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  • doctornickriviera
    Free Member

    hmmm it's all down to opinions- awaits bike of the decade type debates from the mags.

    Free Member

    mmmm eau d'chav

    Free Member

    really?? we've already immunised thousands and had no serious reactions- scared of the needle woody cluck cluck cluck!!?? :wink:- only kidding it's your choice in the end.

    Both my wife and I have had it – both docs, made us feel a bit viral the next day and a sore deltoid for 3-4 days- that's it. Obviously there may be a few rare serious reactions. You are much more likely to come to harm mountain biking than through the swine flu jab.

    The reason why I feel NHS staff should have it is because if we all go down en masse with swine flu then the system will fail at a time of high need- we have a duty to our patients to have it done as it is now a preventable illness. And if your a doc the GMC includes this in the duty of a doctor details and it only takes one smart arse lawyer to make a neglicence claim against you if you infect a patient with a preventable illness- hard to prove but stressful all the same

    And if you've had proper swine flu you'll know about it.

    Free Member

    something for her not for you.
    ? budget

    I find that boots/perfume of choice/clothes go down well.

    high budget – diamonds are always well received

    day at a girlie heath spa /massage are hits also

    white good are a no no

    Free Member

    however i'd forget the VW and get a new mazda 6 estate. better , much chaeper and fully loaded

    Free Member

    congrats, i can feel a what baby seat thread coming on!!

    Free Member

    Imagine you are the dad left behind, how on earth do you pick up the pieces of your life??

    Awful just awful.

    Free Member

    140 ok

    Free Member

    and yes tandem jeremy it is being increasingly recognised that the pregant are more susceptible to swine flu

    I cant be more honest than this, if my wife was pregant she would definately be having the jab.

    Ive had the jab and it does sting for a few days. I feel that any healthcare professionals refusing to have the jab are shunning their duty to the greater good.

    Free Member

    Yes definately , young otherwise healthy pregnant women are dying from swine flu ( not many but it seems that the pregnant are more susceptible) there have been a couple of cases in the uk when mothers have died leaving newly bereft new dads- the ultimate tragedy.

    Free Member

    god lay people are stupid!! ;o)

    make an appt ffs. Are pharmacists doctors no- if your sugar is high what are they going to do?- tell you to go to the docs.

    also urine testing is rubbish misses loads of diabetics, you need at least a random, if not a fasting glucose.

    And tesy it could be something else, thyroid disorder , anaemia or even complete madness!!

    Free Member

    sandwich bag

    Free Member

    great i work in the health service . if all nhs staff all kept our kids off school nursery etc til they are clear from bugs and stayed at home with them the system would collapse!

    obviously if your kid is really unwell/vomiting etc then you have to keep them at home, but if they have the sniffles there is no need to lock them at home. it also gives them the message that they should give up as soon as they are not feeling 100%

    Free Member

    it's normal. children get viruses! you will cause more harm by moving them!

    Free Member

    take a pay cut and work less
    or work 5 days a week in your current post, and work the weekends for your new employer!

    Free Member

    its so good i posted twice

    Free Member

    afan fine in the wet but take spare brake pads

    Free Member

    canoeing on the wye
    go ape in the forest of dean
    Night out in hereford and fight the off duty SAS after a few bevvies!!
    stalk richard hammond?
    mountain biking in the forest of dean
    wine tasting at three choirs vineyard?
    lots of local cider places too.

    lovely area the inlaws live a few miles away

    Free Member

    canoeing on the wye
    go ape in the forest of dean
    Night out in hereford and fight the off duty SAS after a few bevvies!!
    stalk richard hammond?
    mountain biking in the forest of dean
    wine tasting at three choirs vineyard?
    lots of local cider places too.

    lovely area the inlaws live a few miles away

    Free Member

    i am now immune to swine flu, mexican pigs do your worst!!

    Free Member

    No no no they dont go to the surgeon and ask for a short back'nsides, they ask for a short twatnsides please!

    Free Member

    Body dysmorphic syndrome.

    some people will never be happy and thre cause is often psychological regarding their appearance. you dont hear planes complaining that their flaps are too big do you?

    Free Member

    while i sympathise with your situation and it seems quite clear that your wife needs incapacity support, the problem i see in everyday practice is that for every one patient who needs incapacity benefit there are many more milking the system who feel incapacity support is their birthright.
    I would hate to to do incapacity medicals, I imagine it would make you cynical and twisted.

    Free Member

    But ambrose i'm scared of dinosaurs!

    Free Member

    Iain c that descent is great only done it once but and need to return

    however my fave is sidewinder at afan full tilt in the dark! well that's where i have just been anyhow!

    Free Member

    Northface softshells are nice

    Free Member

    I hated the PA
    it got sold

    Free Member

    Brilliant – i love the foppy haired buffoon!

    Scousers don't.

    Free Member

    hmm i've just forked out for shimano winter boots £99.49 from tredz online

    however riding round afan they do indeed fill with water. my feet didnt get cold – it just takes about a month to dry the bloody things out!

    In retrospect normal shoes + mt500s an sealskinz are just as good – having ridden with both, i'll keep the winter boots for frosty/snowy days!

    Free Member

    It really annoys me when my colleagues tell patients to stop doing sports!!( easy option doesnt take much thought)
    Unless there is an acute injury there is probably no need to do so!

    Free Member

    I lost 2 members of my immediate family seprately in tragic circs last year.
    Head was in a mess for a while
    Counselling really helped, if nothing else it teaches you the feelings you are going through are normal and that it will get veasier with time

    i use the techniques taught to me regularly in my GP consultations now and it was a real help bereft patients. And i would go for counselling every time rather than go on pills.

    good luck

    Free Member

    +1 i refer all my male utis to urology and so should your gp.

    but reading this i may be wrong. However they all seem to get investigated

    however this may change my practice

    Free Member

    Reading the whole thread through you can see the problem, some love citalaopram some hate it and some are indifferent. Treating depression is not like treating tonsillitis – you give drug a and it will be better in seven days- different things work for different people. I find that taking the ptaient seriously , listening and iunderstanding are often as effective as the drugs themselves. I just wish i had more time per patient to enable me to provide a better service.

    I never prescribe seroxat now a nasty drug with awful withdrawal effects.

    but reading the threads the genuine consensus is you need to work this out for yourself and find your own solution. I would argue that few people go through life without experiencing a depressive episode and it is largely a normal human emotion. However if your mood is consistently so low you cannot function properly in society you need professional help.

    Free Member

    anti depressants have their place. But in my professional experience they are overprescribed

    there are many reasons for this. patient expectations (ie i want something now doc), poor doctoring, lack of timely access to counselling/psychotherapy on the NHS which are just as effective as drugs and in an ideal world would always be my first choice. We also live in a pill for every ill culture- ie your feeling a bit miserable hears a pill to sort you out. the list could go on and on. However antidepressants are often indicated and as doctors are encouraged to screen for depression these days it's hardly surprising their use is rocketing.

    Right personal experience, I had a shit year last year losing 2 close members of my family in tragic circumstances 3 months apart. Did i feel shit -yes, did i feel suicidal -hell no. However with time doing things i enjoyed support from family and friends and EXERCISE i got better with time. Did i take pills- hell no as i felt that they would not change the life events that had occurred and were npot the answer for me. Many doctors would disagree with my comments and i try and help patients make up their own mind regarding treatments. Obviously if they are actively suicidal or severely depressed they need treatment or urgent psychiatric assessment

    so back on topic, ssris are largely safe Citalopram is frequently prescribed as safe in overdose(relatively) good for symptoms of anxiety and depression and relatively non sedating compared with other antidepressants.

    It sounds to me that you feel that you have been given this script as the doctor felt he needed to do something. Obviously if you are not keen to take them you should probably return. But if i were you i'd probably try and focus on the positives in your life, don't dwell on negatives you cant change cos they only make you more frustrated, avoid drugs and alcohol and exercise- endorphins help!

    you could also do an online depression screening tool like the HAD score or phq-9
    also you could try online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy google moodgym- you might find it useful.

    obviously if all else fails get further professional help!

    Free Member

    £64.99??? !! ;o)

    Free Member

    Back to thread. No i wont be getting the jab. Our LHB (that's the welsh for primary care trust) in their wisdom have decided that all GP practice workers have to travel 15miles during working hours to get immunised. The likelehood that our staff will get covered then is slim. I have pointed out to the LHB that this is bonkers especially in view of the fact GP practices immunise their staff for normal seasonal flu.

    So after months of pandemic planning our local learned infectious disease wizards have decided it will be a good idea to make it difficult for frontline staff to get immunised. this is going to decrease rates of frontline staff covered. Am i going to cancel a surgery to get this jab no… if i could get this done at the surgery i work which is immunising patients currently then yes. welcome to the crazy world of the nhs. And oh yes weve had a dictat from above telling us not to use our swine flu vaccine on ourselves or our staff unless we are patients of the practice and in an at risk group!

    Free Member

    i have regularly crashed my stealth jacket and can confirm its very durable. Great piece of kit highly reccomended. windchill is great also

    Free Member

    i repeat .. idiot

    Free Member

    yeah, as a practicing medic i can easily diagnose an idiot over the internet.

    Free Member

    no i understand now, you'd be a bit miffed cos your are a stroppy individual!

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