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  • dooge
    Free Member

    Always an interesting one. I drive a 2 litre diesel BMW and average 43mpg (about 550 miles to £80) however on a long run I can extend that more towards 47mpg (closer to 650 miles) however I find that my driving style changed due to my job and I guess, maturing. Gone are the days of being slightly aggressive with the car and now being smoother. I havent noticed a dramatic increase however I live in a city, commute out through city roads to dual carriageways to B roads.

    I maintain if I get a job in the city I will probably commute by walking or cycling however I would look to sell my heavy and cumbersome diesel and buy a more modern petrol as I will be doing 10 minute trips to the shops and back more often.

    Maybe Im wrong but for those short journeys a lighter petrol car will probably warm up quicker and handle the stop start of city life better and more efficiently than a diesel over a ten minute period. This is based upon the fact my car is 10 years old and recently I had a Skoda brand new 1.2 TFSI petrol for a few weeks that was averaging about the same MPG as my diesel when comparing fuel price difference.

    Free Member

    I didnt get a repair estimate, they gave me a copy of the report for what they replaced but when I paid the excess I signed to say Id paid for the excess. They gave me a vehicle collection note which hasnt been signed however. I have not talked to the insurance company at at all but may ring them.

    The claim was off my own insurance. The other vehicle didnt stop and I didnt get their registration number.

    Jambalaya, I take it you claimed off the other persons insurance?

    Free Member

    Sort it. Itll only end in disaster, to be blunt. You just have to hit a stone in the wrong place and itll fold. May not just do you alot of damage when it flips over the bars but may cause a hefty bill as prices abroad are a fair bit higher, but Ive ordered stuff from CRC for delivery in Morzine before because it was still cheaper.

    A week of riding over there is like a month over here generally.

    Free Member

    I have sold lots on eBay and had a few arsey people. I would say you did the right thing by offering a full refund. He is trying it on and Id hope eBay dont do anything as there is nothing substantially wrong with it.

    Free Member

    Ive found it to be both ways tbh. I have lost out on stuff because of the way it was described on the auction and the photos provided. I have also been successful in getting refunds for things not as described. I bought a new/second hand light for my car and when it turned up it was a replica, not an original and had a different connection. Paypal gave me my money back but I lost out 30% of the price posting it back!

    I was a photographer for a little while and sold all kinds of kit including good lenses and bad lenses. If he hasnt researched the lens and isnt happy with it that is his fault. He hasnt described it as faulty so I dont think he would get his way. Depends on the policy you have stated in the description as well.

    Free Member

    Its a rental place so carpet is out of my control! Yes it is, thats how it came with bushes pre-installed and they only go one way so need to get the switched.

    Free Member

    George Esra – Budapest

    Free Member

    Thanks, its difficult to get perspective when friends are biased as she is in the group. What I meant to say is if I was with someone and something happened it would be different.

    We get on because Im tolerant and patient. My mum also suffers with M.E. and similar conditions to my girlfriend so Ive lived with it and already looked after her which is possibly why I dont want to be doing it. Its not just the illness’ though, lots of other little other reasons that hint this isnt right so I know what I am to do.

    Free Member

    Frame was £580 with Kashima Float CTD. Problem I found was eveyone wants to sell the bike complete and frames came up rarely on their own. I wanted to buy a mk2 but after searching for awhile this came up at the right price. Pedals well with the climb setting and Ive come from a DH bike so weight isnt an issue at the moment.

    Free Member

    Thoroughly jealous! Ive been 3 times and love it out there but enjoy it ladies and gents.

    Free Member

    When I say ‘hassle free life’ what I mean is a ‘normal’ life (whatever that may be) Life is never straightforward however worrying continually about if I have to massage out her painful muscles or cancel plans because she has to sleep or, potentially in the future, I have to physically, emotionally and financially support her dosent seem my idea of a fulfilling relationship. Is it out of order to think that way?

    I see it like rain. No one likes starting a ride in the rain but if it starts raining while you’re out you just accept it. The point is I’m not happy with her or us and despite other major factors changing in my life (job, housing situation) which I thought could be contributing to what I am feeling nothing has changed.

    Free Member

    Thsts hit the nail on the head. I feel guilty for wanting a hassle free life. I guess I want the normal 2 kids, nice house and normal life and the idea of trying to manage her conditions whilst looking to get that doesnt appeal. Also there is nothing substantially ‘wrong’ with our relationship. We dont argue, we get on, there is physical attraction there and we are both very easy going. Time to bite the bullet.

    Free Member

    It is managed the best in years. Her doctor was seeing her every month but shes recently extended it to every 6 months as shes happy with how well she is doing. Her sleeping patterns are steady, diet is better and she dosent suffer the exhaustion or pain because she manages how much she does. However, she is now living on her own working part time on normal hours. Before, she was looking after 2 kids, one with Aspergers whilst working early hours 5 days a week for a cleaning company and continually struggling for money. Just down to her lifestyle change she has vastly improved but she is still in pain most evenings and sleeps most of the weekend although her medication is steady and her routine is improved.

    Free Member

    Bullguard Ive used for the last few years but Ive used Avast in the past and never had any issues with either.

    Free Member

    Could be fake, easy to make up. I think its because hes trying to see where the shark is before splashing and giving the shark the wrong impression of come and get me! The only part that may not be as easy to fake is his hand as he trys to shoo the shark away.

    Free Member

    Crankboy and Jambalaya, nice to see you both happier after. Haha, Loddrik, if she was a ten Id have no chance anyway! :lol:

    Free Member

    I am, in a way, one of these public servants masquerading as a protection force and people love to have the gore on their phones. Its to outdo their mates, one up everyone, something to talk about. It can be a brilliant insight into human (dis) logic as they double up trying to catch the services attended of wrong doing. It is a shame that people dont trust the police until they need them and this is being shared to the masses via video. Its rare anyone gets a formal thanks for the work they do and thats not just police but paramedics, fire, search and rescue, all of them.

    However morally wrong it is to film this kind of thing legally I dont *think* there is anything stopping them.

    Free Member

    I think you gents are right. Money isnt a major problem but it would be nice to think that the other half could buy the drinks or on the other end of the scale, have savings to put into a house for example. The latest is her account has been hacked for a 3rd time and Ive had to whip the credit card out to pay for a wedding present and shoes. If it were me Id have changed my bank details or bank after the second time!

    I bounced from relationship to relationship before her as I didnt feel settled living at home and being in a job I disliked.

    Its just lots of factors. It will take years to get over her debt properly to a point it wont affect her or us and her health is as good as it will ever be and will get worse at some stage.

    Thanks for the help, always a great response on here.

    Free Member

    Its hard to imagine and Im not sure. I dont know if all the factors are just making me insecure or I am being blinkered by them and they arnt that bad. As a relationship its incredibly emotionally draining all the time. I just look to our potential future and think we are in for a hard life if we decide we want a house or kids. Physically shes the best she has been in 10 years due to her eating healthier and exercising, sticking to a sleep pattern and learning to slow down and not exhaust herself so quickly. Im looking to the future too much and cant seem to enjoy the present.

    Free Member

    You will probably find when they refund the money they may put a ‘block’ on it. This is because they may have not taken the money from your account before they refund the money back or they have to investigate why the money is toing and froing in case they suspect fraud.

    Free Member

    I lived in Tavi for a few years, I can only advise making sure you are prepared. Boots are a yes, waterproofs are a must have. Also as mentioned above have a good map, compass and leave a route of your trip with the bunkhouse just in case. I have been involved in searches on Dartmoor and surrounding area for walkers that have got lost on Dartmoor and colleagues have been involved in pulling a woman from a bog. It was blind luck we found her although have some experienced and knowledgable people!

    Enough of the doom and gloom, enjoy it and take in the fantastic views :-)

    Free Member

    Several packets of custard creams. All you ever need.

    Free Member

    The Stans Archs are 470g, the Hopes are 490g so I thought the eyelets were the difference.

    Free Member

    So good first impressions. I always find with Hope stuff aesthetically its a bit hit and miss for me. Some of it I love and some I think looks tacky and overdone.

    Im kinda hoping that they offer their great customer backup (which seems to go long over their warranty)

    Free Member

    Tell the seller you are draining it so it will have to be bled at the other end? Or are they a pain to bleed? I recently bought some Lyriks and they had to drain the air but surely CRC use Royal Mail along with lots of other online companies, how do they get it through?

    Free Member

    The problem I had was just coming across the jobs and knowing whats out there. So many jobs sound awful in the their job description but may be really interesting and vice versus. There are soooo many jobs and professions out there.

    I had a friend who moved from Plymouth to Bristol to get a job as a graphic designer. He stayed with friends quite cheaply. His experience was basic but he had a lot of get up and go and natural talent. He had plenty of interviews but like you just lost out everytime. He stupidly got a few ‘temp’ jobs of glass collecting in a local club and working in the newsagent across the road. Hours got cut again and again and he blew £3k of savings to try and stay up there as he refused to get a ‘normal’ job in a supermarket or shop. If he had been sensible and just put up with a normal job for a bit I dont doubt he would have found something.

    What Im trying to say is try your hand at anything. If you are a hard worker and reasonably smart you will always find something eventually.

    Free Member

    I bought a second hand black fabric corner sofa and it came with tacky cold fake leather cushions as part of the standard back cushions. I replaced them with bright green ones but never added to the amount of cushions…

    I have a few tiny mango scented candles and my flat is pretty tidy. In fact, my flat is far more sensible and comfortable than the girlfriends place…

    Free Member

    From understanding their contracts (I used to work in Carphone warehouse) ending the contract would always be more than upgrading because they give you some money off. Its an incentive (though not a lot) to keep your business. However, depends if you will get a dramatically better deal renewing.

    People generally end their contracts early because they want to change the phone. o2 Refresh is a clever ploy to make you upgrade more regularly. It doesnt work out a cheaper way of doing it as you pay a premium to upgrade due to buying the phone and contract seperately. You could source this yourself but as with everything its worth doing your homework.

    Free Member

    I swear part of my farts are because I eat too quickly and swallow more air than food.

    Free Member

    I have no experience but its the combo I will most probably have so intrigued to see if there is an issue with it.

    Free Member

    Often its just because its not worth giving him a criminal record for something that the officer at the time may deem to be a misdemenour or honest mistake, especially if no damage is caused. Intelligence would go in about him and what hes been up to and will be taken into consideration with any future run-ins with the law.

    Free Member

    99p? He will be -£2.17 or something ridiculous once eBay and Paypal take their cut.

    Free Member

    No, dont charge her rent yet. Tell her however to enjoy the money because when she becomes, in the eyes of the law, an adult at 18 she will have to. It should be proportionate to her take home obviously. I was very fortunate with my parents and due to being in full time education, having a part time job that paid next to nothing and living at home til 21 I paid no rent as a teenager until I moved back in at 25. Then I paid a solid £200 a month regardless of my take home and was more than happy to do so. It barely covered my share of food, water and electricity!

    I believe kids need a bit of freedom with money to learn the value of it however paying bills is just that. How do they think they will live outside the family home? Its not the amount, its the principal. I have mates who have to pay a considerable amount of rent due to their parents struggling with bills and that is an unfortunate situation. Once they live out once it will change their view of money.

    I also believe being open with your kids is sensible. My mum is more than happy to talk finances but my dad is against my brother and I knowing how much they earn, how much the bills are etc. Even now at 28 and living on my own he wont discuss anything financial! I think if shes sensible, sit her down with a break down of the bills. Once she knows how much things actually cost she may be more willing to give up her hard earned money to help out.

    Free Member

    Yeh thats annoying on eBays part. They still get more than their cut through Paypal dont they. I cant imagine eBay is the money spinner even, PayPal is the money maker.

    Free Member

    Its not the forks above. I paid by normal Paypal so I’m covered. He has posted the forks today and hes ended the auction so Im happier now. Thanks for the input gents, always helpful to get other point of view.

    Free Member

    I dont know, I havent asked and I am certainly not about to name and shame anyone without knowing the full story.

    I dont know if he realises that eBay put limitations on when the auction can be ended.

    Free Member

    Its not just about power. Generally you dont use peak power anyway as thats foot flat at a very specific RPM in a particular gear however an increase throughout the range is useful and can drop MPG. I have used Wagon Werx (ex VAG mechanic for years) in the past as have friends and been VERY happy with results. I would like to try Black Code (national company, money back gaurantee and warranty) and they do two maps, a power map and an economy map. Economy does not increase power or torque so much but is designed to focus on better MPG. Could be what you want.

    Free Member

    tomd, I get your point. It has annoyed me in the past but I also believe in you dont ask, you dont get. It was his choice to accept the offer, I didnt pressure him. Gogg, thats how I feel about it.

    Looks like I will be looking for more forks. Thanks for the input chaps.

    Free Member

    I thought he would be waiting to see what makes him more money, especially as postage is always on top through eBay. Its a bit sneaky if so and it pisses me off a bit. If he wants more money why not specify so?

    On the other hand he may just be very busy and not very experienced with eBay in which case Id apologise.

    Gogg, no its not and as much fun as it would be I dont condone ruining someones auction. Though I have thought about reporting him to eBay…

    Free Member

    Plenty of mixed DH at Cwmcarn and if you fancy a bit further afield Gawton in Devon.

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