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    Free Member

    I’ve got KOM on Parkin Clough and top 4 from Win Hill descent and many more, but i **** hate posting on here as no one else rides they just gob off

    Free Member

    Same shit different thread !

    Find some one to try and make yourselves look better and if ridicule doesn’t stroke your ego resort to spell checking and typo’s.

    Some of you clearly have too much time on your hands, try riding a bike! It’s not that difficult then at least when you comment the 90% of none Forum Elite Riding Gods will probably believe what you spout on about.

    Poisonspyder, you are clearly a Bike Rider. Hora, my guess is that you too are fairly decent on a bike.

    For those that ride bikes I’m sure you can tell who does and who does not partake in your chosen activity.
    Heaven forbid you should listen to some of these **** on here, you don’t have to be elite you just have to enjoy yourself. Some people don’t like you to enjoy yourself whilst riding, it makes you say things and take the long line!

    It makes you have a big grin and aching legs, it makes the Tea & Cake taste better, it makes that Pint worthwhile and fish n chips taste that bit better. It gets you out with mates, it gets you off your computer and out of the house where you have to meet people and speak to others, it also helps find out the Walters.

    Feel free, While you’re reading this conjouring up your witty response and highlighting the errors to take ANY opportunity you can to make yourselves look good, sound intelligent, appear better than the rest of the biking fraternity. You deserve it because being as good as you are takes a special kind of person!

    Free Member

    One of the wittiest lines I’ve read in a book for a long time
    “The writing was on the wall for Gary and the light show wasn’t”

    Mine arrived on Thursday and I’ll have read it by Sunday night, a bloody good read and well written.

    Free Member

    Adam, exactly that, it just looks out if sorts for a stationary bike to spin up and pivot, AND just to confuse ME* it puts down that much torque on a smooth shiny surface whilst propelling itself up the gradient, against the descent.

    Free Member

    Thisisnotaspoon, yes, thanks numb nuts, the only difference being that a ball isn’t mechanically driven, but thanks all the same for similarity, suppose I hoof the ball into the air and when it lands stop it dead, would it then Drive itself forward and pick up momentum ?

    My argument is based on one thing, he comes OFF the bike, the wheel hits the deck, despite numerous attempts to convince me otherwise the sliding comes to halt, he unclips at which point the rear wheel looks to be planted on the deck ? No ?

    AND, No one looks more surprised than him when his bike pootles off without him as he makes several attempts to reign it back in.

    I know some of you hate the whole sport being brought into question however looking at it can you at least not think ?

    UH, that looks odd, and I know you have all smelt it felt it and done it twice and it happens every weekend on box hill or the strines but in my retarded viewpoint it looks odd ?

    Down, slide, unclip at which point he is pulling against the rotational force of the drive train as he unclips cranks DO NOT move yet a wheel that’s static picks up momentum and drives the bike through 180 degrees.
    At which point it hits Elvis on his bike, who has run some one over before BUT, again in my view as I’m looking at it, it made contact with the motor bike and still it didn’t look like it was slowing on its axis,

    The whole incident seemed to STOP and then drive on.

    Free Member

    Missed what ?

    Free Member

    Mtbmatt, just tried it. Laid it down on its side with the rear wheel static and I let go of it and it just stayed there?

    You can see the wheel static ? If the pedals don’t turn and the contact with the shiny Tarmac has scrubbed the speed out of the wheel where does the torque come from ?

    Is it the pivot on the lever that lightens up the back end, is that what your saying ?

    Free Member

    Lifer, the crank arm does move, look closely

    Free Member

    Njee, I take it by your robust stance that you are the bloke who maintains his bike ?

    In that case as you are 100% sure it’s not happening then I bow down and accept that you are 100% sure that once he unclips the continuity is broken and the drive cut.

    Free Member

    Lemonysam, please explain why I’m not ?

    Free Member

    See I told you ! But the one I’m talking about had an energizer battery fitted,

    Joking apart, there’s usually no smoke without fire and the fact that people are talking about it doesn’t mean it’s happening it doesn’t mean it’s not either, it isn’t outside the realms of engineering to trial such a gadget and the cons may far outweigh the pros, it does sound pie in the sky but the way that the wheel kicks back and picks up momentum is odd, freaky in fact. You could try and replicate that a thousand times over and it would never happen again.

    The one time it does it was right in front of the camera bike.

    There are bound to be rumblings surrounding what looks like a torque driven spin,

    I’ve got to be honest “Retarded” or not I’d love to see if there were a worm drive cog assisting the bottom bracket turning the crank arms, ONLY because I’m sceptical and have never seen something as odd on a human powered bike.

    That’s all,

    Free Member

    At this point some one needs to post

    “Oh the ironing”

    Free Member

    Yes Njee I am the ONLY person in the Whole world that that thinks this too, you see I don’t get out much, I’m always on this forum cutting and pasting and giving it big licks about being a Cycling super hero.

    I’m that good I’ve got virtually every cycling forum the world over talking about something I know nothing about !

    Of course being retarded makes me say things I know nothing about, just like you.
    I know nothing about you but think you are total Cock, that’s how retards think.

    Of course those who thought Cancelarra were cheating were idiots. Just like I’m an idiot too as are the posters who also think that it’s odd that a wheel that’s static can Kick back and turn whilst gathering momentum.

    And if it’s so easy to dope then why would they as you suggest even contemplate such an elaborate hoax.

    Free Member

    If it were me that we’re cheating, I’d ask for the battery pack to be secreted in my shoe, which also controlled the on off element of the rotor with a connection to the cleats ?

    And during a stage I’d wave the team car up and change my footwear.

    But that would bring my good sportsman like nature in to disrepute and no one would want to do that.

    Or would they ?

    Free Member

    Lemonysam, fair point you win, I’ll not air my opinion on something I know nothing about, just like I didn’t make my opinions heard when Armstrong was a Cycling god.

    What we should all do is trust that a multi billion dollar sport is clean and that the next generation aren’t two steps ahead of the testers and in another 10 years we can all say “well I never, who would have thought that”

    Any one for a Doughnut ?

    Free Member

    Nonespoon, yes I have, but the rider in question was out on his own and the peloton was way back, making a sound like a drill, without having any suspicious devices fitted to aid cadence and defy the laws of Physics.

    Free Member

    WackoAK, oh I see ? That went straight over my head, if that’s the case That’s a bit churlish, can I start my usual onslaught of portly bald blokes in Lycra then?
    Or shall we all remain adults and discuss reverse polarity and a fixed anti free hub body.

    @Kimbers, I prefer their sausage & bean bakes.
    I think we should have a poll

    Free Member

    wwaswas, KERS, as used in F1 battery regeneration when braking, kinetics.

    If there was a hidden motor fitted I’m not sure any one would be stupid enough to fit a switch with ON / OFF on the handlebars. The motor is probably running all the time hence the wide line on the corner, too much speed.

    There was a similar theory about 5 years ago when some spectators apparently hears a motorised whirring noise on an uphill stage on the TDF.

    I’m guessing that motorbike rider has seen bikes go down plenty of times and is competent enough to ride round it, the motorbike rider clearly slows waits for things to settle and moves on then all of a sudden the bike is moving again and he rides over it !

    The commentators on the next day said nothing was mentioned by the team, move on and that’s racing, I bet they did.

    Free Member

    I saw that live and thought exactly the same thing over a week ago ?

    What’s Greggs got to do with anything ? Or am I missing something….

    Free Member

    Just take the bike you normally ride including the spare tyre round your waist, as for scoff, I’d nip into Peebles, chippy is alright and it serves deep fried black pudding if that’s your thing ?
    Which it might be after 10 pints of Tennants, dipped into a carton of curry sauce as you bounce off the lamp posts, if your healthy then I think there’s an Italian.

    Free Member

    That head angle will only work if the bottom bracket is raised to suit,

    Free Member

    I know, I daren’t even think of the consequences some folk might distribute when they get in from work and have their Tea, to find fellow riders have not only ridden on footpaths but they have admitted to it ?


    Oh well, it’ll soon be 7:30, should be interesting.

    The worst part of it is: I’ve just looked at my Gopro footage to see if its worthy of www distribution and my mac book has thrown a hissy fit and piled in.

    Free Member

    Kimbers, not entirely true there, if I may correct you.

    Suspended from wires OR if on board a drone, otherwise it has little GNAAAR,

    Free Member

    £65 you say, my word that’s steep !

    Free Member

    Zippy, access to rural England has had to be made more accessible for the Al Quieda training camps.

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought it was soft muck almost a mulch but drier and a mixture of muck and rotting leaves, vegetation, that kind of stuff.

    Free Member

    Robdob, your always fastest going down but couldn’t jump or corner despite being one of the most natural riders ever seen on a bike !

    People will blow smoke up your arse if you pay them enough money,
    Where were you riding that was straight down with no corners or jumps and were your fellow riders shit ?

    I’m just asking, as I’m half tempted to throw some money at some one to coach me properly, I’m not sure what bad habits I’ve picked up whilst riding my bike, except scratching my bollox whilst riding and leering at women horse riders in jodhpurs.
    No doubt my body positions shit and I shouldn’t be wearing SPD’s but I don’t think that’s gonna change much now,

    Free Member

    I agree, but the wind and weather create that natural feel, in a way that if it happened at a trail centre it would be repaired, the loose rocks and stone help create that feel.

    The channels water carve out are kind of natural buy yeah, Most if not all of the routes have been created at some point in time by Man. Some of them are bloody good though and some terrible

    Free Member

    It kind of detracts from the general feel of the Peak District though, 95% natural riding with a 5% imbalance, if I wanted to foresee that nothing was going to jump out at me on the trail then I’d ride at a trail centre.

    It’s not n keeping with the general feel of the area and the Natural relaxed style of riding the area lends itself out to. The loop we did on Sunday was a classic example of Peaks riding, like doing Cut Gate, you pass people on the way out and catch up for a chat on the way back, exchange pleasantrys and offer encouragement / abuse / ridicule dependant upon the severity of misdemeanour, the walkers even exchange pleasantrys and people respect each other’s love if the great outdoors, if you see a dog half way down Roych Clough or even at the bottom stood in the ford having a drink in the middle of the bridleway with its owners then no one bats an eyelid, imagine that at a trail centre ?
    It’s too serious, it’s fine if you are of that Elite status within the MTB forum fraternity but for those that ride for the enjoyment Natural Terrain in a great area gives it’s a bit shit to be honest,

    And in my defence OR stupidity / inability to ride I didn’t actually realise I couldn’t stop until I applied the brakes. At that point I kind of braced myself for impact as I drifted along the surface and rolled into a gate, the second one just sent me wide and I managed to stay off the wall.

    I have evidence on Gopro but I haven’t got a spare day to faff about uploading it.

    Free Member

    As Above, if you are getting through sidewalls and riding rocks you need some DH casing tyres, I’ve just took some HR2’s off with DH casing in 2.4 and put 2.3 EXO’s on. They are a lot more flimsy even in the sidewall, the DH casing are as mentioned by Northwind like car tyres and are an absolute beeehatch to pedal.

    If your normally pointing downwards then this shouldn’t bother you and inspires confidence, but aren’t the Minions DH cases anyhoo being a DH orientated tyre ?

    Free Member

    Just to go off on a tangent, and I’m by no means trying to liken myself to a pro rider BUT you hear the likes of Steve Peat say “the Natural courses are the grippiest” when he’s seen walking a track, and I’ve often thought EH ? That’s not right the smoother sculptured surfaces are clearly grippiest, well I can see where he’s coming from in that respect,

    There’s nothing to hold you and sit you up to bounce off or focus on, and then all of a sudden you realise that your traveling too fast and can’t stop.

    Free Member

    A fair assumption, especially if it’s been lifted from the slow lane of the M1, plus Tarmac has that oily waxy residue when water is on it.

    You would think that the conservationists would have the foresight to see the impact on using contaminated Tarmac in an area of outstanding Natural Beauty.
    But then……… Maybe not.

    Free Member

    Oh I see, it’s chewed up Tarmac, that would explain the Oil leeching into the water table ?

    There’s nothing to get you over the water bars its featureless, you have to rely on sheer luck & judgement and a good old fashioned bunny hop, and a sense of humour.

    Free Member

    I rode with my mates for several years, none of whom were aware of some of the things I was doing wrong. How would I then manage to improve? I don’t know what the problem is and neither do they. The result is that all the experience in the world is not going to correct my faults.
    CUT & PASTED ? I CANT DO IT, sorry

    Imnotverygood, if as you suggest above you are not very good twinned with the fact that none of your mates appear to be much help combined with a defeatist attitude of “all the experience in the world not being able to correct your faults”

    If your happy with what your doing then I wouldn’t waste your money on someone telling you something that you fail to correct.

    On the other hand, riding with experienced riders who can tell you the basics of feet positioning, rider stance, weight distribution, where the pedals should be in relation to the ground when coasting or cornering, how to pre load travel on a bike when approaching a jump, manualing.

    Things which a lot of riders take for granted but something that not everyone can do.
    A bit like coaching, some people are receptive to it whilst others learn little from the experience. The way in which we learn and develop varies hugely, a good coach would be able to identify this and with the price of some of these sessions you wod expect to get good coaching staff,

    From some of the forum members above, some have benefitted some havent, most advise 1~2~1 some advise just riding and some advise following on.
    How we all develop is up to us as individuals, no coach no matter how experienced can help a basket case.

    Free Member

    I personally* think you will take more away from an afternoon at a Local or your favourite trail with your mates, drops, hitting jumps, general riding a few stops for piss taking and ridicule before getting back on your bike and enjoying the ride.

    There’s no substitute for actually getting out there and putting in the Miles.
    Doing it with people you enjoy spending time with makes it more enjoyable and this will bring you on more than a controlled classroom style environment.

    Free Member

    I did the big loop on Sunday, it’s pretty wet over the back of Jacobs Ladder round to Kinder, the bogs have re appeared and it’s doubtful they will dry out again this year, up to the shooting lodge is also saturated,

    The climb up there (shooting lodge)and the descent would be doable, as would south head to Roych Clough, and the climb up to right of the track, some would be a push, it depends on your ability, if you have walked it a lot as you say then you know the routes, I’d take the CX bike, there were a few out up there on Sunday.

    Miserable bastards though ! But they were out. The MTBers were in much greater spirit although it was quite sloppy.
    Friendly walkers as usual in that part of the world.

    It will be different, but you have to if you have one.

    Free Member

    I’d go………..

    UP Jacobs ladder, off the back and round to Kinder & Down the fast grassy bit, UP to the shooting lodge and down tother side left on road into Hayfield and UP the mother of all climbs Down Roych Clough & up again before dropping down Chapel Gate and back to car.

    Great ride in either direction.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, a 2014 Alu one which I’m happy with, personally I think the new one is a bit too much for a UK bike, as I said I enjoyed the new carbon one, being biased I’d put FOX 36’s on just because I like em.

    I’d like one in the Alps for a week, or in Whistler but for year round riding in the UK there are better bikes available.

    As an ENDURO bike though its a belter.

    Free Member

    I didn’t renew my subscription either for obvious reasons, which bikes did they say were better I’d be interested to know.

    I’ve got an Alu nomad and it is without doubt* the best bike I have ridden.
    I’ve had a new carbon Nomad loaner for a couple of days and it rides much better than it looks on paper, the slacker head angle takes some getting used to but after 15 mins I stopped thinking about it, it pedals really well uphill and is snappy but that’s prob because I went from a hefty Alu build to a light carbon build with ENVE rims and 1X.

    I’d be more inclined to speak to riders on the trail and owners from the likes of these forums than a biased view from a magazine,

    Free Member

    Theyr’e the Sharks Teeth style rocks, That descent is great, as above i tried to nip down the footpath the other week, very nearly got it wrong.

    that rutted section from there to the Ford (Slippery Stones) is the most technical bit for me, too many lines, too many choices and at the time of year i usually do it they are all covered in Grass,

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