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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    That dog is ubber cute, the back leg at a jaunty angle helps.

    Full Member

    Well done to everyone for finding it awful, shocking, terrible & horrible, however we have a winner for the most outraged.

    Well done to Quartz.

    Thanks to all for taking part.


    Full Member

    The other news is so boring at the moment now the Philpots have been banged up, that to be honest I hope we have a nuclear war to liven things up a bit.

    Full Member

    I agree with trailmonkey, at the end of the day they are North Korea’s missiles if they want to move them about a bit why shouldn’t they, even if they want to fly them about they should be allowed to. America should only have a problem if one of them lands on them, then they can have a moan.

    Full Member

    But at some point, unless we want to continue down the road of endless bail-outs, somebody has to address the fundamental structural problems of the deeply flawed Euro.

    I think everyone’s agreed on that!

    If I was a German voter I’d have been happy to let Cyprus go and think that paves the way for larger countries to follow suit if it works out. If it didn’t work out for Cyprus then other countries would fall more in to line. But I’d want to maintain the Euro for stronger countries that can work together with in the zone.

    Gotamas point on the Euro appreciation could be dealt with by a bit more QE like in Japan. 😕

    Full Member

    I agree and that why Mercol did what she did over the last week. But they are too sensible to bring on a bigger economic black hole by voting anti Europe.

    Full Member

    The German electorate will deliver their verdict in September. Nobody else’s opinion really matters!

    I agree…. anyway, my opinion is 😀

    The Germans unlike the Italians are too sensible and wont vote anti Europe.

    Right, now nobody else’s opinion really matters!

    Full Member

    They probably thought, we’re **** with our major industry gone, so we might as well make every effort to stay in and try to get some sort of help. What would they do if they dropped out the Euro, the banks would have still folded? It’s a hard call.

    It’ll be interesting to see what the Germans think about all this in September.

    Full Member

    Wait for the real details of the capital flight that occurred DURING this process despite the banks being closed – and guess where the money was going?

    They’ll be no real surprises, everyone knows what goes on and the people in power will have been looked after, it’s always the same in these situations. Plus the loopholes that were left open whether intentional or not as in pointed out in the Reuters article.

    Full Member

    If bondholders take a hit, then it’ll be the first time. That’s not been the case in the previous bail outs.

    This isn’t like other bailouts though. The first 3 words from the WSJ sum it up. “Up until now”, but then again up until now depositors have also been “exempted from taking losses on their investment, leaving taxpayers to take the brunt of the responsibility for supporting failed banks.” despite the guarantee of only €100k.

    Full Member


    You really just don’t get it at all, do you JY? The EU bail-outs are a back door way of bailing out European banks. Cypriot savers and businesses are presently paying a 40% tax on their savings and earnings, so that European Bankers don’t have to lose any money on their bad investments.

    The European Union’s decision to recapitalize Cypriot banks by inflicting losses on depositors and senior bondholders is triggering investor concern that bank funding across the region will be hurt.

    Full Member

    Wow just understood that the company that Im working at which has a normal business current account at the bank of Cyprus has just been notified that its current account will be raided to the tune of 40%.

    You company should have had finger on the pulse.

    Also I thought everyone knew bank accounts only had a guarantee or £85K (€100k), so you needed to spread it about.

    Full Member

    Most current interviewers dont even get basic answers on current topics then start stupid discussions with no relevance

    True, you listen to R4 Am show and you get Humphries repeatedly asking the same question, usually not letting the interviewee reply, just so he can get the soundbite he wants so they can use on the news throughout the day. He’s a total PITA especially when he puts he pained voice on trying to lay on how concerned he is.

    Full Member

    They go on the lash to celebrate, get hammered on Ouzo and loose the wallet with all the bailout money in it, then get in a fight with a Russian while a group of Germans are looking on in bemusement?

    Full Member

    Yep, very good, like real life Call of Duty.

    The girls are @ 2:40 FYI.

    Full Member

    It looks like they have done a deal with Greece of all places.

    Full Member

    A lot of talk about Brussels when in reality it’s Germany holding the purse strings, but who can blame them for wanting something in return for bailing out another failed economy, especially one built on money from out side the region.

    Merkel is up for election in September she needs to take that in to account or Germany could end up with a bellend government like Italy. Anyway, why should they bail out Russian money held in an EU country, unfortunately the Cypriot public are caught in the middle. It’s the failed economy of Cyprus and their reliance on a GDP from a banking system built around providing a tax haven bubble that has now burst.

    Not read much of the previous 7 pages so may have been said and no doubt argued about already.

    Full Member

    Sorry THM, missed that, and it was tongue in cheek anyway!

    I think the markets are expecting a resolve as always seems to happen at, or, in the case of the Fiscal Cliff just after the deadline. This one is going to the line, and even a resolve won’t be the end of the matter when the banks open and the next phase kicks in.

    Full Member

    When does this bubble burst and what will be the trigger?

    I’ll take a guess at….. Cyprus!

    Give it a week or so and it will be a buying opportunity. Luckily I did a stealthy redemption and a bit of switching to cautious funds at the end of last week. 8)

    Full Member

    Anything that gets Muslims or any religious group bouncing about gets a thumbs up from me.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Hot ******* Chip

    Full Member

    The FTSE 100 and even the 250 don’t have much to do with the UK economy, they’re global market indicators and with the US coming out of recession and China having a soft landing the markets are feeding off that.

    Stocks are high because returns on bonds are so low.

    As soon as interest rates start rising then stocks will fall as people move their money back into other forms of investment.

    I don’t know where you get that idea, interest rates have been low for years and bond returns over the past couple of years have been pretty good. Bonds dropped early Jan on the worries of interest rates rising and that’s when stock went up the most due to the so called ‘rotation’ from bonds to stock.

    Full Member

    Never mind America has good news on housing and is dragging the FTSE back up. Steer clear of Europe for a bit, US and Asia is where it’s at.

    Full Member

    It’s the debt that’s going to cripple them, there bond yields have shot up and they want to release more.

    The ECB (germany!) should pull the plug on them 😆

    Full Member

    I’d wager he’s more intelligent than you and I, and probably any of the other posters on here. He’s certainly made more of a mark.

    Is that how you judge someone’s intelligence by the mark they make? Everyone on the forum is less intelligent than people that get in the media then, that was simple wasn’t it. 😆

    They have a hung parliament with a paedo tax dodger and a comedian who can’t stand for parliament due to a manslaughter charge who picked his party in an online poll. The party has no economic policies to sort the country out that is already in dire straights and no experience of government (this may be seen as a good thing I suppose).

    Full Member

    55% of them are

    Full Member

    “As the mayor packed up his papers and exchanged insults with members – calling them “great, supine, protoplasmic invertebrate jellies’ as he was ejected”

    TBF they deserved the insult, were just trying to rush through a vote in ultra quick time because one of the opposition was late due to a tube delay. They failed when she turned up 2 mins later.

    Full Member

    I get the impression that Beppe Grillo isn’t the idiot comedian the media are making him out to be.

    I think you’ll find he is.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I’m 100% with somafunk.

    Kenny, I agree, Saville should have been locked up years ago.

    Full Member


    Narcissistic Trait
    Authority: 4.00
    Self-Sufficiency: 4.00
    Superiority: 3.00
    Exhibitionism: 5.00
    Exploitativeness: 5.00
    Vanity: 1.00
    Entitlement: 4.00

    Full Member

    Full Member

    As soon as I saw his profile history I replied to tell him I was no longer interested but he claims he has already posted the item.

    Lol, that’s a classic, what a bellend he is. 😆

    Full Member

    He might be doing us some good, from the article.

    Even enemies of cyclists have reacted with fury at Dennison’s vile antics. Brendan O’Cafferidge of the Taxpaying Road Users’ Forum said: “Anyone who uses Britain’s roads hates cyclists. “But not even these lycrawearing nincompoops deserve having their seating areas insufflated like this.”

    Full Member

    Some people genuinely do have too much money.

    £120k bar bill.

    Full Member

    The press print whatever they’re told to print, on a totally unrelated point look at the crap spouted regarding drug seizures etc. There was one recently regarding a cannabis resin seizure on the A74 reported as being worth £300,000, the actual amount seized was 15kg, perhaps worth £20,000 if you’re lucky and find a mug who likes soapbar (poor quality resin – not cannabis) to buy it.

    2 seperate cases, it was 95 kilos of cannabis resin.

    Whos the lying twunt?

    Full Member


    A great feeling was stamping on a dot matrix once.

    Full Member

    Overtake and give them the bird as you go past for wasting your time.

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