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  • Naughty Northumbrian this weekend (entries close tonight!)
  • dirtygirlonabike
    Free Member

    I can confirm that’s not jedi, because i have known him for years and this is him. Fact. *swoons* 🙂

    Free Member

    Its a twist on a Hairy Bikers recipe, not TSY.

    Does this mean i’m meant to eat the chilli off a hairy biker or TSY? 😉

    Can you post the method too then please? *goes home via the supermarket to buy a big pot* I’ll have to eat my chocolate ice cream to make room to freeze the chilli then *has such a hard life*

    Free Member

    @ solo, i’ll let you know what its like after the weekend 🙂

    *joins TSY at the vending machine* 8)

    Free Member

    solo, fab, you are a star! I don’t eat meat so quorn it is. 🙂

    Free Member

    wanders off to get a chocolate bar and a coffee

    Care to join me? I’ve just got a latte mmmmm 🙂

    I’m clock watching, waiting for the time when i can go climbing. Off to a different place tonight *excited*

    I have been inspired by reading the above to make chilli with quorn for my tea tomorrow night *goes off to look at recipes*

    Free Member

    Sorry Jamie, you missed it 😛

    Your chocolate comment isn’t helpful, i love it too. It fuelled my speedwork session last night too *neglects to mention how much chocolate she consumed before riding*

    I don’t really want to give it up which is the problem 😐

    Free Member

    I’s well buff an’ ting tho innit.

    *swoons* 🙂

    I’m now back to full power with my legs only burning when i hit 36-40kph during the speedwork and hill rep session last night. Get in! 8)

    Anyone like to help me give up my chocolate addiction before June? Its the only bad thing in my diet atm and i’m not strong enough to do it on my own!

    Free Member

    @ jamie – is some of your weight not muscle though? i know when i started doing more weights (x2 a week of full body) and road riding more, i went from 49kgs (oh those were the days!) to 54kgs where i seem to sit pretty much consistently – the expection being when i run which is 52kgs as i lose muscle, and just now where i can’t seem to maintain speed/power if i drop below what i am now (55kgs).

    @ yeti, that’s a disturbing photo 😥

    Free Member

    Don’t be so quick to proclaim him Awesome!!! he’s not agreed to ride round AS 31 times yet.

    Yet? Do we have a possible 7th person then? Looks like plans are fairly firm now – although not heard back from druidh to see if the timing suits him – so i’ll start talking more about it / drumming up interest soon 🙂

    If its as windy as it is today, it could well take us 31 hours to complete! 😯 *buys a sail for the bike just in case*

    No Charity Cardio Marathon for me tonight…i was meant to be at the gym but i’ve got to work late tonight so doubt i’ll make it 😥

    Edit – mol according to druidh’s gps, its 5.3km / 89.5m ascent per lap. That makes 164.3km, 2,775m for 31 laps. (102 miles / 9,104 ft)

    Free Member

    +1 for low blood pressure here too.

    Free Member

    I was thirsty! That said, I always finish 3 litres on the mtb, more if its hot/a long ride. It wasn’t hot yesterday – pretty cold in fact, so i’d have run out if it had been hot.

    Its a totally personal thing and my consumption seems to vary depending on sport – runs up to half mara distance = just a few sips of water, mtb’ing = always 3l, road varies depending on intensity/distance/hills – anything from 2 bottles to 6, weight training – 1.5 bottles in 1hr30.

    Free Member

    Didn’t you say on the other thread though that you felt better? Perhaps cos you drank more water on your ride?

    Nah, it was other factors contributing to how i’ve been feeling/lack of power.

    Free Member

    DirtyG… don’t forget that the leadership is being decided on dirt… not road

    You’ll probably win the dirt stuff due to my time off the mtb (though i gave mustard a good run for his money on my ht yesterday 😆 ) but there’s other challenges too!

    Free Member

    +1 for saddle bag and pockets. Use a tri bag for cereal bars for longer rides/winter. Would never wear a camelback – one of the things i love about the road bike is having nothing on your back. For racing i carry nothing but 1 bottle of energy drink/emergency cereal bar.

    Went mtb’ing yesterday, second time this year, was a shock to carry such a heavy pack – 3 litres of water, waterproof and some food. Ouchie. 3 litres was gone by the time i got back to the car (just over a 3 hour ride) whereas on the road bike, i’d have drunk 2 700ml bottles in that time.

    Free Member

    Cold, wet and stormy here *shivers*. I’m planning a pretty hard week if i can, then as of next Monday i’m resting – 96m sportive – resting – road racing/getting my legs ripped off – resting – AS – convent power struggle – recovering!

    Free Member

    Yeti, there’s a website for another AS challenge (just the hill bit) that if you time it and put your time on the website, it’ll work out your power. Not sure how accurate it is, but worth a go. Perhaps not for all 31 though! 🙂 Plus, given it is like winter here, i would imagine we’ll have a howling headwind, be in full winter gear and soaked so maybe its not the best option!

    In other news, my power has come back finally *punches air in delight* and i’m looking forward to some speedwork and hill reps tomorrow night. 8)

    *goes to catch up on the rest of the thread in an attempt not to eat the creme egg in my bag* 😕

    Free Member

    Only caught the last 45mins. Appalingly excellent indeed 🙂

    Free Member

    Today I going to go for a run and then rock climb this afternoon. I shall be drinking lots of nice coffee and hoping to see a flat too.

    Free Member

    Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 Did you manage to get round before it started to rain?

    Aw re june 😥

    Free Member

    DD, how did you get on with the etape? any more thoughts about june yet? 🙂

    Free Member

    Lol. 3 hours of climbing and belaying ripped my hands to shreds last time….and its not half hearted when i have to be clipped to a sandbag for belaying and catch mustard three times in a row! We’ll see whats hardest in june! I don’t know how we can measure tonight given the distance between us though, and you might be finished before we even start tonight!

    Free Member

    Shall we see who can climb the longest tonight yeti?! 😛

    Free Member

    That and you should probably eat stuff that has had eyes or fur.


    Step into my office

    That’s the best offer i’ve had all day! 😀

    *sent from my sofa where i’m eating pasta nom*

    Free Member

    suspect that’s not a bad strategy.. lose weight over the winter, maintain over the summer….

    Oh yes – thats something i also worked out – trying to lose weight when i’m pushing myself hard isn’t good either! So again, autumn/winter would be good for me, plus i always lose weight in the winter too!

    Free Member

    Aren’t you already pretty lean? Personally I would not abandon it completely for the sake of racing – just modify it with carbs at the right times and of the right kind.

    Hmmm, I have a mixed opinion. TSY can give you his unbiased opinion as i’m generally too hard on myself…and i’m also still adapting to being ‘heavier’ – last year i was getting to the stage where a size 8 was too big for me, so how i am now feels bulky even though i know its not 🙂 Currently 2kgs heavier than my usual weight but i’ve set lots of pbs this year and it seems to relate to how much i eat. If i was just racing, it would be easy to do right carbs and the right times but just now – ie between races – i’m working hard/lots and stressed out, exercising 6 days a week and its unpredictable i.e i can be planning a morning session but then end up going at lunch/evening or vice versa.

    I’m going to try it again in the autumn once i have things out of the way. Until then its carb and chocolate and biscuit heaven for me!

    Crit racing – try it for sure! I learnt tons from the one i did this year and will be back next year to do all four (and yes, i can still remember saying that i would never do one again!) 😆

    Free Member

    *high 5s carb binge eating buddy*

    Yup i agree….and for that reason i’m out for the rest of the season as i have lots planned that i need to be strong for 🙂

    Free Member

    I have been binge eating carbs, chocolate and iron tabs all week and beginning to feel better – suspect i will feel a lot better once i recover from work stress too 🙂 *thinks this is possibly not the thread for me to hang out in anymore as i intend to continue this for the rest of the season* 😕

    There is a climbing route on the ceiling that i want to work up to…TSY that should be your challenge, was awesome watching the girl climb across the ceiling 🙂

    Free Member

    Issues for me too – not heard anything since i placed my order days ago and can’t amend/delete order either.

    Free Member

    or run out of legs at that point

    I find that hard to believe *worships*…or is that what happens when you ride off in front?! 😆

    [hijack] can i pick up shifters this week if you are around?

    Free Member

    Love my 305 – use for running and mtb’ing. Have had mine for around 3 years now, wouldn’t be without it.

    Yes its big but very easy as a result to pace yourself as you can quickly see pace/time etc. Its as accurate as my polar computer on the road bike.

    Free Member

    Today? Not showing on my tv for tonight.

    Free Member

    Hopefully we’ll get to find out what it is though?

    Indeed you will. It started out a wee idea just for me to do as fun*, but has grown a little since then.

    I thought you said it was bigger than LEJOG!

    They can’t really be compared at all 🙂 Now hush, its a secret until its been planned properly!

    @ jamie, all the cool people are doing it – be there or be square 😛

    *yes i have a warped sense of fun!

    Free Member

    Totally normal after a big trip/adventure. I guess the other two have forgotten their aches and pains enough to join you in being bored 🙂

    already got some stuff in the pipeline. Right now it doesn’t seem to be helping

    You can take over the organisation from me if it’ll help a bit? 🙂

    *waves at jamie*

    Free Member

    Why do you need mens CG? Women’s too narrow?

    Free Member

    I’m new to racing, had no idea i’d like it this much, and i have secret ambitions for racing too.

    I think partly

    I loved racing to push myself and feel the pain

    I love the pain and love pushing myself to see what i can do.

    And partly that i’m very competitive, i like the tactics involved even if atm i’m a newbie and learning them, and i love the speed as well. *is now even more upset that sundays race has been cancelled*

    Free Member

    If i was i’d have said in my email as you’d be welcome to a tow up the climb 8) You’ll be fine – the routes not tough. Wanna swap – i’m not sure i can ride at race pace for 50miles yet!

    Free Member

    DD…i’m not doing the etape – i’m in fife doing the women’s and vets road race. 🙂 Good luck for the etape to you though.

    Free Member

    Headache? You need jaffa cakes and…

    You promised me that last night, and then let me down 😥

    Will be interesting to see my performance racing on sunday after the last few weeks. Wish me luck 🙂

    *feels horrible*

    Edit trickydisco…no hadn’t been drinking energy stuff before a race. I use high 5 4:1 rather than Torq. But i’m thinking along with a coffee on the way i might try to get through a bottle before the race. No idea what i want/should be consuming on sunday though as it’ll be the longest i’ve raced in (distance isn’t the issue, more keeping the speed up over the distance)

    Free Member

    tipinman…only way i can recover from bonking is sugar/chocolate, which i had to do on sunday’s ride.

    I slipped up last night and had chocolate. Two days back on carbs and the sugar cravings are back with a vengence 🙁 I also have a thumping headache 😥

    Free Member

    Try freshly cooked cannellini beans then. Way nice.

    Cannellini beans are my favourite! Nom.

    Hmmm… so I might be able to get lighter.

    😡 Are you trying to make me get on a plane to have words with you? If so, two packets of jaffas would be required. 8)

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