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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • dogbert
    Free Member

    Anybody seen Chlorine, the film about pool skating done by one of the Sprung guys (Milan I think?)


    Very enjoyable, If I won the lottery i’d have a pool in my back garden and an ambulance on permanent standby:

    Free Member

    Never too old, some people just get older quicker than others

    I personally still wear skate trainers and hanker for a skateboard and a BMX. I’m 36 but still 17 in my head. My car may be boring and my house be of the mortgaged persuasion, but i’m not dead yet

    Gonz is still skating

    Free Member

    I prefer vinyl. i like the covers, the liner notes, the fact that you tend to sit down and enjoy the whole album rather than shuffling through tracks or only listening to snippets before moving on to something else. Personally I have a Technics 1200 (bought during my hip hop phase)

    Maybe I just tend to romanticize it a bit and while I love my ipod, i really miss tapes most of all. Making a mixtape for your obsession of the month was a pleasure and a challenge at the same time.

    There are rules

    Free Member

    still possible, must be on US time

    Free Member

    Eh? Are you self medicating again?

    Damn straight

    Free Member

    And it’ll make eff all difference. The fat, bone idle population of this country will still carry on driving their 4×4’s. Some Lardy truckers may drive slowly down a motorway if when it hits £2.00

    Christ, did someone have an embarrassing fat mother, get called Fat Bob at school, some deep resentment towards fat people (4×4’s and lorries too)

    Free Member

    not one person yet has posted

    I feel let down

    Free Member

    I have a Suzuki Grand Vitara, very pleased with it. A bit more agricultural than most 4 wheel drives out on the road at the moment. Good old fashioned locking doffs rather than all the elextronic 2 wheel drive then 4 wheel drive when it feels like it needs it.

    We went for Diesel though, the running costs of a petrol were a bit silly. The torque in the diesel seems immense and it feels like you’re leaving a crease in the motorway.

    gratuitous piccy (not mine)

    Free Member

    waste of space the lot of them, I’m all for freedom of speech but they’re all just trying to stir up sngst that isn’t there

    Free Member

    Did i miss the fashion memo? when did seat packs become a faux pas?

    Free Member


    Good – Freedom of speech for all/when they’re truly interesting and updated regularly you can get completely immersed in them

    Bad – Most of them appear to be set up by people with an agenda/can’t get over the fact that they’re not 16 year old goths anymore and use it as an online diary or moanthon/people who think they’re photographers because they once bought a camera

    Free Member

    and so forth

    Narcissistic **** who use websites/forums/facebook/twitter like it’s some sort of personal soapbox

    People in their 30’s who say they have depression or anxiety when they’re just self absorbed **** who are after attention. People who genuinely suffer with mental health issues need all the help we can give them…….I’m talking about the ones who use it as an excuse to get a week off work

    People in general

    Free Member

    I broke 3 bones in my ankle.

    Me too, years ago in a rollerskating incident. My mother (the nurse) said “oh, you can wiggle your toes, nothing wrong with it other than a sprain”

    Next morning I couldn’t put any weight on it, she reluctantly to me to A&E, low and behold ankle broken in 3 places. The doctor called her a bad mother

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Mr Scruff’s back catalogue..

    Oh hell yes, Trouser Jazz is great…….nice tea too

    Free Member

    Free Member

    all good advice, especially the jelly but I don’t know how i’ll hold his head down for long enough to allow the jelly to set.

    Talked to the wife and I’m not going to say anything. If he approaches me I’ll be gracious but I’m not getting anymore involved. I have an extremely long memory for this kind of behaviour and he’s well and truly burnt his bridges with me, not the first time he’s fell out with someone at work then acted like a dick about it and spent his time and energy on some sort of vendetta against them…….which has just made him look like more of a dick.

    I get the whole “maybe there’s something going on at home” but thinking back this certainly isn’t the first time he’s “went off” and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Either way I’m taking no more to do with him. I’ll let it slide this time, but if this happens again i’m straight to HR and he can explain himself there.

    Free Member

    When i heard its not been the first time thats what i thought

    Free Member

    As a producer, he doesn’t seem to do much other than replicate other peoples sounds. After his, lets face it, album of covers, one of my mates said “all he’s done is add some horns to other folks songs” …..he wasn’t wrong either.

    I suppose you have to get influences from somewhere, but i do see the Hexstatic link

    Free Member

    Little boys? that’s nothing, my brother in law, the green spouting “i’ll save the planet” type who refuses to get a drivers license even after the emergency trip to the hospital last week with the one year old where they had to phone an ambulance even though it really wasn’t warranted twonk of a man has paid thousands to York train museum to learn how to drive a steam train!!!

    I think this is warranted:


    Free Member

    each to their own, I tried them for a month, hated them, went back to flats. it’s a confidence thing I’m sure but I just feel better on flats

    Free Member

    Probably best just side stepping the films altogether and just show them a slideshow of celebrity corpses explaining what killed them, or a before and after.

    Free Member

    Best place I’ve found online for Seikos, Orients and so on is Creation Watches. They deliver fairly briskly from Hong Kong and their watches are legit

    My wife wanted to buy me a watch for chrimbo as I wanted a Seiko divers style watch for a while and used Creation, great service and very good price compared to the rip of prices here.

    I got this one

    retails for between 250 and 300 here

    Free Member

    I can’t go either, proper gutted, although I would much prefer a reformed Sugar playing Copper Blue

    Copper Blue is in my top 5 albums ever – Beaster goes really well with it too

    Bob Moulds books a good read too

    Free Member

    While i can’t knock Amy Winehouse’s voice she was extremely derivative after the Frank album, it was nitable that she took a bunch of Ronettes singles to Mark Ronson and said “make me sound like this”

    There have been a million artists come and gone but very few true originals, and people can jump on as many bandwagons as they like once an artist is dead, but she never released anything for a long time after Back to Black and did a piss poor job of being a hellraiser while still being able to play live.

    I agree with a lit of posters on here, top female artists have been PJ Harvey, Liz Fraser, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Kim Gordon, Kristin Hersh, Tanya Donnelly and the much lesser known Monica Queen

    and don’t get me started on Adele, theres just something about her smug face and the whole “oh, my poor throat” while chain smoking Marlboro Lights that gets right on my pods (and Radio 2 is quite poor these days)

    Free Member

    what a beaut! Dogs are great, just wish I lived nearer some fields so I could let mine run free as nature intended

    Here’s mine in the snow last year

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Talk about my bum cakes my girls got em

    Free Member

    You she see some of the utter stupidity I see EVERY day outside my son’s primary school!
    Parking along give way lines halfway onto a mini roundabout is probably the worst.
    I’ve see one mum park her completely on the pavement to drop her spawn off.
    It’s not like there is perfectly legal parking on the streets round there, but that would involve 2 mins walking. FFS!

    I have a school at the end of my street and it’s a free for all dropping off/picking up time. When we leave our street we have right off way, going into or coming out of the school is a give way – do they give a cr@p? Noooooo!!! just come sailing out without looking, parked up on pavements, using our street as an unofficial car-park to the point where I came home one day to find an MPV parked in my drive!!!

    They only shifted it when I pulled the sledgehammer out of the garage and gave them a count of five

    Free Member

    watched half of it, didn’t like it, seemed like nothing was happening or likely to happen other that some guy getting/not getting shot at the beginning.

    Did Godzilla turn up in he second half and kick the shit out of a 300 foot effigy of Jay Leno riding a razor scooter while shape shifting fence posts rained menstrual blood from their tear ducts – If not the second half was as shit as the first (skulks off to watch Transformers)

    Free Member

    nice to see one of these programmes and actually touch on the German side of things rather than just focusing on the stiff upper lip etc…….looked great in HD too

    (and I think the McGregors did an ok job, It could have been Dale Winton or Michael Macintyre)

    Free Member

    Bomber Boys, that made me happy to continue paying my license fee

    Free Member

    standing a foot and a half from a magazine rack in sainsbury’s when a woman barges in front of me pushing me out of the way to get to her equally twatty husband, this happened a further 3 times by the same offenders during the same store visit.

    I may make a sexual groan for the next person that does that to me or start muttering “this one god? just tell me who I should choose”

    Free Member

    Eels for me

    and a film or two before the Superbowl, god bless Monday’s off

    Free Member

    Free Member

    go a bit higher and get a Barolo, especially nice with food

    Tesco…..and a few quid cheaper

    Pretty sure someone (probably my father in law) will come along and tell me that you can’t get a good one for less than 30 notes, but to be honest, unless you know your stuff or are the guy from Sideways, will you really care after one glass?


    try a nice ‘cotes du rhone’

    This is splendid and on offer

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find that this is the chat forum where anything goes the bike forum to get all geeky about which forks are best or whether these tyres will make you ride better, instead of actually riding is over here.
    Perhaps you’d like the mods to give you some sub-forums and a nice blue background too?

    Ooh, well that’s me told

    I think the point I was trying to make is that while this may be an “anything goes” forum, that does not mean that it has to become a tit for tat exchange or a continuous argument that lasts till the end of time – but then these arguments seem to go on forever because some posters on here obviously have nothing better to do with their lives than use this forum as a soapbox for their own views or hide behind a persona that they’ve made for themselves which they think gives them enough anonymity to say and do what they want while hovering over the report button every time someone has the audacity to challenge a “big hitter”

    It’s just so tiresome and boring to see these long winded arguments at the top of the chat forum every single day which only end when the name calling starts

    Free Member

    is this still a mountain bike forum or is it a doss house for people with too much time on their hands to argue the toss with every veiwpoint and opinion?

    I for one am sick of the big hitters (aka wannabe moderators) on here who turn every thread into a 10 page “my points better than your point” thread.

    So in short, i really couldn’t give a **** who elfin is, what he did or the fact he’s not here – ban all the big hitters for a while and I bet this place becomes a nicer place to visit

    there, i said it

    Free Member

    Not heard much of the newer stuff but i read band interviews and Prairie Wind and Chrome Dreams get namechecked a lot

    Free Member

    In addition to what Three Fish said, the other track from the Merkinball single (Neil on something, not necessarily guitar)

    I’ve enjoyed Neil Young for years, saw him live around 93/94 I think with Crazy Horse.

    Even though i’ve got most of his stuff I bought this one for a fiver to have something to take in the car, it does the job and a good introduction:

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