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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • Dobbo
    Full Member

    I think he’s a great sport for doing that especially as he often gets such a hard time in the media for standing up for his beliefs.

    That because he’s a hypocrite (especially on eco issues) and the media like to highlight this, when they are not being drawn in by this kind of royalist PR stunt that is.

    Full Member

    Hopefully within a generation or two, it will be commonly acknowledged that Islam is holding back cultural evolution worldwide.

    All religion that should be.

    Full Member

    What you’re probably missing is that 1/2 means 2 to 1 on – ie they’re not offering very good odds on that as they think it likely.

    So they think it’s more likely (1/2) for Ed NOT being PM before 2020 than he will (6/4).

    And more likely the Euro will exist (4/6) in 2014 than not (11/10).

    If so, that’s pretty much what I meant.

    Full Member

    Here’s a good one – you can get 6/4 on Ed being PM before 2020

    And 1/2 on him not being PM before 2020. Am I missing something here or is the idea to highlight the best odds? 😕

    Full Member

    For the Euro to have completely collapsed before 2014, its presently 11/10

    Anyone fancy betting against that?

    It’s 4/6 on it still remaining so I’d probably bet against it if push came to shove.

    Full Member

    If the Aga is gas or oil that modulates to maintain the load unless you have demands that can’t be met by the Aga then I wouldn’t store heat from it, you’ll load the Aga up to have heat sitting in a tank that might not be needed. I’d use a thermal store to store up excess heat from wood burner or as a buffer for excess periods like a small store on a heat pump to smooth out demand fluctuations. Not that I’m an expert, just how I kind of see it!

    Full Member

    A 300 litre thermal store won’t give you much time without a heat source IMO. I have a 1500litre thermal store and it’ll only give a day max in cold weather and that’s with the heating system hot.

    Having gravity fed may be a problem with a large thermal store as that’s a hell of a lot of water that’ll expand and contact with the heat, unless youe F&E tank is big and has a good capacity. I’ve got a closed system and the expansion vessel is pretty big.

    Full Member

    Right click on file or folder -> Send To -> Compressed Folder.

    Full Member

    The thing is I was asking for info as I was genuinely interested in what you said, but you seem to get hot under the collar and rattled for no real reason, maybe we just clash. I do find a some things you say interesting and my questions were a follow up on this, I don’t think I’ll bother in the future though.

    Anyway here’s some info that I found after a bit of digging about what we trying to discuss. (a few pages down in each PDF.)

    Arkangel 3

    Arkangle 4

    I’m not sure why I followed this up and posted links to back up what you said, dumb or what ? Have fun.

    Full Member

    Are you deliberately acting dumb ?

    It certainly seems like you are the one who is rattled and has to resort to insults.

    You provided one link, the other case the best you can find is a couple of comments on some blog. You seemed to dismiss blog comments on the Mugabe thread as well from what I remember.

    Was that the best example you could find ?

    No just the quickest do you really think I can be arsed spending as much time as you seem to trawling through this site?

    Here’s another quote to back it up and funnily enough it sums up my thoughts entirely! On this thread and your claims.

    ernie_lynch – Member
    Forget it mate – you are obviously not going to back up your wild allegation. And instead attempt to squirm, backtrack, and play word games.

    Full Member

    😆 @ Binners…..and that pic.

    Full Member

    Susan Boyle’s probably free.

    Full Member

    Should have got Crass in.

    Full Member

    I did after a few months waiting for a light. Got the refund OK, answered promptly and it didn’t take too long, couple of days from what I remember.

    Full Member

    Show me evidence of where I’ve done that. Your claim sounds like complete bollox to me.

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Have you got some evidence to back up this stunning claim

    ernie_lynch – Member

    So it was just a hunch then ? Not actually backed up with any creditable evidence.

    Full Member

    I have given you two examples just from Croydon

    That the point you haven’t given two examples, you’ve given a link to someone who seems to have no link to the BNP. So now you can just make claims with no basis now, fair enough.

    Full Member

    You claim something categorically about someone that appears you can’t backup, you’re the first one to start shouting for links to claims by others.

    For obvious reasons the Animal Liberation Front also attracts them, which incidentally often has a crossover of lone nutters with the BNP.

    And this as well.

    Full Member

    Yep. Concrete evidence.

    That’s a no then.

    Full Member

    For example, Gavin Medd-Hall, who’s doing time at HMP Coldingley for hate campaigns in connection with animal rights was formally very active in the Croydon NF/BNP.

    Got any info on Gavin Medd-Hall being in BNP/NF?

    For obvious reasons the Animal Liberation Front also attracts them, which incidentally often has a crossover of lone nutters with the BNP.

    And this?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Yeah I heard that as well.

    Full Member

    What do we mean when we say “meaning”?

    Dont know mate.

    Full Member

    Oh dear……….should have done a search.

    Full Member

    How I picture the other bloke.

    Full Member

    Number 2 is a weak one. First ones Ok with a double troll-angle. I may have a pop at that one if it takes off.

    In true trolling style I wont bother to read the articles, but on the face of it how can the RC church oppose anything gay when most of their priests are not only gay but also child molesters?

    Full Member

    Best pub for food is the Pheasant on Crosthwaite road. Morrels restaurant is good and Lakes Bar & Bistro sounds good from what I’ve heard.

    Full Member

    The concept of the Christian God is that He is self creating and Eternal (thereby independent of the material Universe).

    The ‘self creating and eternal’ is a quick convenient way of getting round the question I suppose, and the ‘material Universe’ that he is independent of, where did that come from?

    Full Member

    I’d like clarification on what constitutes an implied post.

    I replied tounge in cheek to what richc implied in his post.

    But the question remains, what created such complex but consistent and beautiful laws in the first place?

    I agree what created your god? And where did all the matter that he created come from?

    Full Member

    I’ll shorten it to ‘anyone who believes in religion is an idiot’.

    As in present day not when times and technologies were radically different. Anyway it was a slightly tongue in cheek comment as a reply to an implied post.

    Full Member

    Why don’t you just shorten that to: ‘anyone who doesn’t believe what I believe is an idiot’

    I’ll shorten it to ‘anyone who believes in religion is an idiot’. 8)

    Full Member

    Religion is just a crutch to support weak minded people who need to have a belief that they have a some sort of guardian looking over them. They need to question there misguided belief brainwashed into them by a system struggling to survive in this day and age.

    Full Member

    Cant see why you’d need performance enhancing drugs for the bobsliegh, it’s only a little push to get the thing going. 😆

    Full Member

    Tips – learn to tune it properly – then the chords will sound fine.

    I have a clip on tuner but I got a free app for my Andriod phone that I prefer.

    Full Member

    Learn a proper instrument?

    I retract what I said about your band once, I now think they’re poop. 😡

    Dobbo, it was seeing that electric one which inspired me to take it up!

    Nice one, it also sounds good when not plugged in as well as through an amp and you can just have headphones plugged in.

    With the strumming it just seemed to click after having the same problems you said about, getting a rhythm going, relaxing and playing from the wrist. I’ve seem to have got the hang of finger plucking as well now.

    I don’t think you undersatnd, I’m very easily bored. I know that if I cant learn 4 strings then I should give up forever.


    Full Member

    We’ve not had the 1st coming yet, load of mumbo jumbo.

    Full Member

    😀 Not been playing it long, got a soprano acoustic one and also got an electric tenor one off here last week, really good fun. The tenor sounds so much better than the soprano acoustic (Lanikai LU21) maybe I’ll buy some new strings for it.

    I’ve bee using videos off youtube, Ukuleletricks is good, also got a book. Just take time and keep practising.

    Full Member

    Maybe, you got something you want to tell us?

    Full Member

    11 people ever that is.

    Can we mourn retrospectively?

    Full Member

    You after this?

    Full Member

    but i don’t want to look like a tinfoil-hatted moron when the police come round…

    I did that once after a night on the piss, very embarrassing. 😳

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