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  • dogbert
    Free Member

    Bob Mould is high up on the list of “people I look up to” – Workbook and Black sheets are on heavy rotation in the car right now.

    If you’ve not already check this out – circle of friendsYou Tube clip

    Got the biography on order from Amazon (hope its better than the Kristin Hersh one, just could not get into that at all even though people kept saying how fantastic it was) At least Bob’s got a story to tell.

    When I heard the other day that Bob will be supporting Foo’s (and yes i’ve got tickets) I was so happy i mentioned it to my wife, who replied “Bob who?”…….there’s a divorce in the offing

    Free Member



    Manhattan Portage[/url]

    Edit: oops, I never added the usual useful Singletrack response…….you big woman!! :roll:

    Free Member

    I can empathize with you raceface. I’m 35 and feel like i’ve done nothing with my life, I was unemployed for a long time (debt mounted up) I have anger problems (although it’s not video games with me, just everything else, people mainly) and as I posted yesterday, a real problem with lethargy.

    I tried the meditation route and riding down a big hill at great speed, but i think the best advice was “find something you really enjoy doing, not just something you think you enjoy” Funny thing is I find i’m most at piece when i’m building or tinkering with something, even if it’s just an Ikea shelving unit.

    It seems to be finding that balance, i’ve been like this for about 8 years and have only now really decided to do something about it. Don’t beat yourself up about it, we all need a little help from time to time.

    Free Member

    is the music RJD2?

    Free Member

    Is it possible that you are experiencing mild symptoms of depression?

    more than likely, I have suffered in the past and I think it has warped my whole outlook. Even the wife say’s i’m not as fun to be around as I used to be (quick re-cap, family problems, anxiety issues, lost confidence, lost job, worked in call centre part time, debt mounted up, put lot of weight on, lost inclination to cycle, got new job, been there a year, happy at work, debt still there and not getting any better, constant gloomy mood……lethargic)

    <amateur self diagnosis> Probably more to it all than just lethargy, but I reckon if I can get a handle on that then everything else may follow, you never know </amateur self diagnosis>

    Edit: Coffee? about 4 cups a day, more if i’m at work (could probably go up to about 8 if i’m honest)

    Free Member

    I heard about this guy, purposely going round crashing into stuff left in bike lanes, he’s picking up quite a following

    Free Member

    ooh eck that is proper nice. Maybe it’s just me but bikes these days seem to fussy in comparison to bikes from the mid 90’s (await 100 pics of a slingshot and a pro-flex to prove me wrong)

    Free Member

    enjoying portal 2 at the moment, just came down to a decent price too

    Free Member

    a guy playing a saxophone, middle of no-where, god knows how he got there but I presumed his wife wasn’t to keen on his playing

    Free Member

    lucky escape for all, but I did find amusing the photographer being chased down the hill by the escaped wheel

    Free Member

    He’ll get it, maybe not this year but it’s in the stars. To be honest I think a switch from the Suzuki to Honda would eek out maybe 1 or 2%.

    Thing is he’s got a great attitude, he seems like a proper genuine bloke and he’s not up his own arse like a lot of bike racers out there. He’s a great ambassador for the sport and the footage of him with the kids from the primary school t’other day talking about his favourite tea was great.

    More tea vicar?

    Free Member

    oh yes, that guy seems to hang off the ragged edge, but what a talent…..and a proper down to earth sort. An interview with him earlier showed him to be a proper good bloke (not seen the TT film yet)

    Free Member

    that made me feel genuinely queezy. I’ve got slight vertigo, but that’s my idea of a nightmare.

    Free Member

    ok, thanks to the people who posted their views on petrol lawnmowers

    to the others just looking for an environment argument, I don’t agree with your views and just because you read it in the Guardian or heard it in An Inconvenient Truth does not necessarily make it so. “Being Green” is buzzword bollocks and, yes, everyone making a small change might indeed save the planet, but until people stop running at everything marked “Organic” “Hybrid” or “Green” they might realise that most of it is just marketing guff aimed at easily led idiots willing to part with their cash to make themselves look more in touch with the planet than their dumbass hemp wearing mates.

    All i wanted was advice on what petrol lawnmower to buy, not a “won’t someone think of the children” lecture :roll:

    Free Member

    christ, i opened a right can of petrol covered worms there.

    Incidentally, if I buy electric there is still the problem that the electricity still generally comes from coal or nuclear powered power stations so by using a petrol lawnmower I won’t be doing anymore damage than I already would.

    The whole argument is akin to what I hear from my eco-warrior brother in law. Refuses to learn how to drive a car because of the pollution, but quite happy to do courses at the moment so he can eventually drive a steam train…….and the last time I checked they didn’t run on old newspapers and empty tin cans

    Free Member

    Had exactly this conversation with my brother in law yesterday.

    Woman at the end of my street is going and she was telling me at new year that she was having trouble getting a B&B. I think we’re going to drive, luckily he’s based in Welwyn Garden City so it’s not to bad. Thought about getting the train up but it goes into London first for some daft reason

    Free Member

    I watched Total Recall, no pensioners getting beat up in that

    Body count of 96 though (97 if you include Johnny Cab)

    Free Member

    mine went at xmas, VW so basically the same as Seat, Window regulator, £120…… prepared if you plan to fix it yourself to swear like a docker who’s smacked his thumb with a hammer, it’s a right pain in the arse. VW/Seat/Skoda, in fact all of the VAG group doors are like trying to pull apart fort knox

    Free Member

    talented, no doubt, but doesn’t really relate well to TV, reminds me of:

    Free Member

    who cares? I mean really…….who gives two shits???

    I see worse parenting every week in Asda, just sounds like another pair looking for their “me me me” moment of fame or feeling they need to tell the world they’re different (or non-different specific)

    and it looks like a boy to me, even though it’ll grow up to be a bi-curious transvestite with a taste for human meat and high powered rifles

    Free Member

    Looks good but probably just more of the same.

    Good, every other games (including they Treyarch made COD’s) have been poor……..obviously the FPS’s, can’t really compare golf or driving games to COD.

    I’m a sucker for recognisible locations, I used to love PGR3 driving round Edinburgh and recognising all the places near where I work……except I was twatting about in a Ferrari F40

    Free Member

    Some things don’t need explanation, Evel Knievel comes into that bracket……and it mean as kids we got someone to look up to when taking our Raleigh Strikers of some sweet jumps.

    And we got these at christmas:

    Do Metal Mulisha do a line of these?

    Free Member

    makes me want to buy a go kart for getting to work

    Free Member

    excellent stuff. Like everything else, skateboards had a hey day, late 70’s/80’s, when guys were really pushing it, now it’s all cool and sanatised and too much money being flung at it.

    Free Member

    My favourite bit on the bike is how the old blue decals are poking out from underneath the new ones (see the top tube)

    It’s a shame really that some idiot that knows nothing about bikes will buy that thinking its a Cannondale

    Free Member

    road riding (i know, duh!!)
    About £800
    I prefer steel, but don’t mind aluminium
    As versatile as it can be, not planning on any time trials

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I used to work for Sky, as always there are always two sides to the story, and what you think might be fine for the installer to do may be like an assault course……..while I’m sure it was a simple job, and I don’t deny what you’re saying for a minute,I’ve heard all the excuses under the sun from customers and installers alike, after a while you become a bit jaded with it all.

    Look on the bright side, we got a call from a customer one night, bawling her eyes out. She came home one day and there was a Sky van parked outside. She had booked an install. No work seemed to be commencing. She walked in the house to find the installer balls deep in her son……..hell of a way to find out your son is gay 8O

    Free Member

    Semper Fudge

    Free Member

    “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon”

    I don’t watch anything that lines that poor man’s Sid James’ pockets…..but goddamn I’m using that phrase at work tomorrow

    Free Member

    Jesus 8O

    Free Member

    Each to their own. I love Star Wars because it was the first film my dad took me to see (a double bill of Star Wars and Empire)

    Still love it and have star wars toys, books, lightsabers and all that stuff hanging round the house. Currently hanging around on Replica Prop Forum and Custom Sabers as I plan to build a custom lightsaber (and I am fully aware they don’t really work)

    For me they are escapism and something more colourful and fun than the other films that were coming out round about then.

    As a child, how could this not look amazing:

    Free Member

    Race N chase

    Always wanted one.

    I had Race n Chase, it was awesome……the police car was faster for some reason and you could jam the tilting bridge to make it a jump…….ah! childhood ingenuity!!!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    a nice gesture would be to split the $25 million dollar bounty between the unit that did the job.

    Incidentally they could have found him years ago, just track who was buying all the C90 cassettes and VHS blank videos in Pakistan, now that everyones moves onto Blu Ray and MP3

    Free Member

    Sorry about your mate, hope he pulls through.

    Cars are bad blah blah blah, the argument will rage for all time. But there will never be a middle ground because regardless of how people travel, their way will always be better than anyone elses.

    I think the OP’s comment was about not using a car in an already overcongested city and the effect it’s had on his mate and his family, but there’s also no reason to be a dick about it.

    Each to their own

    Free Member

    What kind of music do you like dogbert?

    anything but Adele

    Free Member

    Adele is in the same bracket as Dido and David Gray. Middle of the road music to play during dinner parties in the background just under the level of hearing and the case left jauntily on the coffee table.

    People who don’t enjoy music buy Adele

    Free Member

    I had this yesterday, some chav gonk in a punto screamed something I couldn’t understand from her car…….had a baby on board sign, lovely example for the kids.

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