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  • Transition Sentinel 2025: First Ride Review+
  • didnothingfatal
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    Eat natural foods that would have been available to our ancestors, lift heavy stuff, run occasionally like you were running for your life, wear a seatbelt in your car, maybe wear a helmet on your bike, etc. Hopefully you’ll live a long and happy life, still you could be killed by the TB infected badger that attacks whilst out on a night ride or the twunt in a white van!

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    I wouldn’t advocate eating protein supplements to eating proper meals, I use them as an additional source of protein, most of my protein comes from meat, fish, eggs. I normal eat two bags of salad a day. But, when weight sessions range from HIIT to 2hrs+ of lifting, I need to supplement to ensure I can promote growth as I want. Well that’s my theory and so far the results are proving this.
    As for the supplements, amino acids, creatine, magnesium, zinc, assorted vitamins, useful for development. Thermogenics, kick start the metabolism for fat burn, I’m on the last few days of these. Products like Jack3d are great for intense workouts, but aren’t that necessary, I don’t use it that often.
    As for sugar consumption has shot up in the last few seconds of evolution, sadly this is compounded by the cheap form of sugar now used, High Fructose Corn Syrup. It’s cheap and comes from Corn, so effectively you’re body gets something very sweet from grain, which gives you a massive insulin spike, your cells, suck all the energy in and wow! obesity! You only have to look at the baskets of food of fat people in the supermarket, my basket, is fruit, veg, meat and fish. Their’s a bunch of processed junk, based on massive carb intake, tasted up with lots of corn syrup. But whilst the govt. promote convential wisdom regarding diet, because let’s face it agriculture groups lobby well, and people don’t want to face up to the true financial cost of eating healthy, they’ll get fat. They, like to blame someone else, big pharma will cure my gut, and they are too thick to get off the lard butts and think is this synthetic junk what my body really needs. But, I’ll tell you what really gets me about the primal/paleo diet; and that is the blinkered view of medical professionals, especially when you have fat nurses smoking, telling you that a diet made up of non processed food with high meat consumption isn’t really healthy because you’ll have high chloesterol. Like they are a role model of health!

    Free Member

    I’m supplementing just to have maximum impact, average day about 30+ pills, do they work who knows. Using Grenades as a thermogenic, trained today with a kettlebell using ‘Jack3d’ as pre workout hit. I drink protein mix to just get protein in a easy format, protein bars the same reason with a bar, getting about 40g of protein is simple. If I wasn’t lifting weights daily and cycling I wouldn’t be be supplementing to the extent I am currently, and would be on a very natural paleo diet, but to be honest the days I eat a chicken and/or a couple of steaks for a meal, I realise shakes are easier.
    Some interesting stuff in the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris, especially on supplements, etc.
    As for Ketosis with the paleo/primal diet I’ve never really had this issue, as I eat carbs in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits. Interesting read on ketosis here[/url]
    If you ever get the chance to see the film ‘Every Second Counts’ about the Crossfit games, the competitors mention diet, several are on primal/paleo diets. See here or here
    Ultimately, though is it’s personal choice, is my diet for everyone? Probably not, one friend has tried the Grenades, I’m now teaching her kettlebell and gave her the ‘Primal Blueprint’. She’s fit, just wanted something new to try. Do the research, and read. Find your Kool Aid and drink it.

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    Ask Craig Gordon

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    I eat a primal/paleo diet, have been strict since October. Very few cheats! Your body adapts, I consume a evil mix of protein shakes/bars and supplements to help with training based on the volume of weight training (kettlebells, clubs, sand bags) and riding. Also have been using Thermogenics, be careful and do the research, I stayed off any that included ingredients banned by WADA. Is it hard? yes! is the training miserable? can be!
    Since October I’ve dropped 5-6″ off my waist, weight has dropped over 2st, total fat loss is hard to tell as muscle growth is included in this weight drop.
    Negatives, friends are concerned about the thermogenics, resulting in half the last can being confiscated 😕 I need to buy new clothes!
    I googled the iDave diet, found a post on here from about a year ago, is that it? with a link to a study, here. Interesting article, but one glaring cockup, that makes me question this diet if idave missed it.

    High protein diets, such as the Atkins, are known to promote weight loss, because they delay emptying of the stomach and increase insulin production.

    Actually a high carb diet increases insulin production, whilst a low carb diet decreases production. Protein also requires more ‘calories’ to consume.

    Marks Daily Apple[/url]
    Paleo Diet[/url]
    Paleo Diet for Athletes

    Free Member

    Using a spare rear wheel, with BBB cassette, cheap and cheerful from Ribble. Also use a specific tyre. Not used it much this winter, not cold enough to stop me getting out yet.

    Free Member

    Always use BMC insurance for any mountain trip whether trekking or climbing. Plus with membership you’ll get discount in quite a few gear shops which is useful.
    Awesome trip, enjoy 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m using a steel Langster for winter riding, it’s heavy, but rolls well when going. Just fitted the Crud Race Guards to it, fiddly to set up but work well, the SKS Race Guards on my other bike are way easier to fit. Only things I’ve changed are the pedals and the saddle to my old Brooks, rather than the god awful thing it comes with.

    Free Member

    32×17, is my compromise, but awaiting a 19t from Homebrewed to go with a 34t front, as the winter gear and bikepacking choice. Get the on one singlespeed with a 16t gear and see how you get on, easy enough to play with gearing after you have a reference point to work from.

    Free Member

    I think I went a little OTT, after a near miss the other week on the road with a Exposure Flare I wound up with a Exposure Red Eye on the helmet and a Hope District, with the Flare as backup.

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    Free Member

    Convict Conditioning is a excellent program.

    Also recommend;

    Becoming Bulletproof[/url]

    This guy is involved with Convict Conditioning 2, again by Paul Wade
    Al Kavado[/url]

    Some good stuff on his site

    Free Member

    I use them heavily, predominately RKC influenced training. Excellent training; cardio, fat burn and muscle all in one. Weight loss without the dishonour of aerobics. Would be careful buying off TV and generic shops, especially those rubberised lightweight ones, the handle is the secret to a good kettlebell. Best ones I have came from London Kettlebell, the bells here look good; (note; the clubbells are excellent training tools I can barely type as my forearms are dying from a early morning session with them)

    Loads of information online, google Pavel Tsoutaline and Mike Mahler for some of the best information. ‘The Russian Kettlebell Challenge’ and ‘Enter the Kettlebell’ by Pavel are good starting points. ‘Viking Warrior Conditioning’ has blasted my body, and is the most painful training I’ve ever tried 80 sets of 15 seconds on 15 seconds off with kettlebell snatches. Highly recommend a Gymboss timer if you want to get serious with them!

    As for the claim most training can be done with a dumbbell as opposed to a kettlebell, whilst partly true as technically it’s weight, it’s also complete rubbish. The kettlebell doesn’t rest in balanced state and is used for much more dynamic exercises. It will give a better all round strengthening, clubbells are even more unbalanced and work on 3 planes whilst lifting. Due to the dynamic forces being used a 15 lb. clubbell gets the exerciser the equivalent of a workout with a 54 lb. kettlebell or a 75 lb. dumbbell. Therefore, the dynamics of kettlebell swings will generate greater forces than a dumbbell.

    As a rule of thumb men start on 16kg and women on 8kg. Don’t go too heavy they weigh more than their suggested weight when being used. Learn the two hand swing as this the base movement, then one arm swings, then stuff like military presses and the snatch will come easily.

    Pavel’s book have some interesting tips on the techniques you need to master, wall squats and towel swinging are both good ideas when learning the basics.

    Free Member

    Bar Mitts beat everything I’ve tried previously

    Free Member

    I’ve just set my Ala Carte up as a single speed for winter training (and easier maintenance), other training is based on a single speed/fixed Langster and long endurance rides will be on my Boardman road bike, will also use this for turbo sessions.

    Some stuff here[/url] on single speed training and training plans here. I’m not following a definitive plan, as I’m mixing functional strength training into the mix with kettlebells, clubs and sand bag training. Workouts vary in duration and intensity.

    Free Member

    Watch ‘Dog Soldiers’, get bike, ride, set new record time for regular loop 🙂

    Free Member

    Ala Carte

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    Ride and Smile 🙂

    Free Member

    Forget the bikes, sell them and buy IDAs 😉

    Free Member

    They look like a great bike, I’m head over heels with my new Ala Carte but the Sprearfish was the other bike on my list of possibles oh and a Pugsley (that’s next :roll:), I just had too much new 26″ stuff to make the jump to a 29er.

    nice bit here about one[/url]

    Free Member

    Middleburn oilers are a great idea, I’ve ran them on my bikes for years, only issue I ever had was mud once blocked the oil in them, but was silly muddy.

    Free Member

    Just finished 🙂

    Free Member

    Speak to PHD and see if they can put long arms on their wind smock??

    Free Member

    @ Rochey;

    Head south and you have the Ridgeway, you can ride the Grand Union south will come down to Tring.

    Worse case scenario there is a village nearby and the ‘rural’ base of Playboy Uk is there.

    Being in Milton Keynes, you have The Outdoor Shop located in Stony Stratford. But to be honest online retailers are your friend, lighter gear and better prices.

    Free Member

    Is it worth putting a Pugsley order in now, so it’s here in time?

    Free Member

    Stuart, can you organise something sooner than next year, currently raiding gear shops, pulling bikes apart and talking to a seamstress, who would imagine nylon cost so much 😕

    Free Member

    Stuart, thanks for your efforts, and thanks for the tea when I showed up on Sunday. 🙂

    Free Member

    That log is riddled with errors as VB & VBA developer I sent him a copy with a list of the errors and a unlocked setup as I had the password in minutes. Save your money. If you can’t wrie your own, let me know what you want and I’ll knock it up 🙂

    Free Member

    @Jimmers, I was alone 2 guys and 2 girls caught me, the girls were local and riding without gear, I made a navigation error headed off to the left on the hill, down and into a bog, and then caught the other two guys they were from Ipswich way. Was a mad night.

    With hindsight I’d have turned back and camped in the woods, but was ultimately a little committed to the location. At least i had a phone signal and phoned home for a weather check, etc.

    Lots of lessons learnt, and breakfast in Mach’ was just right!

    Free Member

    yeah wished I’d had my high altitude tent, it would have laughed at the wind, also learnt a meths stove is a P.O.S. in those conditions sat there wishing I had a petrol stove!

    Free Member

    DrBakes, that was probably me; red tent, you came over to see if i was ok? Thanks for checking in 🙂

    After trying to pack up i had little choice to bail othrt than tired my quilt was wet from packing. Miserable night.

    Still had a great trip 🙂 be back next year with less gear!

    Did anyone find out what the guy with 129lb setup had with him?

    Free Member

    It was where I wound up when night came in, the weather was getting bad and I had no idea what was ahead on the ridge so decided better to be below summit than on the summit! Was a miserable night, two guys tarped near me, but were gone when I stuck my head out next morning, although in the early hours one of the tarps was looking a little dodgy.

    Based on you thinking the ridge was harder than you thought, maybe not tackling it in the dark was a wise move?? 😕 Was in my top 5 bad nights on a mountain. Slope, badly pitched tent, storm!

    Free Member

    All these pictures of nice campsites on Saturday and I suffered one of the worst nights I’ve ever had on a mountain, with a Laser Comp trying to take flight with me inside. Managed about half hours kip before all hell broke loose near the summit of Tarrenhendre.

    Was fun and chaos in one, I’ll be back 😯

    Free Member

    I’ve just chucked 20m of webbing and buckles in the car so if anyone needs a last minute strap come over and say hi 🙂

    Free Member

    I recently went back to 80mm, and have ridden rigid in the peak.

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    Doesn’t Charlie The Bikemonger have one in stock for test rides?

    Free Member

    a mountain bike you are afraid to take into mountains???? 😆 😆

    Free Member

    Wow can’t believe that setup came in at nearly 40lb! 😯

    Free Member

    Pubs, Cafes, Bara Brith??

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