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  • Renthal Revo-F Flat Pedal Review
  • doh
    Free Member

    the environmental lobby don't like it

    with anything that is being proposed the NIMBY's and greens wont be happy. wind farms spoil the look of the countryside, tidal **** up estuaries and bays, hydro will kill the valleys, nuclear are you mental!
    we have built our mostly nice society on free energy we just have to dig up or put a pipeline into, that is running out and we will be screwed fairly soon unless we do something.
    from what i have read we are past the peak for fossil fuels and the price will continue to incease with decreasing availability, this is going to cause a lot of problems for our fat assed tesco dependent lives.

    even if the actual resource is not depleted they are mostly controlled by other countries, most of our gas comes from russia via a number of other countries can you see them going cold and dark before us?
    it wont be long before coal mining is a job option in britain again.

    on a side note scargill started an illegal strike that none repeat none of the miners where allowed to vote in. the tories actually offered them a never before heard of conditions and pay increase that scargill dismissed out of hand, no voting whatsoever by its members. he should have noted what thatcher done to the argies over a very small useless bunch of islands thousands of miles away.
    she was/is a mad b'stard but she was in a position to stamp on anyone that annoyed her and she did. (argies, miners, iranians etc)

    Free Member

    in short, numbers are important

    how so. i know 3 is the magic number and one is the loneliest does anyone else have any number related statements they would like to share 😉

    Free Member

    hugely expensive unproven technology to remove co2 from the waste gasses, or just plant lots of fast growing trees/crops e.g. willow and bury it in a hole. does the same thing at a fraction of cost and will work with no unforseen problems. removing sulphur etc is a diff problem.
    wind power etc is a dead end unless we find a way to store the power they make, a return to the kind of hydroelectric dams that where fashionable in the 60's would be good. use the power from the wind farms to pump water back into the reso that can then be used anytime it is needed to make electricity.
    we also need nuclear and soon or we will all be having a rather cold and dark old age.

    waffling on about co2 is a bad diversion, we are going to be out of cheap fuel before long and that will have a far greater impact on our pampered selves and our way of life than "global warming" ever will.

    Free Member

    no other GPS experience but i like my etrex venture hc. dont know why you need a card slot, the basic memory can hold most of the memory maps for scotland with no probs. i use the usb to load maps onto it not sure what everyone else is doing?
    no prob with batteries coming loose and reception is always perfect as long as you are outdoors, waterproof, takes knocks with no probs and has more functions than ill ever need. honestly cant fault it i always have it with me when im on the bike.

    Free Member

    dont think these links will work, try multimap for croy

    Free Member

    check out the area behind croy for a nice network of trails and around the top of bar hill on the way to twechar.
    about 8-10k from one end to the other with a good mix of stuff.
    some small sections are a bit on the interesting side at the moment cos of the thick 4-5ft ferns grabbing the bike and hiding any view of the actual ground. feel free to take a strimmer etc with you
    <div id="MMEmbeddedMap" style="padding:8px"><iframe width

    Free Member

    not sure about the model you have but the window unit usually has the plastic plate you need screwed into the back of it. (xt's do anyway)

    Free Member

    when i was at high school one of the highlights of the day was asking for an iced cream ring from the bakers at lunchtime.

    Free Member

    the andromeda strain

    Free Member

    i like my pair they are good on the bike not tried them on flat pedals though?? comfy and grippy for walking in.
    not hot at all cos they have lots of mesh panels, this obviously lets water in though so you might need sealskinz or boot covers if its wet out.(same as most other shoes tbh)

    Free Member

    might be worth checking out other nhs jobs at the moment as a few are offering free grants for people studying them. i heard audiologists (sp?) are getting about 4grand a year to study

    Free Member

    deny or protex blue.

    for everything punk the best radio show ever.

    Free Member

    one of my mates has lived there for about 6yrs, fantastic boarding in winter and biking in summer. git.

    it is good if you get the weather, the same as any resort.
    quite different to banff, its a proper small town that has not been taken over by the ski hill yet. it seems like most of the people in town for the snow stay for the season and are not on package tours.
    it never got that busy when i was there and you could always find areas with few people about.
    make sure you take enough spare cash to do the catski tour it costs the wrong side of £100 but worth it.

    Free Member

    no its in the usually great country of scotland, a lot of the buses that drop off the idiots are from various parts of N ireland though.

    Free Member

    CO2 production is irrelevant. the UK is already at the mercy of other countries for our power, especially gas that comes from russia via a number of countries before it reaches us. windfarms are not going to help much if at all. if it comes down to it and we dont have any gas and it is a nice clear still frosty night would you happily freeze or chuck a bit of coal on the fire.
    i personally think they are just a “fashion” item much the same as SS or fixies and will be gone in a few short years. 😉

    a lot of this is politically driven, apart from the “eyesore” factor not many people oppose windfarms. a lot of people oppose “dirty and dangerous” nuclear and the other tried and tested methods. no government is going to damage its short term popularity for long term gain.

    new fossil fuel power stations have been approved but they have to use unproved and very expensive sequestration techniques. a recent article by James Lovelock made a very good point, you could grow lots of quick growing crops on unused land eg willow and simply bury it. cheap and simple and you could easily remove CO2 from the atmos if you think that is a problem.
    we simply dont have the luxury of being fashionable and right on we have to sort out our power needs right now.

    Free Member

    its a lot to wade through sorry if i missed any points.
    im a schemie from an old labour/CPGB background, i grew up in its an all “maggies fault” environment.

    doin recent research for my own interest found out that scargill called an illegal strike, the miners where not given the chance to vote for/against the strike in any way at all. pretty easy to check this for yourself.
    the conservative government had actually approved a pay and conditions improvment that had never been seen before or since in any industry or union. although the new deal would have resulted in lost jobs in the name of “cost cutting”. maggie responded with a total “F you then” when the strike was called resulting in great hardship for many more thousands of families than if the deal had went through.

    her and the rest of the country would not feel much effect from the scargill led crises but the miners would. the power stations had enough stockpiles/alternatives/scabs to get around the strike.

    now poll tax thats a different matter 🙄

    ps without her we might never have had mr whippy ice cream.

    she was not the antichrist but she wasnt that nice when she went about her business either, im pretty sure most of the country cheered when we sunk the belgrano(sp) or shot up the people in the iranian embassy.

    Free Member

    she seems like a total psycho hose beast to me. and not in the good way.

    her roomie has just been murdered, she has been lifted and decides doing cartwheels and gymnastics in the police station is the best course of action to “try and lighten the situation” in her own words. blames an innocent person that actually has proof they where not there. when questioned in court she makes an effort to keep her eyes tightly shut when giving an answer.

    probably one of those crimes where the truth will never come out, unfortunately or not for the poor murdered girls family.

    Free Member

    no carbs, loads of caffeine type stuff, b vits, amino acids and some enzymes. oh and they also appear to be chock full of bullsh!t.

    i have no idea where the energy they give you comes from. i wouldnt like to try and last for 6hrs on it.
    can anyone provide an answer for me. the more spurious/misinformed the better.

    just read the ingredients a bit better, 2000% and 8333% per cent of your daily recommended for 2 b vits. wtf

    Free Member

    couldnt be bothered to read the many comments,
    the big fat throbber of a cop couldnt have been that threatened or bothered by her attitude as he radios in to check with HQ, only after he gets the ok does he zap her. (must admit i laughed a lot)

    tazers always seem like a waste of batteries, no one messes with sh*t on a stick.

    Free Member

    depends on budget, tesco selling their 3W LED AA torch for about £7 these days. well happy with mine, i use velcro straps to hold it on the lid. total cost about £8.50 with rechargable batteries, about 2hrs burn time a set.

    (and you wont be Peed off when something half the price double the power replaces it next year)

    Free Member

    zarquon – Member
    ((best thing to do is to catch it NOW. Best to be in the first wave, get better medical care before the masses swam p the system and deplete resources, the virus has not had a chance to mutate into something more lethal (wait for the next flush in the winter) so that you have resistance when the next wave comes.

    I’m off to Scotland to shake lots of people’s hands and to breathe deeply))

    my thoughts as well, unfortunately my workmate didnt pass anything on to me (very close contact, from dunoon, has many confirmed cases among their close friends and contacts, went off sick last week and quite unwell with complications but not yet “confirmed”)
    im not taking the P i would rather get it now rather than later after it mutates or NHS crashes with demand.
    being realistic and do not wish to scare monger but public health seem to be swamped already and that is with cases in the hundreds.

    this could still fizzle out or kick off big time, at least it is not too dangerous(yet). my advice is to stock yourself at least a weeks worth of stuff that will help if you and family get ill. easy to make/eat food, lots of fluids(isotonic), basic meds etc. you dont want to be in tesco if you feel like poo and getting to the docs is a Fing mare at the best of times.

    Free Member

    jeezo it was a pain in the ass writing all those letters, also had to sell the house to pay for the stamps. what i do with your vital bodily fluids is my concern 😆

    on a more serious note it is a good thing to do for society in general, studies like this can produce lots of useful data. not likely to be of much personal benefit though, unlikely to get your own consultant to ponder over your lab results and tell you to cut down on the beer and chips.
    if you have the spare time and dont mind giving some samples you might be lucky and get a cup of tea and a biscuit out of it.

    Free Member

    i usually go with the arguement that user error is the cause of “computer says no” but in the case of the tesco self serve what are you supposed to do when the bag you are packing is full. when you move it computer has a fit and refuses to do anything else gaaarrrgggghhh. 9 times out of ten that i use them something causes a pain in the hole.

    the tesco self service petrol pumps are great though i have not been inside a petrol station shop in years it really puzzles me to see people go inside, wait in big Q then pay by card anyway without buying anything else. i’ll pass any compliments about these on as my bro wrote the original software 🙂

    Free Member

    quote zaskar again “I was just concerned that it is these type of people getting through to the interviews-very devious or dumb interviewers”

    plenty of new rules for these civil service/government jobs when it comes to interviews, the applications these days are anonamised(sp?) no names/ages/sex/religeon/disability/illness etc are allowed through to the people choosing for interviews. sounds fair enough, cuts down discrimination etc. but the downside is even if you make it through to interview a drooling goggle eyed loon HAS to be selected above you if they have slighty better qualifications than you. personal experience/personality have little to do with it now.
    even if the board deem you better suited to the job they would really have to fight to get you appointed due to possible discrimination actions. eg a young person fresh out of uni with a great degree would get the job over another person who has experience with controlling riots (ex police say)a better “rounded” person but with a slighty lesser degree though still well qualified.

    who would you rather have teach the nutters class in an inner city high school?
    (ex GF had this happen when she sat on an interview board, due to policies/politics they couldnt give the job to the person they wanted with bad results for the unlucky young girl they gave the job to)

    i can see both points, if you are 64 and want a job you should be able to apply fairly and equaly. if you are an employer would you want to employ someone that is going to leave in a years time?

    i myself have taken part in selecting and sitting on an interview board, it was for a smallish company, ill just say the criteria where a little more realistic (i left when i realised i wouldnt have given myself a job there 😯

    Free Member

    quote zaskar “All I care about is the kids and their educations”

    you have no future in education and will be quickly hounded out 😉

    Free Member

    5 females to 1 guy sounds great until you are in the middle of a full blown barny over something very trivial and they all think you are on their side.

    i have been working 2 jobs for a while,
    the job that is mostly male (warehouse, rough old men) problems/conflicts are sorted out with lots of verbal abuse and or ridicule at high volume. things are quickly back to normal even if the persons concerned dont like each other.

    in the mostly female job (healthcare, youngish qualified professionals) small problems seem to boil below the surface and turn into really bad feelings between large factions of the staff that seem to run for years.

    no real point to make just my observations.

    Free Member

    as i understand it the law says if your engine is running it is an offence to use a mobile even if you are not moving, texting included.
    emailing patient records would be a major headache for patient confidentiality and data protection.

    i would have told the warden to p off (in a polite manner)

    Free Member

    in reply to the original post i would say probably, i would try my hardest though in stopping them from starting on tobacco as that really is a very expensive and damaging life long habit for most people.
    should clear up misconceptions about modern weed being 25x stronger,
    this one is about psychosis.

    Dr Ben Goldacre for those of you that have not heard of him is a very sensible sounding chap that likes to dispel all sorts of nonsense usually spouted by the media. He has many many entries on a very wide variety of subjects.

    Free Member

    Quite a few miles of trails around Palacerigg country park all the main tracks are on the easy/very easy side and a wee bit more interesting than just bashing along the canal. You could also try the Glen mile in cumbernauld glen, purpose built to get people into mtn bikes it is pretty small but should let your GF step up her skills without too much drama.

    Also some newbie friendly biking at Callender park Falkirk.
    As you are from Muirhead i presume your girlfriend is actually your sister/mum/auntie 😆

    Free Member

    An old chefs trick is to apply a generous amount of cornflour it stops the chafing.

    Free Member

    will he be dropping the “one cup is not enough 2 is too many” now that he advertises the stuff.

    500 hundred bus stops with me and my mate ken was a classic.

    Free Member

    Educating the masses? Works well with smoking/drugs/bad diet etc etc doesn’t it. 😕

    Free Member

    Stirling bike club done the route over the dam a month ago. 4 1/2hrs with plenty of stops and lunch in the icefactory about 20k total.

    Free Member

    £20 quid to get one done when i applied for the fire service.

    Free Member

    Electric cars will never work in this society. When the 1st person trips over a charging cable in the street and makes a claim they will be health and safetied out of existance 🙄

    Free Member

    I have skipped quite a few posts but the “carbon question” is moot. Even if we managed to become carbon neutral if such a thing exists someone else (china, india etc) will happily burn the remaining coal/oil/gas.

    There are simply too many comfy people living cushy lifestyles and the rest of the world quite rightly wants to join in. We should be pushing contraception instead of toyota f’ing priuses and other such ridiculous energy “saving” devices.
    With my limited knowledge James Lovelock seems to be the only person speaking any kind of non political b**locks at the moment.

    Free Member

    Used to do this from Cumbernauld once in a blue moon to put in some easy miles on a nice day, nice places for beer in L’gow and E’burgh obviously. It’s a nice few hours but the train costs about £10 to get home.

    There is nothing too bad about the path unless it has rained in the past few days, you could end up quite mucky. Do-able on a racer but then you dont have the option of playing in the huge bing outside e’burgh. Worth 30mins of anyones time.
    The really long tunnel is good fun, don’t spoil it by taking any kind of lights :D. The aquaducts(sp?)can raise the heartbeat slightly as there are no barriers to stop you getting a dookin.
    Actually quite tempted now, any ideas of when you passing Cumbernauld?

    Free Member

    You don’t say where you are coming from but on the other side of the Campsies it’s worth checking the area around the old quarry at Croy for a good few nice but shortish sections, the harder you look the more you should find. Also down the back of Bar hill into Twechar there is a quite nice descent, couple of diff routes up/down Bar hill each side of the hill so worth exploring also for the easy up fast down options.

    Enough for a couple hours biking, mix of singletrack/grass/landrover track.
    The Boathouse bar G67 9SG would be a good starting(and end)point.

    Check in OS.

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