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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • doctornickriviera
    Free Member

    You need to calm down and complain through the appropriate channels mate. i do care alot about the inadequacies of the service but there is nothing I can do to change this on a personal level. The BMA are as good as useless and the trusts and government spin target results to say things are getting better and feed this to the media. The way I get through my days at works is by doing my job to the best of my abilities within the constraints of the system- If i didnt do this i’d go mad. i know of loads of cases where patient care has suffered due to lack of facilities and undermanning. There is no way your wife and twins should have been treated in the corridor- that is completely unnaccepatable. If the paeds reg buggered off for a fag break rather than treat you that is unnaceptable too. calm down put it in writing to the complaints office expresing your concerns. unfortunately there is not enough hospital capacity to meet the needs of our population. This is why you were stuck in the corridor . However by losing your rag and shouting at staff you have given the hospital a defence already.

    the most important thing is though I hope your kids are better.

    Free Member

    How do you know if these rooms were staffed? If there were no nursing staff to cover these empty rooms then they cannot be used- a funding issue. No amount of doctor influence can change that! and i know as in any profession there are good and bad eggs.

    and FYI when i’m trying to help someone shouting is abuse full stop. If someone shouts sorry i simply switch off til they calm down.

    Free Member

    I’m not being funny but if you want to get it sorted why did you title your post clinical negligence!! a tad misleading.

    It’s likely that without your surgery for clubfoot you may never have been able to walk or cycle. You may be developing problems and if you were born with this abnormality a complete correction may at the time been impossible-especially as at the time of the surgery you were still growing..

    i don’t think your leg can be lengthened now( however i’m not an orthopod)the only way i could think of would be to serially break and externally fixate your leg surgically – gradually increasing the length with each break- seems extreme and i douby many surgeons would offer that! However the only option may be shoes raises to correct the limb length discrepancy. Good luck and I hope they can help you – but it is a possibility that there is no surgical cure.

    Free Member

    Go and see an orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in foot and ankle surgery- sounds obvious doesnt it!

    Free Member

    Can you think of any public service that has got better in private ownership??

    BT?? no
    British gas?? hell no

    Heaven help us all if the nhs goes fully private!

    Free Member

    What a load of old bollocks has been spouted on here!!

    While i empathise with your situation, what do you expect the doctors to do. They can’t build a new changing and feeding facility for you, I imagine they were extremely busy and overworked in the overcrowded conditions of the NHS. They they get shouted at. a rational human being would complain to the trust/Mp etc – ie the purse string holders who could do something about it. Unless the staff had been rude to you you have no right to abuse them and probably made an idiot out of yourself.

    And as for queue jumping in a+e. I can guarantee that in the departments i worked in if you shouted and screamed about your sprained ankle when their were life and death situations elsewhere in the department you would have an extended wait or be removed from the department by security/police.

    And as for the NHS being run by doctors- it’s not it’s run by managers who are jumping through hoops to meet government imposed targets- like you being kicked out of a+e after 4 hours to no bed- that’s meeting a government target on a+e stays and waits. patients increasingly are being lost in these targets.

    As for private care – great if you can afford it but they don’t do acute medicine in the Uk and nearly all high risk procedures are done in NHS hospitals with adequate intensive care and clinical backup.

    I believe the running of the nhs should be taken back by patient groups and health care professionals. constant government meddling and changes are destroying the NHS. I started my career 10m years ago with great hope that a labour government would improve things. sadly they have made it worse by spending more and more and bureaucracy and less on the fromntline- beds, staff etc

    However we should count ourselves lucky we have a health service that doesnt turn you away if you don’t have cover or a bulging wallet.

    Free Member

    I won’t buy north face any more. their stuff is simply overpriced and not well put together.

    My snowboard jacket zip frayed on the first trip to the snowdome and the replacement has had multiple faulty zips.

    My animal replacement jacket is cheaper warmer and better made.

    Free Member

    My moneys on Dimitar to dump us out of both cups!

    Free Member

    Yes nice phone, crap battery life.

    CPW are shit BTW, demand a new phone if faulty, they are the biggest bunch of scammers this side of nigeria

    Free Member

    Oh yeah hard luck burnley, after tonights performance your boys deserved a big night out at wembley, ours don’t, europe via the back door again.

    Free Member

    I’m a spurs fan and couldnt care if we go down- we deserve too!
    the club is a shambles from the top down, the supposedly world class players look like they cant be arsed most of the time, levy is a joke and should never have got rid of martin Jol who should have been given full control of the clubs dealings and that idiot comolli kicked out earlier.
    we have never been and never will be a top four club yet every year there is all this shite about how we are on the verge of the champions league etc. we are the biggest joke in the premier league and unless bentley modric bent and co pull their fingers out of their overpaid arses we will soon be the biggest joke in the championship.

    Free Member

    No the lower classes arent worth a penny ton. i’d rather get a hard working polish immigrant any day

    Free Member

    Amazing responses- so much negativity and inverse snobbery!

    If I was a chef skier/boarder and 15 years younger , i’d bite off Simbas R arm for the job, The boarding and skiing locally is great- les get avoriaz and morzine lovely. the snow is the best in years, it’s great life experience and yes you do have to work hard, but sure you can play hard too!

    Simba I hop you get a good host/maid and ignore the negatives.

    Anyway I’m off boarding in Tignes in a week- I hope our chalet slave fits our middle class **** requirements. LOL

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