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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 17: Cannondale Extremely Useful Bundle
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    Personally I find Adam & Joe too twee, safe and a bit sickly sweet!!

    Full Member

    Friday Night Comedy from Radio 4

    Hard to find any plays. I like TWIT which is a techy podcast but done in a light hearted easy to listen way.

    Or you could shell out some cash and go to and buy a book, they're meant to be very well done.

    Full Member

    Our Lord works in mysterious ways 😆

    Full Member

    3MPH more and you'd have to change your website to joeofftheroad.

    Full Member

    The Calvert Trust do all sorts of activites and I saw a group of them cycling around Thirlmere the other day (in the rain!) in special recumbent style bikes, also do horse riding, climbing ect, it's a charity/trust.

    Calvert Trust

    In Exmoor, Kielder & Lake District

    Full Member

    I need TP for my bunghole.

    Classic stuff, good find racefaceec90. 8)

    Full Member

    Her skull dented the 1" steel on the front of the engine.

    I think not.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    If you're only getting 1.75% you also need to start a 'Best Interest Rates Thread'.

    Full Member

    It's gone very cold in here!! lodious you missed the smilie off 😆

    Full Member

    Link please.

    Full Member

    I'm English then European. I'll pop back when this all hots up a bit, this thread is still in it's infancy.

    Full Member

    What? Sorry, I'm not that familiar with forum etiquette, what does 'post edited' mean?

    I changed the post you commented on, I added a get out clause!

    Full Member

    barnsleymitch post edited!

    Full Member

    Long shot, you could talk to your boss tell him what's wrong (i.e. why he's a bellend and Peeing you off) and how to make thing better and put a 'the company will benefit' slant on the way say it.

    [EDIT] This is not recommended except as a last ditch effort to save the job or sanity. See Below!

    Full Member

    Dont leave without something to go to IMO. Try going for the odd job you like the look of even if you think you don't have a hope in hell, if things click you may get it or hear of other opportunities…

    Failing that:-
    Try to scive as much as you can so you feel you're not losing out or being taken the Pee out of.
    Take a loan out and buy a BMW X6.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I work from home 270 miles from the office have little hassle compare to everyone else at the company, so I enjoy this one as much as I can enjoy working that's why I've been doing it 11 years now. I guess that applied in the past more than now, but when you usually hand your notice in it's because you've had enough so you feel like it's the best part of the job. There!

    Full Member

    I'm off down the pub for a cheeky snifter in a bit, so no talking about me while I'm gone or I'll do you for abuse. And defo no pissin' up me car.

    If any one fancies one we'll be in the Dog & Gun or the Square Orange. 😀

    Full Member

    Best bit of any job is handing you notice in, savour the moment.

    Full Member

    😆 @ alpin Where the f*ck did that come from, I must admit I wasn't expecting that. Good ol' pissin' Rich.

    Full Member

    The answer is no he was not bullied. There that's that one put to bed. 8)

    Full Member

    Dobbo, I think it's a Rover 200

    The Rover 200 sure is a fine looking car, I'd be willing to pay up £40k possibly up to £49k for one of those beauties, no more mind.

    Full Member

    Is racism therefore banter between friends if they all have the same opinion or only racism if someone of ethnic origin overhears it?

    Yehhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa, racism is finally in the thread. 😆 Mental, it took longer than expected but there it is in black and white.

    Full Member

    I like that top car, what is it?

    Full Member

    Can someone update me. Is it a racist issue yet?

    Full Member

    Didn't he do a video where he sellotaped his head up?

    Full Member

    The numbers weren't far out, the profits were correct!

    A BUSINESSMAN has made £100,000 profit in less than a year by selling a rare Ferrari which he never even drove.

    He snapped up the 2004 Enzo from UK supercar dealer Tom Hartley for £625,000 last year as an investment – then sold it back to him for £725,000.

    But Tom still made a £50,000 profit by flogging the motor – a favourite among collectors – to a British businessman for £775,000 within a WEEK.

    No doubt he'll pay capital gains on his £100k 😉

    Full Member

    A bloke in the paper the other day bought a Ferrari last year as an investment for £700k and sold it bake to the same dealer for £100k profit, the dealer then sold it for a £50k profit. Not a bad pen1s extension.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    For the people saying "if I had £50k to spend I wouldn't spend it on a car", you may have missed the point the bloke may have a massive amount more than £50k and that was the equivalent to you spending £1k on a car.

    Stop Press There are some very rich people around.

    Full Member

    To denounce the Romani people as pedophiles is clearly racist. And to do so publicly, would probably constitute inciting racial hatred. And therefore be illegal.

    It's like talking to schoolkid. In Britain it is illegal to have s£x under the age of 16 if it's there tradition to do it from the age of 9 and preferably before the age of 14 then that is under-age s£x which is commonly known as being paedophile. Fact……

    And my beef is with dirty tossers with no respect for the countryside or other people I don't care whether they are Romani, Irish or British TBA. If they park their caravans on land that's not theirs and turn it into a sh1te hole then I don't have much time for them. They parked on a field down the road from us a while back, they were they 1 night left no end of crap and broke into the car park donation boxes, nice people? The Appleby Horse fair bring all the crap up.

    Full Member

    By that "logic " enfht you are a rapist then as some people in your community have raped people. Some of them are paedos so you/we/all of us must be too.
    Still seem a resonable conclusion then?

    Talk about struggling to twist things to suit your argument. If it was tradition or a custom to rape or be a paedo in Britain then yes that would be correct. The point enfht seemed to be making was that in Romani tradition or a custom it is quite acceptable.

    Customs and Traditions or Roamnis

    "Roma expect females to be virgins when they marry and to remain faithful to their husbands until death. The potential for defilement is greatly heightened at marriage because Roma perceive it as the end of a woman's innocence. Traditionally, marriages for Roma have occurred early, after age nine but usually before age fourteen. Gajikane influence has undermined this tradition in many countries."

    Full Member

    Gypsy has several different and overlapping meanings under English Law. Under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 Gypsies are defined as "persons of nomadic habit of life, whatever their race or origin, but does not include members of an organised group of travelling showmen, or persons engaged in travelling circuses, travelling together as such.", this definition includes such groups as New Age Travellers, as well as Irish Travellers and Romany. Not being pro gypsies is not a race issue it's an issue with how people live there lives and the effects that that has on you, as hugh_b has pointed out. Moving into areas flouting planning laws, thieving, creating tips on the country side, paying no taxes and intimidation are not a great ways to go about getting public opinion on there side.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    All we need now is a link between Superstar and Dave Hinde to finish this thing off nicely.

    Full Member

    We need you too spend us out of recession, you're very public spirited and I admire you greatly.

    Full Member

    These days you have to work your ar$e off to fail not pass, lol. 😉

    Full Member

    Double Diamond
    Watneys Red Barrel

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