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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • discoduck
    Free Member

    Isreali shell dressing, silver blanket like after a marathon to help stop piling in whilst waiting for the chopper, Duct tape, steri strips, that sort of shit, depends how fussy you are about keeping it clean washing crap out of gravel rash etc but I don’t generally travel far without a decent first aid kit.

    Back at the ranch you can leave spray iodene for clearing up scrapes the yellow stuff that stings. Spray plaster also quite good for keeping crap out of wounds and speeds up the healing process, contact lense cleaner in a spray can is good at getting crap out of slices in the skin, ear buds, needle & cotton for skin not for sewing buttons on your dress and some Imodium incase you get the squirts !

    Broken ribs and collar bones are mostly sit it out and the hospital never really bother with those, bones out of skin are nasty that’s where the shell dressings are helpfull cos their sterile and you can make a donut round it and apply pressure.

    It’s mostly common sense stuff

    HOWEVER, if you take it and prepare for a spill IN MY EXPERIENCE *
    You will have one

    Free Member

    Start at Dixons Hollow and do from there but I’m guessing your start also need to be end point too for vehicle ?

    There are escape routes all around the loop that will take you back to the visitors centre but my own opinion is that if you can only do half the second half is better than the first*

    *This means I’m wrong, watch some one will be along in a minuite to tell you about the black XC course and also tell you that you should be able to nip off the whole loop in 1Hr 56mins on a hard tailed single speed.

    Which ever, good luck and most importantly enjoy your ride.

    Free Member

    This might or might not be of relevance, can you swim properly ?
    Face in water and up to breath in every 3rd stroke and out after another 3. I’m just asking as a Doctor I know advises swimming for asthma sufferers as it helps control breathing.

    Of course you prob know this, also alcohol.
    What is your intake and could this be linked. Again only asking as I have some knowledge of a disorder called A1AT and also the obvious one do you smoke and or work in an environment with forced air.

    Free Member

    No, Tis I who bares NO P beside my name name so it’s obviously my fault for which I must apologise.’

    Northwind, I also apologise to you for intentionally misunderstanding that you weren’t talking about about the World Cup DH course “Even though you said you were”

    Yeah, that thing about intentionally misunderstanding again… We were talking about difficulty, not style.
    World cup woods isn’t open to the public so doesn’t come into it. Unless you mean the bit after the wallride but it doesn’t sound like it

    There’s only one WC downhill course ?
    If sections are closed and you didn’t do them how am I supposed to know that ? How am I intentionally misunderstanding that.

    Back to the OP, my offer still stands, I could talk bollocks on here all day but if you want to meet up for a few runs down I’ll be up shortly.

    Free Member

    OK, then in that case OP, Its very Dangerous it’s just like the World Cup course but in fact it’s actually harder, wear a full face helmet knee pads back protector and some elbow pads too. *

    *NOT based on my own experience

    Instead of treating you like a kitten in kid gloves I apologise for giving you my own views on it and should have given it big licks and treated you like a newbie, I could have compared it to the WORLD CUP course but unfortunately Northwind is comparing it the none World Cup course that’s predominantly closed, my mistake as I thought he had actually ridden the course with the gap jump and all and was actually likening it to a roll down a hill side.

    I too think its black now because I’ve ridden it and it makes me look better than you.

    There, does that bode better with the STW ethos of holier than thou status above all others,
    I might even re instate my subscription so I get my P back next to my name that way I’ll look like a proper mountain biker.

    @nobeerinthefridge, what did you want me to Lie to the bloke and tell him he was certainly doomed ?
    Or should I have consulted you first to clarify my response, he asked a question and I have him my response, based on my knowledge of the route. Which I found pretty rideable really and based my OWN experience on me my son and 68 year old father doing it at the same time.

    Again I find myself apologising, why is that I wonder

    Free Member

    Northwind, I’m sorry but the two courses bare no resemblance except from the fact that you start at the top in same place and ride it on a bike.
    If you can rattle down that red at the same speeds as the DH track hats off to you, the wooded forest section in the middle of the DH course with the roots I found more technical than anything on the red, likewise the jumps and drops, not seen them on the red.

    @nobeerinthefridge, that’s the point there aren’t any that’s 35k, IF it was then you could maybe forgive them for grading it black because of the length.

    I thought it was technical in places and there’s no doubt been a few casualties but in my opinion you can’t grade a trail based on people’s stupidity and in ability to ride a bike without damaging themselves, riding on wooden boardwalk for the most part will be a first for quite a few who ride up there and I’ve found that switching off on there and then comming back onto rock catches out the un wary but that’s what biking is all about.

    Just out of interest how would you grade Cut Gate pass IF it were a trail centre, just interested as it’s not smooth and sculptured either.

    Free Member

    I’m going to be up at some point over the next 3 week ends, tried this afternoon but no accommodation anywhere, will be with the mrs & kid so need a hotel, everything’s fully booked.

    Don’t want to leave it too long as it will shutting shortly, I’ll keep you posted and and if it works out I’ll have a few runs down with you,

    Free Member

    In what way do you find it difficult ? And how can you compare a singletrack run where your tyres stay planted on terra firma to World Cup DH Course,
    And if no one new about it how were their casualties everywhere.

    I’m not trying to play one upmanship here but by son has ridden down it on a kids hardtail Cube bike.
    We are either talking about a completely different run here or they have altered it massively in the last 12 months.

    They have put two rock shoots in at Sherwood Pines bigger than anything there and there’s a bigger drop in Dalby than there as we’ll. I’m sure it would be in Scotland’s interest to grade it black and have that feather in the cap than have yet another Red, it’s not black, just because it’s got an uplift doesent count as black either.

    If it were 35K+ it might be a black but it’s not. It’s Red.

    Free Member

    Thegman, I’m pretty sure he is on about the Red and NOT the World Cup DH course,

    There’s nothing to worry up there as has been said, it’s all rollable and it’s not Gnarly at all, just try and stay focused, it gets a bit boring trundling over the wood after a few runs, I found myself wandering off with the fairies.

    It’s not North Shore it’s a wooden board walk, and it’s no way black, there’s nothing on there that would grade it as a Black or have I been riding the wrong run ? There’s no gaps, no drops and there’s never been elevated North Shore, no see saws no ladders, no North Shore.

    You will fine, when are you going ?

    Free Member

    It sounds easy when you put it like that, about 4 or 5 years ago I bought a HOPE Bottom Bracket from an
    Online store, after having it in the house over a week it eventually made its way into the Garage where I unscrewed the two halves of the plastic casing, in there sat a silver Shimano B/B, covered in muck and grit.

    Imagine the phone call I had trying to return that, it’s still in the garage now.

    I wish you well.

    Free Member

    I used to visit Bedgebuty often as I lived in Wadhurst, for those that haven’t ridden there it’s a lot like Sherwood Pines but probably a bit better. If you haven’t ridden either sorry, just watch the video.

    I bought an annual pass as we used to take the little one to the pirate ship and all the other great play things in the forest. If you have kids as well as biking there is loads of stuff to do there and a walk around the Pinetum is also great and dare I say it educational.
    For me though one of the crowning Jewels was the cafe, their coffee and cake is great and the sausage & onion baguettes are to did for,

    Well done guys, some good work gone into that place and if you turn up with the intention of knocking out two laps then it’s well worth the visit in my opinion.
    Hopefully see some of you soon

    Free Member

    Iolo, no not missed anything, sorry I thought you were on about the daily rate the guys get paid in relation to a week away and not the lengthy VTT accreditation and associated cost.

    If that’s the case then simple answer “I don’t Know”
    I don’t know who pays for the course if you are a French Citizen working within your own country whether it’s down to you as an individual or the company you work for and represent, more than likely the former, which does equate to that cost being passed on and whether that is built into a French guides daily rate over and above what a UK guide would charge again dunno.

    But broken down in simple terms like that you can see how the problem has arisen, I doubt that there are many French companies employing that many UK guides without the relevant quals.

    Free Member

    It’s been said already, what length stem you running

    I’ve got Renthals on mine and the width of my bars alleviates my aching neck that I get when my shoulders are too tight across the top, it might just be a shorter stem and some time in the saddle to loosen you back up again and get comfy in another slightly different position.

    Free Member

    Iolo, judging by your man Math’s with an S, if TA pay their guides £60 a day would you then expect a 5 day break in the region for £300 ?

    And as there were 10 in the group would you then scale that down to £30 leaving the other 9 in the party to pay a proportion of the rest.
    And then when you returned from a good days riding would you then feed your self and sleep in your car in the car park ?

    I’m just trying to grasp your side of the argument, I’m looking at accom, food, cleaning, logistics, admin etc.

    Maybe you should cost the week away, just pay a company for guiding only and then once in situ pay your own way, see if it works out cheaper.

    Free Member

    I’d definately use TA !
    I’d just hope that their Guides have as much spunk as he has.
    Standing up for something that you believe in is a rare commodity these days, it’s far easier to sit at a computer desk and give it big licks and belittle people with a holier than thou attitude.

    I dare say when the dust settles and with a positive result there will prob be a post crop up on here about how this descsion has helped out with UK nationals working in the high Alps.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    As per the opposite thread seen elsewhere, yes that can be the case not only that you are prob twisting your foot when going to dab which will no doubt grab your foot especially with sticky soles on pegged flats.

    You’re prob not aware that you are twisting your foot it will be 2nd nature

    Try for a bit longer, some like it some don’t. Hat off for giving it a go.

    Free Member

    That’s fine, as long as people elsewhere understand that as well and can do so without throwing little quips in and then apologising afterwards.

    That is why I asked if we could discuss Economic Migration inside the EU ?
    Which is basically the meat and bones of what we are looking at here.

    Is it not.

    Free Member

    That’s a bad habit I got into whilst sending short transmissions of text, to be encoded. which were all questions.
    The ! At the end to the receiver meant Don’t send back another **** question I’m telling you that’s what we need.

    It drives people insane, at work its OK as everyone does it, looking back at it now it’s annoying me.



    Free Member

    Hang on a minute, at NO point did I mention any ones skin colour !

    I’ve been Kangeroo Courted by Mike, who thinks its OK to slander others whilst making off the cuff remarks about Racist Brits ? My good name is being tarnished here purely because I spoke out about the way I feel corruption is being executed at the other other side of a Tunnell.

    Admittedly I was doing well over the limit at the time and whilst I was trying to explain to the officer I’d rather be tried by a jury than hung by 1, I could go on but that’s it in a nutshell !

    A Racist ! I wonder if they put it in my obituary ? At what point should I tell the wife and kid ?

    Will it effect my position at work, what will the neighbours say ?

    It’s pretty tragic, how an elite cyclist and Forum “Hard Man” can crumble some ones world ?

    Any way, Mike
    Please divulge your process of thought which prompted you to believe that I am a racist ?

    Free Member

    Euro, as curiousyellow states, it doesent stay there, I was making another one of my generalised sweeping statements by suggesting that I pedal with it under my Arch, I don’t. It was just the half way point in my head between toes and heel.

    If I ride clipped in its there, its simple. If I ride flats it’s just something else to think about, the last thing on my mind whilst riding about is where my feet are in relation to the pedal, its kinda hard to explain other than if you have never pedalled in clips then it must appear daunting ? Well for me its the other way round.

    Free Member

    Typo, wife’s Maiden name, Spanish. iPhone not clever enough to work out where and when to check ?

    Not my fault, obviously,,,,,, 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh that’s the Problem ? Racist generalisations are not COOL, and we can only discuss cool things ?
    It’s you that’s touting Racial hatred, care to divulge the thought processes that eluded you think generally “what” in your opinion makes me a racist and why cchris can generalise that it’s not just the French who are like it but infact EVERYONE is ?
    How come he hasn’t been adorned with your Racial ideology ?

    Mike, I’m presuming you know the difference between a fine and corruption, by corrupt I mean I didn’t get a receipt from the motorcycle cop, how un COOL was that ! Or am I being a Racist bigoted protectionist Brit ? As you suggest I am ?
    Not Cool !

    Maybe I had the wrong coloured lense in again and should bend over and take it like

    Dave, yeah I’m sorry too, if I pucker up and Kiss it like mike does that make it OK ?

    Free Member

    I had to Cycle through a bunch of runners the other week whilst riding on Hampstead Heath, one of the group shouted at me to stop and questioned my morales and pointed out that I was in a park and NO cycles were allowed, right next to a sign stating Shared Footpath CYCLE Speed Limit 12MPH !

    All this happened whilst a couple of kids no older that 8 cycled past in one direction and a paramedic in full kit on his bike passed by in the other direction.

    All this whilst adamantly refusing any Cycles were permitted, I wished him well and reminded him of the Paramedic then told him that I hoped his Heart piled in half way up the hill, yes I know its harsh “that’s life”

    Free Member

    I agree, I too think its massive overkill on a road bike, it will make tyre choice in wet conditions interesting.

    Free Member

    ALL SPECIALIZED bikes should be Red like they used to be !

    Free Member

    OK, can we talk about economic migration inside the EU ?

    Free Member

    I’m lurking around trying to find out what I can on this also,

    I think 2015 will see several different variations on a theme from several manufacturers before anything is standardised I.S. Wise, what you need to be careful of is getting caught out and becoming obsolete before the standards are adhered to.

    I quite liked the look of the GT Gravel bike that was on here recently.

    There will be some changes brought along with Road specific disks, bolt through hubs maybe and as mentioned wheel size.

    Free Member

    I am not Racist BUT I feel like I should be able to travel freely inside the Economic Union and set up my stall to conduct a business with qualifications that should be recognised inside the EU without prejudice.

    Which is basically what we are discussing here, we also have a freedom of speech and now I’ve become racist ?

    Free Member

    I’m not Racist BUT I don’t like it when I am exploited in a foreign Country !

    There, is that better ? Can I leave the rose tinted goggles on or can I now take them off ?

    Free Member

    So it is the same everywhere then ? You don’t have to learn the language ? Where does it say that, and I take it the Qualifications that you had from studying in France were not transferable in the Economic Union ?

    Free Member

    Yes mike it was entirely my fault that the official asked me for €100 !
    But ended up settling for the last of my notes, he refused my shackles though which assisted me in buying a crap cup of coffee at Mcd’s

    Free Member

    Cchris, did you actually think about wht you were tapping away at there ?

    If it was the same everywhere how did you manage to slip under the net and end up living and working in the UK ?

    Or was it a sweeping statement ?

    Free Member

    Grum, I wished I’d have known last week that your wife was a solicitor, that way I wouldn’t have had to give my last €65 to the Corrupt copper who stopped me for speeding on my way back to Calais.

    Of course, him being part of the French Legal System is NOT corrupt he is merely doing his Job, conducting his daily routine and earning a crust ! Who am I to cast aspertians. After all it was my fault I was breaking the speed limit.

    As for becoming a trail guide, I wish you luck. I already have the relevant UK quals, I have no desire to live or work in France I did them through work. I do hope that TA’s bravado stance comes off that way you will not have to do the VTT and you and many others will benefit from somene who has the minerals to stand up for what they believe in.

    My wife is a surgeon, I tend to stay away from slicing open peoples stomachs though because unlike you I have no insight what so ever into my wife’s chosen specialist proffesion.

    Free Member

    It’s not the same, things have moved on……. Progressed !

    Most of the old stuff has gone, if you stood on the take offs on some of the lines that have been carved out at the back end of Wharncliffe side towards the iron ore stream it would make your balls shrivel up !

    Some of the step down over there are truly impressive, I haven’t do e them, I’ve never actually seen any one do them, but they have been ridden. There’s a lot of building work gone on up there in the past 18 months.

    Free Member

    Yep, pretty much !

    Sweeping statements are exactly that, it’s a bit like saying ALL murderers are Guilty ! Then realising some of them haven’t been caught ?

    Who gets to judge them or make sweeping statements ?

    My sweeping statements are based purely on my own experience, others no doubt have theirs. I like to base my thought process on life itself and not what it says in the good book,

    If your going to get hung for a sheep might as well get hung for lamb as well.

    Free Member

    Rich, how big are you ?
    That’s some hight on that seat.

    BTW, I think you could do with a new un, the upholstery on that is worn.

    Free Member

    So it’s just me and the bloke from TA who think that the French are corrupt and Racist then ?

    Free Member

    Grum, have you ever visited France let alone lived or worked there ?

    By the way, Bernie Ecclestone wants to borrow your Rose tinted specs, after that it might be a good idea to get them back “Sharpish” because he’s likely to hand them over to FIFA, who knows how long they will have them.

    This bloke is living through something we are merely commenting on and in good old STW fashion everyone’s right and he’s wrong. It makes me laugh !

    I don’t know this bloke from Adam but admire his balls and the way he’s stood up for what he thinks is right. On foreign soil standing on the edge of the unknown !
    I wouldn’t think twice about booking a week away with TA and riding with his guides.

    And as for dragging his business acumin through the dirt on a Forum, who’s daftest him for paying it or them for doing it?

    If I was in my early 20’s I’d be over there myself guiding, the last thing on my mind would be scrimping together a deposit for a mortgage, I’d be getting pissed every night and trying to snake into as many chalet girls as was humanly possible. It’s hardly something that is going to support a wife and kids back home so I dare say a majority of the folk out there are doing it because they want to not because they have to ?

    Free Member

    I think I can vaguely remember a Kona ? Did you ride with any one else ?

    Free Member

    Skinnyboy. Exactly that, I struggle to manoeuvre both myself on the bike and the bike itself not only on the ground but in the air when not clipped in, i rode with toe clips and straps all through the 80’s on road bikes and went straight to SPD’s when they came out.

    More than anything if I ride in flats I struggle to get the power down, pedaling with the pedal under my arch gives me massive cramp, pedaling with it under my arch results in foot spitting forward and then my heel ends up on the pedal and then that ends in big scrapes up the back of your calfs “which look good” but are shit !

    Pedaling with it under the ball of my foot and knowing I’m fastened to the thing gives me more confidence than riding in flats, it’s all down to the personal thing again.

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