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  • Fresh Goods Friday 664 – World Champing At The Bit Edition
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    You could use Drupal & Ubercart or something like that if you do a bit of webdesign yourself, be up and running in no time, you can integrate PP into that for payment if you want.

    Full Member

    Tedious, Middle-Class, Home Counties twoddle


    Full Member

    Did you just get the rejection email Solo?

    Full Member

    “in 2007, Brian was awarded the Channel 4 News award for Most Inspiring Political Figure of the Year”. I wonder how that compares with Tony Blair ? …….what do you reckon Dobbo ?

    I have no time for Blair he’s a smug slimebag IMO, just as Cameron, Cleg & Miliband are. They twist fact & figures to manipulate arguments to suit their needs. They are after all politicians. I think the Iraq was was a waste of time money and people, like the Libya conflict is now.

    The point I was making was he could have made better use of his time and done more positive actions. I wouldn’t change my views on the war or politics just because someone had shown ‘such a commitment’ to sit and protest for ‘x’ number of years.

    I used to have strong views and used to get involved in demos and action years ago, then I realised it was getting depressing concentrating on all the negative shit going on. Now I try not to get wound up by the politics of the world as there is so little you can really do to change it and I’d rather go out and spend my time having a good time with like minded people. I expect you will think that’s a defeatist and selfish way of looking at things, letting the system get away with it, but that’s the attitude I have now. Brian Haw seems to make me see that I took the right decision. 10 years sat outside Parliament and no real gain. Hence:

    He could have achieved more with his time and made more of a difference to peoples lives by doing other things in 10 years.

    Full Member

    Despite your ridicule, it is indeed a target to aspire to. If everyone who recognised the futility of pointless war managed to convince just one other person, then the eventual result would be an overwhelming majority. It simply requires everyone to match that target.

    Irrespective of views on the war, I think it’s a waste of anyone’s life sitting for 10 years on a protest, the Iraq war had finished and sanctions lifted, go home and get on with what’s left of your life. Maybe he couldn’t face going back to real life after all that time, like people in prisons and institutions who worry about fitting into a normal life on release. He become a target for ridicule by not knowing when to call it a day IMO. He could have achieved more with his time and made more of a difference to peoples lives by doing other things in 10 years.

    Full Member

    (Reuters) – Actor Ryan Dunn, a star of the “Jackass” movie franchise, died early Monday when the 2007 Porsche he was driving careened off a highway and burst into flames.

    Reuters say he was driving.

    Other reports state the car was doing over 110mph!

    Full Member

    Less of a shame if drink driving?! He may have been a dick but he’s still dead ffs

    Drunk driving & speeding when he hit a tree, the tree may have saved others peoples lives. Hope the tree recovers.

    Full Member

    If he managed to make one other person think about how ridiculous war is then he achieved something.

    😆 That would be a great payback for 10 years work, that’s be a real target to aspire to.

    Full Member

    Hope all goes well, I hate stories like this, real life who needs it! 😐

    Full Member

    As you’re deliberately trying to twist an observation I’ve made about my friends (prompted by a vaguely related story) into some kind of racist attack

    I was doing the exact opposite actually, I was indicating how you were saying the Dark Sauce and Mayonnaise is a ‘mildly racist’ when in fact it’s not and you were being as you would say ‘right on’ and overly PC. There that’s it spelt out so plainly even you should be able to understand it.

    Full Member

    You quoted Dark Sauce and Mayonnaise, I quoted Eboney & Ivory as a parallel surly even you can comprehend that?

    And I’m so offended at being called a prat and right on, do you live in the past 😆

    Full Member

    I’ve noticed that mixed race couples seem to enjoy making mildly racist (or ambiguously racist) comments at all opportunities.

    5thElefant I expect you’d class ‘ebony & ivory’ by Stevie Wonder & Macca as being mildly racist (or ambiguously racist) in the same way then? 🙄

    Full Member

    Do it with style.

    Full Member

    OMG that is hideous………but strangely alluring!

    There you go. (sorry hugor)

    Full Member

    the sodding rain from the North West

    Lovely day yesterday and a lovely day tomorrow (metcheck) 2 good days out of about 40-50 aint too bad.

    Just remembered the that 03-06-12 was a nice day.

    Full Member

    None of you’ve not got a clue about what you’re talking about, bellends.

    Full Member

    I wish I had that many medals. 😆

    Full Member

    If I ate that even with lots of riding I would still be porky.

    To get a true comparison you would need to compare your ‘lots of riding’ and RealMans ‘training’. Also your diet, weight, age if you have active jobs or social life in general rather than being a couch potato etc.

    Edit. For the record, I’m not skinny, and I try hard to keep my weight to about 1/2 stone above what I would like it to be.

    Full Member

    I think that (some 😉 ) non fat people, a lot of whom who work hard to keep their weight under control quite like seeing fat people to remind them that the will power not to eat to much and that working out is for a good reason!

    I also think that some fat people just assume that lean people have the ability to eat what they like and not pile it on, and are lucky to be that way.

    Full Member

    The problem:

    And, in spite of my being intellignet and knowing that too much food (especially instant hit sugar- and fat-laden foods) makes one fat, two weeks ago I weighed myself and had a shock. I’d gained 2 stone.

    Does this make me weak willed, or somehow less a less deserving member of society? Does it f—? What it tells me is that, over a period of around 12 months I have gradually accrued this excess weight. One stone overweight and the mind says (hmm, a bit heavy, but this is manageable). But, because the onset is gradual, it then became two stone with me barely noticing.

    Because one mouthful of “bad” food doesn’t instantly turn one into a biffer, realising the effect of a poor diet (and other factors) doesn’t happen until a feeling of too late.

    The solution:

    Anyway, I’ve gone back to healthy eating and am now back on the bike.

    Full Member

    Would you say the same thing to an alcoholic?

    It could easily be changed to:

    I’d love to binge out on Guinness, larger wine everyday, but I know what will happen. Everyone knows what will happen these days, but some people don’t have the will power to stop. Moderation and balance is what’s needed, it’s not rocket science to see if you’ve got the balance wrong.

    The only thing I would add is that hangovers also are a good prevention (to non alcoholics) to doing it too regularly.

    Overeating and alcoholism are probably related somewhere down the line.

    Full Member

    People who are eating lots of the wrong foods are suffering with a situtation where their brains are rewarding them for eating such food.

    We all get that, I’d love to pig out on KitKats, Flakes, curry, beer and fry-ups everyday, but I know what will happen. Everyone knows what will happen these days, but some people don’t have the will power to stop. Moderation and balance is what’s needed, it’s not rocket science to see if you’ve got the balance wrong.

    Full Member

    Some people seem fixated on getting a sound bite out of people and when they have one that suits their belief or their side of the argument (or just gives them a cause), they will hammer the that point to death.

    It’s like listening to John Humphrys interviewing with on Radio 4 trying desperately to get a headline for the next hours news.

    Full Member

    I loathe and despise religion and the religious, I believe all people who believe in god(s) are feeble minded.

    I think the religious, religion and belief in god as an incredibly regressive, negative, dangerous and harmful mental illness. It is a force of incredible harm and holds back the human race.

    +1, especially the second paragraph. In this day and age the thought of people believing in religion is beyond me. I would agree with everyone to their own and all that, except that religion has such a negative effect on the world.

    Full Member

    Funny thread. It does seem ironic though that GRF posts a link saying roadies are having midlife crisis a page after a photo of him looking like a midlife crisis on wheels.

    Full Member

    Not read all above, but I ordered some parts a few weeks ago and they turned up with in stated time all well and good. On that I would use them again.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Full Member

    What about the lady with the fat “ladies area” that started to clap when she was on the job. lol. She said she was happy with her weight, WTF.

    Full Member

    I like never really knowing if I’ll stop on my CX bike with cantis.

    Full Member

    And no need for one of those ugly Pugsley fad things. 8)

    Full Member

    Are you allowed to mention them on here? 😆

    LX looks good value though.

    Full Member

    Even this….

    Has turned in to this…

    The Internet’s an angry mothrfukng place these days.

    Full Member

    There are a number of reasons for the arguments I believe

    Often nuance is lost due to the nature of text based chat. That leads to misunderstandings and people getting irate

    There are folk like me who find it very hard to let something lie – either a need to get the last word or a need to keep explaining. There are a good few of us and when two clash then the debate goes on for ever.

    There there is the “internet policeman” who feels its their duty to correct things that folk type and will often be very abrupt and rude in doing so. They believe it is justifiable to put people down.

    Then there is the funny guy whos humour simply does not work. What they think is a funny comment comes over as snippy and bitchy.

    Some folk believe that you should act and react as you would in real life, not saying anything you wouldn’t to someones face, others think “its just the internet” and fire away. A recipe for clashes.

    The vast majority of folk on here are decent people. Its often the limitations of a text based debate and the lack of social mores for internet debates that lead to the arguments.

    Good post and pretty much sums it up with the addition of what aracer said that some just enjoy an argument, not that that’s a major problem!

    Full Member
    Full Member

    just the subsequent posters!

    **** off is it, ****.

    Full Member

    I’ve reported this thread in a pre-emptively.

    Full Member

    Buy a gimp suit and parade around the streets showing it off.

    Full Member

    Razzle and a four pack.

    I’d have thought Razzle and a pack of Kleenex mansize tissues would have been a better match.

    Full Member

    1. Bradford?

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