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  • Thoughts and wishes to our mate Michael Bonney
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    Not sure if the lemaon was the cause, I've seen it often as the beer spends a couple of minutes at air temp and bosh, beer slush all over the place!

    Free Member

    kingkongsfinger – Member

    kingkongsfinger – Member
    Without printing the screen and having all the webpage and a small photo, cheers.

    PC Brigade keep you noses out!

    Posted 1 hour ago #

    Posted 2 hours ago # Report-Post

    And what? You're breaking the law, you're publicly asking people to help you break the law and STW could be held accountable for allowing this thread to continue.

    Free Member

    Isn't there a general bad feeling between the powers that be and Fred? If I remember there were some personal comment made about him?

    Free Member

    We get one of these.

    Keeley Donovan would get my erm…. vote from the British selection.

    Free Member

    I guess that I must be getting old, policemen looking younger. Bollox! Your next (depending on what happens) Prime Minister is younger than me!!!! (only just though :lol: )

    Free Member

    I don't know if this will help, but when I changed my British licence for A Spanish one the C1 category remained until 2007, a straight swap, and therefore (was) allowed to drive 7.500kg, and even up to 12.000kg.
    So I guess there shouldn't be a problem. Isn't this why we joined the EU?

    Free Member

    donkeyscock – Member

    f1 better than moto gp are you retarded

    Well that's convinced me, MotoGP for me from now on. :roll:

    Free Member

    Wooo and indeed hooo!

    Free Member

    How would a Pipedream Sirius fit the bill? Mine runs a Recon 85-120 fork and is awesome.
    For out and out XC duties I have an Orbea Alma and for general looning around the Pipedream. Setting the fork at 85-100mm gives a quick turning XC bike open the fork up to 120 and it'll keep me happy on the decents. Climbs pretty well too, just done a run and kept it in big ring for 2.5 hours and 1000m of climbing. You could do worse.

    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member

    Pipedream sirius, good value,

    Got one.

    EBB only 150 quid!! Thanks for the idea.

    I'm really looking for experiences of sliding dropout frames and their usage in the real world.

    Free Member

    I know, just said it looks good, keep the SS frame ideas coming. I'm not ruling anything out at the moment. I'm looking at road frames as well, I'm also after a training bike. :D

    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member

    You could make one SS, with an excentric BB or a chain device. Or even get an old steel frame and get new dropouts, I has some rohloff dropouts fitted to an old kona frame by bob jackson in leeds.

    Have much do yo uhave to play with?

    The GT already has a chain device so I'm looking for sliding drop outs.

    Money depends, some of the stuff I've seen is 1,500-2,000 dollars!! That kind of money would go towards a road bike. Maybe €500 for frame anything interesting considered.

    Singular Kite looks interesting. :D

    Free Member

    here has everything and it's free![/url], but Spanish commentry.
    That Bradley's not bad, is he?

    Free Member

    I don't think the new ones have the same geometry as the old ones, this is a 1997/8 vintage. :wink: And it's not a SS frame either. :wink: :wink:

    Free Member

    List 1.

    list 2

    A bit of a mis-understanding I think, normally some smartar5e just provides a google list, which I already have. :lol:

    What you got then?

    Free Member

    And how do I get the real life experiences?? Thanks

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Owning your own house doesn't make you middle class. Wasn't that just one of Thatcher's vote winning tricks? I'm a home owner and therefore must be tory and therefore better than you, type thing?? Also catching the "now you've got a mortgage, you'll think twice before going on strike" crowd.
    I don't think the class system really exist now anyway.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member

    Ex-smokers and ex-drinkers.

    Ex-smoker and nearly ex-drinker, ex-pat, ex-tremely pleasant. What have I done to upset you?

    Things that make me angry?
    Misuse of CAPS LOCK!
    Pisspoor TROLLS.
    IT geeks who confuse USERS with CUSTOMERS.

    Free Member

    What do I need to get decent results but not spend a lot?

    I would suggest that you're not going to get decent shots without spending a lot. Like everything you have to spend money and not sppending money will get not decent shots..Talkemada speaketh sense. :wink:

    Free Member

    Still running Vs on one frame, Idid a couple of laps of a XC loop before a race at the weekend. Half way through my third lap the rear shoes had gone leaving me with a 70/30 bias towards the front brake. No way was I doing the descents on that! About 20km for the mud to destroy them!!!

    Free Member

    Pollen – never been an issue so far, and have had 2 *huge* pollen laden lillies in my prep room all day today, and no unusual effects. I've a cat, but had one for most of my life.

    Probably not a problem, mine's the exercise induced so there are no problems at all with pollen or the dog, these were checked by the allergy specialist. For me the biggest problem is food and alcohol. Seriously, try a period without alcohol to see what happens, this is assuming you drink copious amounts in line with the typical STW athlete. Made a huge difference to me.

    Free Member

    Keep it up!

    Free Member

    Not wanting to state the obvious, but isn't she going to do any market research to find out if there is a market? Ask the people she thinks are the target market what they want and how much they are going to pay. What will she offer that is going to be different from the existing photographers who have experience and a reputation?

    When she has an idea of what the customers want she can then decide if it is viable or not.

    I think that there is opportunity if you look and there shouldn't be any problem in starting the business, but she needs to be sure that she know where that business is, and how to get it! That's the hard part… :lol:

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Be strong. The memories are forever.

    Free Member

    I appear to have touched a nerve, let's not allow reasoned and rational argument get in the way of the insults, eh?

    Free Member

    Keep talking to the docs about this. If you can, go and have allergy tests done. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma a couple of, nearly three years ago. Subsequently I have found that my body has changed and I react to things differently. I went through a lot of allergy tests which didn't highlight anything and then went as close as I'd want to anaphylactic shock from chickpeas of all things!! My diet has changed dramatically, I react negatively to alcohol- which is no bad thing- I've cut out pasta and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, 90% of my food is home prepared trying to be as natural as is possible.

    I didn't have a history and had always done aerobic sports, cycling rowing and a spot of running.

    After two years of messing with medication and diets I'm finally returning to the world of competition with my first 70km race pencilled for the end of the year.

    Good luck and try and be posistive.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    IE: don't need and I don't want so why the F…
    do I need downloads? I suppose you work in IT
    and know betterthan us mere mortals what we

    Not quite, I'm a Software Engineer, but I've spent far too much of my life fixing friend's, family's and "mere mortals" PCs because they didn't keep up-to-date with security and Critical Updates.

    So yes, I do know better

    But in true IT style you haven't explained anything. You know best? Explain why there is an option to personalize the downloads rejecting the ones I don't want when the great microsoft is going to download it anyway. If it was for the best why not down load it automatically. Let's not think about the Service patch 2 (or whatever it was that screwed up so many people's PCs. You know best? Yours is the exact superiority complex that winds me up. Tree-magnet had just chilled me out and along comes this tripe!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Do you work teaching English?

    Yes, why?

    Free Member

    tree-magnet – Member

    Ah yes, How could I not read your mind and know that?

    Try thinking for yourself. :roll: Work in IT, do we? :wink:

    Free Member

    tree-magnet – Member

    Doesn't Steve Jobs work for Apple? Why would he be sending you updates?

    Let me help you. Microsoft pi55 me off. What better advert could Apple have? Ineptitude is only going to help the competition. See? :roll:

    Free Member

    johnners – Member

    Even my dog learns faste

    I don't have a dog, but if I did I bet it could tick the box so it didn't get repeatedly told about updates.

    So let your dog set your computer up.

    Done it!

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    load updates, how many do you need to send
    till you get the message???? I DONT WANT

    Erm… you probably do want to download Windows Updates, at least all the Critical ones anyway, otherwise you'll find you have all kinds if nasties on your machine within a day or two of it hitting the internets.

    IE: don't need and I don't want so why the F… do I need downloads? I suppose you work in IT and know betterthan us mere mortals what we need. So get the fu….g message. Ask me once, fine. Ask me twice, er, ok. Ask me everfuckingday and you're becoming Steve Job's best friend. Even my dog learns faster.

    Have a nice day!

    Free Member

    You're funny!

    Free Member

    Can't wait to watch it now to see what happens. :wink:

    Free Member

    What's all this about then?

    Free Member

    I've had a read and was going to post a long reply, but got bored. :lol:

    Off on a bit of a tangent for a while. :wink:

    chakaping – Member

    I think you lot should stop arguing about it until the OP comes back to clarify what he initially gave in terms of permission.

    But FWIW, A publication couldn't just declare that anything submitted to them could then legally be published by them as often as they liked.

    Although in practice many do take this attitude – and very few photographers complain because they usually have submitted the pic for publicity purposes.

    As far as pics on the web go, small-time websites and blogs steal them left right and centre. They usually get away with it because they are not worth pursuing.

    Larger organisations warn their journalists not to do this, because they know they are more worthwhile targets. But some still poach pics off Facebook, for example, as a calculated risk when they want to use them on a big story.

    They know they won't get into much trouble for it and can afford to pay the snapper anyway.

    I think that chakaping sums it up. A publication may pay for a photo/write in the T&Cs that they own the photo, but they don't have copyright and can not use it in whichever way they want. T&Cs can not include any clauses which are deemed unfair either, therefore should/will not conflict with copyright law.

    I think few photographers take legal action for the cost/benefit factor. I had over 200 photos swiped and used on a web site for publicity and another 25 or so used in an editorial web site. That's worth chasing.

    Lifting photos from websites is a big issue and the law is slowly catching up with technology.

    Happy snapping.

    Free Member

    mogrim – Member

    "if it's on the internet, it's free" type of crap, which apparently the Spanish judges agree with

    That's only for non-commercial use, if you make money out of it it's different.
    That's what I thought, I'm speaking to VEGAP who are the photographer´s SGAE!!! They think I have a case and I'm just about to send the BeaureaxFax out to the dude that's taken my pics. But last weekend I was speaking to Antonio del Pino, elite rider and journo with Motorpress-Ibérica who said that the judges follow the line of internet is free. I have to put my faith in the lawyer. Fortunately I think I can fall back on the Berne Convention and use UK lawyers if I need, so I'm looking for a lawyer who knows a bit about copyright.

    Back to the thread to catch up.

    Free Member

    But he gave it to them…

    He gave them a photo to use once for a specific purpose, not to use for their commercial advantage. They have breached copyright, no argument. It's the ignorance of the copyright laws which creates this problem. I have to suffer the agrgument of "if it's on the internet, it's free" type of crap, which apparently the Spanish judges agree with. Intellectual property is a difficult concept to understand and explain. Your holiday snaps are protected, your commercial work is protected.For this reason I don't agree with companies asking clients to send photos for use in their catalogues. The company gets a cheap/free source of advertising and the photographer gets nothing. You're working for free and they are receiving the profits. I guess it's ok for the hobbyist but devalues the work of professionals and allows people to misinterperet the law. My two penneth

    rightplacerighttime – Member

    It's your copyright unless you explicitly handed it over.

    If your friend gave them the pics to use with a specific article and they used it for something else they were a bit naughty. But I have to say this sort of behaviour is rather common.

    If I were you I would write to them and point out that they are using the pic for a commercial purpose never intended when it was supplied and ask them if they would like to offer you some money for continued use of it.

    If it is in some promotional literature they are unlikely to want to put your credit on the pic, but they may well be prepared to bung you a few quid, though probably tens of £ rather than thousands of £

    Or they might just drop your pic and use someone else's and your claim to fame will be gone.

    It's probably not worth suing them.

    Exactly… Whether you are a commercial photographer or not, at the lower price ranges, shouldn't affect your compensation. The fact that they are posiibly earningmoney will. Talk to them.

    And breathe!

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