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  • Monsoon Dodging: Planning and plotting a touring trip
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    Lol @ scardeypants.

    Thanks for the headsup.

    Free Member

    why would I want to go?

    The art, the theatre, the museums, the bars, the shops, the people, the culture, the food, the concerts, the architecture, etc. etc. etc.

    Get all those things 1,716kms from London a World Cup XC course 10 mins from the city centre and some great riding about an hour away. :wink:

    Free Member

    About 1,716km by car according to Google, but why would I want to go?

    Free Member

    The Cure in Palacio de Deportes, Madrid, on stage for about 3 hours….Awesome.

    Free Member

    I’ve suffered from cracked and bruised ribs a few times now. I’m actually repairing from my last fall 24/12 and still hurting a bit.
    Doctors will tell you to breathe deeply to prevent infections, but may be worth going just to get them checked. I am not a doctor.
    With regard to sneezing/breathing hard/coughing I found it quite useful to take pain killer/ anti-inflammitories (sp?), personal favourites are Acabel Rapid.

    Recovery time should be between 4-6 weeks. Next time it’ll be easier!!!

    Free Member



    Free Member

    RIP number6, sad news. A great series perhaps it’s time to get the dvds out again.

    Free Member

    Well….if we’re showing pics of dogs now…


    She’ll bite you on the bum she will. :D

    Free Member

    I know you said 2 hours or so from the Midlands, but for future refence have you (or anyone for that matter) considered doing anything abroad. Here in Madrid the marathons can be anything from 50km to the longest I’ve done at 109km all in one long loop. More or less 1500-2000+ m of climbing and, if you’re the competitive type usually include a hardcore of top local riders.

    Just a thought.

    Free Member


    Seconded good points,I shall return the compliment, well said.
    I think you raised a good point and shouldn’t be apologetic for the thread, it’s not your fault.

    It has been fun interesting. :lol:

    Free Member

    I didn’t, fighting off attacks from dog haters…………. oh yes, 8 inches of snow too.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I put my camel back in the fridge to keep it cool. Depending on how insulated your camel back is a frozen bladder can take all day to defrost – meaning you don’t get any water – one guy experienced this!

    Good point, I tend to use bottles…….still! And they take a couple of hours to defrost in the summer. You can often find water in villages to top up and keep a good supply.

    Free Member

    Orbea Alma Cup- fluctuates between 10kg and 10.5kg depending on what it’s wearing.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    pk-ripper, I think you’ll find that I agree with you, not the first time I’ve said that, but I implore you to show me where I said you should ride up to the owner and tap them on the shoulder. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have read the whole thread…

    Your behaviour seems perfectly rational, mutual respect.

    lobby_dosser – Member

    don simon- you’re in Spain right? TJ is in Scotchland right?

    Ever thought there maybe a difference in law and social norms?

    Good point, but I was brought up and educated in the UK. Ooops!

    kinda666 – Member

    Hairyscary, i have no idea what the average person in the street is going to do these days but i don’t go and punch or kick them just incase!

    Tags are quite interesting!!!

    Free Member

    I have been thinking for a few weeks about bringing out film again even to the point of buying dark room equipment.
    Seeing the Zenit reminds me of the first slr camera I used, then OM10, and now Canons.
    With ref to Rudeboy’s comments, when does photography finish and photoshoppery begin?
    I consider myself a photograher and as such only have a rudementary knowledge of Photoshop, and that’s how I like it…

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Don simon reread that. I did not claim that dog owners need to account for phobic people. Infact I agreed with you that it might not be reasonable.

    I only stated as is true that I am allowed in law to hurt a dog that runs at me. Several times on this thread I have said that if the dog is under control it is fine – keep it away from me thats fine – let it run at me and I have the right to do whatever I need to to protect myself.

    Don’t put words in others mouths.

    My position is clear – keep your dog under control as you have a legal responsibility to do so. Let an out of control dog run at me and I have the right to do whatever is needed to protect myself. At no point did I advocate hurting a dog that was not bothering me.

    Sorry TJ, that was directed at aracer. But to a degree my point still stands. We have differing views as to what constitutes “out of control”. As I have already said people demonstrate fear when they see my dog even when she is on her lead and under control. Unfortunately, if you meet my dog and touch her, I would use the same law you wish to defend yourself to actually prosecute you. How do you measure fear?

    A dog which is out of control, is out of control and needs to be controlled by the way you see fit.

    But, as the OP said, and I have said, there are things you can do yourself to prevent this confrontation. If you feel, as a person, you have more rights than me, also a person and dog owner, then you are wrong. If a dog approaches you and you continue riding, I believe the dogs perceives this to be a threat and may attack. But, if you dismount and walk on by, I think you’ll find that the dog will change it’s attitude.

    If you dismount and the dog continues to attack, then by all means defend yourself.

    Free Member

    “no, but surely on a trail that’s known for having quite a lot of cycle traffic then the dog owner would be well advised to at least keep their dog under control… but i still stand by what i said, for the reasons i said so too.”

    The argument can be turned on it’s head there, cyclists who use trails which are also used by dog walkers….etc…

    You still seem to be missing the difference between the two – that the cyclists have a right to ride without being molested – the dogs have no right to go round jumping up at people.

    See TJ’s contribution.

    Could you point out the post you’re referring to where he suggests approaching dogs minding their own business and attacking them?

    The point is that the only reason there is ever a conflict at all is that the dogs are out of control – which is as TJ says breaking the law. If all dogs were on leads or otherwise under control then they wouldn’t ever come into conflict with cyclists, so the cyclists wouldn’t need to modify their behaviour at all.

    (nested quotes don’t seem to work [:(] )

    I think you’ll find I actually agree with you. But I don’t accept that the cyclist has some god given authority over dog owners. A cyclist has a reponsibility to respect all other countryside users and dog owners also have the same responsibility. As I said in response to xherbivorex’s incedent, the owner of the dog was in the wrong. If the dog had been put on the lead after it had attacked the first time, then xherbivorex wouldn’t have had to kick it the second time. Problem….the dog owner.

    Regarding TJ, he said that he has the right to attack dogs without justification.

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Dorset knob – wrong I am afraid. Legally and morally its the dog owners responsibility to control their dogs. That means stopping their dogs from bothering other folk. I have an absolute right to go about my daily business without being bothered by someones dog.

    There is absolutly no need for the non dog owner to have to do anything – to modify their behaviour in any way. Its the dog owners responsibility. Dogs do not have rights, people do.

    If you can’t understand that then you are not a fit person to own a dog. Typical selfish dog owner trying to weasel out of thier responsibilities.

    Kicking dogs that attack you is perfectly acceptable morally and legally.

    TandemJeremy – Member

    A dog owner has an absolute duty to control their dog at all times. This means that they should either be on a lead or come to heel / stand still at command. If you don’t do this with your dogs you are committing an offense in law. If your dog runs up to me even to say hello / to play you are committing an offense and the dog could be put down.

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Boardin Bob. Good.

    One thing I really don’t understand is why some dog owners have dogs that they cannot or have not trained. It would seem to me that all dogs can be trained.

    When I pass a dog and its owner if the owner gets the dog under control I always thank them. It all I ask is live and let live. Keep uyour dog away from me and I’ll keep away from your dog.

    Let it run at me and the dog will be hurt. Let it bite me and I will have it put down and I will sue you for damages.

    So, in three posts TJ states that it is perfectly OK to do damage to a dog. TJ has, in my opinion, a special case in that he has a fear of dogs and reacts in a way that I think is unreasonable. He has taken a law and, in my opinion, applied it to his specific situation, which, in my opinion, is wrong.

    Free Member

    don, i was specifically talking about the Trans Pennine Trail in my post. a trail that is well known as being heavily used by cyclists.

    Fair enough, if the trail is used by cyclists and it’s clear that cyclist use the trail then I, as a dog owner and intruder into the domain of cyclists must respect the cyclist.

    I am looking more from my point of view, I live in a village of 400 people on the side of a mountain, I share the mountain with cows! It is an open and public area. No one has more or less rights than anyone else and everyone has to co-exist.
    My dog is taken off the lead as soon as we get off the road, 10m from the house. If I see anyone else, ther dog goes back on her lead because I know people like TJ exist…. :wink:
    I don’t take the dog to cycle races.
    I don’t take the dog to trail centres.
    I do expect that cyclists give me the same respect as I give them…

    Free Member

    If it was the cyclists biting the dogs you might have a point.

    See TJ’s contribution.

    Free Member

    no, but surely on a trail that’s known for having quite a lot of cycle traffic then the dog owner would be well advised to at least keep their dog under control… but i still stand by what i said, for the reasons i said so too.

    The argument can be turned on it’s head there, cyclists who use trails which are also used by dog walkers….etc…

    Let it run at me and the dog will be hurt.

    That TJ, is not reasonable.

    I think we are both singing from the same sheet, but from different points of view.

    I love these troll threads.

    Surely the ability to debate without resorting to insults isn’t trolling. Or is that beyond you? :wink:

    [/quote]Some dog owners take some believing don’t they?

    Explain, please?

    Free Member

    Irfanview[/url] might be worth a look, but generally as above regarding Photoshop. No nothing about Gimp.

    Free Member

    Causing a nuisance is an offence tho – not just putting people in fear. Again back to the reasonableness test I guess. A dog that comes up to you even playfully when you don’t want that dog to do so is still causing an offense.

    You haven’t answered my question about advising the dog owner of your fear

    don simon, re my last comment; why not?

    Live and let live. It is not the dog owner’s decision to let cyclists on the trail either. We all have to live with each other.

    I think Smee has hit the nail squarely on the head.

    Free Member

    Knowing how to behave around animals is part of trailcraft. If you don’t have it, you should stay off the trails.

    haha – so when a dog comes running straight towards you at full pelt and jumps up at you, what kind of ‘trailcraft’ are you supposed to employ?

    I imagine I would probably stop, as I said before, to diffuse the situation. Make sure the owner had seen me and give them a chance to control their dog. Here in Spain we don’t have enclosed fields, so the sheep and goats wander freely and are protected by large, agressive dogs. I have been chased by several. The best thing I have found to do is dismount and the dogs back off from the charge.
    If there is enough distance between me and the dogs, I have been known to accelerate to get away from the threat.

    I have never been bitten whilst riding.

    Is that what you wanted to know?

    Free Member

    No TJ, I afraid that my undestanding of the law is a question of being reasonable, unfortunaly a fear of dogs would not fall into my definition of reasonable. Therefore a well behaved dog which is off the lead coming to say hello and play with you is not unreasonable and the owner has not committed any offence. In your eyes yes, but not if I introduce the idea of reasonable. If you tell me or demonstrate to me that you have a fear , which is a reasonable thing to do, and I don’t modify my behavior, then I’m being unreasonable. Easy no?

    xherbivorex- not a god story, I hope there were no serious injuries. But in this case the responsibility is 100% with the owner and the law has been broken. Not sure I agree with your last comment though. :D

    Free Member

    TJ, if an owner let’s their dog run at you, they have no way of knowing that you are scared of dogs and will have a higher level of anxiety than said gentleman on the Clapham Omnibus and can not be held responsible for your fear. If the owner feels their dog may appear aggressive to others then they have a responsiblity. If a dog is running loose near you, do you advise the owner of your fear? Either by action or verbally? Clear, it certainly is not, like most UK law.

    To the people above who want to attack dogs and their owners because of their own fear really should address their own fears and learn how to deal with animals as the OP said. As I have pointed out talking to the owner can give you a suprising result.

    Free Member

    Thne law is quite clear – if your dog behaves in such a way as to cause any nusience you have committed an offense. the dog does not have to bite – merely to put me in fear – no matter whether you think that fear is reasonable or not.

    The law is not at all clear, how do you define nusience (sic)? I am aware of how people react to my dog, Staffordsire Bull Terrier, and even when she is on the lead and under control, according to the law I am causing a nuisance.

    Can you do me a favour TJ and find the law that states cyclists have to repect other land users and even when I am walking and my dog is on a lead cyclists don’t have a right to pass me within 1m, repect and common sense for all I think.

    Not all dog owners are evil, not all cyclists are angels….

    Free Member

    I agree, a few weks ago I was out and about when a couple of large dogs (rottweiler and something equally big and aggressive) came charging at me from a field. Usual thing is to dismount, I feel that a cyclist on a bike has the shape and size of another animal, dismount and the dog sees a human and reacts differently. My theory anyway!

    the owner came out saying that I shouldn’t worry as they weren’t dangerous. After a minute I thought I would talk to him about it. I started by saying that I wasn’t looking for an argument and then that he knows the dogs aren’t dangerous but I couldn’t possibly know. All that I see are two 60kg dogs trying to protect what they are supposed to protect.

    He kind of understood what I was saying. We agreed that there are dog owners who need to understand the point of view of other trail users and other trail users need to understand how to behave with animals.

    At the end I mentioned that I also have a “dangerous” dog and we have been disrespected by asshat riders, so it goes both ways…

    Peace and love…

    Free Member

    I guess people buy the 50mm 1.8 II for reasons of cost, Ä100,00 or so, and the quality is good for the money.
    For me the 28mm focuses alot faster for biking shots and the small dof from the 1.8 is not an issue.

    If you are looking to buy a lens, I suggest you think about the type of pictures you are going to take and but the appropriate lens.

    Read some of the reviews here.

    This place has some good reviews and a forum which seems OK.

    More reviews here.

    dpreview[/url] seems to have its fair share of fans.

    Good luck and keep taking pictures…

    Free Member

    Generally go alone and don’t (often) think about accidents, but I do ride without taking too many risks. Then again I don’t do DH and am more of a XC whippet.

    Free Member

    No reason why the heat should be too much of a problem, take plenty of liquids. I freeze it the night before so I have a steady flow of cold water.

    Wear appropriate clothing, carry sun cream, drink lots.

    Most of the guiding companies will go out during the cooler parts of the day and should be well used to dealing with people in the heat. So unless you are one of these people who doesn’t like hot weather, I wouldn’t worry.

    That is said by someone who’ll ride in the 30∫c-35∫C of a Madrid summer. :wink:

    Free Member

    [/quote]whats the deal with 50s becoming 75 btw? is it older lense on digi bodies that cause that?

    Canon have used three different sensors/crop: full frame, 1.3x and 1.6x.

    Multiply the focal length by the crop and you’ll get the new effective focal length, so for a 50mm lens on a full frame, the lens is still 50mm.

    50mm X 1.3(crop) = 65mm
    50mm X 1.6(crop) = 80mm


    to mrmichaelwright,

    I almost only use a 28mm, have got a 50mm too but I always find the 28mm is faster to focus and gives a nice level of distortion, the colours are generally quite good too.




    Free Member

    It’s snowing quite alot in alcobendas too.

    Driving is going to be even more fun in the centre, he he!

    I guess no riding this weekend.

    fontmoss – Member

    near quevedo metro, so right in the city!

    I used to live not too far from there in Blasco de Garay, it’s a good area.

    Free Member

    Snow in Madrid is unusual. Where are you Fontmoss?

    Snowing up here in the mountains too…and rather chilly, temp peaked at -3∫C yesterday, brrrrr!

    Free Member


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