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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • dogbert
    Free Member

    probably a little late to this, but I regularly listen to Fugazi, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Sonic Youth, Dead Kennedys……seems to keep me young

    Free Member

    talking of mental kids shows that scared the bejebus out of me

    Which obviously influenced Daft Punk

    Free Member

    dogbert – they’re not real mate. Sorry. Oh and there’s no Santa Claus either….

    Thank god, i’ve had nightmares about those mechanical camels :wink:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    blimey, this is like gentleman’s literature for cyclists

    Free Member

    perhaps a pic would help your decision…….on how fast to run 8O

    Free Member

    pssst….we can see the forks

    Free Member

    althepal: your answer is probably on one of the best sites on the internet, pathetic motorways:

    “Best sites on the internet”, that’s stretching it a bit

    So to summarise, government spent a lot of money, new government don’t want to spend that money, government can’t decide where to stop and where to start trams, construction company do piss poor job then complain they need more money, Edinburgh complains, no one else cares because it’s just Edinburgh complaining again.

    And Japan can get a motorway back in service ten days after a Tsunami? go figure

    Free Member

    well it worked…..and weirdly two minutes after I removed it my mothers phone rang and it was an asian callcenter (i presume, everyone I spoke to was called Richard and spoke with a heavy indian accent) telling me that my computer was full of viruses and they could help.

    I ask: “that’s interesting, what OS am I running”

    Them: “I am phoning from Windows”

    Me: “Ok, now I don’t know much about computers, can you tell me which company you’re calling from?”

    Them: “yes sir, Windows”

    Me: “The software, wow”

    Them: “that is correct, we can help”

    Me: “Jolly good, I suggest you get yourself some protection you scamming peice of &^$(, I will come to where you are, find you, and only you, and check you for virsuses” I then ranted on for a couple of seconds using swear words that will mean the recording will never get used for training purposes.

    Coincedence or scammer? Just seems weird that they phone within a couple of moments after removing software. Stern words with parents now regarding putting their phone number into registration forms

    Free Member

    so far Stoner has had the best idea……i’ll try the tool…….prepare for lots of C words

    Free Member

    now, if i download this “removal tool” will it actually work, as i am thinking of booking a flight to Symantec at the moment to wail on someone

    Free Member

    you don’t have to switch your line to Sky, you can keep paying BT for it but get a package from Sky…….but personally, i wouldn’t, I worked for them for a year and the right royals they made were pitiful and really didn’t give 2 hoots bout the customers who lost their numbers having had them for 20 years

    Free Member

    Jake and his birthday present

    Free Member

    It’s got kids engaged with something that isn’t a bunch of colourful blobs or has no story. And it seems to get kids involved, just heard on the radio this week that a school class is writing a short episode to be shown at the end of this series.

    If I had kids I’d rather they watched Dr Who rather than some guff that teaches them to be worthwhile by whoring themselves to get a record deal or be in a house with another 9 bottom feeders trying to blow their way to stardom……..and they might get a little scared in the process :twisted:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    passed one of these last night……Lamborghini Aventador

    Had a look of a stormtrooper with anger issues about it, although it also seemed much smaller in real life too

    Free Member

    That would probably be because this is supposed to be about cars of the 70s/80s isn’t it?

    and the 90’s……cars before they were drowned in electronic garbage and you didn’t need to take them to a sparky to fix rather than a garage…….Incidentally I’ve always had a soft spot for the Lotus Carlton

    Free Member

    Haha – from the bloke who doesn’t drive –
    I’ve had the misfortune to sit in some of these jalopies, nasty cheap poorly made crap fell apart why don’t you see hardly any of them any more

    Don’t mind taking a lift though

    Free Member

    I’ve got American: The Bill Hicks Story on Blu Ray, I can properly recommend it. A sad story told well by the people who loved him

    The Grand Prix thing thats on before it looks worth a watch

    Free Member

    just had a flick through MBR in sainsburys…..not a hell of a lot in there, another poster mentioned about the hardtail review and from what I could tell it seemed to be a few pages of “they’re ok, but buy a full sus instead”

    I only really buy Empire (i like some of the articles giving you an insight into films you love) Wired on a cheap sub although it’s getting a bit too advert heavy, and a random car mag (usually because a paricular car catches my eye) Used to buy Evo regularly but it’s not really aimed at me and my emptyish bank account

    Free Member

    of course there is part of me that say’s “twonk” but in other ways it’s admirable that there is someone who is willing to stand up and protect his community rather than sit blogging about rising crime or whatever.

    Unfortunately he’s made himself a bit of a target, and while Yeovil isn’t exactly the inner city there’s always that chance that the kids take umbridge to a ninja telling them to jog an and give him a right good pasting, foam stick or not.

    Oh, and if he was truly a ninja, we wouldn’t see him :D

    Free Member

    serious geek point for knowing the line all do dont you

    Indulge me…….i’ll get my coat

    Free Member

    I’ve heard it said that if LOtR is your favourite book at 14 then that is fine but if it is still your favourite at 40 something is wrong.

    couldn’t have put it better myself

    Free Member

    this may be a purchase, everything i’m seeing is trumping my desire for MW3

    Free Member

    Charlie the Bikemonger sells (or sold) Timbuk2, good prices too

    Timbuk2 are worth the money IMHO

    Free Member

    now what is the law with knives, i fancy one for my toolbox as the knife on the gerber multitool I have isn’t always enough

    (sorry if I’m highjacking a thread)

    Free Member

    I liked it, took me a few episodes to get into it

    favorite line “oh (boke) that is so handsome”

    Free Member

    lose weight?

    Thanks for that…….trying

    Free Member

    Yes it does, press P on your keyboard and it should select it (luckily I am learning this right now)

    Free Member

    could this be an all time low?

    Free Member

    Alan Ashworth, 56, from Bromley, left his car after hitting gridlock in Kings Road in Chelsea about 2.15pm and had to walk two miles to work in Kensington.
    Why the bloody hell was he driving??

    Doesn’t say how far he drove before abandoning the car

    Just wondering if anyone would give a shit if it was a marathon they closed the roads for?……and I mean the people on here, not the people in that there London. Just because it’s bikes doesn’t make it a massive balls up

    This will just be another case of London being in no way ready for the Olympics and the absolute disaster its going to turn out to be.

    Free Member

    I watched Graffiti Wars last night and it really did Banksy no favours whatsoever. An idiot can see that he didn’t take ideas from Blek, he downright copied his work. The councils approach to graffiti/street art was also amusing……at one point admitting that a Banksy adds to the value of an area.

    In some ways I admire Banksy, idiots are buying up his art an overinflated prices (my brother in law knows a guy who makes a living off buying and selling Banksy’s, real or fake because people are idiots and willing to shell out masses of cash for, as Banksy has said, crap) And I would be surprised if it really is Banksy who keeps overpainting Robbo’s work, more likely his legion of fans.

    I was genuinely saddened at the end, Robbo came out of retirement to stand up for what he believed in, started to get the recognition he deserved then ended up in a coma because of some mindless thugs. Regardless of the tit for tat in the programme, the guy has two kids.

    edit: Oh, and Old News? so what if some of us didn’t know the story. Careful, you’re starting to sound like hipsters

    Free Member

    old BMX’s make me feel warm and fuzzy, please let this be a massive thread full of photo’s

    Free Member

    I use Steinberg Wavelab, its a tad expensive but Audacity is a fine substitute

    Free Member

    ET is in Star Wars Phantom Menace

    Free Member

    in Super 8 the petrol station is called Kelvin, the same ship Kirks dad get’s twatted in at the beginning of Star Trek and you can buy Slusho inside, the company the lead character from Cloverfield is off to work for at the beginning of the film. (JJ Abrahms films)

    I spot loads of these things, the wife now hates watching films with me

    Free Member

    that site doesn’t look legit to me, i think i’d be looking at Amazon

    Free Member

    Tell the insurers, I recently had an accident (someone drove into the side of me as I was driving around a roundabout) person wanted to settle it cash, but when he got the bill decided I drove into him and its all a mess.

    The sorting it out cash never works out, as people think that £100 will sort out any damage, and it won’t

    Had virtually the same issue. Woman ploughs into wife’s Smart car in a car park. We’re shopping and the cars parked. Woman driving a Mercedes ML, virtually no damage to hers, plenty of damage to ours. Husband calls after 4 days saying “probably don’t need insurance to be involved, get a quote and we’ll sort it out”

    Got the quote, over 1200 quid, suddenly the back peddling starts and lots of “its a Smart car, how does it cost that much, take it to another garage blah blah blah!!!” Unfortunately he didn’t take into account that Smart are Mercedes and don’t get the half price because it’s half a car.

    Go through insurance every time, that’s what you pay for and everyone is friendly until they realise it’ll be more than £50

    Free Member

    Seems to me that its fashionable to complain about Top Gear, however there seems to be a right load of folk who hate it but still watch it…..are these the same type of people who like to clamp their nipples to car batteries? If you don’t like something, don’t watch it.

    I don’t like Justin Beiber, hence I don’t own any of his music……see what I did there?

    Free Member

    Do you get a lot of drag with the bigger tyres? (serious question)

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