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  • dirtygirlonabike
    Free Member

    Why was crit racing bad? I always thought it sounded a lot like MTB racing Have you done any of that btw? Sounds like you’d place very well

    I don’t think its really my thing…laps round a flat course doesn’t really suit me. Didn’t help that when the race began the women in front of me struggled to get clipped in so i couldn’t even get in the pack from the start which meant i was on my own the whole time. I learnt a lot, but probably not doing another one unless my team mates enter too. Weird experience, seemed totally about lungs rather than legs (hence the nasty cough but legs feeling fine). Haven’t xc raced, just done some meridas, some 10 unders and one sxc not long after i started riding…could be tempted at some point, but so many sports to do, so little time to fit it all in – starting running this week, and climbing again as well!

    TSY was asking if he’d missed photos of the new new month yet? I’m on day two of a big health kick, no sugar cravings so far but its easy as the sun is shining and i’m happy 🙂

    Free Member

    Lol. It was a good adventure 🙂 Crit racing was the worst experience ever, hated every minute of it. Worst thing is i wanted to use it to set new hr zones and the battery went dead on the start 😡 However, i averaged 19.63mph (the .63 is very important! 🙂 ) for it which is a pb for me i think, despite leaving me with the worst cough ever. Hows the diet going?

    Free Member

    I’m full of energy and dying to go for a hard run or mtb ride but making myself rest today…i still have the remains of a cough from a stupid hard effort at my first crit race on thursday (not helped by then riding 250odd miles, some with TSY, on fri and sat) 🙂

    Free Member

    Aw, you will be missed…it wont be the same without any razor threats and “get on his wheel” comments 😀

    Free Member

    They have three more days to go (including today). We had hot sunshine, not a cloud in the sky and the most fab ice cream yesterday. A brilliant two days of riding with awesome company, thanks again everyone 🙂 x

    Free Member

    Hope he doesn’t mind me posting….they made kendal last night. I’ll leave him to do the up-dates on highs and lows from mine tomorrow unless he makes it to a pc before then.

    I’m due to talk to him fairly soon so i shall pass on your love 🙂

    Free Member

    Mine which i love:

    Free Member

    I was the queen of procrastination this afternoon…did nothing I was meant to, fell asleep in the sun, woke up, moved to the sofa and dozed there instead 🙂

    Free Member

    No idea of timescale as i wasn’t with it, but it seemed to take ages for the paramedics and volunteers to lift me on a stretcher from the bottom of the slab at dalbeattie to the ambulance. Unlike TBC, my shorts were cut open on site…still, with a huge cut on my head, blood all down my hair, unable to stand up, my dignity was the last thing on my mind. Unlike later on, when i finally needed to pee, but couldn’t stand up with the pain – despite morphine – and had to pee lying down. Turns out it is very hard to pee like that. 😯 Final classy moment was arriving home about 4am, wearing hospital paper pants/gown since they’d cut my shorts off, stitches in head, blood matted all over my hair… There’s some memories i wish i could forget, but thats one day i never will.

    Free Member

    290km for me on three hilly rides. Same sort of distance for three days this week too.

    Free Member

    I wish wine had obliterated my memory of it…I’m hoping by the time I’m due to ride tomorrow I’ll have stopped wanting to sell my bike *ignoring the fact it needs cleaned before it’s rideable and that the chain falls off the big ring and granny gear too* 😡 I still haven’t warmed up properly 🙁

    Fb page sounds good 🙂

    Free Member

    After today’s ride, Stuart and I are due some sun so can someone book the weather please? As hot as two weekends ago would be nice thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    Funny was talking about this with a friend earlier today. From a female perspective having been in a long term relationship until late last year, I think it rocks…except for when I need a hug or rescuing from spiders like tonight 😥 I do sometimes miss having someone to plan adventures with though.

    Free Member

    Thats a nice route 13thfm. *is jealous and regrets entering sportive which means i can’t ride where/when i want to*

    Free Member

    None, i stopped wearing watches and jewellery about 2 years ago 😕

    Free Member

    Jamie, my coffee almost ended up on my keyboard when i read that.

    Scotland = deep fat fried mars bars. Not that helpful for dropping bodyfat i’m afraid.

    Free Member

    See you in just over a week *can’t wait* 😀

    Free Member

    I like icebreaker stuff. Its very slinky too as an added bonus. 🙂

    You get what you pay for ime – cheap merino wool base layer from bike co is now almost see through and falling apart after 1 winters use whereas icebreaker ones still fine.

    Free Member

    Speed/pace imo.

    Parisienne’s jog…i like running in paris – lots of couple’s pootling along looking chic, not breaking a sweat.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @ 5thElefant 😆

    Yeti, not in my gym they don’t – they wear shorts which is why i know they have sparrow legs. Mine are way more toned than 90% of the blokes in there.

    Free Member

    DirtyG – I like you. You talk sense.

    *is wise* 😆 There will be no steroids or epo at our convent, you just have to work damn hard to achieve results.

    My physio says a large % of athletes are taking something, esp sprinters.

    And whilst we are on the subject, why do blokes go for the top heavy look? I never see blokes at my gym using any leg weights, they have sparrow legs and look like Arnie on their top half. Do they really think this is a good look?

    Free Member

    I must admit it amuses me when i see the proper muscley blokes in the gym trying to walk on the treadmill, or at a push use the cross trainer. Some of the proper big ones can’t even have their arm straight down at their sides due to big muscles 😯 One bloke actually sounds like he is having an orgasm when he lifts weights, i can hear him from the other side of the gym, over my ipod 😐

    The problem is that most of it is only mirror muscle…ie the ones that they can see, and they often neglected ones they can’t so they end up looking weird… well, thats my observation from having worked out at a gym since i was 16! A friends friends husband died of a heart attack a few months back, she was really shocked as he was “really fit”. When i asked her about it, “really fit” = bodybuilder, lived off protein, dabled with steriods etc.

    But then taking steroids in the gym isn’t much different to top riders taking epo/whatever. I couldn’t do it – i’d feel like i cheated.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure a few take them at my gym, including the women. 😐

    Free Member

    lol @ bobbyspangles.

    Have always been clipped on the road bike*, no reason not to, especially as there’s not any/many stops compared to some mtb rides.

    *except for one occassion where i wore hiking boots with my road pedals, but that’s another story 😀

    Free Member

    cynic-al, will probably be there between 6-630 too – official start time is 6.30pm but if i wait that long to go out, chances are the sofa will have eaten me by then. 😀

    Free Member

    J-Hatch, Monkey and I are going full lycra for some road action if anyone fancies that instead.

    Miles or hill reps? I’m meant doing a few very easy hill reps with the her(r)velos tonight but its a bit late for my liking.

    Edit: durr, i guess you mean tomorrow not tonight? i’m wishing the days of this week away so i can be on leave! 🙄

    Free Member

    Was your ride any harder/more intense/longer than normal – harder rides make me feel stiff (despite an hour of stretching/yoga 6 days a week!) but not generally not sore (only weights will make me hurt the day after but oddly i’m not stiff after weights, go figure).

    Was your post ride recovery ok/different, enough food etc in?

    Other factors could be dehdyration – i’m noticeable more tight with my ongoing hydration issues 😡


    the first long-ish ride I’ve done since changing my diet

    There you go then – just your muscles being used more/differently than normal and adapting/recovering/reparing the micro tears from it 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m thinking about getting one too…no idea where to start since its something i never thought i’d get!

    Free Member

    Skinny jeans on men = so wrong, unless you are gay.
    Skinny jeans on women = fine if you have the figure.
    Skinny jeas showing underwear = horrible, especially if they are grey/coloured.

    DGOAB 31-going-on-61 😕

    Free Member

    I quite like maxi dresses, but as i’m in the 5’2-3″ club on here, i need heels to carry it off which isn’t the same. Much prefer the LBD 🙂

    Puffball skirts = wrong.

    Free Member

    Depends on how hard you are trying and how hard the route is. Used to burn more calories mtb’ing (based on polar hr monitor), but road racing/harder road rides has resulted in much higher av hrs and therefore calorie burn (again, using polar hr monitor). So for me i reckon both have almost same average calorie burn.

    Free Member

    it’ll be hard being off the forum for a couple of weeks

    No it won’t, i’ll keep you distracted 8)

    Free Member

    I’m not tired, despite 82 hilly miles in hot sunshine *is buzzing and can’t wait for my next road race with the form i’m on* 😀

    Free Member

    I’m keen but no weekends in June either, and busy 2nd and 3rd weekend in july too…doing a silly 2 day route in wales of 200+miles with 23,000ft of climbing so would be nice to do something of similar distance up here.

    Free Member

    What’s/where’s the swire?

    Free Member

    I mentioned that route to druidh on monday night, been meaning to do it for the last 3 years!

    All these rides will give Andy a chance to get used to changing gear again, i think i heard a few moments where he did remember to change gear last night 😆

    Free Member

    I’m worried radogair will be brandishing a razor next time!

    your new bike will keep him distracted…failing that, i could have proper tears* next time?

    *i shouldn’t joke, there’s only so much “get on his wheel” comments a girl can take from her (very kind) domestique 😉

    Free Member

    Yup, excellent results for me everytime – its the main thing that works for me with injuries. Totally believe in it and I’d love to be able to practise it.

    Bit hippy for you no?

    Free Member

    One of my favourites is the Park City hotel in Kensington –

    The monsoon showers are just that, i stayed under it for almost an hour following a run once 😀

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