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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • doh
    Free Member

    Doubt you would feel the difference between steel or Alu after you stick 5inches of supersoft tyre on.
    Also if you “really” need to go to 5inch you will probably be paying a premium over more easily found hubs and cranks for 4inch setups.

    Free Member

    Looks like one of the nicer ones to come out recently, cracking price as well.

    Free Member

    There is an interview out there with Eric brown talking about this, he is certain the Brit m62 would have done it 1st. The design especially the all moving tail planes where so far ahead of everyone else but funding was cancelled just as it went into the flying model stage. The fact The US “stole” the idea and got the record annoyed him quite a bit.

    Plenty of planes went supersonic it’s just that Yeager was the 1st to make it back to tell the story;)

    Free Member

    Well done I like that a lot and having a self built frame has got to be the height of manliness:)

    I would be eternally scared of a random piece of the frame kebabing me at any moment if I built it though.

    Free Member

    Forget the distinction between native or not I would love to see the stats on voters wealth or what football team supported

    Free Member

    No need to worry gofaster, 29×3 (or 29+ or whatever) is not fat it’s a whole other niche.

    Free Member

    You should prob just buy a dirt cheap 2nd hand fatty, been going for £500-600.
    Try for a month or so then sell your other bike:)

    Free Member

    The smaller the niche the higher the price.
    You can get a set of floaters for £60 and even schwalbe are doing their new fats about the £70-90 range each. Still not cheap but fat not as pricey as a few years ago.

    Free Member

    Crainlarich to ft William on WHW easily done in two days.

    Free Member

    Stirling bike club are out sat mornings and thu night they always happy for people to come along.

    Free Member

    Sorry heard about the album didn’t realise it would be stuck on my phone without warning.
    I will never speak bad about U2 again they are clearly all powerful. I really love them.

    Free Member

    Spending time in here on the independence threads recently when the sun is out and my local trails are amazing has made me realise that getting arsey with people I’ll never meet is ridiculous.

    Inspiration of sorts I suppose.

    Free Member

    So apart from a survey in Jamaica and some bloke from Sudan nobody has asked to be taken back under Brit rule.
    Yet many people on here are giving themselves friction burns from the frenzied frottage at the thought of being able to tell Scotland to eff off when they come back broke and on their knees.

    Like some angry bloated old drunk left by his wife.

    Free Member

    when was the last time anyone asked to come back under British rule after gaining independence?

    Free Member

    Love my micra 160sr feels like I’m a blue bottle when I drive it.
    Nothing fancy but it has 1.6 engine with slightly stiffer springs that won’t shatter your back and is cheap to run. Think the sport+ is the same car just different badge. Should get a 2005 ish one for near your budget.

    Free Member

    Ah yes the Scottish mafia. They meet near here every Wednesday. Thursday it’s the gay mafia and Friday it’s the Jews.

    Free Member

    But I don’t treat her like crap, for several years it was her (politically) ruling me, her men made me go to war, I paid her folk more money than I paid my own, I let her teach her kid for nothing whilst I had to pay for mine,

    Very confused what you could mean by politically ruling you and sending you to war. What on earth does that even mean?
    And thanks for “letting” us choose to spend our money on further education. Your government decided not to even though it was one of the coalition parties policies. it’s not our fault.

    Free Member

    What’s worse, I don’t even have any say in the matter, nobody is even consulting me, it’s like the wife being asked if she wants to leave me, and me not even being allowed to say please don’t go.

    Bit more like the wife has been saying “we like each other but you treat me like crap” but having it laughed off every time it is brought up over 40+yr period. Wife then gives date in the future when she may leave and gets more laughing and told to go we don’t care. When it turns out the taxi is on it’s way the laughing suddenly stops.

    Free Member

    I live on the eildons, enough here for a couple hours riding with some lovely single track. Lots of riding in the Melrose area but is mostly not very exciting xc (nice countryside though) things get a lot more exciting further along the tweed valley.
    If you need a hand lemme know

    Free Member

    RaveyDavey – Member

    One thing that’s confusing me is the oil issue. Is it not the UK’s oil not just Scotlands? Will we have to roll into Scotland in tanks to get our share? It couldn’t happen here we’re far too civilised

    I’m guessing that if Scotland breaks free the oil is ours in the same way Birmingham is yours;) geography and all that.

    the way the armed forces are these days a bunch of bams in their fast and furious corsas will be able to hold you off at Gretna.

    Free Member

    The fatty is very cheap just now and that should also bring 2nd hand prices down.
    I wouldn’t get too hung up on frame material cos by the time you stick 4-5inch of 8psi rubber on I’m guessing the “brings trAils alive, steel is real” feeling is lost.
    I’m sure some asshat will be along shortly to say the opposite;)

    Free Member

    Let’s hope on one are clearing space for a carbon fatty:)

    Free Member

    I use an old etrex venture hc it only has basic topo mapping does the job if you plot the route beforehand. Also started using an OS app on the phone that I great for a sanity check but no one should be relying on a phone or gps for directions if you are not prepared for the consequences 🙂

    Also I would have to be a lot richer to be happy about sticking a phone or high end garmin on my bars;)

    Free Member

    For the cranks you can either get internal bb (square taper etc) then find some cranks to suit off ebay or go for external. Internal bb and cranks gonna be a lot cheaper than even the cheapest external bb setup.

    Free Member

    No idea of anything in Duns but some riding in Selkirk or the eildon hills nearby

    Free Member

    Got to be a fatty for the money. Brand new frame carbon forks and wheels and tyres is about 600. Should get a good build for about £800. Or check ebay etc should get a 2nd hand £500-600 original build.

    You will either like it or not but only one way to find out

    Free Member

    Smashing. My 10+yr old brashers started letting in water the other day.

    Free Member

    A set of these could knock over a kilo off the bike over a set floaters. Not a bad upgrade at all.

    Free Member

    We have been doing this for years with renditions and Guantanamo.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the helpful answers,

    I’m guessing the work was done by the previous owner, the thing that gets me is that it wasn’t on my home report when buying.

    This housesale has left me with a vicious hatred of estate agents and the like. I hope all their turds start going in reverse 👿

    Free Member

    mt – Member
    Whatever happened to Claymore. The crisps of the clans! Great byline.

    Last time I had some was at Shieldaig in the late 80’s.


    Highlander crisps are the same IMHO, bacon and brown sauce for the win.

    Free Member

    I still shudder at the “night of ticks”. I stealth camped at the war memorial in plockton and during the half hour of waking up in the morning found about 50 small ticks everywhere I looked on my body(gave up counting in the late 20s) Never sure how they got in the tent but I reckon they could push straight through the mesh. I was finding ticks days later (shudders)

    The ticks I have found on the dog recently are like bits of angry sweet corn I will probablyc have some kind of episode if I find one on myself.

    Free Member

    Am I strange to be worried that could be used as a weapon, as it moves into territories controlled by nutters maybe some people might decide that using infected people/materiel might help their cause.

    Free Member

    One on fatty. For 700 bucks you would get the frame, carbon forks, fat wheels and tyres and a set of 29er wheels brand new. Two bikes in one:)
    Shouldn’t be too hard to build it for a grand or much less leaving 100s of pounds for nice kit.

    Free Member

    tibbie shiels looks good but website says the bar is residents and campers only mon-thu. prob going midweek so not so good.

    Free Member

    That sounds smashing I can do it from my door. Worth staying at pub or go wild nearby?

    Free Member

    The schools paid for by Peter vardy are “creationist” I’m sure there will be more

    Free Member

    Exped ul 7 is very good for weight and pack size and amazingly comfortable but I would get some kind of inflator thing for it cos if you are inflating it by blowing into it it gets full of condensation (spit)

    Free Member

    Liking all the posters who stick their junk mail back in the post box, all that does is cause probs for the poor sods that handle it. A quick call to your local delivery office will get the nice manager to stop it for you. Everyone is happy.
    And you really think if RM didn’t do it nobody else will?

    Heard the 6 workers where present at the game is this confirmed.

    Free Member

    Sealskins socks rubbish
    Bought a set of bling hope qr’s to replace the cheapy on one set I had, don’t really do a better job and the springs have partially worked their way into the space between the axle and skewer. Not what I was expecting from a company that I normally like.

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