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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • doh
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    stuartlangwilson – Member
    Scottoilers are alright as long as it isn’t really wet out, the lube washes off very easily.

    thats the whole point of it tbh a quick rinse with water and the chain and everything that touches it is sparkly clean and if it is that wet the water acts as the lube.
    been using one for years and really like it i used to get about 500miles out of a chain but with the SO i get about 800 (GPS geek so i know my milages)
    the only downside is you need to start with a degreased chain for it to be much use.

    i don’t use oil/grease on cables rubbing a candle on them once is much better at keeping them clean and clear imho.

    Free Member

    any suggestions for places to stay (campsite) and things to do (on the bike) for a few days after WRT. as i will have just spent the previous three days lost in the trees are the local trail centres worth a visit.

    Free Member

    my local TK Maxx has bivvy bags for much cheapness might be worth a look if you have one local.

    Free Member

    has anyone had any revelate stuff delivered recently, i had heard before ordering they can be a mare but my order placed early feb has still not turned up and not looking too good for the end of the month. too late to order anything else before WRT as well now 🙁

    no route planned i think i’ll just make it up as i go along tbh.

    Free Member

    cranberry – Member
    Cynical – a gentleman would use a rag soaked in chloroform.

    a common rapist would use a rag.
    a gentleman would use a fine silk hankerchief.

    Free Member

    The Doog – Member
    NanoCannons business suddenly quintuples in about five minutes……

    and so does the eye hospitals.

    how does the steel ball bearing set fire to the gas balloon?

    still want one though.

    Free Member

    I have just built a bike with 2.35 Big Apples.

    The other day I was freewheeling down a hill and caught up with other cyclists also freewheeling down despite there being originally a big gap.

    could that mean you and bike are carrying a bit more weight and gravity is giving you a helping hand

    Free Member

    ononeorange – Member
    I'm afraid that I have to disagree on that point, although I accept that there's a fair bit of subjectivity to this, so don't really wish to start a disagreement that no-one will win. But in my defence I would say:

    – The use of organised indiscriminate state force in the Miner's Strike;
    – The Gibraltar shootings;
    – A whole load of wild stuff from Michael Howard along the lines of "lock you up and throw away the key" (Something like that anway);
    – Closure of the GLC and other elected councils when they disagreed with Tory views;
    – Various "dodgy" trial verdicts in the 1980's that were later overturned when it turned out that evidence had been somewhat abused.

    Anyhow, just wanted to defend my point, but as I say have no wish for an argument – I'm signing off now anyway

    Invasions of two countries that posed no threat at all to us,
    Use of information extracted by torture,
    Taking part in renditions,
    Jean Charles De Menezes,
    Dr Kelly,
    Various dodgy arrests of innocent people mainly muslims,
    The ability to hold you for 42days without charge if you a "terrorist",
    The ability to put you on trial and not tell you what for if you are a "terrorist", just off the top of my head.

    I'm sure Maggie could have Tony in a fist fight but he made the world a lot scarier than she ever did.

    Free Member

    AFAIK Glencoe DH is closed except for the SDA – the whole resort is pending someone buying it.

    sorry it's the mail.

    Free Member

    for instance sex is good for depression, but on SSRIs I couldn't come On the upside I could shag all night

    so if you are depressed and dont have a job perhaps you should "retrain" as a pornstar. sorry below the belt i know 😀

    to the OP you have made the first step in even posting up here, talking to strangers is sometimes more comfortable and easy than to people you know. thats how the samaritans work, they might not take the piss or suggest going to the healthfood shop to make yourself happy though 🙄

    Free Member

    just as an extra note before i go to bed; from a purely profesional point of view i would also like to see jusice to the people without blame F'd over by someone who didnt give a sh!t.

    gets fixed even if I have to get the student union to campaign for it. I think I was lucky as it could be a worse for someone else.

    jeez, for a pothole what would you do if you found something serious!
    i take it you strived long and hard going through a professional rep/lawyer whatever to stop the cutting of corners in your job as a haematologist.

    so as before did you tell your employers to F off and did your job properly or did you accept or even turn a blind eye to others doing it. either way what did you do to stop it. after all the NHS is well shoddy did you do anything to improve this view that people have?

    i dont know your story but if you did nothing there might be some kind of symmetry between being asked to cut corners in your haem dept and leaving the job then the driver on the mobile ****tting you and driving off without leaving a name?

    please tell all, do you think i might get a juicy finders fee from the claims lawyers against your old trust. if i do i will share 50/50 with you as a matter of courtesy, ill prob split you a bit more if you end up on the wrong end of a court case due to negligence etc.

    sorry about your knee by the way hope you back on the bike soon.

    Free Member

    I believe for antidepressants they are only marginally more effective than a placebo in most cases

    thats what the recent studies say, all sorts of probs with the proper drugs but if they marginally work better than placebos thats still better than nothing, at least it has been tested and proved to some degree. the homeo/herbal route has never tested better than placebo if you take out the variables. ask your GP they are usually nice helpfull people.

    if you want something that works marginally less, costs more than a prescription and could be more harmfull than the tested drug you could try the herbal stuff etc from the healthfood shop and put your faith into the beardy chap/women behind the counter. depends on your belief systems really.

    unfortunately in some studies exercise has tested better than any of the drugs but if you ask your GP for a gym pass/bike to the same value of the drugs they might proscribe you will be told to "get tay f…" (in scotland anyway)

    Free Member

    I worked for them as a Heamatologist and I was told to cut corners for a lot of patients.

    liable and if I have a legal case then I may well indeed claim if I'm within my legal rights.

    so did you cut corners as a haematologist or witness it taking place and did nothing to stop it, if so there might be a few patients/family wanting to speak to your claims lawyer.

    Free Member

    amazing, the anti swear software turned the 3 letter word for a small bird into a 4 asterisk shocker. i could be saying almost anything about those c**ts in healthfood shops 😉

    Free Member

    I wish people would get their head around the difference between "Homeopathy" and "Herbalism"/"Herbal Remedies".

    i wish people would get their heads around the difference between these and proper medication prescribed by professionals and not some tit in a healthfood shop.
    proper drugs dont work for everyone but they can usually at least provide a crutch to help you along until you heal enough to make your own way again, your gp should be able to help you with things other than pills if they are doing a half decent job.

    to the OP, talk to your folks/friends if you find this hard to do at least make an app to see your gp. might be hard to see a way out of it at the moment but when you start asking for help you should get it.
    good luck to you.

    feel free to try the beardy sandal tea, you might feel better in a few weeks but it wont be anything to do with your nasty tasting cuppa. by then xmas/whatever has gone and you would feel better anyway.

    exercise does help and in the words of the famous philosopher "Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set And Go Out And Do Something Less Boring Instead?"

    Free Member

    How do you bed them in then?

    i think it involves some kind of snake oil.

    Free Member

    you must have had rather different educations from myself, as i could be bothered to listen RE taught me all about the virgin child, the flying monkey man, the folk that dont like bacon and working on saturday and even the great prophet jesus etc. for me RE was a very good lesson that they are all full of crap and i was right and happy to believe in none of them.

    dropping or only teaching after 18 would be even worse than no drink/drug/sex ed etc before 18. give (young)people the chance to make up their own mind. even worse than the section 28 arguement FFS.

    subjects like home economics, craft and design should be compulsory for most of your education, very few of my younger relatives have a clue about making a dinner of any sort or basic mechanics like using a screwdriver.

    complicated maths like how do **** bank charges or mortgages work and the hyper complex rules of forums etc should also be taught to stop the individual being poor and laughed at.

    Free Member

    why would a petition need to be peer reviewed?

    if there is a problem with CO2 the world is doing very badly at coming up with solutions, carbon sequestration and buying a prius are two of my faves. we like expensive and wastefull technology that has no benefit. businesses are making money from gullible people on the green ticket.

    we could do with using less energy and finding an alternative to fossil fuels because we will be sitting in the dark and cold long before even the worst climate change hypothesis makes any tangible difference to the parts of the world that have power and money. renewables as we know them are not the way forward.

    Free Member

    they must be reading this and have realised they can charge more and people will still be happy with them.

    crafty little fellows, just as well i already have a set 😉

    Free Member

    there always will be people banging on about the quality/ light colour/ service/ there is too much light i prefer to spend a lot and ride in the dark etc but i think the big names are falling behind.

    my dx on low has "about" the same output and spread as my medium beam ayups, on full i may as well turn off the ayups for the difference it makes. not the same quality especially the battery but for 1/3rd the price of the previous cheapest/best i would be gutted to have bought anything else this year.

    time will tell what is the better option but i will need to get 3yrs out of the ayups and 1 out of the dx for the cost to be the same.

    Free Member

    horrible story the sentence must be an extra horror for the family.

    some bloke just got 18mnths for doing 160odd on his motorbike and a hefty ban. that doesnt sit very well against this story.

    Free Member

    SS pads through ebay for my trailstokers where nice and cheap, 4 pairs for about the price of 1 original set. they just didnt work very well, do you want your probably expensive nice brakes not to work as well as they should. fine if your trails are flat and you dont like going fast i suppose??

    (yes i did heat them up with lots of breaking and "sizzling" them as per instructions, what a load of toss!)

    Free Member

    vaccination of healthcare workers is to stop these workers taking time off especially during times of epidemics not to stop said workers passing anything on.
    vaccination made me ill? i'll check again but thought that was a myth, my BcG gave me TB but just for a day or two etc; an excuse used by soft kids to get a day on the couch watching richard and judy,(or out on the bike :wink:)
    could anyone save me the trouble and post the evidence that vaccinations make people ill, or vise versa.

    Free Member

    tricky one, say no and you can claim a week or two off riding on the sick on the swine flu tab. im selfish and will always follow this route for a few sunny winter days riding of my choice.

    not been tested "enough" yet but swine flu should only be kicking about for the next year or so. bit of a gamble as to what is the risk of you catching it and passing it on and the risk of there being something nasty in the vaccine. the overall health benefits to society will prob be on the side of getting the vaccine being fine.

    my moms oncology specialist at the hosp has told her he wont be having it and will not question staff or family members of high risk folk that follow the same route. his reason is just it hasnt been tested thoroughly???

    Free Member

    the extension that came with my ayups has the same connectors im using that, maplins or somewhere must do something that will fit.
    the helmet mount is gash prob better off finding some kind of bodge if it costs a lot of money for one.

    think the Y cable is so you can have two batt packs for one light.

    Free Member

    ok i suppose as long as her name is not flossie and she is not a sheep.

    Free Member

    you all crazy, Jah Wobble

    Free Member

    get your tax back, go to uni in scotland on an NHS course. seriously im getting more money now from the uni than my 1st proper job 12yrs ago and im working PT with tax credits. (no house, crap car but my bike is mint haha)

    Free Member

    similar to daffy here, left my nice cul-de-sac job in IT to do something i should have done years ago. depends on your interests but there are NHS accredited(sp?) courses out there that are crying out for students, you will prob have to find the right uni for these and possibly move though. the upside for me training to be a biomedical scientist is 2K a year bursary on top of other loans etc, other courses give you even more cash.

    it was a huge step at the time giving up a cushy life but im already well into my 4th yr the time passes quickly when you have new things to do/learn.
    you could always get a job in mac D's and you might get all 5 stars in about the same time 😉

    Free Member

    love the panelstrip GrahamS.
    spectrum 48k type games such a meteorite and lander. still quite partial to a game of lander.

    im more amazed that the kids love stuff i thought was crap when i was young. im a "mature" student and the uni is full of kids in painfull skinny jeans wearing def leopard t's and converse high tops. i know fashion is diff from tech but still.

    Free Member

    got mine from tesco, under a quid.

    Free Member

    cameltoe complex

    Free Member

    the setup is a wee bit heavy for helmet mount unless you have a very snug helmet it will flop about a bit. managed to get an extension cable and will be putting the battery pack in my backpack for the next ride.

    Free Member

    thought planes where making it cooler? pollution high in the atmos deflects the sun making it cooler.

    Free Member

    awesome, nation in uproar and thousands of people sending official complaints about something they didnt atually see or hear about until someone said "oo this is terrible, what do you mean you didnt see/hear it here have a look at how terrible it is".

    doesnt anyone remember something involving two Aholes and someones granddaughter a while back. the general opinion was very different then, seems like STW are a fickle bunch.

    Free Member

    as a side point does anyone still believe that red meat sits in your stomach and rots, dead people have lbs of undigested red meat in their guts etc.

    this view was quite popular when i was a kid where did it come from and where did it go?

    Free Member

    lettuce is horrible, uses up huge amounts of water and resources to grow and is practicaly free of nutrition as is most salad stuff.

    i think we should start eating dogs and cats cos they seem to be the only animals in the world that we take care of and might be safe. seafish is full of mercury, chicken full of antibiotics and other crap, beef is full of cutdown south american rainforrest.

    Free Member

    not sure. over the past year or so been coverting my old stuff to mp3, reckon i must have the majority of the stuff they released (no idea why) even found a cd of cocteau covers by bands i never heard of/cant remember. im finding it hard to get back into them, is it cos i dont smoke as much weed anymore.
    pearly pearly dewdrops is still jawdropping though.

    Free Member

    fantastic in every way.

    Free Member

    there was an horizon/equinox or similar programme a few years ago about rogue waves. i dont like the sea even more now.

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