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  • dirtygirlonabike
    Free Member

    IME quicker but tougher on the road bike.

    If thats the case then some of the chaps that flew past me the other day must have been mega mega fit!

    In recent road races I’ve been climbing short ish hills at 18-20mph, and I’m not fast compared to the racers/other roadies…the speed they can ride and climb at is amazing!

    Free Member

    During or before/after exercise or in general? What sort of test is it? *wonders how i don’t know about this* I’m going to ask about a VO2/lacic acid test tonight so i’ve got some numbers for winter training and then racing properly next year 8)

    Free Member

    no don’t think you did – tell me more!

    Free Member

    Mine didn’t give me the measurements I wanted, so I decided it was rubbish

    Heh, liking this a lot! I think I may adopt that approach too, unless the results are good 😀

    Free Member

    For lunch though I’m having a cabbage salad with egg and tuna

    Your colleagues must love you TSY 😛 Did you ever get your body fat measured in the end? Tonight i’m getting a sports scientist to do a body composition analysis, 8 measurements with calipers… 😐

    Free Member

    I did earlier – i couldn’t see it. Its probably just my old browser 🙁

    Free Member

    Oh i meant to say, you can always link to mine too 😀 *adds linking druidh’s blog to mine to the huge to do list*

    Free Member

    Cool, will check for you. I lived there for 3.5 years and never noticed any cameras – i really hope they don’t as they’ll have seen me when i went through my skipping phase if they do 😮 😳

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure there wasn’t any. I’ll check with Mustard to see if he noticed anything. Would it help if i double checked? There was a thread about this a few weeks ago, might help?

    Free Member

    This the one you got from visiting me? 😥 If its private you don’t need to pay.

    *wishes she got an invite to saturdays swingers party* 😛

    Free Member

    Yup, I love it. First started when I was 16, and still love it now (31). Don’t lift anything heavy though – my weights are more high reps, low weights and designed to help me get stronger for riding/climbing/running. I miss it like mad
    when I can’t go.

    Free Member

    Going to my favourite cafe for coffee tomorrow morning followed by a trip to the lbs to pick up outstanding bits for my new cx/touring bike. Then spending the afternoon climbing, which i’m really looking forward to as i’m climbing much harder routes now 8) Might be out tomorrow night too.

    Sunday, watching the tour of britain start and then going mtb’ing. Yay!

    Free Member

    By regulars, don’t you just mean TYS and Jamie winding up Mol? 🙂

    TSY, 8lbs?! You’ll waste away!

    Free Member

    I decided last year (aged 30) that I was going to go back to uni. After some soul searching, I found a degree that I want to do and chatted to the director of the department about it. Then other life stuff happened and I put the idea on the back burner for the time being. Its still something i want to do but i also want to go travelling for an extended period of time so i need to work out how i can do it all! 🙂

    If it really does inspire you then go for it. Or there’s always the option for part time study/work – again, i explored the option of studying part time (degree course would take 6 years that way though!) and then going part time in my current role.

    Free Member

    Actually, i’m being harsh. He does understand it, he just chooses not too. 🙂

    Free Member

    I tried honey stinger chews yesterday for the first time – will now be a staple for me during races. A quick and sustained energy boost and a mental lift as well.

    I’d try a few products over the next few weeks to see what you like/don’t and what works for you. Don’t try any new energy products during the event.

    Free Member

    Solo, don’t waste your breathe – I’ve had this conversation many a time with TSY. Rest is a concept TSY doesn’t understand 😉

    TSY, get off here and reply to my texts 😡

    Free Member

    +1 for receiving the email too.

    Free Member

    I bet you’ll struggle to even do that, let alone cut training down to 30% 😛 Looks like you’ll be going away much the same time as we are 🙂

    Free Member

    Hahaha. Taper? You?! My money is on you training regardless! 😀

    Free Member

    Shin splints is horrible 🙁 Ice, physio, acupunture and rest helped mine. My physio gave me exercises too – both for strengthening my shins and calves. I also had my running analysed and switched to nike lunar glide+ which have more cushioning than my adidas (also try to run on soft surfaces where possible these days).

    Ultimately what seemed to be the cause for me though was my psoas muscle had gone into spasm and had shortened on one side which then gave me a slight leg length imbalance – enough to cause shin splints when i had a high running mileage. Whenever it goes into spasm and i go for a run, i always end up with some sort of pain in my shin.

    Free Member

    Dirty – I have no problem recovering

    You ain’t working hard enough then! 😛 Actually, i recover well if i can sleep ok, the only thing that causes me aches these days is climbing as i’m pushing myself, and my upper body is wrecked after it! My massuer told me i had climbing shoulders the other week 😀

    Free Member

    TSY, nope but i have nuun more these days (but i never get cramp). I noticed that i recover better with a second nuun tablet post exercise so you could try that maybe? It works for me, and you know what i’m like *geek* 🙂 The next step in my geekier (is that a word?!) is to work out exactly how much carbs and protein i need post exercise to get optimal amounts for recovery with no excess calories (i want to be back to a size 8 by winter!)

    Free Member

    Oh, and I’ve tried whey protein shakes and have come to the conclusion that (for me) they don’t work – i recover better with chocolate milk or a mix of carbs and protein.

    Having a good diet is also key, as is being well hydrated.

    Free Member

    Chocolate milk, stretching and compression tights work for me. Sleep and proper rest is vital too.

    Free Member

    My big crash changed my riding and me (but then a big knock to the head would). We are always changing and my riding might have changed anyway. 🙂

    Free Member

    CG, I think TSY was just hoping for an ego boost and for someone to say what a genuine bloke he is 😆

    Free Member

    Heading off in a few weeks for a 3-4 week tour with the bf. Probably touring Spain. Just ordered new frame for the trip last night 😀

    Free Member

    Go ride your bike then! Better yet, ride up to see me and cheer me up as i’ve been having a rubbish time of it lately 😥

    Free Member

    I was at my grannys funeral 😥

    Free Member

    CG, It’s maybe not going to be part of this series then as it wasn’t regional, the piece was a general bit about cycling trends etc. Was gutted I don’t live in London as I missed out on a photoshoot for it, that’d have been proper 15mins of fame! 🙂 I’m a bit manic ATM with moving/family stuff but I’ll mail you on fb when I get a chance about your other thread. Happy cycling til then 🙂

    Free Member

    Jedi used to road ride, he might be able to help? Give it time…I was rubbish descending for a good few years, it’s only after a lot of practise, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and new brakes that I can descend with ease now. I have even gone as far as perfecting my tuck to help my racing, something I never thought id do!

    Otherwise, brake well ahead of when you need to, stay relaxed and look at your exit. Dont think about the skinny tyres, not had an issue (in all weathers) with that. I know where you are coming from with the wind – I’ve learnt that being on the drops and pedalling helps keep the bike stable so you could maybe try that?

    Free Member

    I was meant to contribute to that but on the day the journo got in touch, my gran died and I was in the midst of moving flats. 🙁

    CG, is there any mention of tattoos in it? *waiting on my 15mins of fame for being a female cyclist with bike related tattoo*

    Free Member

    Yeti, i’m in – i’ll round up some scottish folk to join us too. Do you have any more firm dates yet? Question is, will it be pink lyrca or not?

    Free Member

    Heh, of course i’m on trend – anything i do is trendy 😀

    I’ll run out of friends to ride with if i keep suggesting crazy ideas! I’m aiming to complete AS31, and I know (hope!) that Mustard and Sandy will be there. You and idave need to come up again – i’ve a much bigger flat now to crash in! I’ll come up with something betterer for 2012.

    Free Member

    Yeti, I’m still wanting to do AS31 before this year is out! I think Autumn will be better weather – but mustard and I need to sort out our touring dates first *hard life* 🙂 Aye, the times newspaper – an article all about trends and all things cycling related.

    Free Member

    Yeti, I can organise AS 32 for next year to coincide with the naked ride if you like? 😀 PS, i still hurt from climbing on sunday *winces everytime i move* – oh, and my tattoo and i are going to be in the times 🙂

    Free Member

    druidh objected to my pink shorts when they started going see through!

    It wasn’t only druidh that objected! 😛 White shorts on a bike should be banned, as should worn out lyrca shorts – nothing worse than sitting behind someone and being able to see a bit too much 😯

    Free Member

    Hi hels….i was wondering if that would be one of the responses on here and i remember your breakfast (and water consumption!) from the sxc we did yonks ago 🙂 I’m not talking bonking – i generally don’t bonk unless i’ve not slept enough and therefore don’t eat enough on the bike over longer miles. Road racing (so far) has been totally different – despite feeling hungry, i’ve still got consistent energy for the distance but over longer periods it’d be an issue. What you say does make sense – i used to do it for running but the trouble is i really hate force feeding myself, especially when i’m not hungry/feel full. I still can’t eat porridge often after using it in Paris for my half marathon/my running training 😥

    I guess I’ll experiment with gels vs snickers/easy to eat foods to see what works for me.

    bjj.andy.w – by cereal i mean muesli.

    Free Member

    Ok thanks, i’ll try some energy gels etc then.

    Oldgit, it was 90km, my next one is around the same distance i think so i have a month to either find food that i can eat during a race or get faster to finish quicker!

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