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    tpbiker. I keep thinking the same thing ?

    How can there be so many riding gods that we owe so much to continually posting bollox that no one is interested in !
    And then it goes around again and the bollox is re gurgitated by the same boring bastards that keep talking drivel in their self righteous belittling way !

    I’ll add my 2 penneth worth and couldn’t give toss what shite others think or do, all this PPE and risk assessment crap is bewildering and in my opinion another form of making riding bikes elitist ! Ooooohhhh look at me I’m so pro I wear a helmet ! Snap out if it !!!!!! It’s riding a **** bike ! A 3 year can do it !

    If your exposed to no risk or danger then I can possibly see why your scared not wearing a helmet but if you’ve been shot at and been IED’d a couple of times your exposure to less worrying things become lesser, crossing the road for some is a major obstacle on the way to the office whilst some other may walk straight out into the road and wait in the middle stood on a white line waiting for a gap in the traffic,

    This mothering of other people is quite frankly pathetic !
    Concentrate on what your doing and **** everyone else, its always the ones who know **** all and do **** all that shout the loudest !

    That’s the STW way I think, all mouth and no **** action !

    Free Member

    Some interesting posts there, from my experience having owned heckler, bullet, heckler, butcher, nomad in that order.

    Firstly the reason why only one person has mentioned bearings is because well “why”
    They are free ?

    Single pivot ! Relys too much on spring rates air volumes and shock tuning in general, for me the back end was always a bit vague and skippy over corrugations and loose rocky surfaces, was a pig to pedal despite RP23 lock outs and other weird shit. All of the above were there and noticeable throughout my ownership but things don’t really become apparent till you move on upgrade and change. Like I did when I went from heckler to bullet then as trail centres became more appealing I went from bullet to heckler and foolishly bought a butcher !
    The worst bike I have ever ridden !!!!!!

    To Nomad !
    Which is without doubt the best mountain bike I have ever rode, the back end is stiffer it is certainly more plush, its not wallowy and its snappier to pedal, it picks up quicker and definately bobs less, hitting jumps is definately weird but in a good way, I’ve got a pair of 36 Van RC2’s which have only just become apparent since being fitted to the nomad when they were on the butcher they were stiff and tracked well but having used them on the Nomad they seem to set the back end up so well in that when hitting a jump say at degla you can feel the back end doing something as the forks are pre loaded before take off ? Whilst still on the ground !
    Then getting off the ground appears more positive and controlled, definately bigger, smoother and more confidence inspiring,

    Single pivots I’ve had in the past seemed to snap back once up in the air? Squirm on take off ?

    It’s difficult to explain having owned several single pivots, but I won’t be buying a heckler again any time soon !

    Free Member

    A true inspiration, I still get choked every time I drive past his shrine, I was sickened to hear of his death and often wonder what he would have made of today’s riding,

    He was an exceptionally talented and fit rider,

    Mackem, I wonder if the lorry driver remembers too 😥

    I certainly do.

    Free Member

    PeeeeeepPeeeeeeeeeeeep !!!!!!!! 😉

    Free Member

    Oooooh thats nice, it matches your Black Chain 😀

    Mines black too, It certainly attracts the Insects whilst out on the trail !

    Free Member

    I’m not sure once a week counts as occasional, try once a month in the summer after Wimbledon !


    Another pointless post, just like most of the others on here !

    Free Member

    Njee, I’ll elect to put you I’m 3rd place then, and to add to what crikey said, I did similar to this in the 80’s when I started riding, there was no place to hide behind a monitor giving it big licks and belittling people on forums back then, if you called some one a Dick then it was sorted out face to face,

    I went to the paper shop as a young lad and bought cycling weekly every Saturday morning. I spoke to guys at the club that were far more experienced than me and I read the articles cover to cover. All these tips were printed in there and experiences are passed from person to person whilst out riding.

    You have your opinions and others have theirs, the fact that you have not yet picked up an injury is astonishing, you really must be as good as you make out !

    When’s the next forum ride by the way ?

    Free Member

    I think its neccesary to seek specialist advice, the last thing anybody who drives such a luxurious vehicle wants is aches and pains,

    I had a similar problem to yours and cured most of it by purchasing a flame retardant racing suit and a pair of suede racing pumps, you really get that racers edge when you can feel the loud peddle thro the waffer thin racing shoes.

    I’m actually 7’5″ and drive an Austin allegro so my situation is completely reversed but I would still highly reccomend the proffesional advice an expert fitter will give !

    You could try a helmet, I find that looking like the STIG and standing with my arms folded makes me feel important, you will get away with it in your can because your head is so small and your car is so big, I can only wear mine outside of the vehicle because my head is so big and my car is so small !

    You will also require gloves ! This will make you feel more connected with the whole experience, just be carefull when your stood on a stool in the Mtwy services having a piss because whipping it out of that suit “all in one” Onesy ! In gloves will see you cascading all over the place, and once the gloves get piss on them you will have to go back and get re fitted, that’s how exact the science is, it says so on the invoice !

    Free Member

    Blimey, rod brakes, you want to be careful with those !

    The last thing you want is arm pump, leading to fatigue and then before you know it carpel tunnel will set in and you wont be able to ride for more than an hour, you wont be able to sleep, you will wake up in the midlle of the night having to stretch your arm out ! the pain will become unbearable and it will ruin your 45 min mini TDF every weeek,

    Try googling BIKEFIT, not to be confused with being Fit on a bike, you just need to be shown the error of your ways, as soon as they sculpt your body round a bike then all will be revealed, because it seems to me that those that have had it done have found that it is beneficial,

    no doubt this debate will rumbe on, i’ve come from Road biking and have never been fitted to a bike, when i went to bed on a night with an ache and a pain i knew i’d had a good ride, it was usually acompanied by a grin like a cheshire cat !

    Can i just add this, its Physical Excercise, its suposed to **** hurt, your suposed to feel like shit when you have been in the sadddle for 5 – 6 hours, if you dont then your bluffing bikefit or no bikefit !

    Its riding a bike and beleive it or not it is a very complicated process, the fact that you pull against an opposite effect just to keep upright means that you are always straining in some way.

    Free Member

    Epicyclo: You have hit the nail on the head there my friend !

    Fasthaggis: very much like sessioning rock drops at Wharncliffe ! You soon get to grips with your riding when your in a group, the banter ensures you put your weight forwards backwards or side to side, riding each others bikes and trying out new kit was all part of the process, there’s some interesting opinions in the for camp and defining opinions in the against, a trip over the bars in a corner or positioning your weight mid air on a jump is something you can learn but its easier to ride with your mates and watch how they do it !

    Monkey see Monkey do !

    I’m sure by now you all know which camp I’m in !

    Just for the record, skills courses are also a waste of time and money 😆

    Free Member

    I can’t believe some one else used their Mums bike as a mountain bike !

    I did exactly the same thing on my mothers raleigh but hers had a wicker basket on it ! And it was step thro racer not a Raleigh Twenty ?


    I think I’m going to sack off proper biking and buy a Road Bike, buy some Lycra and put on a few stone to see if a bike fit will reveal the use of a slack bungee in my back ?

    Then I can pay some one to tell me I need ramps putting under my cleats, ill get more power my back will stop aching the strain in my neck will disappear, the strength in my legs will busy through my Lycra and I can view all of these magnificent life changing events through my Oakleys “not over the top of them” whilst all the physios pack up shop and go out of business because lo and behold bike fitting has bestowed upon us the miracle we have all been waiting for,

    “A fool and his money are easily parted”
    Now where did I put my magic beans ?

    Free Member


    Double Tap

    Free Member

    another fan of the Troy Lee XC glove, mine have been faultless, i,m due another pair and the 2014 stuff is fluoro and that nice new blue colour…………..

    Free Member

    Scotroutes: definately that !

    But don’t forget STRAVA ! Every man an emperor ! I mean pro 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m not sure core body temp plays much part as it doesent fluctuate that much any way, not without something nasty occurring ?
    For me some of it is down to diet, fueling, sleep, and frequency of riding, once a week for me is no where near enough to keep me topped up fitness wise where as riding every day fooooks me physically, tired legs and lack of fuel in the tank, I won’t ride the day before a biggy and have a gentle one the day prior to rest day, its not a science for me its just something that I have come to understand as I’ve got old er !!!!

    Free Member

    I posted a what tyre thread last night and have been riding since Uncle Johns Farmer tyres with elastic side walls were the only ones a available !

    I wouldn’t pay for fitting either ! Not when there’s cake to be throwing money at !

    Free Member

    Some one will be along in a minute to report that they have paid to breath ! Hooked up to a CV power inclinometer thingymabobgrudgeagainstmoney !

    I bet there’s no one from Yorkshire paid for this !!!!!

    I blame that programme Rob Penn did, all of a sudden bike fitting was exposed to the general public and instead of fitting the person to the bike as they did when they made his bike all they have done is fit the bike to the person and charged for it !
    It’s ridiculous ! People should be made to stand in public wearing an idiot sign round their neck !
    Incapable of riding a bike properly until some one tells you that you look good on a video !

    What next,

    Free Member

    I get this too, if I’m riding trail centres I usually nip round the blue and or green, usually without a helmet or a care in the world ! I often get smart arse comments from people who should really keep their mouths shut but that’s another problem !!!!!!

    If I’m riding Dalby I park in Thornton and ride in, I usually get second wing when all my mates are burnt,

    I was extremely fit as a late teenager and into my 20’s endurance wise and have often thought that this was the problem from all the extremely hard endurance I did in my youff,

    It prob doesent help you but its good that its not just me if you know what I mean ????

    And yeah what every one else said, warm up first !!!!!

    Free Member

    Mike, i have found them to be really grippy, the ST on the front stands up well in the corners, it diggs in well and inspires confidence, its been great this summer in the dry and has always been good in the wet & loamy conditions, i put one on the back but it dragged like Eddie Izzard so i swapped it for a 60a Maxpro which has worn right down now, it grips doesent slide, it peddles better and mixes up well with the ST front as there are times when you need to induce a bit of a slide and the ST doesent like sliding,

    I’ve swapped them round between Minions over the past few years and havent really thought about new tyres until now,

    i’m sorely tempted to go 3C in an attempt to benefit from the 3 layer construction which in my mind should work but reluctant to move away from the ST front & 60a rear ?

    i think i could get thro a 3C rear in a short space of time so im talking myself in and out of it ?

    Free Member

    on the old HR’s i used to run 42a Super Tacky front and the less draggy 60a on the back, does this still work with the HR 2’s or am i better off going for 3C front and back ?

    Free Member

    Two complete ends of the spectrum !

    They aren’t that far apart either as the Pines are on the North notts border with South Yorkshire,

    First of all it’s only 8 miles at the Pines so go there with the intention of riding two laps and I guarantee you will be foooooked, it literally is as said above like nothing you have ever ridden, it’s flat as but some how it destroys my lungs, admittedly I ride it flat out as do many others that ride there and it’s great on a hard tail, I ignore the bike park as the run down the side is good fun but too short, the trail uses the ground as best it can in such a flat low lying area but if you’re in the area don’t dismiss it as it truly is a great little trail as long as you’re not expecting huwge muhassiveness then enjoy !

    Wharny, again not that long but a great place to ride and back in the day if you could ride there the saying was you could ride anywhere ! There’s a lot of natural features that have been linked in to make some truly impressive riding, lots of these thread their way from a top fire road to a bottom one, I agree with the above local knowledge is key and if some one on here is local and can meet you up there this place will give you more than any black graded trail could ever imagine ! There is a decent loop which takes in some great riding and the run across the crags is one of my favourite bits of trail in the country,

    Across the other side there’s some DH stuff “Grenoside” this is worth a visit, worth a push up and definitely worth riding down.

    Just go ride, and if you go to either please let us know,

    Free Member

    It’s not That difficult, and “committing sections” where you have to bail out aren’t that at all ?

    I’ve done it in the Dry, wet, wind, not so dry and not too wet, it makes no difference ? If you have to get off and walk sections then your going to have that optimism, just try and keep your tyres on the wooden stuff if it’s breezy as its pretty easy to get some daylight under the tyres on some sections and the wind quickly grabs you.

    YK when are you thinking of doing it ?

    Free Member

    RD, thanks I missed that one ! Cancel that I’ll wait for the IXS I reckon ?

    Free Member

    I hear exactly where you are comming from BUT……….. Having fallen off a bike shod with thin tyres “it was the bikes fault” she needs to have a MTB ?

    Its got to be MTB shaped im affraid.

    Free Member

    Ouccchhhhh ! But i couldnt help laughing at the RED BULL peak on the Helmet, from one extreme to the other, i bet they dont use that as an advert !

    Free Member

    I’m a HOPE fan, ive not had any reason to test them properly yet but i rate their stuff, for me it works,

    ENDURA, simple, post it back explain your problem and wait for replacement, mostly stitching issues due to being worn thro with grit and sand on undercarriage of shorts rubbing seat,

    SANTA CRUZ, faultless……….. End Of “For Me” ! i bent the rear triangle on a Bullit 10 years ago and got a new one, COMPLETE Frame !
    Just warrantied a Butcher that replaced my ageing Bullit and got a Mk2 Nomad in Tennis Yellow with 142 Thro Axle and Stealth Dropper routing and a Kashima CTD shock !
    The Butcher was nearly 3 years old so i cant really complain about their warranty replacement.
    I was given the option to pay some funds towards a Carbon frame but declined as i’m yet to propel myself into carbon territory and tubelss strange wheel sizes.

    Thats only MY opinion others will vary.

    Free Member

    An early mk2 frame pre grease ports & thro axle should come in under £800 for frame

    A Mk1 fully built in decent spec but older parts comes in on budget up to £1250 – £2000

    Free Member

    Is that LYCRA 😯

    Free Member

    If i were you i would just get out and ride, it doesent matter that you havent got three Scottish mountains in your legs, thats only in your head, increase frequency and just enjoy the ride and the rest will come naturally.

    There is NO substitute for riding a bike “In My Opinion” Running will increase CV with fartlek trg but i fing up hill down hill on a bike is interval trg any way, running is boring and it **** my knees up,

    Swimming is good for the shoulders but still boring.

    Free Member

    Not sure it’s of any use but I always buy Endura stuff up two sizes, I’m a large normally and find their XXL fits me fine, their humvees are roomier than their Singletrack Shorts,

    Free Member

    I bought my son a cube 20″ bike when he was 4 and he rode it a fair bit, definately got his money’s worth and I sold it for over half what I paid for it when done on eBay he’s now 8

    So when he out grew it I considered a 26″ bike that he could grow into, ONLY whilst out riding the Blue at Sherwood Pines with the Mrs & son we noticed another family out riding and their son was on a 26″ bike wobbling about everywhere, Dad was giving it maximum breasting his lad whilst I was trying my level best to out trick the Dad manualing and generally showing off !

    My son was on his BMX so was struggling a bit but when he got to the Berms he threw the gauntlet down and this kid on the 26″ wheeled thing responded, unfortunately he ended up feet off the pedals and mashed up on the stem, ball sack cut open and screaming like a banshee !

    It was horrible !

    Long story short, get one that fits
    That scared the shit out of me and I went online and ordered a 24″ cube team that day !

    He was clearly unsteady on the bike, dad was trying his best to tell him bigger bikes are best but his Mum knew different and so did the kid half wy round the blue ?

    Free Member

    I’ve had mine done by Invisiframe, I can’t recommend it highly enough, its great and so neat you can’t even tell its there.

    Sorry can’t comment on the others but I have had helitape from biketart, its good stuff and lasts well but I’ve not got the patience to sit putting that on with a bowl of soapy water,

    Free Member

    You’ve obviously not used a KMC Missing Link on a KMC chain then ?

    Or am I reading your post wrong ?
    You’ve obviously not used enough brands of chain because a chain is not just a chain, and they do exactly the same job ? They’re just made differently, quality, tolerances, material etc !

    Free Member

    I asked this a couple of months ago and the Masses said KMC and they were right, so far so good ! It wasn’t a top of the range on either more like their mid range one, I very nearly bought X2 and kept one clean and lubed ready to swap out,

    Maybe next time ?
    But yes trust the masses,

    Free Member

    Mine haven’t gone purple “yet” but my disks have gone rusty !

    Been out twice since fitted new, once at Dalby where I noticed it the day after that first ride then again after my Peaks ride on Fri afternoon ?
    All orange surface rust in the holes and the inside and outer edges ?

    Free Member

    I always say hello, then shout Miserable bastard really loud if they refuse to converse, 99% of riders do actually pass the time of day, only the fat ones in SKY kit dont, at the end of the day its about riding bikes not trying to make enemies, there’s been a lot of angst over the decades between fat & thin wheels,

    I’ve offered a roadie a pedal on a proper bike once when he passed and said all those gears and you can’t keep up !
    We swapped bikes for a few miles and I loved his sleek skinny wheels, strangely enough he hated my full susser ?

    Strange fellow ?

    Free Member

    So Giant aren’t pulling the pin on 26″ wheeled bikes then ?

    Free Member

    I’ve been up there to day and done a loop from the A57 lay by car park across the small bridge on right thro the gate and up over the rocks, the descent from the top of that track intersection on the left which spits you out at the bottom beside the pub is my favourite in the peaks !

    It’s 99% dry

    Those troughs in the mud at the end of the open descent before the last climb to the top of the beast is wet but they never dry out and the descent from lockerbrook is wet 2/3rdz down before the sharp right hander,

    It was farkin hot up there this afternoon ! And there was a steady breeze so its dry, gerrup there early enough and beat the rain

    Let me know how you get on ?

    Free Member

    Ah, yes sorry ! Was thinking of our pool bike that we had in London, that was a fixie, bloody nightmare to ride !

    Every time I see a Single speed I think about my old commute on that orrid thing, I just thought that all SS bikes had to be peddled all the time, 😳

    Slightly embarrassed by that !

    Free Member

    Why ? I couldn’t think of anything worse than continously having to peddle a a bike round some where ?

    It’s surely not enjoyable ?

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