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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • dougiedogg
    Free Member

    don’t put numbers beside people, it makes them behave strangely, it will skew conversation. Think XP scores in games.

    Free Member

    I’ve definitely learned a lot from this place, there have been negative points, mostly caused by my ignorance but they are far outweighed by what I’ve learned.

    I use this place to get my news, I start here then read up on what I learn. If only I’d known to do that sooner. Haha.

    Free Member

    Outdoor LED lights

    Instead of just changing a bulb when they die, you have to replace the unit, one of ours died within 2 months of moving in.

    £30 a piece
    LED bulb £1.50

    Free Member

    I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it but the sukhoi T4 is a comparable prototype to the Valkyre, a very interesting looking jet.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying its (immigration) as easy as before but it is still possible, we have just changed the market we appeal to.

    Like who?

    Non-EU migrants, the 62%, key point 1 and EU migrants of course who fit visa requirements. My point is that migration will continue it has not been stopped as a previous poster stated.

    Free Member

    and them getting an equal platform to experts and the like

    I don’t have an equal platform to experts and have not tried to state any facts. I’m asking questions on a forum, this place isn’t the news or a widespread platform, its to ask questions, rightly or wrongly.

    I wouldn’t consider anyone on this thread an expert on Brexit either, no-one is. We have experts on other threads, the coronavirus one for example, nobody on this thread has exhibited as much expertise as individuals on that one.

    Free Member

    What if we were to use NHS data only in the UK for UK pharma companies?

    I wonder how people would feel then?

    I assume this falls into state aid/anti-competion regs then.

    Free Member

    I don’t think data needs to include personally identifiable data in order to be clinically useful, does it?

    This is what set me on my line of thinking but I was told deep data was the only useful form. I know this has been discussed but it always came across with very negative connotations on here, that we were in effect selling off the NHS.

    Free Member

    Data is only valuable if it is ‘deep-data’. Without details it’s worth nothing, and personal data is more than someone’s name…

    And this is already a fully developed industry – I was involved in it in the early 2000’s.

    Thanks for explaining, no need for the emotive part.

    shows how little you know. The NHS is split between the 4 countries. split in england into fake market units that compete not co operate. split between primary and secondary care and in Scotland at least the data is not for sale. so no one monolithic slab of data to sell and no right to sell it.

    Now I know more ,thanks.

    Free Member

    Without immigration we’re stuffed.

    We do still offer the oppertunity of immigration though? Don’t we? I’m not saying its as easy as before but it is still possible, we have just changed the market we appeal to. I’m not rying to refute the bulk of waht you say BTW.

    Free Member

    And did you come up with anything we can do differently outside of the EU ?

    Did you read my question, previous posts? or just that line?

    Free Member

    Maybe Dougie you have some knowledge on the new rules?

    No. I was just thinking of things we can do differently outside of the EU and put this idea out as an idea/suggestion. I wont profess to have answers, even at peoples insistance that I should.

    I’m sure we will still be bound on GDPR, I’m not sure though if healthcare data (eg. treatments/response to treatments/response to drug trials by patient X/Y) recovered by the NHS is personal information?

    What I’m saying is, can the UK stand to benefit from the ongoing drug/treatment trial that is the NHS, in the post brexit world?

    Free Member

    There’s rules about “selling data” I think….

    I see that there’s rules on personal data (GDPR), but research data generated in the UK would be a “homegrown” export?

    How well do you think it’s gonna go at first? How long before we get good at it? Do you think there’s even the appetite for sustained government investment in the UK? It’s not really a Tory strong suit is it?

    1. Probably very slowly
    2. Reasonably quickly, we have a good history of entrepreneurship
    3. For me yes, can only speak for myself on this one
    4. No

    Free Member

    Alluded to it then? My, you are picky.

    No I mentioned data and how the UK benefits from it. People read what they wanted to read, you mentioned moon bases for some reason.

    Free Member

    This idea that the UK alone came up with Covid vaccines is laughable but it all fits into the populist “Make UK Great Again” subtext of Brexit.

    I didn’t try to claim this

    Free Member

    Playing devil’s advocate here (a little) your suggesting we sell data from the NHS on how badly we’ve handled the pandemic? (not the NHS’s fault mind!)

    Bucaneering for sure!

    I think other countries could just had our news headlines to get a few years up on new drug treatment therapies.😉

    Then you mention moon shots/rocket ships or something?

    You’re not playing devils advocate, you are ignoring what I said and belittling it, because it doesn’t fit your narrative. I’m trying to open debate about Del’s comment about doing different things.

    Free Member

    And how on earth do you export healthcare from the NHS?

    In the form of data, the NHS is unique in that it is a single entity (as far as I know) gathering healthcare data from a population of 70 million people. The data recovered from just Covid patients alone has led to the regulation of 3 new treatments and 1 vaccine.

    Is healthcare data subject to tariffs? (IDK BTW)

    Free Member

    I love your sincere response about the bike industry finding new ways of doing things.

    Free Member

    Don’t be doing the same things as everyone else

    Yes exactly, this is something the UK is good at, recognising/having novel markets. Healthcare and space for example are industries which the UK could grow on. We are between 6 and 7% of the world space industry and obviously have one of the biggest healthcare sectors in the world, unique in that it is one organisation which can solely generate, use and sell data, we’ve seen 3 new drugs brought to regulation because of covid and 1 vaccine, all home grown.

    Please don’t go down the human lab rat line, all of healthcare is a big human experiment, which we all benefit from.

    Free Member

    Well done OP. I battled with smoking since deciding to quit in my early 20’s. I was always mostly off them (except for hols and when drinking) until a year and a half ago when I kicked the booze and the cigarettes went with it. No cigs since June 2019.

    Free Member

    Do you think one of them is going to stray into UK airspace and drop a bomb just for the hell of it one day?

    Maybe not drop it, but crashing is always a distinct possibility, then it becomes our problem. Best to keep them away.

    Free Member

    See also: plucky RAF chase off evil Russian bombers

    Pretty sure its necessary to challenge aircraft which are potentially carrying live nuclear weapons very close to the country and are testing UK air defences?

    Free Member

    Why does the right-wing always want to fight folk?

    Don’t know, you should a
    ask one of them.

    Interesting post BTW TJ

    Free Member

    costa rica does not have an army

    Wikipedia would say thats not entirely correct

    When I say Army, I should have said armed forces. Scotland would probably need a Naval force of some sort.

    Free Member

    NATO, IMF, WHO, UN etc would probably all need to be reapplied to. The CTA travel area might not apply to Scotland either

    Would scotland require or seek an army? The whole basis of nationhood is having an independent currency and an army.

    Not required with instant EU accession maybe, but with a transition, maybe yes.

    Free Member

    And there are homes that straddle it, yes?

    Yes hence the irish sea border, the same issue would arise in Scot/England case. Not in an England France case, no homes straddle the channel, unless someone lives in the tunnel. Someone took my reply to Dazh post which I quoted and made something else out of it. Context is difficult to maintain on this thread.

    Free Member

    You do know that NI has a land border with the ROI which is an EU member state, yes?

    Yes I’m currently sitting about 3 miles from it

    Free Member

    Its a choice between sectarian or sectarian for me.

    I’ll go green (environmental) if there is one. Unlikely. Or there will be a united ireland and i’ll do the same.

    Free Member

    If you were I missed it. What was your point about nationalism?

    You directly quoted it, Scots think their version is morally/ideologically superior.

    Free Member

    You’re forgetting the fact that you have cede some of your sovereignty in order to trade with other countries.

    What UK nationalists want is 100% sovereignty without any of the downsides.

    It is impossible.

    I get that, I was just trying to make a point about nationalism.

    Free Member

    Ignoring Ireland again are we?

    No that’s been sorted by the irish sea border

    Free Member

    Nonsense. Scotland is far more integrated with England economically, politically and culturally than the UK was with the EU. Unravelling 300+ years of complete economic and political integration with England would be several orders of magnitude more difficult than the UK leaving the EU.

    Yes no-ones house spans the channel for instance :D

    Free Member

    What about UK nationalists, do they exist or are they allowed to exist?

    Scottish nationalists = We want to be a small country with close ties to the EU
    English nationalists = We want UNICORNS AND NO FOREIGNERS!!!
    UK nationalists = We want to shape a destiny for our country which isn’t bound by the wishes and desires of 27 others debating what we can and can’t do.

    Free Member

    Very much this – believe it or not, a lot of us English folk aren’t happy about it either, but we don’t have the option of shrugging our shoulders and **** off out of it.

    We could/should all be much better off working together. Apparently that’s not how TJs socialism works though

    Scotish nationalists (dislike england) = Good
    English nationalists (dislike everyone) = Bad

    Is it worse to be xenophobic towards one group or all groups?

    Free Member

    Disaster capitalists happy then 👍

    And non-disaster types. Markets thrive on certainty, deals bring certainty, no-matter how they come about or what they involve.

    Free Member

    FTSE is up 2.8% :wrysmile:

    Free Member

    Do the checks on lorries/goods at the border crossings constitute 100% checks (ie every lorry/item) or is there a certain % of vehicles/goods which need to be checked (UK->EU)?

    I assume (NI->UK) these checks wont be so stringent?

    Free Member

    Yes since giving up on the booze a year and a half ago nothing else fills the void unfortunately.

    I’m constantly having coffees/ soft drinks to compensate on weekends, all of which just don’t cut it in the same way as beer :(.

    I even gave up coffee last month until christmas eve, won’t be doing that again.

    Free Member

    Bojo didn’t seem too keen on a scots referendum yesterday, when pushed by Marr.

    Free Member

    Yea Brexit is not unprecedented in that regard

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