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  • Orange Five29er
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    I have just had a couple of mails from my friend who wanted to see Liverpool and Torres in Anfield, so over to Luis:

    I would like to say thanks for the people of STW, for the information that they have given me, they have helped me a lot, even I went to see Liverpool FC, I love Atleti and I never lost any match.

    Something about the restaurant which was suggested by timc, thanks.

    Cafe Sports England is a very nice place, is located very central and easy to go. It is very big, and full of photos of Liverpool FC. It has many tables and many screens where you can watch the games that you want. The waiters are very friendly, the food is very well and isn´t expensive.

    When we arrived we had a table with TV for us. I recommend all the people who want to watch a football match.

    The problem is that Atleti didn´t win, jajaja.

    If you love Liverpool FC, this is your pub.

    And a bit about his weekend in general.

    Hi Simon, how are you?

    I'm fine, I loved Anfield, Liverpool won and Torres got two goals, it was fantastic!!

    The city is very beautifull, and the people live for football, is fantastic!!

    I was at The Cavern, drinking a beer an listening live music.

    They speak very bad, but I speak a lot, and haven´t had a problems.

    Tomorrow Atleti will play against Liverpool, jajaja, but Atleti will win!!!

    Un abrazo!

    Thanks for your help guys.

    Free Member

    Lead pipe?

    Free Member

    As above, or support a team like Wrexham where they let you in for free!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    J.C. Bamford????

    Free Member

    At the moment I live up in the mountains west of Caernarfon

    OK, sorry, I didn't realise that you are already well aqcuainted with all things Taffy! :wink:

    Do you really have to leave Caernarfon? Driving from Caernarfon to Cardiff aong the coast will give you one of the most beatiful commutes in the world! :D

    Free Member

    swadey – Member

    don simon – thanks for the thought – was given the all clear, but due to dig out the repugnant "medical photgraphs" so I can see if anything has changed – which I will have to do every 2-3 months from now till doomsday!

    Good stuff.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I see they're calling Don Quixote Airport by Ciudad Real, there was a call to name it Madrid South, it's 200km away FFS! Valladolid as Madrid North, again 200km. A bit cheeky, isn't it?

    Free Member

    Rich in life my friend, rich in life. *walks away nodding to self* :D

    Free Member

    I haven't read all of this, but what I remember of contract law is… that if you enter a contract with specific clauses i.e. you ask the airline to deliver you to a specific destination at a specific time and they agree you might have a reason to make a claim.
    This is, I think, an act of god and therefore unforseen, (debateable).

    If you have a meeting in Paris at 16:00 and the flight arrives at 14:00, you might think that you have plenty of time. The airline might offer you an earlier flight to guarantee arrival. A reasonable request on the part of the airline, isn't it? You can now choose.

    If you have booked through Ryan Air and told them before buying the tickets that you have a deadline, they agreed to get you there on time and entered a new and slightly different contract. They are agreeing to get you there and not just fly you there. Then I think you can claim. But would have to contest the act of god element, good luck.

    If you booked the cheapest flight, got caught out by the volcano (why doesn't anyone call it by it's prper name??) and now want to claim. I think the answer is tough sh1t! Suck it up.

    Look, I took a gamble and lost, can I have my money back?

    Free Member

    Reasonable is very subjective, legal is another question.

    When I worked shifts I had something like 10 different start times. I was sent home 2 hours into a 6-2 shift as they wanted me back in to start another shift later in the same day!!! The joys of knowing all the jobs in the factory.

    Free Member

    One thing I would mention about Conwy. I don't know your background, but a bit of practice in the pronunciation of all things Welsh will help, even better learn the language. For quality of life I think I would look at either Shrewsbury or Conwy.
    Conwy is in probably the most beautiful part of the country.

    Free Member

    Double check all spelling and grammer


    two slow!

    Free Member

    swadey – Member

    Having spent a very nervy 2 weeks waiting for an emergency appointment with the skin cancer doc just before Xmas, I'm now on at least Factor 30 for the rest of my natural, with a view to prolonging it!

    I hope everything's OK.

    Free Member

    I used[/url] for an outline. It'll give you a frame and an idea of whta to write, then tailor for specific jobs.

    Free Member

    You were warned… :wink:

    Free Member

    There's a place in Manchester, Slaters I think it's called, up near Picadilly Gardens (I think). Good quality and cheap. Have you guys got Zara?
    Reasonable looking suits for not much Peseta! Sales anywhere? One of those retail villages or whatever they're called, I got an Yves St Laurent for just about half price several years ago from Ellesmere Port Retail Village/Park/Centre.

    Free Member

    How old/new are the boots? Are they broken in? Are they the correct size?
    I used to get terrible blisters from new walking boots until they were broken in, then they were extremely comfortable.
    Do you get different shaped boots for different shaped feet?

    Free Member

    Now if you can just get someone to send you 200 offers a day of "marital" medicines and rolex watches, you'll be a fully fledged member of the internet community.

    Had those, 12" penis, they do reductions now! Whatever next, deodarant spray that'll guarantee me a shag!

    stumpyjon – Member

    It's a phishing email. They just randomly send out emails, due to the volume they send out some people will have a live account with the bank in the email and some of those people will be thick enough to enter their details.

    Entered details and now they want me to deal with some guy in Nigeria who want to pay €15,000,000,000,000 for my collection of Lady Di plates that I've got on Ebay. All very confusing.

    What camera fone for a happening dude?

    Free Member

    Started mine last weekend, thought about shaving too but the sudden drop in temperatures has stopped that, I need all the fur I can get at the moment.

    Free Member

    It's my first one, I feel that I've arrived in the 20th century 21st century. Recognised by scammers, it's got to be some sort of accolade. :lol:

    Free Member

    I wouldn't employ anyone from here, too damned opinionated.
    :wink: of course I would, I love you all.

    Free Member

    OK, you're looking at that picture and discussing the bell tower in the background and "The Lucky Shag".

    There's something very, very, very wrong with that! :wink:

    Free Member

    Madrid, and they're still coming in, grrrrrrrr!

    Free Member

    I think I use
    140 ml warm (ish) water
    splash of honey
    splash of olive oil
    225/250g wholemeal flour
    1 sachet yeast.

    Also add more flour during the mix if it looks too wet.

    Free Member

    make your own dough – dead easy. Make your own sauce by reducing down a tin of plum tomatoes, add a bit of black pepper, oregano, chillies – whatever floats your boat. Mozzarella, then I usually get a selection of different salamis or chorizo (cheaper and nicer than 'pepperoni') from the deli counter

    That's pretty much the regular one, now it's time for something else, but I like 'em hot so put some chili and tabasco in the tomato sauce. Oh yes!

    Free Member


    inspired, thanks. :wink:

    Free Member

    I thought he was quite cool, he kept looking straight ahead to where he was going. I'd have been watching the wheels going backwards!!!

    Free Member

    Do people really get wound up after only a week?

    Free Member

    Johnson Marbella.

    Free Member

    Get the professional tools, if not, as wwaswas says and patience.

    Free Member

    What do you eat that produces such a result?!

    Haven't you noticed that All Bran is a lot cheaper than the latest XTR bling. :lol:

    Free Member

    I'm steadily losing weight, for health reasons I decided to look at my diet and make some changes.

    Basically here's my diet.
    Breakfast: Cereal and 4-5 fruits, yoghurt 0%fat, honey, coffee.
    Lunch: something with beans or lentils and chicken: not for everyone.
    Dinner: 3-4 pieces of fruit, if hungry some sardines on toast (homemade bread)

    Drinks: generally water.

    Pizza, homemade, of course at weekends.

    No alcohol.
    I appear to not eat red meat, but no problem if I fancy it. Big Mac a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not obssessive about it.
    I know it's not for everyone, but I think careful eating is better than eating fewer calories of crap.

    Careful eating, good exercise and trust in the fact that even if you can't see any changes, they are happening and it's a long term thing.

    You'll feel better in the end.

    Free Member

    Maybe get one of the ones you hold in your hands and take an average of the results.

    This is hand held, I'm a cyclist- no fat in the legs, it's all around the waiste!!! LOL.

    I guess a lot of the fat is internal and hidden. I'll be happy when there is no visible fat.

    And the bouyancy thing is impractical and still relies on you having absolutely no air in your lungs which is borderline impossible.

    Fully paid up member of the asthmatic society, getting the air in there in the first place is the problem, ha ha!

    Free Member

    The route up Abantos (from Villalba, anyway) usually starts on the "pista forestal", before turning into a track. It starts from the bar next to the hospital. If you fancy doing it someday give us a shout!

    Ha ha! El Escorial hospital, I spent a beautiful afternoon there after breaking my thumb at Rallye de los Embalses, Rompepiernas, ahhhhh The memories.

    I might take you up on the offer when the rain stops and I get a free weekend!

    ¿Colmenar this weekend??

    Free Member

    Well assuming you're not a short arse (sub 5'6) or a skinny giant (>6'4") then you're in the Normal BMI range anyway.

    1.82m, a bit on the light side. I was up to 85 kg when rowing. Now I'm looking for 10-15% body fat to get back competing. I used to be a bit of a goat, but since asthma I've had to change my approach.

    I understand the high street machines are not the best way/most accurate, but then again I'm not training for the olympics!!

    I try to weigh myself at more or less the same time to try and remove any imbalances. Going for a crap before a race really can help you lose an important couple of kilos.

    Calipers are best used by an expert who knows how to maintain an equal pressure at all points.

    Most reliable is volume displacement, but it's a bit difficult in a shopping centre between classes. :lol:

    Not sure if it's muscle as my riding seems to be getting better, finally, after a couple of years in the wilderness. :lol:

    Free Member

    Something to do with this, sorry. :wink:

    Free Member

    Keep it up dude, you're doing ok.

    Free Member

    a **** big tape worm, you may look thinner, but he's now a chunky little monkey in you intestines

    It's my tape worm, so leave the little (not so little now) fekker out of it! :wink:


    No, Nº1 all over.

    If you aren't exercising or taking on enough protein then you'll be losing muscle mass but to be honest those scales are a waste of time.

    My thought, but over the last year it's been quite linear between fat/overall. Today was a bit odd. Eating plenty of protien I guess, so shouldn't be a problem. I know they're not perfect scales, it's nice to see the numbers. :D

    Free Member

    I didn't have problems when I bought from them, emails were answered on a Sunday afternoon/evening and always promptly.

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