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  • dirtygirlonabike
    Free Member

    I’m currently drinking espresso with chopped ginger in it after forgetting to wash out my cup after this mornings hot water with ginger and lemon. The worst bit is the floating bits of ginger in it. Wrong on so many levels! 🙁

    Free Member

    No sugar for me. Have been cutting down on the milk in my coffee, only putting in an inch on top of an espresso and drinking piccolos/macchiatos from cafes. Was most disappointed when i went to a french cafe and they put sugar in my macchiato without even asking me, and it was rubbish too.

    Free Member

    I like my ron hill tights. Have also got the 3/4s which are ace too. Don’t go for ones that hook around the bottom of your foot. So not a good look!

    Free Member

    Hi viz for communting in traffic. Doesn’t matter what you look like!

    Free Member

    I drink a lot of water too; usually a pint of water with breakfast, around 5 750ml bottles during my 9-5, and a few more pints of water during the evening.

    Cramp isn’t necessarly caused by being unfit – yes it can be muscle fatigue but also electrolyte imbalance. Try drinking nuun next time you are exercising. I also struggle to exercise without fast carbs in a similar way to Mol – having recently lost 5kgs and a good % of body fat, this is more noticeable than before.

    If you’ve stopped exercising and are putting on weight, is it not a case of eating too much and not burning it off? I’ve found watching the saturated fat content of what i eat has helped the most, along with ditching 95% of my ‘treats’.

    Free Member

    When i was running on a regular basis, used to run 7min miles mostly. Much prefer running for 10+ miles than shorter ones. No time for running this season as I’ve got a race on almost every weekend from March 😯

    Free Member

    I’ve just watched the link tazzy put up. Wow! I want to go climbing now! I’ve got no sound in work – why is he climbing (mostly) without his feet (assume its for training?) The overhang that i couldn’t do on sunday is bugging me, but i’m just not strong enough to hold all of my weight on one arm at such an angle yet. I’ve been watching people climb upside down across the ceiling and finish by hanging upside down on their toes… that’s my goal! 🙂

    And to go back to idave, on the coffee/fat burning question…i’ve read loads that says that coffee helps burn fat and also helps you exercise for longer. I’ve also read though that it raises blood sugar levels. Presumably this doesn’t apply to black coffee, just coffee with milk? *looks at the inch of milk in my coffee and shakes head*

    I haven’t seen Mol on this thread – how you getting on?

    Free Member

    *lies and says unassisted so tsy chops his arms off* 😀

    Sadly assisted but i’m working my down the assistance, at 25kgs atm and 20kgs is doable but i hurt more the next day. Given I now weigh 53kgs (woop, another 1kg lost), I’m getting there with the assistance! I have a target route for climbing to clean, its a very steep overhang with clips where my feet are effectively useless and its all about one arm at a time so I’m trying anything that will help! I’m loving ditching the free weights for body weight instead.

    That does sound hard; might have to put my hands on a bosu ball when my feet are in the trx next time to keep up with you 😉

    Free Member

    TSY, in a very unlike me way, I decided to start of slowly so i didn’t hurt today (already had doms from sundays climbing sess) so I did 2 sets of 10, but only the first 5 were frenchies then I just did normal pull ups for the second 5. Also tried some side planks using just my hand for support, rather than elbow/forearm. The press ups/mountain climbers/side swing in trx is still killing me though!

    Free Member

    hijack- hey TSY, I did my first set of frenchies at the gym last night. Ow. Ow. Ow! Holding at the top for 5 seconds was tough!

    Free Member

    And my teeth are going to rot if I don’t learn how to brush them with my left hand

    can’t help with the rest but get an electric toothbrush if you don’t already have one. I badly hurt the tendons in my right hand and couldn’t even pick up a toothbrush. Teeth never felt clean enough when brushing them with my left hand so i got an electric one which helped loads.

    Free Member

    I was rock climbing all afternoon 8)

    Free Member

    I bought my harness and shoes from a big Tiso that’s next to one of the places i climb and hires out shoes/climbing gear. I’d also prioritise buying shoes over a harness – hired climbing shoes *boke*. I asked Tiso for advice when buying mine – i said i was a beginner but was wanting to progress to lead climbing/outdoors. Try on a few and see how they feel – Tiso made me clip into a rope and sit down in the harness to see what felt best.

    Free Member

    Its nothing to do with me!

    Free Member

    The newish Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall veggie cookbook looked pretty good from a quick flick through

    Ooooh. Must have a look at that.

    I’ve not eaten meat for years, still eat fish although less these days. Iron is definately an issue for me – i tend to get run down and need to take an iron supplement on a fairly regular basis. I like tofu – usually marinade and roast it. Only use quorn in chilli – tend just to use veggies in lasagne. quorn sausages are minging – cauldron sausages are yum. Staples for me include: eggs, beans (kindey beans, chickpeas, lentils, black eye beans etc) sweet potato, butternut squash, pasta, cous cous. Deadlydarcy is sending me through a recipe for cauliflower cheese with sweet pot and celeraic which sounds yum.

    My current favs are:
    stuffed peppers (stuff with brown rice, kidney beans and some cheese)
    winter veg cous cous (butternut squash, carrots, chickpeas, sweet pots, bunch of spices, apricots, parnsip, shallots and cous cous)
    fritattas – current fave is cheese, mush and pots or feta with courgette.
    butternut squash and chickpea soup
    quesadillas to use up leftover chilli.

    Free Member

    Either try wellington coffee on corner of George and Hanover St, or Artisan Roast – a little further to walk but the best coffee in edinburgh (imo)

    Sea dogs and urban angel are nice and central for dinner. For veggie, hendersons bistro is nice, in fact even if you aren’t veggie, its nice – homemade veggie food cheap.

    +1 for teuchtars.

    When are you here?

    Free Member

    I wasn’t implying tea had more caffeine in it than coffee (it doesn’t per mug) just that it probably was the caffeine you were addicted to rather than tea itself.

    I have a caffeine additction – I can’t survive without at least my morning coffee but i’m trying to stop my mid afternoon espresso.

    Free Member

    Tea has caffeine in it so possible its a caffeine addition? I used to drink earl grey/lady grey, then discovered good coffee and tea just isn’t the same. Only expection to the rule is on a weekend when i’m rock climbing and stop for a break with earl grey and a twix 🙂

    +1 for liking the mug!

    Free Member

    Without trying to over-analyse (which obviously I’ve done) the signs have been there for a while that she was interested in a ‘normal’ relationship and it is only after my insistence that I wasn’t, that she has come up with this idea. Doesn’t really tie in with what I know about her and smacks of ‘getting a foot in the door’ rather than a bit of fun and fulfilling a physical need.Without trying to over-analyse (which obviously I’ve done) the signs have been there for a while that she was interested in a ‘normal’ relationship and it is only after my insistence that I wasn’t, that she has come up with this idea. Doesn’t really tie in with what I know about her and smacks of ‘getting a foot in the door’ rather than a bit of fun and fulfilling a physical need.

    This is the bit that rings alarm bells for me. She clearly likes you if she previously wanted a normal relationship with you, and i reckon it’d be hard for her to keep her feeling aside to make it properly no strings. From what you’ve said, your comment about ‘getting a foot in the door’ sounds right – she might think she can convince you to have a ‘normal’ relationship in time.

    Free Member

    Saw the original swedish one. Very brutal/rape scenes disturbing. I had to look away quite a few times.

    Free Member

    No idea why; can’t even get the link in my profile to work either. What am i doing wrong?!

    Free Member


    I hope the link works properly – when i click on it, it just comes up with a blank tab. 😕 Mixture of mtb’ing, road riding/racing and climbing.

    Free Member

    (for KB pyramid – 20 swings, 10 pressups, 20 swings, 9 pressups etc) and 16kgs for strength (12, presses, 12 lifts, lunges etc.)

    I like the sound of that! Do you use the KBs for press ups? I’ve been using the trx straps for press ups and alternating them with normal press ups into a twist/side plank (wish i knew what it was called!) and looking to keep on challenging myself during my work outs. Did you make up your own pyramid or is it from a dvd?

    This is also an interesting blog

    Free Member

    I now do a KB workout twice a week. Love it. Its really hard work (using 12kg and 24kgs KBs). My introduction to it was with a personal trainer to ensure i had decent technique so i didn’t get injured. My workout with them was set by the PT with specific aims/targets in mind, its kinda like intervals as i work hard for about 2mins 15sec, with a 1 min break. I’m properly out of breath and sweating by the end of a set.

    Free Member

    Stretch loads (not just after the run but throughout the day – especially areas that are prone to tightness), use the foam roller (and yes, it should hurt *that* much) and make sure your trainers are still ok (ie cushioning can go quicker than the tread of the shoe). If its recurring injuries/in the same place, worth doing specific exercises strengthen calves BUT if you do this, up your stretches otherwise you’ll end up with tighter muscles. Get a good sports massage.

    Above all, up mileage/time running *slowly* as upping it too quickly = injury. It takes time for muscles/joints to adapt to running.

    Vary the terrain you run on – proper xc running is much kinder on my shins/calves than tarmac.

    You could also consider getting the head to toe analysis that my physio did for me – very good at spotting areas of tightness/potential weaker muscles before you get injured.

    Free Member

    Happy Monday for me after a great weekend – for once the weekend seemed to last a good long time rather than go past too quickly. On Saturday spent the day rock climbing and cleaned my first ever Tufa and used my new belay and karabiner that my bf bought for me my birthday last week. Sunday was gorgeous up here, very frosty and cold, had a great mtb ride in the sunshine and went to the pub in the afternoon. Lots of good coffee and cake too. Plus its another gorgeous day here and i always feel better when the sun is out – its so nice for it to be properly daylight for once!

    I could do with being a bit warmer though – i’m almost blue from the cold after my commute this morning and struggling to warm up. *shivers*

    Free Member

    Me! I’m @petiterider (dgoab was taken, grrr!) I joined last week – are you copying me? 😛

    Free Member

    Saw on the BBC website some lassie was attacked on the WoL path up near Colinton. Not good

    I saw it too. Not good at all.

    pixelmix, no idea about the work/tunnel, but i’ve been surprised by the council and how quickly they’ve acted on a complaint (i emailed first thing in the morning, was fixed by the time i got home that night!)

    Free Member

    captaindanger thanks for starting this thread – i’m thinking of some white xc rims too. I’ve always been anti white – black rims, spokes and hubs on all bikes. But some of the white rims on this thread don’t look too bad i think white forks help

    Does white clean up ok post winter ride or does it lose its super whiteness?

    Free Member

    I decided to see how many i could do: 22 in 40 seconds and 28 in 1 minute. Fairly happy with that given i’m run down/feeling weak at the moment. Then went on to do 6 sets of 10 reps of press ups/press ups with a side twist/press ups with feet in the trx mixed with mountain climbers. Don’t think I can fit in the press up challenge as have just started a new trx/kettlebell workout and its killing me.

    Free Member

    Yes. Yes I am. Nothing like a bit of competition to help improve a workout 😀

    Free Member

    TSY, fancy a gym challenge tonight? See who gets best times on the KB workout? 🙂

    Free Member

    I guess my max is about 190-192ish (as opposed to 177 from the standard formula)

    Ian, i doubt that’ll be your max if the 190 is average for the race? For example; I’ve averaged 190/194 for 30 ish miles before when racing with highest hr recorded 202 on the polar. I reckon in a VO2 test it’d be much higher as I wasn’t puking/seeing stars!

    Free Member

    Mmmm coffee time I think

    This. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d love to box or try martial arts. Tried kickboxing for a while, was great. Trouble is I do too many sports and there’s just no time/energy left for anything else! 😥

    Free Member

    Sue, Shand Cycles are doing it for me. Will be posting up details/process/photos on my blog when I get a chance (link in profile). 🙂

    Free Member

    May have a rare weekend of the bike and go^ boarding and climbing instead! Bikes will be on my mind regardless as I ponder the first draft of my custom frame 🙂

    Free Member

    CG, ygm (on facebook) 🙂

    Free Member

    Yay, the first idave diet / molgrips update thread of the year! 🙂

    Mol, fwiw, i’ve given up lattes (previously with skimmed milk) and a good 95% of my chocolate addiction. That’s the only change I’ve made and I’ve lost 4kgs and inches all over. Drinking effectively a pint of whole milk in your two lattes a day is a lot of fat/calories compared to skimmed milk, never mind cheating on the idiet 😛 I also find drinking coffee makes me seriously hungry (especially if i have a coffee about 2pm, by mid afternoon I’m hungry) so I always have healthy snacks to hand so I don’t have to resort to the vending machine evilness. I hope drinking black coffee helps you stick to the diet, but if not, you could consider not having two coffees to see if that helps?

    *waves at TSY*

    Free Member

    Don’t discount Ally as a material either the Tripster is suprisingly comfortable while still being sharp and fast

    This. I commented on my first ride on it how comfortable it was going over rough ground compared to my carbon roadie. Just a thought though…my custom winter road bike/cx/tourer is going to be steel which is a first for me!

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