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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • Digby
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    Sound City (tenuous but still worth watching)
    Hit So Hard
    The Punk Singer

    Also: Grunge Is Dead: The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music (book)

    Full Member

    lso glues the canopies down with PVA to avoid fogging

    As far as I know, the likes of Humbrol ClearFix and Formula ‘560’ Canopy Glue are pretty much PVA.

    And I’ve been using pencils more and more recently. Both a 0.5 HB GraphGear pencil for marking details & panel lines etc and Derwent’s Metallic pencils for weathering/detailing etc

    Full Member

    Question for the STW airbrusherists

    I haven’t experimented too much with metal finishes.
    Alclad have a good reputation but I’ve had reasonable success (on the likes of EE lightning (picture posted a few pages ago) & Spitfires etc) with Humbrol’s metallic range.

    Key points seem to be making sure the airbrush is super clean; thinning the paint and keeping the air pressure as low as possible – ideally <15psi (i try and do metallics at about 9psi – any lower and I splutter)

    To get a shiny finish I just use a varnish (on top of the metallic paint) – either acrylic clear or GlossCote. (if using an enamel wash, then this has to go on an acrylic varnish and vica-versa – alternatively make sure your paints & varnish are fully dry (i.e. weeks+) before using a wash to avoid stripping the existing paint layers away.

    Full Member

    Aye a pretty tortured generation

    Cobain, Staley, Weiland, Wood, Cornell etc

    Saldy that’s only the singers from the PNW scene of the late ’80s early ’90s

    Then there’s Pfaff, Starr, Saunders and many others … :-(

    RIP Chris Cornell.


    I was fortunate enough to see Shawn Smith at the NCEM in York a few years ago. He did a wonderful cover of ‘Crown of Thorns’ as a tribute to Andy Wood … talk about lump in the throat!!

    Full Member

    So if thats the case….. Is there any point in me even bothering replacing the Nitro Supra Team???

    Possibly not … depending on how the board has been stored it should be absolutely fine. Some boards can ‘warp’ or lose their pressed shape over time or if exposed to excessive heat. Chances are if it’s not delaminated or damaged to the core it will be absolutely fine. Spend some of the money you’ve saved on coke and strippers … the rest you can just waste .. :-)

    Full Member

    Magnatraction, Underbite, Frostbite, etc. is a load of bollocks!

    Or even better … ‘Mellow Magnatraction’ … so mellow you can’t tell the difference! :-)

    Full Member

    That this?

    No … no quite … but it might be …

    Apologies – I should have been a bit more specific. Camber /Rocker is bit misleading I agree as it just means that the board incorporates elements of ‘camber (i.e. the centre of the board is ‘raised’) and rocker (i.e. the ends of the boards are raised – like a banana)

    CamRock could actually be any variant of the above. Sometimes with the camber in the middle, sometimes under the bindings etc, so that the result makes the board profile look like wavy.

    Sometimes the wavy designs are subtle and most riders probably couldn’t tell the difference and sometimes the designs only become apparent in certain conditions – for example, I find true ‘rockers’ can be a pain in flat spots/spring conditions. Some people love ’em.

    Personally I try and avoid anything too fancy as I like a board with a raised camber in the middle, a bit of pop and a ‘nose’ for float in powder.

    It’s an interesting time for board design – the snowboard market is fairly mature and some manufacturers are keen to try and seem to have the latest & greatest design to make you part with your cash. On the flip side [a bit like the bike industry] some smaller companies are coming out with ‘innovative designs’ …

    My rule of thumb is that the more ‘radical’ the design, the more limited the board’s use. That’s not a problem if you live somewhere in the mountains and can select the appropiate board for the conditions. If you are only riding for a short period each year then I would suggest something that can cope with mixed & varied conditions (i.e. piste with a bit of crud and/or slop) without limiting yourself.

    Camber vs Rocker

    Full Member

    Blackflag – to be honest I’d just get yourself a CamRock/Hybrid, All Terrain board with soft/mid flex appropiate for your weight – that’s fun to ride and mess about on.

    Something like the Slash Happy Place by Gigi – you should be able to pick up some end of season bargains for around the £250 price point. If you are only riding 3 or 4 days a year, I really wouldn’t spend much more than a couple of hundred. Save the money and book some lessons so you can keep up with your mates without breaking your kneck!! :-)

    Full Member

    Is positive camber being phased out?

    There are certainly fewer true ‘camber’ boards available [in the UK] these days but loads of riders still like them as they respond well to folks with ‘performance turns’ and who like a bit of ‘pop’ in their boards. These things are often cyclical and some board manufacturers have reintroduced boards with more pronounced camber but moderated slightly to reduce the negatives of grabby/edge catching/hookups. So I would say camber is far from ‘dead’!

    Full Member

    Height is less relevant than weight.

    OP, you say you will be mainly riding the Alpine Groomers, but you don’t give anymore detail in terms of what you want the board for? carving? Jibbing? flatland tricks, hitting the park?

    Is riding switch important to you? Do you want a fairly soft board that allows you to initiate turns easily or something that’s more stable at speed?

    How much riding do you do each season?

    If you just want a general all round board for cruising the groomed pistes without any other specific requirements then I’m tempted to suggest a directional twin with perhaps ‘camrock’/hybrid (i.e. ‘best of both worlds’) but possibly avoiding too many of the latest design gimmicks – unless you find that you have a definite requirement.

    It might just be worth heading to The Snowboard Asylum, and chatting to the guys there about what you want to do with the board. Make a short list, then pick the one with the top sheet design you like the most/has the biggest end of season discount! :-)

    Full Member

    Oooh thanks for posting that HtS … I’ll look forward to watching it.

    I’ve always had an interest in EE Lightnings as my uncle flew them in the ’70s (56 & 226 OCU Squadrons) before he joined the ‘Battle of Britain Flight’ (now the BBMF)

    Full Member

    Never had much luck with home ‘casting’ – seems like you need something either under ‘pressure’ (injection mold) or very hot liquid (lead) in order to pick out the detail.
    Ok for diorama stuff like bricks etc but not for small detailed parts. Would be interested to hear though if someone has had more luck!

    Full Member

    Great Paintwork on the ‘Sea Flanker’ HTS … is that all done with a brush?

    Tamiya Luftwaffe ‘Ace Pilot’:

    Full Member

    I can’t remember who it was

    It was Ross Rebagliati – he now promotes and sells his own ‘Medical Cannabis’ as ‘Ross’ Gold brand’ …

    edit – beat me to it P-Jay

    Full Member

    Years ago a Dance/Rave culture magazine (MixMag I think it was) got a qualified driving instructor to assess drivers who were under the influence on a non-public area around cones/bollards.

    From memory the results were fairly obvious:

    Those having smoked weed/cannabis tended to be over cautious, drive too slow and make HUGE turns in between the cones.

    Those having taken coke tended just to drive straight over the cones as if they weren’t there …

    Conclusion was don’t do it …

    (Rang dang diggedy dang di-dang) #WhiteLinesDontDoIt

    Full Member

    I know you are a bit new around here Digby and clearly a bit of a sensitive snowflake

    Actually I’ve been around for a while, but perhaps I just melt into the background under the dazzling heat of your charm offensives! :-) :-)

    Are you alright ‘surfer’? Do I need to worry about you? As others have observed, you seem to have quite a large axe to grind and are desperate to start a ‘fight’ on some threads …

    Still need that hug? :D

    Is everything ok?? Any mood swings or ‘post micturation dribble’ problems causing you to be persistently and deliberately argumentative? If so it might be worth having a word with your health care provider and arranging for a ‘prostate exam’ as part of your ‘Well Man Checkup’.

    Life is too short to be so angry …

    Full Member

    It really doesnt but loving your work

    All part of the service ‘dude’ :-) :-)


    And likewise surfer – your posts rarely fail to disappoint! I always look forward to your deliberately argumentative, confrontational and patronising ‘put downs’ especially on running related topics – they really do brighten up the forum and make it a warm and welcoming environment – especially for people who are new to running and are perhaps looking for encouragement and advice.

    It isn’t necessarily your ‘message’ [as I actually do agree with you on some topics] – rather it is sometimes your ‘delivery’.

    Please can I respectfully remind you that it is another human being you are responding to with your ‘militant atheist’ retorts.

    As a clearly experienced runner it might be refreshing for you to provide encouragement and cautionary advice for new runners rather than attempting to belittle them for believing the ‘marketing hype’ in ‘jogging magazines’ (as you referred to them).

    Full Member

    Concept of “gait analysis” not “snake oil”
    When done in the above environment “snake oil”

    Ahh ok – thanks for clarifying your earlier sweeping “gait analysis = snake oil I’m afraid” statement ;-)

    The world we live in is rarely as black & white as you seemingly portray is it?

    The “majority” of people cant control their external environment enough to avoid fluctuations therefore it just becomes a very rough guide Trend Analysis.

    Hope that helps! :-)

    Full Member

    Gait analysis can be useful

    I’m confused – are you now saying it is or isn’t ‘Snake Oil’?

    are you now qualifying or contradicting your earlier sweeping generalisation?

    Regarding HR monitoring:- surely it depends on what you are using it for?
    To dismiss HR monitiring as ‘useless’ for ‘your everyday bloke’ is a little ‘binary’ wouldn’t you say?

    *one* of the useful features [for me] of my Suunto Ambit 3/HR is the ‘Training Trending Load’ YTD/Month graphs on MovesCount that enable me to see at a glance whether I’m factoring enough recovery time into my activities.

    But I digress as we weren’t discussing your other pet hates/agendas on this thread were we?

    Full Member

    video and gait-analysis

    Snake oil I’m afraid

    But ironically that link you provided is actually just promoting [their own] video gait analysis:

    To do this, we start by conducting an in-depth video analysis of your current running technique while also teaching you the basics of running biomechanics. We’ll educate you by using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process that breaks down each aspect of the gait cycle into easy to understand sections.

    so it would appear that you are somewhat contradicting yourself with your sources.

    I’m surmising that perhaps what you actually meant was that the ‘gait analysis’ that is currently offered in some running shops and which focuses primarily on the feet is potentially of limited value in determing which footwear you should be buying – as opposed to just crying ‘snake oil’ … (but then this is STW)

    Full Member

    Liking the ‘Lightening’ very much HTS … what ink(s) did you use for the washes?

    Was this Airfix’s 1/72 lightening? I don’t recall any major issues with the fuselage – was yours ‘warped’?

    Good effort with the Spitfire PRXIX by your son.

    Full Member

    Weird, isn’t it? They have a trendy shop in Covent Garden.

    Well clearly, that just goes to show how much my finger is on the pulse of ‘fashion’ … ;-)

    I do remember some ‘mods’ & ‘casuals’ in the ’80s sporting that crisp & clean style – I always thought it was one step away from middle-aged beige … but then I spent the ’80s wearing black, so I’m hardly Gok Wan.

    Seemingly, if you work in Middle Management (aspiring Directorship) in the Technology sector, the current fashion does indeed seem to be the ‘Jeans & Sheux’ look. Shoes ideally brown with long square box toes that curl up more than a pair of ’80s Italian Winklepickers from Rebina shoes in Sheffield. The ‘look’ should be completed with a white cotton shirt with ‘Harry Hill’ collars and an optional ‘Sports Jacket’

    Full Member


    Is your name Jim Bowen? If I remember he made Farah ‘sta-prest’ slacks a fashion ‘statement’ in the ’80s ;-)

    Full Member

    Deep heat to improve bloodflow inbetween.

    I’m always slightly suspicious about the efficacy of Deep Heat seeing as it’s basically just a skin irritant/counterirritant (methyl salicylate).

    Eccentric exercises seem to be key for tennis & golf elblow (and also many other forms or tendonitis)

    I found the following quite useful at alleviating my symptoms – it’s pretty much a video of what TINAS described:

    Full Member

    Slight change of subject matter for me. Been a long time since I made anything with a wheel at each corner.

    Full Member

    Damn … that BoB 75th Anniversary Box Set has sold out now … :-(

    That Me-262 really is impressive! I’ve just been reading about the Me-262 in Len Deighton’s book ‘Fighter’.

    Full Member

    im off to chamonix saturday

    Don’t forget to take your shorts & sandles for next week! :-)

    Some light snow showers forecast for this weekend – If you’re lucky there should be some snow left at the top of Grande Montets … The ‘Glacier des Rognons’ was pretty amazing last week

    Still fun to be had messing around in the Spring conditions on-piste getting ‘Side Hits’ etc …

    Full Member

    makes me look like an impoverished student

    The ‘Dirtbag Snowboarder’ look never seems to go out of fasion in British Columbia …

    Whereas in the Alps it often seems to be style over substance. 8)

    McNett repair patches and Seamgrip are pretty good – and also the Tenacious repair kit. But as I mentioned earlier in this thread to GrahamS, there are a number of places that repair GoreTex etc that might be worth considering:

    Full Member

    The few times we’ve stayed at the Renaissance hotel (right next to the T1,2,3 tunnel) the night before flying and wangled parking included into the cost of the room

    Same here … and 1 night in the Renaissance hotel plus 3 weeks parking was much cheaper than 1 night in Bewleys plus 3 weeks parking in Manchester …

    Full Member

    splitboarding for me today near the Norwegian border

    What skins are those HYD1? the tail-clip straps look massive – are they G3s?

    Full Member

    it’s not over yet

    It certainly isn’t!! I’ve just had some of my best runs ever off the Grand Montets in Chamonix yesterday and today

    Full Member

    back in chamonix 1st april

    I’m back in Chamonix this Saturday! It’s been spring conditions this week, but hopefully the snowpack should have consolidated a bit.

    Looking forward to splitboard touring in the high mountains! 8)

    @beanum … that’s very sad – I have to say, I’ve never really worried about leaving my board outside before. :-(

    Full Member

    Some tremendous looking aircraft there nairnster! Very impressive!

    And liking the the Honda JD! ;-)

    Full Member

    Anyone on here ridden a Jones Hovercraft? On piste?

    Yep – I demo’d one a few seasons ago – it’s a great board (and pretty much the basis for a Flagship – sans swallow tail).

    It’s a based on a ‘race’ board so it’s great fun to lay down massive carves with.

    In the end I went with a Flagship as it’s a tad more versatile [for me] but if you can pick up a Hovercraft for a bargain I’d go for it.

    sorry about the loss of your Flagship – was this whilst in resort?

    Full Member

    My fear was falling, or being crashed into and taken down. As a slight built woman, I would almost always come off worse

    Completely understandable Bunnyhop – that was MrsDigby’s fear as well – it’s one of the reasons we have preferred Canada these past few years:

    There’s a lot less ‘traffic’, the Canadians are incredibly polite and the ski hills are thankfully devoid of testosterone fueled, one week a year, have-a-go-hungover-faster-than-your-skill-level types.

    @ jambalaya – now that’s what you call a ‘crown wall’ … wow …

    Full Member

    Pleased to hear the new hip worked out for you Bunnyhop (MrsDigby had a hip replacement a few years ago and is now snowboarding better than ever!) and you had a great week despite some mixed/challenging conditions.

    Full Member

    Sadly the boot selection back here in the NE England isn’t quite as extensive

    GrahamS – any chance you could swing ‘West-Side’ a bit and pay a visit to ‘The Sick And The Wrong’ in Keswick?

    They carry 32, Northwave, Burton and Salomon.

    haha 3rd. just need a splitty and my quiver is complete!

    you should consider a ’12 step program’ … ;-)

    Full Member

    Whatever fits, obvs, but I’m a fan of Salomon. Mainly because they fit me!

    Same here … I had needed a new pair of boots in Whistler some years ago and tried on just about every pair in resort … in the end I went back to the Salomon shop. The very helpful chap said that I had typical ‘Salomon Feet’ … or he may have said I had typical ‘Salmon Feet’ … :lol:

    I don’t want to spend hours trying on every single pair of boots in the shop twice as I have a penis.

    Once for each pair is enough … apart from the pair you tried on first two hours earlier …

    Alternatively you could have a ‘virtual fitting’ online @STW and we could all tell you how fabulous you look in this year’s color-ways (sic) ;-)

    In my experience:

    Vans/Burton/32 – quite broad
    Salomon/Northwave – quite narrow (Italian foot lasts I was once told)

    Full Member

    the most shocking part is the flow bindings

    well … if you are going to use flow bidings, I guess you might as well go the whole way and wear a dayglo one-piece … at least people might think you are being post-ironic … ;-) :lol:

    Full Member

    Absolutely. Henry (from HAT) was quick to make the same points yesterday when he was being interviewed for Sky News

    I’ve been fortunate enough to spend time with the Pro-Patrollers in Fernie and the Avalanche Rescue Dog handlers – nothing short of inspirational!

    And there’s nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing a dog riding a chair lift or a skidoo/sled with its paws on the handlebars … :lol:

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