and does anyone know a decent shop in or around the soll area to try things on. I’ve only found skier-centric shops so far…

    Free Member

    Are you lot playing “numberwang”?!!

    Free Member

    Can it, or will it fit on a pallet? If so then I think you will be looking in the £100-200 range… (I only know as I was looking at shipping my bike over there to sell to my brother). I think the company I was looking at was also out of skelmersdale, or around there anyhow. Let me know and I’ll see if I can find the details if you like…

    Free Member

    The “wokingham” that was voted the nicest place to live was wokingham district, wich included places like Ascot, Sunningdale and other ‘prosperous’ areas…

    Saying that I spent nigh on 10 years there (only just moved to austria) and wokie wasn’t that bad. It helps if you have a good friend network there. For me the closeness of Swinley (pre trail centre), Chilterns and the north downs was great. I liked some of the pubs in the town, they really looked after their beer…

    Strangely enough I only went to Reading maximum of 5 times in the whole time! :?

    Free Member

    I only caught the highlights here on austrian TV, rabat and someone else tangled coming out of the corner and Redding had nowhere to go and was launched over the bars onto the wrist again. The race was red flagged but he didn’t make it to the restart… (and sorry for any spoilers there!)

    Free Member

    Not quite Reading, but the Warr clinic in Wokingham, and ask for Ade Wagstaff. He’s a biker himself so understands the needs and wants… He has helped put me back together numerous times

    Free Member

    Currently recovering from broken, dislocated shoulder and torn/repaired rotator cuff. Still very painful and not ‘much’ movement after 12 weeks post op, however, I can ‘hold’ arms in handlebar position, and Physio says it should be ok as long as I don’t crash (!). Hopefully trying a wee 20min jaunt over the w/e…

    Free Member

    Cheers Guys…

    Transapp, that sounds encouraging at least, how many months down the line are you now?

    Free Member

    Hi Guys,
    Well, thought I’d write an update for anyone who might be interested…

    So I went back to the hospital frac clinic 2 weeks after the initial accident. Dr there waggled it about, asked if I could ‘push thru’ the pain, which I tried and then felt so much pain I was about to faint! The Dr then did nothing more saying she couldn’t tell if I’d damaged anything and to go away, start physio and come back in 4 weeks…

    Well started physio and it was complete agony. Physio said there was way too much pain for such little movement, so I took the physios advice to get a 2nd opinion, privately (thank goodness for work health insurance). He ultrasounded me, and x-rayed me again from a different angle and found a broken gleniod rim bone which the humerus took out when it blew out, with a concurrent dent on the ball socket bit of the humerus, and what looked like a 50-60% tear in my rotator cuff. Had an MRI scan a few days afterwards to confirm and then straight in for a rotator cuff repair.

    So here I am now, 3 weeks post op and the physio is an absolute nightmare with the pain. Apparently its not unusual with the level of messed up-ness that I did to the shoulder, but boy, does it hurt now trying to mobilise it…

    Specialist is saying another 5 weeks off work to conc on physio and movement, and I have to agree that I couldn’t do this pain (with physio every 2hours) and try to work. I’ve got very poor movement both upwards and sideways… Current prognosis is 6months for 80% recovery of movement..

    The only positive I can take is that I’m so pleased my physio suggested a 2nd opinion (and that I had the insurance to cover it), but why didn’t the frac clinic even try to spot these problems? especially when I (literally) nearly fainted with the pain? I really dread to think what the outcome would have been if I didn’t have the specialist, and I just listened to the frac clinic! I think I’m going to have to write a letter to the hospital to let them know just how badly their aftercare and ‘diagnosis’ was. The NHS is great in the emergency side of things but I feel really let down after that, and feel somewhat ‘responsible’ to let the hospital know as to (hopefully) avoid the same thing happening to someone else, who might not be lucky enough to have insurance…

    Just take care out there!


    Free Member

    Thanks for the exercises I was kind of expecting lots of rotator cuff stabilisations..

    As for tramadol, it may be ‘bad’ for you, but boy it does feel good!!!

    TwoDogs was your answer in regard to how long to recover, or how much time to take off work? :wink:

    Free Member

    Yep, def ‘over 25’ group for my first dislocation! Cheers for the feedback, will see what drs and physio have to say when I see them…

    How long have people been off work with this? I asked the Dr in A&E but all he said was 6 weeks immobilised…. Currently having a bad day with it. Tramadol from yesterday now def worn off and shoulder feels very ‘messed up’ in distant manner, but loads of horrible muscle spasms…

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone! Alas, I’m ‘used’ to listening to my physio after being brought back from a discectomy back op about 4 years ago. :?

    Will see what the prognosis is when I see the medics in 2 weeks once the swelling has gone down. Am a bit concerned about the (possible) nerve damage right now as front deltoid and bicept regions still numb over 24h later, but we’ll see… Just doing the icing thing now to try to aid the recovery.

    Free Member

    LOL cheers Pete, as yet no more floods! Which is great because right now I dont think I could turn the water off! 8O

    Free Member

    not sure about a weeks worth of riding but look over in the trail guide on this ere site. I think stw did a route round there too.

    Free Member

    Thanks for postin this up… Twodogs and myself have entered this now.. Perfect training day for the transrockies for us and we were getting a bit bored of our usual training routes and were going to do 5-6h in the chilterns anyhow over the w/e, so this fits in perfectly! And with cake! Cheers and see you all on sat…

    Free Member

    I can’t beleive the security just didn’t turn up… Thats very poor. I hope Dave has enough clout to do more than complain to them. Real sorry for those who did lose their bikes…

    Anybody got any news on when the results will be online?

    Free Member

    1776m on garmin 705, but put that into sporttracks and it comes up with 1500m climbing.. Enough anyhow…

    I ‘missed’ the cheerleaders this year, but as my teammate said, maybe they’ve all just grown up! As ever the band and banjo player were appreciated! To me the dyfi is all about ‘constant’ hard climbs with rewarding slate-y shoots inbetween…

    Hard but I enjoyed it. We crossed the finish at 4:13h so must have been along the same time as you other guys too!

    Free Member

    Yeah, he has a habit of depending on which way you look, he can be both! Some people have also said boxer/mastiff (due to the headsize I think)..

    but I don’t think he’s too bothered either way, currently snoring (loudly) by my side right now…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    This is Frankie, we think boxer staffie cross but anyone have any more ideas?

    Free Member

    Still buzzin here! 8)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Have to say, I agree on the unofficial maintenance side of things.. I’ve also done things like put back broken dropped branches that other folk have moved to shorten things, such as the latter parts of the labrynth (why is another thread all together?!).. Also a mate of mine, who posts on here too, has ‘looked after’ the corkscrew for years, by adding drainage channels etc, to try to stop people riding around puddles, but trying to remove the puddles!

    I also understand about the need to source ‘local materials’ but surely there must be bigger stones (or hardcore) from the quarry, rather than the sand/gravel? Like I said before, to me, just resurfacing with fine materials and tamping it down doesn’t seem to work and almost ‘blocks’ natural drainage rather than encourages it…

    Please don’t get me wrong, I admire and appreciate what the trail maintenance groups are trying to do, I just wonder if there is actually a more effective, better way… Looking at all the tyre marks on the freshly tamped stuff around tanktraps, the signs and requests not to ride in wet conditions isn’t working. To be fair, I’m not too sure it should be asked anyhow… Its Swinley, in winter, we will get wet covered in mud and boggy… We all need to make sure we ride thru’ the middle of it and not the sides! Roll on a few more months when it actually dries and drains and we can get back to some dust again…


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