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  • dirtygirlonabike
    Free Member

    I did my first crit earlier this year (30mins and 5 laps). I was working so hard that despite carrying a bottle of water with me, i didn’t manage to get more than a mouthful in….from that, plus doing a 10 TT where I didn’t take any water with me, I concluded that (if properly hydrated / fed beforehand) I can survive under an hour with thirst/dry mouth (but i don’t particularly like it). That said, I ran out of water with 20km still to go in my road race on Sunday which wasn’t nice at all.

    The one thing I did feel I was missing was an instant energy boost as (at the time) I wasn’t used to a hard effort late on in the day. I think for next year, I’ll have a coffee before it, or an energy gel.

    Oh, and expect it to be really fast – i noticed a huge difference in speed from early in the season to the weekends race 😯

    Free Member

    TSY, I’d have been able to tell you if you rode toes down, but I was overwhelmed by the sight of you in your pink see through lyrca and looking at your feet was the last thing on my mind my eyes were fixed on my front wheel all the time instead. 😀

    Interesting thoughts on here, I was curious as I’ve spent a lot of time working on my cadence this summer and watching how others ride. Those I’ve seen ankling have tended to be pushing a much harder gear than me on a seated climb.

    Druidh, seeing as I know your riding style, when you point your toes downwards, are you still pushing a bigger gear for short/sharp climbs (the ones I’d spin up and you’d ‘stomp’ up?) and how much of an angle do you take it to? Can’t say i’ve ever noticed you ankling – I must pay more attention to your feet instead of wheel sitting 😆

    Free Member

    druidh – no, both feet. I noticed philip pedaling like this on tuesday night, when i was watching his effortless technique.

    I’ve seen some ‘extreme’ versions of it i.e toes almost in a 6 o’clock position, whilst others just have a bit of a tilt, and always wondered why – doesn’t look comfortable.

    Free Member

    I didn’t find the qualifer that hard….i had a look at the line before riding it, weight back/saddle down etc.

    The slab on the other hand… 😥 Don’t ride either of them now!

    Free Member

    Also been a while since i’ve been to Fort Bill, but i prefer Aviemore. I’d assume aviemore has more rental ops going too as it seems busier/more vibrant.

    How about you buy a flat for me instead as a better investment? 😀

    Free Member

    TSY, slight flaw in your logic there no? How will you know when people start saying interesting things if they are all blocked?! In our convent we can have our own version of killfile…

    Free Member

    jedi + “softly spoken”? nuh, he sounds exactly like ray winstone! 😀

    Free Member

    What did I miss?

    Love the “zoofighter muppetteer” tag 😀

    TSY, you need to start your own me me me thread not take over SBZs 🙄

    Free Member

    take up climbing….mine have almost all gone since i started climbing. Nothing like chalk, ropes and walls to split the calluses and get rid of them. Stings a bit though 😯

    Free Member

    I woke up last Tuesday and thought it was friday. So disappointed when i realised it was only Tuesday 😐

    Free Member

    emsz, padded shorts, decent saddle and chamois cream will see you round fine…i survived a crit race on the thurs night, a road ride on the friday and an 18hour adventure on the road with TSY on the sat before i decided that it was too painful to sit on the saddle for a few days 😯

    Free Member

    Its middle ish May but no date been confirmed for next year. I know Druidh was interested (he’s away atm) but if he still is (and the van works) a few of us could share petrol costs by van sharing? Will need lights too. Its an audax and a long day so proper cycling protocal will be observed with plenty of cafe stops, cake and coffee!

    Free Member

    *puts it in diary* 8)

    a bunch of us are doing the snow roads audax, 300km and 5,000m of ascent if you fancy joining us before then? 🙂

    so, where is mol anyway? has mrsgrips gone into labour?

    Free Member

    I use the Conti 4 seasons in winter and like them.

    Free Member

    It just stopped raining here in Edinburgh, looks like it will be a miserably grey day

    This. Except its still raining over this side of Edinburgh. I shall mostly be sitting in damp clothes today. *plans travel adventure to somewhere it never rains*

    Free Member

    yay, this is still going, and i’ve nearly two pages to catch up with. 🙂

    is there a date agreed for next year then?

    *from a soaked and grumpy dgoab who hates scotland today*

    Free Member

    yay, everyones on this thread from before. except mol. where’s he gone?

    Can the 200miler be in a location thats suitable for us scottish folk, as i’m sure mustard and druidh would be keen too. What about something half way between us? Ending in the dark is cool too, as long as it doesn’t take 18hours again – my new flat mate isn’t ready to see me coming home at 2am in lyrca yet! oh, i know, there’s the snow roads audax next year! 8)

    Free Member

    Did we ever see after pic of mol?!

    I had a salad for lunch that idave would be proud of. Except for the cheese. And the oatcakes after it as i was still hungry. HTH 😀

    Free Member

    Meanie 😛 Bruises, ouch, been ages since i was bruised following a massage. I miss the idave diet thread on days like today, its another painful day and i need entertained/distracted.

    Free Member

    My browser at work is so old stw doesn’t load properly on it, let alone offer me the option to block people. 🙁

    *waves at TSY* have you recovered from your hard day yesterday? 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden out to the falkirk wheel and back again (along the canal), most dull and boring ride ever!

    Using the cycle path to ride from Glasgow – Edin was better, but a few sections harder to find iirc.

    Free Member

    I’m enjoying it but i think i prefered the second series.

    Free Member

    FWIW when I had high running mileage I get tight ITBs (but not that bad), using foam rollar/massage fixed it. Cycling doesn’t have this effect. I also have weak glute maximus whereas the glute medius are strong so that might back up the above post.

    Free Member

    Not had a home treadmill, but have been forced to use the gym one when the snow/ice was so bad that i couldn’t run. I’d rather run outside in the rain/wind/sleet than on the treadmill. Spend the money on some proper winter kit instead.

    Free Member

    ygm (fb)

    Free Member

    I run and climb. Would love to have more time as i’d like to do kickboxing – did it for a while a few years agp and loved it, and also try martial arts.

    Free Member

    It’s a one-off piece, unless someone else copies it from a photo of my arm no-one else will have one similar. it’s great, I love it. It means something to me.

    This. Mine has a lot of meaning behind it too, that only i know (and those close to me). I’d wanted a tatt since i was about 15, and waited until i was 30 to get one to be sure i still wanted one, and it took me a long time to decide where/what i wanted too. No regrets, and i can’t see that i’ll regret it in the future given i spent time making it personal to me.

    Free Member

    I got my first one done last year and was surprised at the lack of pain as I thought it was going to really hurt. Mine runs on my inner arm from elbow to wrist, it nipped a little at the wrist and near the elbow, but nothing major. IMO it was far worse having a hot shower after it (as advised by my tattooist), which was the same sort of pain as sunburn in the shower. I also thought it’d bleed lots, but it didn’t…but I did follow the advice well ie no booze for x days before, eat a good meal first, take in something sugary etc. I was told to wash it three times a day and use bepanthen (sp) – worked really well, had hardly any scanning and didn’t need any touch ups.

    They are addictive though, I’ve been wanting another since I got it done, just can’t come up with a design.

    Free Member

    As above, get a proper diagnosis but it won’t just go away on its on – get a sports massage and use a foam rollar (and be prepared for a world of pain for both!)

    Free Member

    *reads with interest* I’ve been toying with the idea of going SS or fixed for winter (and commuting) too, but i like my gears and hate pushing a big gear.

    Free Member

    Your instructor should cover everything you need to know – we had a 3 hour course covering how to climb, knots, belaying, stretching, communication, the works. Was really good for building confidence.

    Hired climbing shoes are minging, if you get into it, buy your own asap! I usually wear lyrca three quarter running tights and a vest top as i get really hot indoors climbing, my bf wears a tshirt and shorts/combat type trousers.

    Free Member

    Yup, use your feet. Get some chalk too. Have good communication with your climbing partner too.

    Enjoy. I’m off climbing tonight 🙂

    Free Member

    I know you don’t like Nuun, but the tri berry ones are very nice tasting. Next time we ride together i’ll bring one along in a bottle.

    Otherwise maybe 50/50 water and oj which is i think meant to hydrate you better than just water. But its not enough to just think hydration during the ride – try to hydrate well in the days before.

    Free Member

    *passes spade* 😀

    Free Member

    What Molgrips said. Poached eggs are the bestest.

    Free Member

    chocolate cake or coffee and walnut

    *wants cake now*

    Free Member

    pertinent to where I am at the moment.

    😯 *missing out on the gossip yet again* 😛

    Oh, and I’m fitter now than i was 15 years ago – but then i was only 16 and (mostly) a dancer then! I didn’t really discover many of the sports i now do – road riding, mtb’ing, climbing, running, yoga – until my 20s, due to my upbringing – my mum was all about me dancing!

    Free Member


    Edit, Jamie, TSY isn’t technically a trickster…i see what he’s done 😀

    Free Member

    When i stayed in fife (a while back) the trains were awful, unreliable and packed, and a colleague has similar experience these days.

    Free Member

    See, i am wise – i mentioned that last night!

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