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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • dogbert
    Free Member

    Just caught 10 minutes of this on e4, christ o got more of a laugh out of eastenders

    trying far too hard. i enjoyed Mighty Boosh because it was seemed to have a story to the comedy, and it seemed to flow really well (Tony Harrison still makes me giggle) but it just doesn’t work as a weird sketch show…..student humour at its worst

    Edit: scarily enough its already been picked up for a second series…….for some reason

    Free Member

    Last Night – 1998 but what the hey, reminds me of someone which is always good

    Donnie Darko – Obviousley

    Adventureland – have to be in the mood though

    The trouble with non-blockbuster films is that studios have got wise to the fact that Indie style films seem to sell well

    Free Member

    I just saw this thread, read the first page and the link… I’m as “live and let live” as the next man, but that family is way better of than me and I work like a dog. I was on job seekers allowance at 18 for a year while I tried to get a job and have never been on it since, not even when I lost my job about 2 years ago and was truly desperate.

    I’m sorry but where is the incentive to retrain, this bloke even gets his fags, telly (higher package than mine if it’s costing 60 notes a month) and booze paid for.

    Not wanting to get into an argument here, but apart from the self respect, who are the mugs?

    Free Member

    from GrahamS’s link someone left this comment:

    oh my gosh, what a beautiful photo!! You are amazing and that picture of you with your daughter on your back is way incredible. You go, Mama!! :D

    So not everyone hates her…….also posted back in October of last year so obviously one of the Daily Mail “we hate everything because we just need something to moan about” brigade found it by accident then dobbed her in to stir up some vitriol that was missing in their lives

    Live and let live I say (sometimes)

    Edit: Also, she’s a single mum trying to do the best by her daughter, however misguided people might think she’s being, she’s not stuffing the kid full of McDonalds and second hand smoke (as far as we know)

    Free Member

    I just thought it looked smart because of the shape and the backwards engines

    Free Member

    Dogbert….hadnt seen that, its terrible!

    I always judge how good a singer is as to whether they can do it live….in her case it would seem she needs a good producer and the magic of the recording studio!….shame as i like Video Games.

    It’s like she took the song and thought “how can I make this sound like i’m not trying to emulate the album completely, i’ll mix it up a bit, that’ll make me sound less polished and more like a serious singer”

    Unfortunately it sound like a drunk 16 year old getting all weepy and singing because their boyfriend of 3 days dumped them

    Free Member

    I’m sure it wasn’t her best decision not to stick a helmet on the kid but it’s the mothers choice to do what she likes, plenty of mothers out there abuse their kids and we never hear about it. This is just sensationalism based on a picture ripped from someones blog, then they’ve spoken to her about it……horse = bolted

    and I see plenty of kids tearing about here on bikes with no helmet…..what’s the difference?

    I’m sure I smell burning, i think Mumsnet just caught fire

    Free Member

    thank you for the kind words. It’s nice to hear people not blaming me for every move I’ve made for once. Could I have done it better? I’m sure I could have……will it get better?? hope so. I refuse to file for bankrupcy or take a trust deed (which you can do here north of the border) because of the effect it has on your credit rating, ie completely knackers it for a good long while. I keep my crediters off my back each month and i’m not in the red with anyone at the moment so that’s something to be thankful for.

    Then I see my brother in law just getting a circa. £300k mortgage and his wife *needing* a Q7 ‘in case the kids want me to drive their friends anywhere’. Yeah right. It just scares me – if their circumstances change (or if interest rates go up to early 1990s levels) they would be royally screwed.

    Don’t get me wrong, it would nice to be in that situation, but one thing i’m taking away from all this is that while it’s going good, its fine, but the rug can be pulled out very VERY quickly, and none of these companies throwing money at you turn on their heels as soon as the rug is put away in the cupboard.

    Free Member

    Tough breaks dogbert – hang in there, and don’t forget, it’s not much, but you still get to vote and you’re still allowed to be politically active without spending any money.

    thanks, i’m sure it will get better……it just has to. I would have protested with the other 99% if they hadn’t been stupid hipsters

    Free Member

    This has ruined Video Games for me, the You Tube comments are great:

    its like she’s going through puberty…on stage…

    She sounds? like a Japanese person trying to sing in English with a German accent!

    i’ll probaly still get the album as I like the recorded

    Free Member

    £860 mortgage is massive if you don’t have much left after keeping a house above your head.

    We bought out house a few years ago, then the backside fell out the market and due to a fixed rate mortgage we didn’t get the benefit of mortgages going down that others did. Couple that with losing a job, my wife being made redundant, working part time in any job I could find for little over a year and having to live off credit cards and parents handouts when they could. Now I’m left with so much debt I have no idea how I’m going to pay it off without a lottery win, scouring the web for a second job that will fit in with my current job and spending almost every hour of the day having this hanging over my head…….believe you me, £860 is a lot to some.

    (yes, I’m sure a lot was to do with my stupidity and bad money management, but when it’s a choice of selling your car that you’re still paying for or not eating, decisions are made for you pretty damn quickly)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    and here we go again, another multi page thread that descends into hair pulling and name calling……i’m off to mumsnet

    Free Member

    Jolly good show tonight, 3 cars i’d be lucky to get in matchbox form but i don’t give a monkeys.

    If you don’t like it, fine….i’ve got the rest of the week to read books and discuss fine wine, tonight i want to stare at gearboxes and brake calipers, sue me. Who knows, i may even look at some boobs later and play Call of Duty, it’s something to do with freedom of choice. If you don’t like it don’t watch it, nobody is forcing you, just stop moaning that other people do.

    Free Member

    I worked in a record shop for a year, but as it wasn’t as independent as I would have like we were given a playlist, albums we had to play. But at certain points of the day it was staff choice, the less than intelligent assistant manager played this every sodding day:

    It had that bloody “Amazing” track that people play at weddings, in fact any of those songs that bang on about just how amazing and unbelievable their women are make my bum go funny, like that Bruno Mars one, funnily enough I think that’s called Amazing too.

    and don’t even get me started on people who use these as their first dance at weddings and mouth the words to each other *reaches for shotgun*

    Free Member

    coffee – check
    Hob-nobs – check
    Bet raised with Ladbrokes on how long it takes for the mudslinging to start and the thread closed – check

    Free Member

    Its a VW, everything seems to be encased in plastic bits all over the shop……which is fine when it’s new, when the car gets old and fasteners start coming away there are rattles all over the shop

    Free Member

    I’m a convert to 6 music, since I worked out how to run it through my ipod/stereo/internet connection……saved me some money on a DAB radio

    Ooh, Regina Specktors on…….happy!

    Free Member

    doesn’t matter, it didn’t last long at all

    to make up for it:

    Free Member

    Done – Hope it helps

    Free Member

    Cliff hadn’t popularised them by that point pieface

    Wired for Sound was 1981, catalogue 1985……clearly Cliff was light years ahead of his time

    Free Member

    The whole internet thing is a complete red herring.

    Yeah, you’re probably right

    Free Member

    And Gutter Twins, Soulsavers too

    Hardest working man in music

    Free Member

    always makes me laugh that people still talk in hush tones about Gary Glitter, almost making out that he stalks the earth like a 40 foot robotic overlord of kiddy fiddling. But then if it helps parents sleep better at night knowing they’ve protected their kids a little better by buying into fear mongering while their 12 year old is setting up a date with a convicted sex offender on Facebook through their totally unmonitored web access then good luck to them.

    And yep as pointed out above, the same people who act outraged over Mr Glitter will quite happily watch a Polanski film, listen to The Who & R Kelly.

    Couldn’t have put it better myself

    Free Member

    Her shop apparently, looks awesome

    Free Member

    Id live to go on that and just say “ill have that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one, that one etc……and no i dont want to speak to the chuffing banker” then sit there in akward silence for the next 29 minutes.

    And if i see one more person sitting with their hands against their mouth in a tense praying pose (you know what i mean) i may lose it and start spraying bullets

    **** overblown guessing game

    Free Member

    in fact your foot should be slipping out at every chance

    is that not defeating the purpose?

    Free Member

    They’re adjusted as loose as they’ll go without being totally useless, for some reason my feet hurt on the outer edges as well

    Free Member

    ever watched boys from brazil?

    or indeed Marathon Man

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Financialy at the moment im pretty screwed, long boring story and had a bit of a breakdown on Saturday.
    Wife talked me down and made me feel a bit less of a twonk about it all.

    Spoke to my mate today, his mother who’s in her 50’s was diagnosed with cancer only 6 weeks ago, she’ll be lucky if she see’s next Monday.

    Suddenly my problems don’t seem that bad…….regardless the weather tomorrow, ill be out on the bike to beat the January blues

    Free Member

    i like the one playing the harp

    Free Member

    dogbert – well according to STW this forum should be treated as real life and you shouldn’t behave in away you wouldn’t in real life fromt eh rules

    In real life I go to work, occasionaly cycle, walk my dog, enjoy pizza and beer and watch TV shows about tattooing

    On here, I’m this **** guy

    Free Member

    Dogbert – it is real life. Or at least part of it.

    No it’s not, It really isn’t

    Free Member

    its funny that people act like this shit is real life

    Free Member

    No TandemJeremy, I don’t think you’re wound up, i just believe you are incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view other than your own regardless how much experience that person might have in said matter.

    I’ve already spent way too much time on this so I will bid you good day

    Free Member

    Read this:

    TandemJeremy – Member
    chillout FFS – you seem to get so wound up about stuff. IIRC this is at least the third post about your private road. there was somone parking on it and claiming bits with white stones. you couldn’t get it agreed to repair it. FFS one person hasn’t paid up straight away? Get a grip. Save your angst for important things

    Then re-read this thread

    Free Member

    Dogbert – the only USE for guns is killing things – target shooting is a pastime it does not have any utility – and I think that law was absolutely right and proper.

    Cycling’s only USE is transport, cycling for anything else is a pastime and does not have a utility

    This isn’t intended to be antagonistic, but purely from my stance of personal ignorance, but what does air-pistol target shooting not have that firearm target shooting does?

    Not antagonistic at all – The type of shooting I took part in could not be replicated by using an air pistol at that time. I’m sure they could now but I’m not going back down the route of taking up a hobby that may have a high risk of being banned, primarily why I didn’t take up clay pigeon or go back to smallbore rifle target shooting.

    Free Member

    I tend to step back from these threads as it usually gets to page three and it just becomes a name calling exercise…….but this really irked me:

    Gun ownership is all about killing things

    TandemJeremy, i find it hard to believe that you make it through the day without being punched at least once for your pompous and not very well thought through assumptions.

    As someone who shot at a high level for more than ten years and progressed from smallbore to fullbore rifle then to pistol shooting, it grates when ill informed keyboard warriors like yourself spout your “sky news” style quotes.

    My hobby was taken away from me through no fault of my own, I enjoyed it and spent a lot of money on firearms, ammunition and travelling costs for my hobby. When it all kicked off after Dunblane I was herded into the same “nutter with a gun” bracket as Thomas Hamilton by a baying media and anyone with an opinion. And when the ban took effect, i got a paltry compensation payout from a government who made their changes based on knee-jerk reaction and lies perpetrated by the secretary of the club Thomas Hamilton was a part of because he too had been backed into a corner.

    Yes, people who have owned guns legitimately have also committed crimes, but then I think you will also find that the amount of gun crimes committed each year are not by legitimate owners but by criminals who have held them illegally. Now check these figures against what is reported by the news and I think you’ll find “farmer goes mental” gets more bums on seats than “black kid kills other black kid in inner city”……sad but true

    Gun ownership is not all about killing things, otherwise the Olympic’s would hold the 5000m Drive By and the 100m Honour Killing.

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