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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • dogbert
    Free Member

    6 – I can watch Star Wars later but I’m not allowed to enjoy it, all because I was more drawn to pizza than lettuce

    I got 5 and I am an IT professional. Though none of the questions had any relevance to my job.

    Spoken like a true IT professional

    Free Member

    Yes – Our public service workers deserve more

    No – Most people I’ve spoken to are treating it like a free day off

    Free Member

    funny because it’s generally true

    When he mentioned about being part Scottish but not for a minute trying to claim he is, there are a lot of people who try to claim they are in some way Scottish or Irish but no one ever claims to be English when they’re not

    Free Member

    I would think you need a Sky card not a freesat card, which means a subscription to Sky……although that may have changed, used to work for them……, erm, good luck

    Free Member

    I know the one you mean, that was the story of GBV, the book i’m thinking off has nothing to do with them, this one is really eluding me

    Free Member

    Wife had one for a bit, when it was fine it was fine, it went wrong once in 20,000 miles and Smart were useless, pretty dangerous fault too. She was driving along with an artic behind her then for no reason at all the car went down to about 30% power, this happened a few times, took them 3 weeks to find the fault (a sensor apparently)

    All in all an alright car, handling was abysmal and high winds and motorways were mildly frightening. Would I have another? only if I lived in a city

    Free Member

    Is it only me that thinks the second season has degenerated into utter dross?

    Couldn’t agree more, they need to get back on the road and stop using the young asian guy as cannon fodder every time they need something doing

    Lori, the sherrifs wife, i’m sure she’s a friend to kids and dogs but she could use a slap sometimes

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Actually, I want to say a BIG thanks to everyone, I’m useless with this kind of thing and would have done my usual of curling up into a ball and wishing it would all just go away…….I believe I may have MTFU’d

    So thank you to the hive mind

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone, tries the gas meter conversion and it’s gave me the figures I need. Money Supermarket states that I should be paying about £1500 a year, almost a grand less than I am paying

    Free Member


    After finally being able to log in to their website, taking a meter reading and checking my usage I Have found that I have used 2060 units according to their webiste) since Decemeber last year…..according to my last bill, they’ve said I used 2002 between July and September

    Can’t check Electricity because their website is having a flakeout and according to their website I only take Gas from them and no leccy, even though I’m paying for it

    An angry phone call tomorrow will take place

    *Edit* My maths were completely wrong, doesn’t stop me thinking i’m getting humped though

    Free Member

    so as I’m currently paying £200 a month, it’s fair to say I seem to be getting shafted right royally

    Free Member

    Insulation is fine although like most houses I’m sure it could be better, Scottish Hydro are about to get told to ram it, I’ve put exact figures into Money Supermarket and everyone including themselves is coming up with an average of £1400 a year

    Free Member

    New combi boiler and low energy bulbs throughout but the double glazing has seen better days, we need to better insulate and the heating’s on more than I’d like, plus we’re all in during the school holidays so use more then.

    Sounds about the same as us, not a mansion but a bit bigger than a new build. No kids, so the wife an I are out at work through the week, boiler is 6 months old, heatings on for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night, average amount of electrical gubbins and low energy bulbs mostly, a few spotlight thingys. Half the house isn’t even heated (2 sets of stairs at its got a big extension which is the part we live in……ooh la la) so we’re only heating/using electricity in half a house

    Free Member

    oh good, another “we hate Top Gear” thread has morphed from a “look at the cool stuff some people might like”

    back to the truck:

    Shock Prawn

    When the lottery win comes in, I plan on buying one of these for short trips to the Greenpeace meeting:

    Free Member

    more than likely they came to the realisation that they’d sat through a film adaptation of a 15 year old goth girls fantasy journal entry when they could have been doing something much more productive…….like hitting themselves in the plums with a claw hammer (and not just 15 year olds, i have to work with a 30 year old woman who thinks harry potter is real, writes “poetry” in the loosest sense of the word and cuts herself……then tells us all about it)

    Free Member

    apart from the gopping colour that’s not a half bad spec

    Free Member

    *bump* for the lunchy folks

    Free Member

    probably not too clever nicking such a rare bike!

    My thoughts exactly, I work in the area and have a tendency to look at every bike that I pass, i’ve had 3 friends on facebook post the Trail Scotland link and they don’t mountain bike or know the guy. Hopefully this one will come back.

    Free Member

    I’m still laughing at that

    Free Member

    Jake and his new toy…..which lasted 5 minutes

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Timbuk2 or Chrome are my faves, Timbuk2 probably best for on and off the bike, that buckle on the chrome might get a bit tiresome after a while

    Free Member

    And I love seeing Concorde on the BA add!!

    Funny, I was just wondering earlier when folks would be mentioning that, I love planes :-D

    (any excuse to post this)

    Free Member

    Pearl Jam 20, saw it a few weeks ago but it was on BBC4 tonight (repeated again at 1:55 if anyones interested) I gave it a solid Ten (ho ho) but probably a biased opinion

    Free Member

    You can tell the people who have never shot a desert eagle – it’s an awful weapon that’s more likely to break your nose or wrist or dislocate your shoulder than maim your adversary

    They come in a few calibres, but the .50AE is the one all the “gangsta’s” want……size and all that. I shot the .357 version and it was comfortable and easy to shoot, but that was mainly down to the weight of the thing dampening all the recoil. But then my shooting days are long behind me, so i’ll pass you to Mr Sage Francis for some words of wisdom:

    Free Member

    Seems popular in my local Sainsbo’s as they’ve sold out…….any word on how it plays?

    Free Member

    MIL cheerfully told me and the wife that we’re hosting xmas this year “you know, like we discussed”……..trouble is no one discussed it with us

    Managed to body swerve that as my parents are coming over on boxing day and its too much for my wife to cooking xmas dinners two days in a row.(yes i help, but the cooking is her domain, i just burn/undercook everything in the same way she’s no good at DIY or hoovering)

    I don’t mind xmas, i don’t care about the shops playing xmas music in July, i do care that people turn into selfish self obsessed gits (last xmas was particularly bad as in-laws turned into complete plums)

    Free Member

    Don’t know much about rum, but I hear people going on about this

    My dad loves Rum, his favourite tipple:

    Free Member

    I like Man v Food, but then i like America and American food, not to be taken seriousley and i’m sure the restaurants he goes to benefit from the advertising, not a massive chain place in sight.

    In other words, get over yourself and use your remote, Top Gear will soon be back to moan about

    Free Member

    My trolleys get the Scandinavian flick

    I do tend to try and hold the slide for as long as I can……my record is just past the bagels

    Free Member

    I’m 36, i’m currently obsessed with finding parts to build a screen accurate lightsaber

    I’ll grow up when I damn well feel like it

    Free Member

    I would agree with Belly, Throwing Muses. Big fan of Bob Mould and Copper Blue by his band Sugar is tremendous.

    Buffalo Tom are definately worth a look, especially Let Me Come Over

    Free Member

    I recently enjoyed “Why We Suck” by Denis Leary……if you hate celebrity/reality TV/people who blame everything that happens to themselves on everyone else/idiot parents/dumb people then it’ll be right up your street……if not, you won’t

    Free Member

    We have one at our swish office at work. While it punts out not quite boiling water it seems to leave a scum on the top of a cup of coffee…..they ended up buying a 15 quid kettle to “complement” it

    Free Member

    There are free alternatives to Mac too…. so that argument is flawed…

    But it doesn’t have a shiny apple on it…….I’ll be honest, i used to want a Mac and an I-phone, but as I get older I see the prices going through the roof and more people bending over.

    [smug] My £500 laptop runs only free software and i’m able to do everything i need to [/smug]

    Free Member

    +1 for anything by Daft Punk or Aphex Twin

    always liked this:

    But as a favourite this rates very highly

    Free Member

    And in other news, the Emperor spends an inordinate amount of money on ‘invisible’ clothes because he’s persuaded that they make him look cool…

    And not everybody can like or put worth on the same things…….kinda akin to buying a 4 grand bike when a £600 will do.

    Back to watches:

    The IWC portugese

    Omega Speedmaster

    And I’ve always enjoyed the Panerai

    and especially for the haters, you could buy 100 or so of the terrorists favourite

    Free Member

    BBC new just tweeted it
    That’s pretty crass.

    I always think “oh that’s nice” the news gives you up to the minute details, but has their family been informed before twitter and facebook?

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