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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • discoduck
    Free Member

    I’ve noticed this myself, I wouldn’t have used that word myself but agree there’s plenty on here that can Talk the Talk !

    Free Member

    I’ve gone for Hope matchmaker mounts, been riding these for about 4 years, they de clutter the bars and you can run them a good 3 – 4″ inbound from the end of the grips,

    XT thumb shifters seem to be that big nowadays you have to have the way inboard to get your hands on the grips.

    Try it, I doubt you will die but you never know ?

    Free Member

    I’m not permitted to mention figures on this forum because some Cock thinks he’s married to me ?

    But since the late 80’s I’d hate to think how much Ive spent on GT Zaskars alone before then hob nobbing across to Santa Cruz bikes where I’ve been ever since, kit & equipment as you know is very pricey and its compulsory to have more than one of everything including bikes !

    I’ve always done well from flogging on used bits on eBay and recoup some cash before spitting it back in again, I’ve got a box full of bits that need to go on soon so that the circle can keep turning,
    I don’t drink or smoke so biking is my relief and the freedom and relief I get when out on two wheels would have cost me twice what I’d paid if I’d have been of the mindset to see a shrink !
    Nothing clears my head like a couple of hours on the bike !

    Free Member

    I used to go out with a Girl called Bob ! She was fit as fooooook ! It was a long time ago now when I was at college, she had a bit of a reputation tho, it was at the same time as the black adder goes forth series “first time round” so it is right, all girls were called Bob, she was affectionately known as Bobby Tupper !

    Free Member

    I rode steel hardtails, no helmet, and nil boing in the 80’s why any one would want to do it it nowadays is beyond me ?

    I’ve got a hardtail and I hate it, its just not a pleasant experience, a bit like owning a range rover then choosing to go everywhere in a Morris minor because you can ?

    There’s no disputing that a HT is easier to peddle than a FS but I’d rather put the extra effort in and be rewarded on the downs,

    Just my opinion of course, others are entitled to theirs,

    Free Member

    **** hell ! That’s rich comming from an STAB who **** it up for all the other useless **** in the TA by running off in the first gulf ?

    grylls is a muppet who has never instructed on any course on a weekend at Regents Park with all his other Muppett mates, he’s not capable of passing an annual weapons test let alone deploy to a Hostile envioronment and be trusted to be deployed without **** up. DSF has not deployed these jokers for years and all the blokes at H know exactly what these clowns are capable of that’s why they sit in camp with all their Gucci kit telling stories about how hard it is in their day job when the coffee machine piles in at work or that the air conditioning is not working,

    A few ex regs at both 21 & 23 are good blokes,
    The rest of them will soon be thinned out and the decent ones will go to 4 Para.

    **** TA ! I hate them !

    Free Member

    I’ve been in a Mcdonds in Scotland and Ray Mears was in there, he didn’t even look at the menu he knew exactly what he was having, he was with a bunch of blokes who were all taking the piss out of him, he was having to assist his mates as clearly they didn’t know what to order !

    He even maxed up his fries and drink,

    It was hilarious the blokes he was with were brutal ………….

    Free Member

    I can’t think of anything that would help other than the fact that I can’t get on with toobless !

    I don’t know what it is but I just can’t be arsed with it ?
    Tried it 10 years ago
    Tried again 5 years ago and I know things have evolved but both the rims & tyres are still round and so is the innertube, it just makes more sense to me than piss arsing around with something that’s not working for me, I know it works for others and that I’m not doing something right but I don’t care.

    I’m assuming you have tried 35 – under 40 psi ?
    Because what you have been running must be spitting you about all over ? Are you riding some where that’s got a lot of square edges ?

    I did say I wasn’t gonna be much help, other than stick with Tubes, its the new lets not do this movement I’ve just joined !

    Free Member

    Maybe we should start a none superbike thread, that have XT parts (Not Brakes)

    Free Member

    There are quite a few round London, “unfortunately” I first saw one at Notting Hill Gate about 5 Years ago !
    It made me shiver,

    I’ve lost 3 mates in as many years riding on semi rural roads and for that reason alone I only now ride off road, the small amount of time that I actually do get to ride because of work / family commitments makes more sense, to me anyway

    Free Member

    Where abouts in NW London ?
    And which bike shop does he usually use ?

    Free Member

    Fig biscuits & soreen, no butter tho,
    Black friars from holland & barrat are alright in this heat.

    I’m bobbing my camel back in freezer with a litre of water and the. Filling up with ice and water it keeps things cool ish for a bit,

    Another few months we will all be asking how to keep things dry 😐

    Free Member

    Don’t be a cock ! Snap out of your self styled status of Forum god and remember its about riding bikes not belittling people on the Internet with your superior holier than thou attitude, I don’t think it was snide ? I don’t remember telling any one I was awesome and I think I can remember mentioning something about buying expensive bikes as some one was asking the question ?
    Without going into painful detail and as demonstrated a week after that post I made, a guy with a £4K cube was told he didn’t have a warranty claim 4 weeks into ownership and a few rides in ?
    My theory was and still is buy cheap buy twice, I do spend a lot of money on bikes but 3 years into owning a Santa Cruz I had a frame warrantied and got a brand new frame, that’s what I pay, service and after care,

    Please add the post in a link below of what i actually said so we can all see your skills as a forum elite MTB’er you can add bits in bold to your express your dissatisfaction and also add speech marks exclamation marks and more superior wit and humour,

    I bow to excellence and self styled moderation !

    Free Member

    Womp, I looked past the cable management in an effort to maximise their excellent customer care, I know you shouldn’t have to but they do look after you, a bit like Hope, all Hope on my bright yellow nomad the black on yellow does look 8)
    It’s got XT cranks, shifters and rear mech so I can’t add pictures as its not a superbike,

    Free Member

    It depends where you are, I would say the heelands are as good a place as any but you can’t really account for what’s happening upstream, a dead Stag decomposing in a stream as often happens when they get down to drink and fall over in a confined space, they can’t get back up,

    Wales, unless you know the farmer has NOT dipped his sheep recently then again a bit icky as you can’t say for sure what’s in there.
    At the least carry some puritabs if your going to be adventurous.

    In a situation where some one is suffering from heat you could sit them in the water or stream lake or sea, that’ll get the temp down, but always try and carry sufficient water. The last thing you want to be doing is going Man down because you did a bear Grills ?

    While I’m here I’d might as well point out that there’s tap water on the red at Dalby, I pointed 3 teenagers there in the week as they were banging out the red with jump bikes ! No seats 😯 no T shirts on ? And them stoopid baseball caps that make the kids look like Ruprect !
    On and carrying no water between 3 on the hottest day of the year ?

    It’s in the field on the left where campers sometimes tent out near the blue thunder box in the field, you can see it as you pass by if any one is interested ?

    Free Member

    I put a spot on each of the rollers i usually do this with the bike upside down and drop a tad on as the chain tensions as it rolls over the bottom jockey wheel because this seems to separate the plates a bit aiding lubrication,

    How are you finding that wet lube in these arid conditions ?

    Free Member

    No not rhetorical !
    As you were not trying to make a point, merely gathering evidence that you do not have,

    And I think its a voluntary ban, and maybe the culprits set off with the intention of descending before the curfu but due to the weather took far longer than anticipated ? I’ve got to admit I’d have hoofed it back down after pushing up that far and opted out of the volountary thing.

    That’s just me, I don’t expect everyone to agree with my wildcat maverick attitude 😛

    Free Member

    You didn’t directly say that you were but the way the question was presented is akin to police questioning ?

    Maybe you should have approached them on the hill and asked ?

    Free Member

    Binners, I’m not small either and suffer from the obligatory pinch flat if I lighten the sidewalls ! I’m tubeless ready on Flow EX but running HR’s 60a front, they are heavy but I don’t often get punctures as long as I don’t try and go all weight weenie on tyres,

    When the HR’s are done I’ve a pair of Minions to utilise so ill see how I get on after that, I’m certainly in no rush to start faffing about putting gunk in tyres that won’t seal and seat properly,
    I’ve got the breaking strain of a warm kit kat as well so I like to keep things on the simple side, too much shit going on affects the way I ride,

    As for pressure about 35 front and just under 40 rear works well for my kind of style which is straight over and at em as opposed to deftly whipping a skid out round an obstacle whilst flicking up leaves and dust “in slow motion” popping a wheelie out the corner before ending it in a bunny hop ! One handed ! And waving to the imaginary crowd, any way I digress, its my age……..

    Free Member

    I’m loving this dry dusty weather, I can’t remember who said it above but its like being back in the 90’s !
    The Flouro paint schemes are comming back in as well so it really does have that feel about it this year,

    I love comming out from under the cooler trees onto baking surfaces and getting all the smells “except dog bombs” the grass the trees & flowers !
    Riding through dust clouds is only something seen on videos from the states, the one dry day a year never usually produces dust

    And the fact that riding every time without getting shitted up to the eyeballs in mud makes it a little less ordinary !

    I feel a road trip comming on………

    Free Member

    There was a picture somewhere of a YETI I think ? That was a 650b but had 26″ wheels on it, I thought it looked quite good ?

    I had a crosser when I was younger RM 125 with wheels off an RM 80 it reminded me of that so that’s the recconing behind my theory?

    Do it, and then upgrade the wheels at a later date if it does eventually take off,

    Free Member

    njee20, I’m not sure that carbon is a sign of expense, sure it costs a lot but that’s of no significance to me as I would rather go with something that I trust and have found reliable riding on over two decades, the reason I’m not sold on it is because I have ridden my bike quite a bit and I often ride with others, the last couple of failures whilst out on the trail that stick in my mind have all related to carbon, to me that spells out a warning sign that before I spend my hard earned cash on something as fragile as a pedal bike I want it to be as strong as it possibly can, torsional rigidity, flex, and impact strike.

    As for my really stupid statement, what can I say ! Except human error and incompatible design.
    They get things wrong on multi million pound aircraft and trips to the moon why should a pedal bike be any different ?
    Save for the fact that its built to a cost by the lowest bidder and mass produced ?

    And as for the carbon Nomad that’s been ridden for two years and been bench tested to within an inch of its life, it might have taken two ton beforet it failed and rather than the extrusion whipping off my b@ll@x like a scalpel in the aftermath of a big off I’d still rather have a bent frame over a snapped one.
    But hey, if you want to believe the guys that sell 650b wheels to folk with a grudge against money then stand in line, they will quickly relieve you of your hard earned for producing a home made video of something that’s been cobbled together in the lunch hour break !

    Free Member

    I’ve never had shimano hydraulic brakes so i cant comment on how good they are but I’ve had HOPE M4’s for 10 years and only ever changed the pads and oil ?

    I’ve just bought some new Tech 4 Evo’s so I’m hoping to see these last another 10 years ?

    Free Member

    I’m not sold on carbon either, not since I saw a guy at Wharncliffe sat sobbing as a Cornish pastie sized slab flicked up and trashed his downtube !

    And to be honest what’s a couple of hundred quid after throwing a £4 K lump on a bike, I don’t want to point out the obvious but you’ve bought a budget carbon MTB !
    Some one somewhere will have passed that design off fully expecting the bike to be stronger and lighter than the competition, but not really thinking about failure, I can’t see the point in wrapping tin under a neoprene chain guard either as suggested above, I agree it would look shit but not only that it kind of renders the point of buying carbon ineffective ?

    Or is it just me ?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a pair of Fox 36 VAN RC2’s on a Nomad, mine do the peaks, Wharncliffe and most of the major trail centres so they’re ok for half my riding but not the other half ?

    In your opinion !

    Thank god I don’t listen to know it all guru’s who spend valuable riding time posting shite sorry I mean poo poo ! And blaming the bike parts for their inadequacy !

    I wished I’d got a quid for every rider I’d seen throwing their bike about because it made them face plant off a drop or come up short on a gap jump !
    It’s always the bikes fault as well !

    Free Member

    I found mine in the garage all black and grotty,

    I bobbed some Milton in and then bi-carb then I pulled thro some little bottle brushes that I bought from Lakeland, tied on piece of string and pushed thro, the freezer thing is the best bet especially in this weather as a litre ice cube in a 3 litre bladder is a god send,

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Brahma Bars, a bar and bar end combo all in one !

    Any one even heard if them

    Free Member

    You would have gotten away with that on a full susser 😆

    I cant really say anything thats not been posted above, you were lucky, it happened that quick it looks like you kept hold of the bars ? which probably could have been a lot worse,

    That guy with the SYNDICATE top on, **** hilarious ! and as for all the hitting it with speed tips, you could have cranked off that trials stylie, and you can do the GT ladders that way as i have done without a stack,

    just get out again soon and pop those roots on the way in and the drop will follow on !

    have you got any more clips of you hurting yourself ❓

    good luck,

    Free Member

    Yes thats me, if thats the image that you have in your narrow band then i’ll take that all day long,

    Do you still work in a Bike Shop ?
    Are you in retail at all ?

    Do you still feel the need to elevate yourself…….

    If you worked for me and had the attitude that you portray towards potential customers then i’d be in a position to be considerably ritcher than yew because i’d make sure you were on minimal wage !

    I appologise if spending £5K on a bike is beyond your reasoning but i dont actually think its in any part for you to comment on and if you cannot comprehend that cash in equates to healthy business then you keep on stroking it !

    Free Member

    Hahahahaaaaa !
    Build a rapport ! I’ve done that ! I’ve only been shopping there 23 years……. And if not giving a discount makes you feel important then by all means feel free to elevate your ego, if you think me as customer is going to come into a bike shop and blow smoke up your arse while stroking your ego and hoping for a measly discount makes you feel important then I feel sorry for you,

    I don’t ride on Turbo trainers in shops either ! I ride outdoors with the people I’ve grown up with who work in the shops where I choose to shop, I can walk in there sit chat drink coffee and even served a customer and had real life money to put in the till, but as they know me and knowing how much money I spend in there I feel that trust is there.

    The fact that I can tell them I’m not paying full price without them feeling like they can choose to refuse it means more than customer / ignorant shopkeeper, because at the end of the day if the likes of me don’t spend 5 grand on bikes and hundreds on kit they would struggle to employ the staff and maintain a healthy business.

    Free Member

    I’m not professionally trained in negotiations I’m from Yorkshire and I’ve never paid full price for anything, except maybe petrol and some other bits which some folk call essentials, but if I were in the market for a new bike I would say 10% is the minimum I would expect,

    Even on bits from my LBS I get more than that !
    Also I’ve not bought a complete build for 20 years, but when I ask for bits I get them at a good price and often get them fitted as part of the service they provide, it ensures I don’t go trawling the Internet for bargains as they get their price and I get it for another, sure they build a price in somewhere for fitting but I get a great service and good value !

    I just tend to open up conversation with “I’m not paying that much for it ! What can you do it for” if they can’t discount it then they dont want your business, because if I were to buy gloves, helmet, etc I’d expect money off that too !

    It might sound harsh to some, especially those that work in the industry but its a buyers market ! And the Internet is a great place for searching out good deals,

    Free Member

    I agree with the above, they will wash out on anything !
    They’re much worse in the wet so pray it stays dry and if it doesent pray that you don’t need them,

    Without doubt these tyres are the worst I have ever had on a bike, admittedly it was nigh on 10 years ago but still they were absolutely pants ! In fact dangerous !

    Free Member

    When its held together by a zip tie 😕

    Free Member

    Did Dalby in the heat, it still makes my legs ache like hell towards the end 😈

    Plenty of unhappy cyclists on the trail moaning about the length before we even got to Dixons hollow, one chap even asked if we were near the end yet ? so in response to other posts ref MAMATS ? some dont even know how far they are riding ?

    Others that we passed were already in the car park by the time we had fiished ? looking forward to CYB visit in the next few weeks !

    Free Member

    Ok now I can fess up to carrying foil blanket, orange bivvi and a whistle,

    Free Member

    FFS, who cares !

    If you get a puncture and you have no spares you walk or ride on the rim !
    Any one would think that all the posts above were referring to outback riding where there are no means of gaining mobile phone coverage or there’s no fresh running water !

    “I’m off out on my bike dear I may be some time”
    – Have you got your spare cleats, spark plug wrench, blow torch & bear gun ?
    “Yes dear I have all those things, my camelback is 2/3rds full and if I drink it before the moon is in its 3rd phase I will surely die ! So I will return before the six ‘O’ clock news so you don’t have to look for the life insurance policy under all the shit I have aquired in case something might happen to me”

    Returning solo on a club ride with no pump is hardly a life changing lesson, if it is then you need to stay indoors more,

    WTF is a MAMATS ?

    And why is every one carrying Zip ties ? Wht are they going to do ?

    Free Member

    To be fair, it was relatively quiet which seemed really odd as the car park was rammed with cars most with at least 3 bikes attached to them ?
    Dixons hollow was full of Dads trying to out jump their Kids, waited over 10 mins and although one Dad nearly had a stack on one of the tabletops it was pretty dull,

    Just along from the elevated single track that starts after the wooden bridge bit a couple were having domestic as he had brought them off the fire road and was heading along that section In the wrong direction, to be fair the signs from the metalled road were none existent heading in the wrong direction ? Whether or not they have ever been there is any ones guess but none of that mattered as she gave him a proper dressing down and apologised profusely !
    Fearfull of her 4 year olds safety in a vest and no helmet they made their way out of the trees on to the fire road,

    On the trails though it was dead !

    I wonder if somebody knows something I don’t, are we missing out on some secret trails ?

    Free Member

    I’m astounded that Orange have ceased making something that actually made them something and who they are to day I’m all for change and progress but for them to cease production and refuse warranty then I personally think its disgusting,

    I’ve got a Santa Cruz Butcher, I’ve had it over 2 years ! It’s developed a problem and I’m getting it replaced ! Due to the fact that they ceased production of the Butcher I was offered a Nomad ! A 2013 one !

    I’m not trying to blow smoke up any ones arse but the Bike Shop, the Importer & SC US have been great, if they would have **** me off though I’d have been pissed and wouldn’t have taken it lightly !

    Free Member

    I’d have helped the blonde as well,

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