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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • doublezero
    Free Member

    As advised speak to insurance co and ask, all insurance companies have to be seen to treat customers fairly now.

    If you have a lifetime policy I would expect terms not to change through lifetime of policy, however I’m not an insurer so policy wording can change.

    Free Member

    Hey Emmy,

    Welcome to the forum

    All good advice so far definitely go for a trigger shifter to change gear rather than a twist grip, gives the impression of having a bike like the adults, plus twist grips become much harder to use as dirt and grime get in.

    If they were any like my kids just get them the bike straight away they then get to ride it a bit more before growing out of it, their growth spurts never co-insided with birthdays and Christmas.

    Go for light weight kids don’t need suspension forks, I would even look at second hand if you buy carefully and your daughter looks after her bikes cycling is not expensive as the re sale of a good child’s bike means you won’t lose out.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that it’s really tough when you lose your dog, remember all the good times and focus on the joy he bought into your lives, on the positive side he went very quickly, all the more of a shock but at least he didn’t have to suffer in pain or go through complicated medical procedures.

    Free Member

    Not for me I can’t see how they have got away with trashing an Iron age hill fort.

    Free Member

    Keep leg elevated

    Free Member

    Great start your doing well

    Something I found helps was getting rid of all lighters and ashtrays anything associated to smoking was binned.

    Give the house a really good clean to help get rid of the smell of old smoke.

    My biggest motivation was not wanting my kids to smoke I gave up when youngest was coming outside with a pencil in her mouth to copy me, I’m of the age where we used to have cigarette sweets, everyone smoked I’m sure it played it’s part on why I started smoking, it’s far better to set a good role model I think of all the people I know who smoke and have older kids their kids smoke too or vape, in our house the message has always been smoking is for losers they both know me and my wife smoked, it’s the one habit I don’t want my kids to start.

    Keep at it you will crack it you have the support of all of us on here to help.

    Free Member

    This will be the best dicision you have ever made it was for me, after many failed attempts I have not smoked in 12 years.

    As mentioned by other the Allen Carr method is great.

    Set up a money pot and put your cigarette money in that treat yourself at the end of the week month the money adds up very quickly.

    Drink plenty of water and be aware of how much your eating as food tastes so much better.

    You can do this you will start to see the benefits after the first few days

    Free Member

    It is so easy to change banks now, just call First Direct other banks are available but there customer service is excellent, they will do everything for you manage all DD standing orders and I believe they are still giving you £125.

    The only way to make companies know you are not satisfied is to take your custom elsewhere

    Free Member

    Unfortunately this is the way of the world and tars responsible dog owners, I have a mastiff puppy we walk through the kids play park on the way to the fields, there is no way would let him off around kids running around and playing football it is too exciting for him, he is soft as abrush but is a big dog, he loves playing football but you can’t set him up for a fall.

    Since the rise in WFH dog ownership has gone through the roof, really annoys me when dogs are off lead with no recall, the owner shouts they are friendly when they come charging at my on lead dog or worse they don’t even notice as they have their head in their phone.

    There is not much you can do but politely ask them to recall their dog remind them they should have full control over there dog at all times, I have had a couple of run ins With idiots who shouldn’t be able to own a dog I walk a different when I see them now.

    Best advice for your kids is to stand still, most dogs are friendly and are more interested in the smells on their walk, do you have friends with dogs that you could introduce your kids too?

    Free Member

    Like any insurance it’s a gamble, glad I listened to the wife, our dog has had 2 new hips and a broken leg all covered by Petplan. I think we are at about £17,500 claimed in 3 years.

    I don’t want to tell the kids the dog has had to go to Devon due to not bein able to afford yet him fixed.

    Free Member

    I’m with you, the market broke when buy to let mortgages became popular, everyone should be able to afford food and shelter.

    I’m not sure how to readjust the market but 10 times average salary to buy a house is not sustainable.

    There should be a min of a 25% decrease as with all investment prices go up and down,the UK has always seen house ownership as a golden tcket, if the market is not cooled I can see civil unrest driven by inequalities by the haves and have nots in the not too distant future if a sensible route for the future of home ownership is not addressed.

    Free Member

    Definitely go for the experience option happy memories and all that.

    If you’ve never done it go on a balloon flight, you are held a bit to the weather so if patience isn’t wife’s your thing maybe give it a miss.

    We used an independent rather than the big red balloon company it was a very enjoyable couple of hours.

    Free Member

    They are great had them in MK for a while, like the way the AI has them flashing their lights at each other when they pass, nice touch adding human normalisation.

    They often struggle with kerbs a helping hand is good karma, never give way to them on a pedestrian crossing though they don’t move, causes chaos for the good polite folk round my way.

    Free Member

    I will second that broke the arm on my glasses on holiday in Cornwall, popped into Newquay spesavers glasses repaired that morning.

    Free Member

    Pop Will Eat Itself

    Chemical Brothers



    Free Member

    Happy Birthday Hannah

    Have a great day

    Free Member

    I feel a little sorry for him, he is just unfortunate to have ever met the Vardy bint in the first place.

    Put how would you feel if it was you who have had the size of your manhood dragged through the public domain, I know the celebrity world is all fakery and shame.

    But if any bloke had mentioned anything like that about a lady we would have been hung drawn and quartered by the British press

    Free Member

    As I tell my kids be very careful what you post on the internet as there will always be a trail to what has been posted.

    I would be raging if anyone posted anything like this prank or not the child that posted the images need to feel the full weight of the law if only to set an example to other kids.

    I’m sick to the back teeth of kids getting off lightly and not learning lessons, it’s the problem we have with knife crime now, if you got 5 years for carrying a knife kids just wouldn’t.

    Is it a fee paying school by any chance?

    Free Member


    Like everyone else has said live will change, it’s for the better kids bring joy into your life that you couldn’t imagine.

    My top tips don’t worry about buying expensive baby clothes they are happy in hand me downs and second hand they grow so quickly.

    Stock up on baby wipes, nappies we found Aldi and Lidl nappies were better than premium brands, Out and about Nippers are great buggys.

    Book your paternity leave well in advance it realy helps to bond with the baby having Dad around and your wife will appreciate the extra help in the first weeks.

    Free Member

    Cheap pole often called a whip, local canal/lake, 1/2 pint of maggots learn how to use a plummet to set the depth, he is more likely to catch on the bottom, than randomly casting a line without knowing the depth.

    Fishing is great for kids, teaches patience, remind them it’s called fishing not catching for a reason.

    Pop into your local tackle shop, rod licences are not required for juniors although I always had rod licences in the 15 years I fished I was never asked to produce it.

    There’s no feeling like catching a big fish when your young.

    Tight lines

    Free Member

    TBPI Group is a fantastic resource.

    I’ve sent you a DM

    Free Member

    I think the solution you have with the dual brake works fine for starters.

    I only have use in my right arm similar accident to Tom Wheeler but on a motorbike. The Hope one handed dual hydraulic brake lever is a fantastic option it’s great to see a company like Hope design an option for a limited market,I’ve not used it though as it’s a little spendy for my budget, I run the both brake levers on one side with the left hand lever mounted upside down and run Euro style so I can feather the front and can have a hand full for the back.

    One by is definitely the way to go for right handers.

    Can you please let me know the name of the charity, I might be able to give some other advice on one handed living

    Free Member

    Check out the Dawes Academy range very similar to Islabikes but half the price

    Free Member

    I’m really sorry to hear this my father suffered with Alzheimer’s

    I would go and visit all local care homes so you can find a good one, it’s worth having a good idea of the good ones just for respite care for your father to start with as it can be very tiring for carers.

    Check age UK and Alzheimer’s society for events/day care clubs there is lots of useful information and they can help with applying for attendance allowance to help with care costs.

    Your local council should provide support to but can be difficult without a confirmed diagnosis, I would ask his GP to give him a check up, and if necessary referred to social services.

    I would recommend getting the book Contented Dementia it was really helpful in understanding what Dad was going through and how to manage some of the mood swings.

    If all else fails go to A and E it can be the quickest way to get your Dad the care he needs.

    Free Member

    Not me but my genes, I had been busy bodging as I had left duct tape lying around, my son jumps into the living room, flying karate kick, shouting look at me I’m a ninja, wrapping duct tape around his head to make a headband.

    I was in hysterics, poor fool didn’t realise how well it sticks, finally got it off about an hour later with half his scalp heating it up with a hair dryer to loosen the goo.

    Still laugh about it and was about 7 years ago, if your gonna be dumb you better be tough.

    Free Member

    I will add my bit bikes are fantastic fun until it goes wrong, I’ve never mentioned this on the forum before, in 1986 I was heading home after a shift at work clear night good visibility, I was not seen by a van who pulled across my path I was on a straight road, que months in hospital and a paralysed arm.

    I always thought bikes meant broken bones or death, I could live with either, living with one arm for 30 odd years has been a total pain in the arse, let alone all the nerve pain that goes with it.

    As said it should make you a better car driver as you are more aware of everything on the road, I thank the NHS as I’ve had my moneys worth out of them.

    If you want to ride do your CBT then get yourself on track days all the fun without the idiots trying to kill or mame you at every turn.

    Free Member

    Sinclair Condiments

    Smokey Naga its so hot it turns you teeth numb, has a really nice flavour.

    I have the full range of sauces I would reccommend them all the chipotle ketchup have even converted both the kids to loving chilli

    Free Member

    Pair of walkie talkies if your kids are young, campsites are generally safe and kids can have an adventure enjoy a taste of freedom, but still stay in touch be called back for tea.

    Plus one for the ear plugs if you can find one in price a canvas tent is better at keeping noise and light out, there is nothing worse than kids waking up at 5am as the sun is up, newer tents have black out sleeping compartments.

    Free Member

    Not a great week for me, the dog had a hip replacement and his femur broke while in recuperation luckily, his leg was saved wired up pinned and plated but excerise for the pair of us has been put on the back burner while he recovers

    Free Member


    I was worried that I was going to weigh more than I started, Christmas cake and pudding is no more, but I’m finding I’m really hungry in the evening between 8 & 9 trying to eat fruit instead of crisps. Not sure that will last fotr lang.

    Free Member

    Good luck with that

    Poor residents of Blakelands Milton Keynes have been fighting the council since a 18m high warehouse was built in their back gardens, the original planning officer was going to refuse planning but was replaced.

    Free Member

    11 years for me on Valentines Day

    As others have said its the wisest thing I’ve ever done, can’t see why I smoked for so long, seeing people smoking now feels like I’ve been transported back in time.

    Free Member

    We had rats, re the smell we put litter trays where they go to the toilet and spot cleaned these areas, we found if you over cleaned the whole cage/area they scent marked, when it comes to cleaning less is more.

    My son even trained them to come to him when called,they knew their own names. Hilarious watching them run upstairs when called.

    I was against the idea at first but they make great pets for kids, hamsters tend to be asleep when the kids are awake.

    You need a minimum of 2 as they are social animals, the only disadvantage is they don’t live that long, even with a really good diet your lucky to get three years. Like all pets its heartbreaking when they move to Devon.

    Free Member

    I watched it all the way through but found myself drifting away, the kids didn’t bother its always ben a family watcb.

    I’ve always liked the programme, but the hammy acting by extras getting exterminated, the biggest fail for me was when the Tardis imploded, why were there sheets of A4 paper flying around, poor effects considering the budget.

    Surely the Doctor would be paperless, I’ve never spotted a filing cabinet in the Tardis

    Free Member

    I’m in, drinking far to much at home it has become a bad habit and not really enjoying it.

    Seems like a good time as any for a break.

    Any suggestions for alternatives for alcholic drinks, I would like to stay away from fizzy.

    Free Member

    Just signed up after changing the batteries on the bathroom scales I got a shock, heaviest I’ve ever been.

    First time I’ve properly tried to lose weight so will be interested in the results.

    Free Member

    I suggested in the coat thread, in true format suggest what you use, our dog is about 37kg, always need a minimum of 3 poo bags on a walk garantted to fill 2, plus toys at 16 months he still needs lots of play.

    I particularly like separate mesh pockets for carrying afforementioned business. They are run by dog people even delivered mine as we were close as I bought one for my wife for her birthday and stock was low. (I know shes lucky girl).

    Free Member

    Decent goretex coat and useful bag for dog bits, I highly recommend barking bags

    Free Member

    So sorry to here this, my thoughts are with you.

    Look after yourself through this difficult time.

    Free Member

    The colours too instense and flashing through fades for me.

    If you want colour maybe use themes from with the video, colour of bikes, company logo etc. I personally would lose the effects looks a bit too in your face and concentrate on what your offering, show some riding shots, customers enjoying themselves.

    Who is your target audience adjust accordingly.

    Good luck

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