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  • Chain Reaction Powers The Singletrack Forum
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    I lasted for about 2 mins of that whatnobeer…

    Full Member

    with his face like a bulldog that’s just had a stroke, then been hit in the face with a shovel

    Full Member

    I heard a bloke interviewed on Radio 4 this morning who was with them when it happened he said the car swerved to hit them and they were on the pavement. Be on Radio 4 Iplayer about 7:00 – 7:30 I think.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    With a broken bottle in his hand and another in his back. Classic 😆

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Full Member

    What worries me (before I know the facts) is that a bloke is in a car and sees 3 armed (with baseball bats, whatever) people in the street maybe flagging him down (do rioters drive?) and thinks: “shit, I’m being hijacked, I ain’t stopping!” and puts his foot down.

    3 vigilantes, slightly overstepping their civic duty as they see it, see an unfamiliar car entering a street and decide to flag it down. Driver panics and accellerates.

    What’s that got to do with what happened in Brum? The only bit of that that is correct is “(before I know the facts)”.

    Full Member

    I bet that means something different to her than it does to me. 😀

    Full Member

    😆 @ snake pic.

    Full Member

    They should get their lazy arses down to Buckingham Palace and torch that place, I’d be happy to see that. If it’s a genuine protest, then thats a good place to start.

    Full Member

    I’d like to live in bumblefuck.

    Full Member

    6,000 coppers out last night, 16,000 tonight, lets see what happens!

    Full Member

    London serves a purpose, that the best I can say. Oh yeah and it has good pubs.

    Full Member

    Be funny if a a looter came home to find their flat burnt out and the place where they work looted. They wrecking there own areas, seems a bit pointless to me, go up the city and have a good old riot there, like the Stop the City marches in the 80’s.

    Full Member

    “Home Secretary Theresa May is to return from her summer holiday following a second night of violence in London.”

    This is getting out of hand now.

    Full Member

    Water sports at 80, good on him.

    Full Member

    Lee Scratch Perry. Madder than a box of frogs (but in agood way).

    Saw him at Reading Festival years back, most people were like WTF is going on here, he had a gold lamé suit on and was on some planet no so near by.

    Full Member

    I’ve got quite a bit of music from SirensSound, don’t think I’ll go for Lapsus though, can’t be doing with the forced-growl vocals.

    I would also like to see the banjo string snapping on YouTube.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Her belly button has turned into a nipple.

    Full Member

    You can view the motorway webcams on some traffic sites.

    Full Member

    Not sure how much lick I’ve got, but I’m always up for a challenge.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure I can lick your testicles Flash, maybe we should hook up?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    sorry..was half just poking fun at the rick stein thread..

    Cross thread trolling, that’s pretty advanced forumry. 8)

    Full Member

    😆 @ maccruiskeen

    Full Member

    £50bn wiped off yesterday and £40bn today, I know it’s a good time to buy some stocks or trusts but I cant get motivated to do, I’ll regret it when the bounce occurs.

    Full Member

    FFS, nearly forgot the mighty Lee Scratch Perry.

    Full Member

    You’ll need to upgrade your speakers as well 8)

    Full Member

    Good places to start are:
    King Tubby
    Mad Professor

    All dub reggae.

    Full Member

    Having a 2nd/holiday home can be a tie, especially if it’s a fair drive away, we bought a 2nd home in the Lake District about 6-7 years ago. When we were there we found it hard to go back to our main house! After about 6 months the GF’s boss was moving and she said she wanted redundancy and got it, I work from home so we moved up to the Lakes, best thing we’ve done. We were planning on on living there anyway it just happened sooner than we thought.

    Do it if you don’t mind the drive and wont get to attached to it and it doesn’t need much work IMO. In the winter can be a worry not being there with frozen pipes etc.

    If you’re going to let it out you’ll need someone to do the changeovers or pay an agent which can eat into the money you make, some agents take a high % for the full service.

    Full Member

    thus showing how little you know.

    I’ve admitted that, that’s why I’ve asked what’s the point to be enlightened on the subject. 😆

    I think your trolling is pointless, but amusing as you’re making a right eejit of yourself! And I know best, remember…..

    Clear enough?

    Maybe you could draw up a list of topics that you consider to be acceptable, that would help prevent you having to endure topics that don’t meet you approval. Go and try the hanging tread, that seems more your cup of tea.

    Full Member

    Which is exactly what you are doing.

    I’m stating what I think. I suppose you know best though. 🙄

    I think a 150mph+ car on roads with 70mph limit are pointless. Is that clear enough?

    Full Member

    Troll. Either that or you’re trying (And failing) to sound clever about something you clearly have utterly no clue at all about.

    I’ve never driven a fast car like that and don’t watch Top Gear or shite like that, so don’t know what it’s like to drive one. But why is it a troll to ask what’s the point in having what is basically a F1 car with a numberplate and some lights on it on public roads? You need to revise you definition of a troll.

    Full Member

    E_L, I’d pretty much agree with all that with the exception of ‘The overriding aim of wealthy nations is to keep poor nations poor.‘ this may have been true in the past, I think wealthier nations now (or are starting to) want all countries to be self supporting and have stable economies and regimes due to the stability of single countries affecting global stability.

    And I’m not too sure how factual the ‘your fat overfed arse‘ comment is either.

    Full Member

    I’d never heard of, just looked at it, looks good, now bookmarked. Metcheck has been shite for ages but I still persevered with them as I don’t like the BBC weather! +1
    metcheck -5mins

    Full Member

    I did a random click and started at 2:50 man alive what a car crash of a song. Trying to give it the diva up-down-scales-warble and failing miserably.

    Full Member

    She needs the attention of a good throat specialist. 😐

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