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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • dogbert
    Free Member

    all good ideas to be going on with, off on holiday in a few days so I feel a purchase to tide me over for the week away may be coming on.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    p.s. Starship command. I think my mondeo has better graphics TBH

    Christ that’s a blast from the past. Acorn Electron was my first computer and I think i got to play that game maybe 6 times in total because it would never load. Everyone else got a Spectrum and I got an Acorn…..I always seemed to end up with the machine no-one had

    But back to the topic……Road Rash on the Mega Drive, can’t tell you how many hours I lost to that game during my early college months, pretty much failed my course because of that.

    Free Member

    I have a similar problem at my work, the company thinks the sun shines from the proverbial but he only does half a job. I’m not perfect, but I am sick of picking up his work for him (I know, karma and all that)

    Thing is, bigger the ego, harder the fall. He was nominated for a company award and he didn’t get it, he could not hide his disappointment one bit and I take great solace in knowing it will irk him for a long time to come.

    These people aren’t worth the time, just remember, their home life is probably bollocks and they overcompensate at work

    Free Member

    oh for **** sake…..this takes retarded to a whole new level

    Free Member

    +1 for The Black Keys, can’t quite believe how much I like their stuff.

    Failing that, Muse (although that’s a little more sci-fi than gritty)

    I have also enjoyed the works of Dinosaur Jr and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden too, but then I really discovered music round the turn of the nineties hence my choices

    Also my tuppence for Frank Black

    Free Member

    you do know the internet is full of boobies and flange don’t you?

    The guy in that ad looks like a proper sex offender though, the next ad will be him using BT Infinity to search for a way to kill himself through auto erotic asphyxiation while his flatmates are outside explaining to the swat team that they “always wondered about his collection of little shoes”

    Free Member

    “like a manatee in yoga pants” that’ll keep me laughing all afternoon

    Free Member

    there’s a big place that’s going to be sitting unused in about a fortnight for the foreseeable future……now what’s it called again?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    106 Ralleye

    I used to have 106 1.6XS, best car I ever owned. Had the same engine as the Saxo VTR but looked standard from the outside. Light as hell and handled fantastically.

    Free Member

    Reason for me, Cubase used to be good but I fell out with it a few years ago.

    Free Member

    christ I thought I was bad wandering into B&Q to window shop

    **sarcasm obviously – watches this thread intently** :D

    Free Member

    Not all garages are shit, in fact the local chain garage I use time and time again has never tried to rip me off.

    On the other hand, my wifes car has been back to, and I will name and shame because they clearly don’t give a crap about their customers, EVANS HALSHAW, 3 times now. 3 times I have given them the reason to look at the car under warranty and 3 times they’ve came back saying there’s nothing wrong with the car. Thing is the last time they gave me back the report from their Ford garage and the problem they went looking for wasn’t the problem I reported. They say they take the car out and they can’t feel the problem I’m reporting although anyone who’s been in the car will point out the issue to me.

    Funnily enough if I went in waving my cheque book around I’m pretty sure the problem would have been expensively fixed two visits ago.

    again than name was EVANS HALSHAW……****

    Free Member

    perhaps mods should stick to being mods and all decisions are final. Seems to be a lot of people on here aspiring to be a moderator and a real “I was here first” mentality.

    Maybe you should go have a look at other successful forums and see the difference

    Free Member

    sad to think if we don’t pull our fingers out, there will be no one left on this planet that has stood on another world.

    Who can say they’ve had a better work photo taken?

    A true pioneer. Goodnight Sir

    Free Member

    that just makes me feel uneasy, can’t say why

    Free Member

    The Banned

    Free Member

    It’s a 12A isn’t it. Hardly the place for a 5yo

    Exactly what I thought. I noticed a couple of scenes that had been cut a little to lessen the violence but even I was wincing at a lot of it. I know it’s Batman, but it’s moved on a bit from the colourful comic book stuff. At least it appears Dredd will be an 18.

    Look up dyspraxia adhd and add

    Don’t have to, but then surely if the kid had either taking him to see Dark Knight Rises wouldn’t really have helped anyone including the parents…….or is that the Mumsnet Defense (i’m trademarking that)

    Free Member

    That’s right – attack someone who is actively trying to do what he can about conditions on our roads, rather than just moaning about it on a forum during their coffee break.

    Not attacking “him” for whatever he is trying to achieve, just pointing out that if you’re going to go to the extent of sitting editing a video to point out peoples flouncing of laws, at least have the decency to make it a balanced argument.

    After watching another of his video’s, while I agree that the driving shown is appalling, he somehow waters down his own argument by indicating wht cyclists don’t or are not expected to do/have as reasons not to drive too close. The overriding argument really is that the UK never invested in a cycle centric infrastructure making it safer for cyclists by getting them as far away from cars and trucks as possible – for examples look at San Francisco and Portland, even Edinburgh has marked paths (albeit not perfect) to navigate the city.

    Free Member

    He doesn’t give a toss about the bike going through at red at 2mins 5secs (roughly), but quite happy to shake his head and note number plates at the cars…….he must be a hoot to be in the pub with “that is your third pint, are you going to operate any heavy machinery?”.

    Everyone has a choice, if cyclists want to flout the laws of the road then let them do it, no amount of debating will stop it, and if they get killed well then there is all the more road space for the rest of us. Yes everyone should be respectful of each other, but it doesn’t matter whether people are behind a steering wheel or handlebars, there are plenty of dicks out there.

    If I see a light changing, I just shut my eyes, floor it and start shouting out the window “I AM THE KNIGHT RIDER!!!!”

    Free Member

    All of the Nicolas Cage films I have ever seen.

    What about Wild At Heart?

    Although I have seen Ghost Rider: Spirit if Vengeance and Justice int he last couple of weeks, so I see your point.

    I still stand by these as the biggest pile of pap I’ve had the misfortune to watch:

    Free Member

    this is amazing, boggles my tiny mind to think that this is a completely different world:

    Free Member

    Huh. So your record shop was full of chubbies who like music but don’t I think you need to rework that dig because it doesn’t make sense.

    Probably living the life of Riley on the proceeds from that album while chubby insecure men who once proudly popped it into the Bose soundsystem in their dining rooms during early attempts at dinner parties, having cooked recipes from “The Naked Chef”, now pan her on internet forums in an attempt to assuage their guilt at having owned the cd. Hope she’s enjoying it.

    Having worked in a record shop when No Angel came out, i can vouch for the chubby men (and women) buying that along with David Grays White Ladder.

    Can I as what part of that you want explained? was it the reference to chubby people or David Gray??

    Free Member

    I don’t hate the Olympics, I just couldn’t care less. I could list my reasons but I’d only get shot down in flames for daring to say a bad word against our “Heroes”

    It will be interesting though how many people will be tuning in for the next athletics meeting from Sheffield

    Free Member

    Are we really going to go down this road again? Yet another post that’s going to turn into a competition between the big hitters to get more and more pedantic after each post and post more and more inflammatory guff until they all go running to the mods crying about being bullied.

    It’s just sad

    Free Member

    Oh and one other point.

    This is OUR time right now, it’s up to us how we make the most of it. Cycling is a nascent sport in the UK at the moment and we have a chance to really shape and change our sport for the better.

    Wiggo’s point about being seen to do the right thing, acting responsibly etc, that’s the hall mark of a mature and grown up sport that we can all feel good about getting our kids into.

    If people want to be petulant and all ‘ooh it’s my personal choice’ about it then that is of course, peoples’ personal choice. But the nation is watching us right now so we better set an example.

    Absolutely, when cycling becomes popular, the worst thing the cycling community can do is shoot themselves in the foot by being assholes about something people are told might save their life

    Free Member

    I always thought central locking for houses would be a good idea, you could ‘blip’ the house when you come home from the shops and you could lock the house from your couch

    Free Member

    as most of the shops want to sell us this kind of crap

    I’d say the dick look is very in

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    the “prototypes” are chinese knockoffs and the video at the bottom was on wired about a fortnight ago

    Speculation is one thing and it wouldn’t surprise me if Apple were releasing fake information to hype up their product regardless of the whole “hush hush” nature of their yearly expo things they do

    Either way I’m still on the fence till the 5 is announced, i’m due an upgrade, but it’ll have to wow me because so far it’s looking to be the HTC all the way

    Free Member

    “if I’ve got anything, it’s over for sure”…

    I always end any relationship when these guys turn up

    Free Member

    I believe next months Ride mag has their yearly “what kit” supplement stuff in it, failing that RST gets a good name

    Free Member

    Ok, this:

    Half the forumers on here are not giving you good advice, I think a lot of you anger issues come from a lack of self esteem. I can see it in the way you talk about a few of your problems. At this vulnerable stage in your life you do not need to be listening to people putting you down, you do have problems but you are NOT a bad person. Your brain just needs some rewiring, you are suffering from chronic stress and anxiety due to the job – it’s setting off your fight or flight mechanism (mostly the fight bit). The drinking is compounding this issue. The issues you are having are experienced by millions of people within Europe alone.

    and this:

    OK MATE JUST READ ON PLEASE for your own sake! I don’t usually break my anonymity but 25 years ago when I had 4 kids at home I finally admitted to myself that I was an alcoholic and powerless over alcohol. Every time I had just one drink it led to another and another and ……….
    My kids and my home were chaos and I felt suicidal. I phoned Alcoholics Anonymous (It’s in the phone book and on the internet). A lady came to see me and although I have had to take all the shit that life brings on life’s terms I have a great life today. I worked a 12 step programme and still do. I have watched my kids grow up and have 4 lovely grandchildren. It hasn’t all been plain sailing, I lost my partner 5 years ago and 7 years ago my eldest son committed suicide (HE WAS ALCOHOLIC). AA taught me that I didn’t have to drink no matter what happened to me and I can honestly say that this is a programme that works if you want it and want to work it.

    I am now 62 and still riding MTB’s because I am lucky enough to have got my fitness back without permanent damage from the booze and enjoying teaching grandchildren to ride. I have been able to have a career and a lot of great people in my life.

    If you want to email me privately then use the mail in my profile. You are no good to your family as a drunk and more importantly, no good to yourself. There really is light at the end of the tunnel mate. You just have to ask for help and ACCEPT IT. Look up Alcoholics Anonymous online and phone someone today. There is always help from people who have been through this and understand.

    Don’t pick up the first drink today then you probably wont want the next one that will lead to the 2 bottles a day.


    Other than these good points and the positive stuff that people have said GET THE **** OFF THE INTERNET. This has the same effect as going on WebMD with a slight headache and coming back off thinking you have ball cancer and aids of the eyeballs.

    Do you have a bike? Then go ride it, just even a short pootle
    Do you have any friends you can talk to? Go talk to them – The pundits on here probably don’t know you and are offering what they think is good advice that may not work for you
    Go see your doctor: They’re not just there for antibiotics and stuff
    Take a few days off or at least lower your workload
    Try to stay off the drink, it’s clearly not doing you or anyone around you any good
    GET SOME HELP!!! it’ll be the best thing you can do in the long run regardless of the outcome

    If you are in any kind of fragile state of mind the internet is the worst place in the world, people hate you without knowing you and spraff all sorts of bollocks to get a reaction, not something you need right now.

    Free Member

    This reads to me like: “How dare you pay an interest in MY sport!!”

    Not at all, what it meant was as usual they interview armchair pundits who have no idea what it is like to be in the saddle for 5+ hours and still have to sprint like mad to the finish (not that I have), In the same way that you always seem to hear from fat lager louts who’ve never kicked a ball since school spraff on about how they could play better than <Insert footballers name here> to anyone who’ll listen.

    All I mean was that maybe rallying behind the british team should last a little longer than a fireworks display and the sponsored tampons running out.

    Free Member

    I think the BBC though we had to turn up and collect the medals

    That seems to be everyones opinion, home advantage my arse, it’s not like the non UK cyclists were going to get lost because they don’t know their way around London

    Free Member

    Let us hope that those idiot self righteous bike riding protestors suffer innumerable punctures for bringing us cyclists into such disrespect.

    Especially after the massively good exposure for cyclists, on the media that, Brad Cav and sky, along with lots of other proffesionl cyclists have given us in the last month.

    Common sense, I like that

    I’m not for the Olympics, all the coverage and money blah blah blah, but even I can see that if something like that it on, would it kill Critical Mass to cancel their hipster parade for one week? it would at least give them a chance to update their meaningless blogs, unshape their girls t shirts and iron their ironic glasses

    Edit: Having watched the video on RT of the disabled guy getting strongarmed, the police seem to be a little heavy handed, but what can you take from an edited video? He might have been flinging things at them a moment before.

    Free Member

    There is something about custom steel frames that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

    Free Member

    Oakley fives are a good bet. I’ve had a pair for years and they are still going strong.

    Wear them for everything and they take a beating pretty well.

    Cheaper than most pallets too, but same quality.

    I concur, I always had cheap sunnies until I finally dipped my hand in my pocket. The difference was unbelievable and I won’t go back, but you can pay too much and I think Fives are well priced

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