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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    I think you need to judge how the UK is doing and the speed of recovery compared to the rest or Europe and the World, we’re doing a lot better than most.

    Full Member

    I thinks that’s a fair summery edward2000. Well done.

    Full Member

    Did you miss the bit where two happy clappy western christian leaders went on a crusade v the axis of evil where you were either with them or against them?

    I’m talking about state of Islam as a whole, and it’s actions throughout the world, Boko Haram being another fine example of this great religion.

    As for 2 wrongs making a right I don’t think we should have gone in to Irag in the first place either FWIW, let old Saddam do what he wanted, it’s his country right?

    Full Member

    As does christianity , and as does western secular society.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think all religion is a crock or crap, but Islam is up there at the top.

    Full Member

    I’m really surprised by this, Islam seems such a peaceful, fun loving religion.

    Full Member

    Postal vote even though the voting station is dead opposite in our village hall, it’s closer than the post box!

    Full Member

    Artex the whole room, it’s the in thing now.

    Full Member

    Nice one Paul, I’m glad you got back to Grasmere. Sh!t like that always seems to happen when you really don’t need it!

    Full Member

    Hi dazh, glad to have been of help, I wasn’t implying anything about his bike maintenance! That could have been nasty if it had gone in the wheel you can get a fair pace up coming down Newlands :-S

    If I’d been closer to home and not got the promise of a bacon sarnie from a mate in Keswick I’d have given him a lift to Grasmere. Must have had a bit of hanging around in Keswick, although he did say you were going quicker (don’t tell him I told you though ;-)).

    Full Member

    Observations from an observer:

    I went for a spin up Honister and Newlands last night and saw a lot of gel wrappers lying about, they stand out as well due to the garish colours they make them.
    While I was watching on Winlater I noticed a lot of creaky bikes going past, I’d be worried about finishing if my bike was making the noises some were making. In fact going back to Keswick I saw a rider whos rear mech had come off going down Newlands, I gave him a tow to KMB and a cafe.
    The car drivers going up Winlatter were a PITA, overtaking groups of bikers on bends….then meeting a car coming down while they are n the wrong side of the road. A lot of the cars seemed to be associated with riders, ie car with wife and kids and bike racks with no bikes on them!

    Full Member

    bjj.andy.w, I saw and heard you! Looked like you were going strong, great time to do it in, well done. 8)

    I hung around on Winlatter until the cut off at Braithwaite had passed, some of the tail enders looked pretty knackered and there were some fairly heavy shows passing through. A hard day for them!

    I saw someone on a full sus and shouted if it had lockout, apparently it didn’t! Was that you vondally?

    Well done all who did it.

    Full Member

    I’ll pop up to Winlatter pass and cheer you all on rain or shine. I’ll be on/with a red On-One singlespeed.

    I like riding the passes but not disciplined enough to train enough for the Fred.

    boxelder is the fell runner PB?

    GLA and respect to all that complete it!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Anyone who wears jumpers like that has a touch of Yewtree about them.

    Full Member

    Clowns are all **** as far as I’m concerned.

    Full Member

    Probably be in in 2 or 3 years with ‘good behavior’.

    Full Member

    I did it a few years back and got it signed off. It was a flexible liner and new stove etc. I knew more about it than the BC man that came round as I’d looked in to it fully , I ended up telling him what to look for (i.e. registration plate in stairs cupboard) cost about £20 – £30 to get it signed off. Worth doing if you think you may sell house in next few years. Mine was under 5kw so didn’t need additional vent.

    Full Member

    I was meant to do it in June, i told them I was too busy work wise and the company had no one else that could do my job. I got it deferred until March.

    I’ll make it perfectly clear when I do go that it’s pointless me being there, as far as i’m concerned they’re guilty if they are there, and nothing will change my mind. Plus I’ll have a serious bad attitude when I’m there, hopefully they’ll send me home and I can have 2 weeks off.

    Full Member

    You should have upped your pressure and given him a return retaliation blast.

    Full Member

    Ditch partner, go out with 17 year old daughter, get you ex to run around after both of you.

    Start having loud sex with your new partner.

    Full Member

    I’d forgotten all about getting a stove fan since I heard of them a year or so ago. Just bought a Valiant stove fan from Amazon. Thanks for Spooky!


    Full Member

    konabunny – Member
    Why is it so odd? There’s been a redistribution of wealth from everyone else’s pocket into yours.

    Why didn’t you get shares then give the profit to a charity if you felt so strong about it?

    Full Member

    Fukuppy is a bad motherfuka

    Full Member

    What a crapily shot video, the 1st minute plus all blurry close up, followed by more far too close shots…. gave up.

    Full Member

    thestabiliser – Member
    when the plebs are allowed to start trading the ar5e will fall out of it

    The plebs can trade.

    Not yet they can’t

    from BBC website:
    ‘Royal Mail shares rose more than 38% to 456p at the start of conditional dealings on the London Stock Exchange.

    Well how come I sold my GF’s at 08:11 this morning then?

    Trade Date/Time: 11/10/2013 08:11:49
    Execution Venue: LSE
    Settlement Date: 16/10/2013
    Transaction Reference: 3xxxxxxx2
    Order Type: At Best Sell
    You have sold:
    Stock Name Stock Details
    Quantity Price £ Consideration £
    227 4.45225 1,010.66
    Commission: £ 0.00
    Total: £ 1,010.66

    Looking foward to your answer 😆

    Full Member

    when the plebs are allowed to start trading the ar5e will fall out of it

    The plebs can trade.

    Full Member

    Woodys tattoos were amazing quality, a true artist.

    Full Member

    Sold the GF’s £750 for £4.45225 a share, just missed the slightly higher % on a price refresh!

    Full Member

    Just got an email saying my order is cancelled, I think I did something like £15-18k, I can’t remember. GF did £8k so may get some. I’m not really bothered either way. Loads more stuff going on. 🙂

    Full Member

    Looks like Honister

    Full Member

    A rather good video – nuclear weapon detonation content.

    A good excuse to play a bit of BJM. 8)

    Full Member

    I’m alrady starting to hate the seller. 😡

    Full Member

    The other one snapped in half due to overuse 😳

    Dp was getting quite vigorous with it and the next thing I know it had snapped and was half whirling about.


    Full Member

    Higher management costs and fees, pretty minimal considering.

    Go for clean funds.

    Or go with a decent broker and get a trail rebate.

    increased trading costs active funds incur

    What are they then?? What trading costs do passive funds not incur then?

    What tracker could I go for if I wanted a decent Absolute Return fund equivalent then? Or a cautious approach equity fund like Troy Trojan Income?

    Full Member

    I pretty much give up going over this with you!

    Our data shows that Dean’s fund sits in the top quartile of the IMA UK All Companies sector over one, three, five and 10 years.

    There’s a fair chance she knows what she and her team know what they’re doing, same with other funds. If you think past performance of short medium and long term has no bearing on the quality of funds/managers then more fool you. You can sit on the red index line at the bottom of the graph, I’ll wave at you from the blue.

    As for the 1/3 chance you quote, that assumes i invest in all funds good and bad and don’t react to performance, crazy.

    Full Member

    Steve77, you seem to miss a lot of key points I make.

    There are over 2000 active funds, I’d only ever go for a handfull of them, and as I said further up the thread, you pick the best Alpha managers with proven track records

    I know there are a lot of funds that under perform, but there are funds that over perform by a large margin do research and go for them.

    Of course you have to keep an eye for under performing funds or if the managers situations change.

    You need to keep an eye on your funds to make sure they keep doing what you expect of them. The reason I say about ‘managers situations change’ is that I have a large amount under Alex Wright in Fid UK Smaller Co and Fid Special Values IT. Now he has been given the role of running a large £2.5bn fund, so I’ll keep an eye on my existing funds to make sure they don’t suffer. He’ll have massive resources behind him and FSV IT is the closed ended version of his new fund he took over from the same manager, so the new role may benefit that. FSV has risen 60% over the last year. If it starts to falter, I’ll move out. The only problem is CGT when moving as joint allowance is only £21k a year, my Fid UK Smaller Co is in an ISA so no probs.

    You don’t have to stick with a fund for a set time!

    Go for clean funds with no trail, or IT’s.

    Keep your cost down.

    I have an amount in higher risk funds then i take profits and move it to 3 Absolute funds i have, a bit like the bucket approach in my first post.

    Because I have a lot invested I spend a lot of time on Trustnet and other finance sites like that. Heres an article from yesterday, I also hold Cazenove UK Opportunities[/url], the graph and figures speak for its self compare to the index. Julie Deans situation has also changed with Cazenove being bought by Schroders so I’ll be watching that fund.

    I’d never go for the low performing funds with no track record or low ratings, sure you’ll be on a looser, but do you research you’re on to a winner.

    Full Member

    If you think that consistent over performance and solid proven track records over a various time periods has no bearing on a managers ability then fair enough, there’s nothing more to say on it.

    The link you have is to the American Markets, very different to the UK. The only tracker I’ve had was S&P500 for that reason.

    There are over 2000 active funds, I’d only ever go for a handfull of them, and as I said further up the thread, you pick the best Alpha managers with proven track records, they have large teams of analysts, the funds and managers have been vetted and rated by Morning Start, FE, etc, you get what you pay for. I’d never go for the low performing funds with no track record or low ratings, sure you’ll be on a looser, but do you research you’re on to a winner.

    If you want to target a area like income or smaller companies or Asia then go active, it’s a no brainer.

    Edit: the 10 year figure for Caz Uk Smaller is 381% to the index with 194% if you were wanting longer time frames to prove the point even more!

    Full Member

    I’ve worked in the industry and seen the impact IFA commission rates have on investments for example.

    What have IFA’s got to do with fund fees, you don’t need to go though a IFA to buy a fund active or passive. And since RDR IFA’s can’t get commission from fund providers.

    Go for clean funds with no trail, or IT’s.

    As for funds not beating indexes compare Caz UK smaller Co. and Fidelity Smaller Co. To there index, 1,3 & 5 years, cumulative, discrete and annualised figures, they win every time. You,re on a looser with this one. 258% and 201% compared to 99% over 5 years, lol get real.

    Full Member

    IRC, I see what you mean, ‘active’ in fund investment is where there is a manager picking and managing stocks as opposed to ‘passive’ where the funds are computer driven, usually following indexes.

    Maybe look at Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC, and Fidelity Special Values PLC, the later has only had the manger running it since Sept 2012 so look back to that limit for past performance.

    Yeah OK Steve77, you keep believing that…..thats why the market for active funds is so massive. The charges on closed ended funds isn’t that high, see above. Chart good funds against index passive funds. Of course you have to keep an eye for under performing funds or if the managers situations change.

    Full Member

    I’m a believer in the theory that short term trading is a zero sum game. One persons gains are another persons losses so long term most active funds won’t beat the average. So I’m happy to buy and hold good companies through a fund.

    None of that makes sense to me, what have funds (passive or active got to do with short term trading? Of course good active funds with top managers beat passive funds. Fundsmith is an active fund (IT).

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