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  • Does New Trek Box Signal A Shift To Consumer Direct?
  • dmorts
    Full Member

    Looks like about 2.5 miles from Rockcliffe to the Red at Dalbeattie. I guess there is access through Colvend Rockcliffe to Dalbeattie Red.

    There’s definitely access through Douglas Hall further down the A710

    Full Member

    I’ve stayed at Sandyhills before. You can easy ride to trails at Dalbeattie from there and get a loop in. I also know where Rockcliffe is, I reckon it’s just as easy to get from there. Take a bike!

    Watch the tide a Sandyhills, it can come in fast. There is coastal path round the head land from Rockcliffe to Sandyhills, which is a nice walk

    Full Member

    I’ve found this book good, can find something to ride nearly anywhere, well England and Wales at least

    Full Member

    He didn’t seem to think there was any damage to the rim.

    I’d be concerned about sidewalls of the tyre. Had similar happen to me twice, first time I drove about 100 yards. Second time was about 1/2 miles. Both times tyre was shot, but if it’s been looked at by a reputable professional they maybe it’ll be ok

    Full Member

    Did you tell the guy you drove on it flat to the garage??

    Full Member

    There won’t be much checking going on. As soon as you say to the tyre place/garage that you’ve driven on the tyre when it’s flat then they’ll advise you replace it*. The side wall will be damaged and they won’t say it’s ok even if it looks it. They won’t want to be liable. Happened to me twice

    EDIT: *unless they’re run flats

    Full Member

    how easy they are to live with

    They’re quite desirable cars if you know what I mean. I know someone who had their house burgled and his R32 nicked. They were after the car as didn’t take much from the house. He was also in bed at the time.

    Full Member

    Just done a quick RRP parts list of my bike. I’d under estimated its value by about £300 for a new for old replacement. Seems worth doing.

    Full Member

    I’m wondering the same.

    I built my full suspension bike from a second hand frame and a hardtail I bought new. So do I insure it for sum of value of parts, when all parts were new? Or value of bike I bought new, minus HT frame value, plus second cost of FS frame?

    Full Member

    I was looking at this today and am sure the limit for bikes is £1k now. M&S Bank right? That was on the standard policy

    Full Member

    Found a fix online, it’s called Shimano

    Full Member

    Sounds like they’re still under warranty then? I can testify that Mojo are quick, but still a pain if you only have one bike and can’t ride while they’re fixed

    Full Member

    Tried a few things tonight, still no joy. Seems slightly better but not by much.

    With no load on the cable the lever returns fine. I think the design is flawed. There is nothing to hold the internals dead centre. The mechanism seems to just float inside the case. Therefore I think the loading of the cable pulls the mechanism off centre. This then causes
    the lever to rub and not return fully. That’s my theory at least…

    Every online teardown/guide seems to relate to model that’s not mine. Seems SRAM changed the internal design every year.

    Full Member

    Pedal less?

    I’ve gone for an XTR from Rose recently. Did think about Hope but though 3 XTR might out last one Hope

    Full Member

    Complacency is devastating. Just everyone remember that.

    Full Member

    I’m moving to Longstone next month. There’s a Sainsbury’s being built close by and looks like I’ll be close Pentlands. It being cheap is the main benefit to me though!

    I’m not sure what Edukator is on about. I’ve been to Invercargill and it’s nothing like France. Edinburgh is the 2nd happiest city in the UK (link[/url]). To me it seems like a great place to live in terms of culture etc. and access to the great outdoors. There is also a shop in Morningside that stocks Mac beers…although if you brew your own maybe Mac beers aren’t your thing

    Full Member

    Cheers, will look at that bush

    The first time I took it apart it did take a bit of time to put it back together!

    Full Member

    Shimano XTR inners and outers, although it was doing it with the original which I assume was SRAM

    Full Member

    Having lived in the Midlands, up north and the south east of England. I have to say that the most unfriendy/least courteous people I’ve encountered are down south, least hellos, nods etc
    Although on the whole people can be quite miserable overall here. I lived in NZ for a year and on my return here I had to curb/relearn my friendliness to strangers. Everyone tends to be super friendly in NZ.

    Off to Scotland next month… what should I expect?

    Full Member

    I then purchased Shimano’s bleed funnel and used epic’s bleed kit excluding the syringe, works fine.

    This is exactly what I did. No probs with Shimano funnel and the large syringe from Epic…

    Full Member

    I’m sure On One or Brant (sorry if I am mis-quoting you) had said never ever to 650b?

    Full Member

    He can go away, lose the weight and probably get the visa again.

    That’s a very flippant way of looking at it.

    It is but that tends to be how immigration authorities are. They don’t tend to be too compassionate. Being overweight will be just one of many health criteria they will look at. Their responsibility is to serve people who are citizens, it’s an attempt to maximise/preserve the resources available to them. This saga is the sad outcome of that.

    He can fix his condition. I wonder what they would have said if he had developed terminal cancer or MS?

    Regarding risker sports vs benefit. You might say running is low risk but then if you ran a lot all of your life you might end up needing knee or hip replacement in later life.

    Full Member

    Yet NZ authorities are happy for Kim Dotcom to stay.

    They’re not, I believe his extradition proceedings are still on going

    Full Member

    As we try to plot a course through significantly lower economic growth over the next 20 years I suspect the costs of people neglecting their own health

    I discussed this point with someone some time ago, they pointed out that I liked to ride bikes, surf, snowboard and do other risky things that others may not do day to day. So where do you draw the line at negligence? They were a smoker, so may be that’s how we got onto the discussion.

    In NZ they have the ACC levy on things, if you have an accident or are injured it pays for your treatment and you can get compensation if you can’t work. Injurylayers4U etc, just doesn’t exist there, third party insurance is only needed for damage to property. In fact when I was there, car insurance wasn’t legally required. Places like ski resorts have to contribute to ACC and I think you pay it too through tax on earnings..can’t quite remember.

    The bloke who’s being refused a visa doesn’t meet the requirements for said visa. He can go away, lose the weight and probably get the visa again. He’s not obtained citizenship and then being asked to leave is he? He’s a migrant worker and there are visa conditions he needs to meet.

    Full Member

    Internet radio is the way forward. The sooner this country drops DAB the better, it’s old, old tech. The codec is from the 1980s and has been superceded many times over. I’m not saying digital radio is dead, just that DAB is.

    Stick with FM and internet, they’re not going to be able to turn off national stations from FM for a long while yet, despite what the government say they want to do.

    Heard some minister/advisor on Radio 4 talking about this switch over last Friday, he was so out of touch it was laughable. Pushing DAB on us is like trying to get us to go from Blu-ray to Betamax

    Full Member

    Just how many beers is a ‘few’?

    Full Member

    Great stuff! :D

    Where did the tea leaf nick your bike from in the first place?

    Full Member

    Restructuring is rarely a single event, more an on going process. So might find it occurring again in 6 months with you at risk next time…

    New job at new company seems better option to me, the only down side is you don’t know what they’re like…. but that will be the same for any new job in a new company surely?

    Full Member

    I find the that the want for a new bike is inversely proportional to the amount of riding I do, week to week.

    e.g. Slack week = me looking at new bikes constantly

    Full Member

    Swinley has lost something in the change. It’s now a trail centre and before it was endless singletrack in some woods. It’s gone from being reasonably exclusive to being much more inclusive. It used to be a place where you had to put time in to find the trails or make sure you went with someone who knew where they were going. The fun of showing new bits to people or being shown new bits/loops has been taken away. However it’s gained in other ways, some of the new trails are great fun!

    It does seem to be a mental there at the moment, air ambulances reported landing every day, new sections sanitised on safety concerns. But it is the summer and the schools holidays now too. I think come winter some of the old Swinley feel will return.

    There are places nearby which still have the same “old” Swinley feel and are as good if not better…. as long as you avoid the MOD

    That said I’m moving to Scotland next month :D

    Full Member

    I’ve just had an epic fail with my Epic bleed kit, oil everywhere. I tried to bleed my 2013 SLX brakes. When I got to the point where you push fluid back from the lever syringe, it leaked oil out of the lever reservoir. The nipple at the other end was definitely open too. The Epic method is as fiddly as the Avid way, if not more. I can do Avid brakes quite quickly and sucessfully but this just went very wrong!

    Ordered the Shimano bleed funnel, will see how that goes. The Shimano method looks pretty straight forward…

    Full Member

    Have you shopped around? I’m sure someone will give you a decent price for both of you on one policy.

    Different insurers seem to target different types of driver/circumstances, makes sense really as they’re managing the risk

    Full Member

    Ummmm curry flavour :-) The best super noodles

    Full Member

    Here it is: Food Unwrapped on 4OD

    Full Member

    I saw a TV programme on this a few weeks ago. Some mould that grew on the bread was harmless and was actually Penicillin. However there was some mould that produced a toxin which is in the class of most lethal toxins in the world. Hope this helps.

    Full Member

    CGG, I like your Barefaced Bass website’s technical section. It talks a lot of sense, quite refreshing!

    Full Member

    Did the company go through the correct process? Did you have a consultation period etc?

    I think this only applies if a certain number of/percentage of workforce are laid off. Redundancies of ones or twos don’t need it.

    It’s a shock and actually when you have taken it in and see it clearly, you’ll work it out. Make sure you get to Jobcentre Plus to get on Jobseekers. This is worth it just for keeping up NI payments, although “signing on” can be a PITA.

    Personally if the prospect of “reduced hours” was on the horizon, I’d have been looking elsewhere anyway. That’s a sign the company isn’t doing too well. No one seems to reward loyalty.

    EDIT: Looks like you have 8-10 years of managing tenants and property. Almost every large office/factories/(schools?) have a facilities department, I think that’s an area you could explore, in addition to other housing related work

    Full Member

    especially at low frequencies where traps have to be huge

    Traditionally yes, but there is something called the Compound Baffle Absorber which looks interesting for taming low frequencies in small spaces. I’ve seen that a few people have managed to DIY them on recording studio forums.

    Also I made a tunable acoustic absorber out of a loudspeaker for my MSc project. The loudspeaker acts as a membrane and can be tuned by the addition of resistors and caps across the terminals.

    Full Member

    There is a problem though, as soon as the music is turned up beyond talking volume, it starts to get progressively more shrill.

    When you clap loudly in that room, you can hear the echo for more than half a second, so what it needs is wall-hung rugs or such across most of the listening end. I would imagine that I would get much less room interaction then?

    You could kill two birds with one stone and put up some absorption at the first reflection points (walls and ceiling), this would help reduce the overall reverberation too.

    Full Member

    JCL had a point earlier…

    So out of interest, has anyone acoustically treated the room they have their system in? The room is part of the system

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