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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    Pilot light gone out.
    Pump nackered.
    Water pressure.
    Valve stuck HWS/Heating

    Full Member

    Did you go red when you read back through you posts and saw how wrong you were? 😆

    Full Member

    Your suggestion which you took from “the other articles”, is that better Dobbo ?

    Not really, if can’t see the difference between what someone suggests and what someone states as having read from reliable sources then I not only suggest it’s you that is the thick one, I state this thread proves it. 😆

    Full Member

    Which is probably the reason why I didn’t leave out the bit where you had said :

    The scenario I offered was just simply trying to put some flesh on your suggestion that they let him go off to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

    Assuming that when you said YOUR SUGGESTION you meant it was his suggestion.


    Full Member

    But what I was aware of, was that Clubber offered me a suggestion as to how he came to stab himself.

    Offered you a suggestion, that was offered to him by news sources readily available to anyone connected to the WWW.

    Full Member

    “Smiley – who also had a big hit with Cockney Translation about the struggle of Jamaicans to understand London accents – was already on bail over a £250,000 cocaine seizure before yesterday’s 7am raid on his home in Warlingham, Surrey. ”

    Full Member

    The scenario I offered was just simply trying to put some flesh on your suggestion that they let him go off to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

    I didn’t realise Clubber wrote for so many newspapers and news websites that have the same info in them. Respect.

    Full Member

    Meth is my favourite drug with out people dealing in that we wouldn’t have the Faces of Meth before and after shots to have a giggle at.

    Faces of Meth.

    Full Member

    konabunny, why do you think I objected to anything in your post, after all it’s based on thin air like….like half the other posts on this thread that are speculating on what happened in the house.

    Why would you think I give a flying **** about a missing full stop or grammer, lol.

    Full Member

    I assume (based on thin air) that the substance of the drug supply allegations will come out in the coming months – because OB/CPS will want to show what a naughty person he was and/or because his co-accused’s trial (he was on conspiracy charges – I’m assuming that there must have been co-conspirators who will still be prosecuted).

    I totally agree, the way these police thugs smashed into his house and stabbed him to death is a total disgrace, there’s no way he had any involvement with supplying drugs or has ever done anything wrong.
    The police force needs disbanding to prevent any more of these atrocities and the government should be dissolved because they are ultimately responsible for the death of Smiley. Mr Cultures blood is on Cameron’s hands.

    Full Member

    What purpose would it serve to have one rather than just going through the normal channels?

    Plus the normal channels that are registered will get gift aid I expect.

    Full Member

    A discreet curtain works for me.

    Full Member

    Yeah I see what you mean about A being for a post mount brake. It looks like I need to get a bigger disk, TBA the Hope I have are so old it makes sense to get new brakes 😀

    Thanks for the help.

    Full Member

    No probs, cheers mate.

    Full Member

    The fork is post 74mm, the brake is IS.

    Full Member

    Nice pic OCB, something about it gets me, must be the cog and chain having an engineering look going on.

    Full Member

    Lol @ ernie_lynch what a ranting nutter.

    Full Member

    Maybe I’m getting it mixed up with Douglas Hird. 😆

    Full Member

    “www,” I sometimes have that problem, I tend to just stare at the wardrobe and think of Thora Hird.

    Full Member

    Nice edit 😆

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Because the OP thought he could either:
    1. Drag a bit more life out of it.
    2. Try to get some life into it that it never had in the first place.

    Full Member

    I did a mashup of the through the but I cant spot the difference!

    Mega 90’s Mash up[/url]

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Why has got donation buttons on it when it’s a shop/business?

    Full Member

    Beat me to it with the Alsation pic, how random is that. 😆

    Full Member

    Stay, and the ones who want you to go should go.

    What happened to the other fanylions who used to be on here?

    Full Member

    apart from all the boy, chief and boss malarky.

    CBA with it after the first 10 mins, turned it off and watched a history of farming program on BBC4 much better, bigger machinery and more interesting.

    Full Member

    The only thing I’d add is why do you need SEO? If you type “Burn the Curtain” into google you are top of the list. Yes, you could improve your home page so there was a bit of useful content listed by google, but if most people are searching for you by your name you may end up spending a fair bit of money on something that doesn’t really benefit you.

    I would have thought the idea is to get people who have not heard of Burn the Curtain but after after what the site has to offer. If the site didn’t come up 1st for a search on ‘Burn the Curtain’ you and google would have a big problem. 😆

    Full Member

    Doing a large job, with underfloor & trench heating, chilled beams and pasivent natural vent with roof stacks, be interesting to see how that all pans out. Natural vent is a big thing now on new builds as are renewables i.e. biomass heating, heat pump and CHP for a dual output.

    Full Member

    They’re even spelt differently.

    Full Member

    Good on you all, but how do so many people get so much time to ride midweek?

    I did sneak 1 1/2 ride around the lanes at lunch, one of the bonuses of working from home. 8)

    Full Member

    This thread really makes you see the value of the internet and forums, people communicating and sharing information and stories about events the other side of the world. Shame the subjects is so sad though.

    Full Member

    Ur phone iz sarazen

    Full Member

    Seriously? This is the sort of thing you choose to get worked up about? We pay 69p each per year for the royal family – but the fact that we can’t afford everything we want to lay our grubby hands on is all their fault?

    I suppose you could say that about all tax payers money, like the MP expenses scandal, Quangos wasting tax payers money, the actual cost per person was only minuscule, why worry about it? I’d think the £40m could be better spent elsewhere.

    Can’t say I have sleepless nights and get overly worked up over it, I do have a view about it though. 😉

    Full Member

    ridingscared + 1. The royals are sponging parasites, he’s got some token job handed to him.


    I hope the person whining about Wills being a useless rich kid who’s never done a days work has an accident in the hills and calls out a rescue chopper then turns it down ‘cos Wills piloting it.

    You may have a long wait he’ll probably be out on a Jolly (Being paid for by us of course)

    The Ministry of Defence and Clarence House faced a public relations disaster after it became known that William had used a £9,000 training flight on April 11 to pick up his brother, Prince Harry, in London and fly to the Isle of Wight to attend the party for his cousin Peter Philips.

    It emerged in the following days that he had also practised landings in a field owned by the parents of his girlfriend, Kate Middleton, used a helicopter flight to get to a wedding in Northumberland, and flown over Highgrove during his attachment to RAF Odiham, Hants,

    Clarence House was dismayed by the disclosures and the Prince of Wales was kept informed

    Full Member

    1st definite buyer gets it IMO.

    Full Member

    How quick can you do it in a car, maybe that’s your answer? 😆

    Full Member

    All down to this bloke.

    Full Member

    I’m sitting here with a cup of tea and the music on starting work, then I look at the pics on the BBC of all those people lives in turmoil and the despair caused. Not nice to see, hope the 65 doesn’t rise, but I suspect it will.

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