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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • dickydutch
    Full Member

    Own him with the obligatory bombers?

    Full Member

    Hmmm, maybe on a second look……

    Full Member

    I've seen a whole lot worse! I almost like it :oops:

    Full Member

    Elephants are pretty hard too. Except they dont go around broadcasting it. Every animal just knows you dont mess with an elephant. (A fully grown one anyway)

    Full Member

    Swans as the hardest bird surely? I only ever antagonised one once….

    Full Member

    Sorry walleater – malverns challenge means nothing to me!? :roll:

    Full Member

    Exactly. I'd say we were entirely justified in assuming he had an event OK'd with the guys at Weston Park.
    Admittedly I could have done some research prior to entering and would probably have realised that he tried to get it up and running in 2008 and failed.
    Just boiled my p**s a little that he hadn't contacted anyone even though he hadn't cashed any cheques. I wonder if he'd have let everyone just turn up anyway.

    Full Member

    Feel free not to email us oldgit to keep us updated. But it's alright to do that.

    Full Member

    I also didn't call him a cock!?
    Either way, I've done his job for him and made an attempt to inform people who have paid him money (and lots of it) in good faith, for an event which didn't even have permission from the owners of the venue he proposed to hold it on.

    Full Member

    I had to chase him for an event which I paid for. I shouldn't have to chase him! I also didn't say I'd lost 60 odd quid.

    Full Member

    I like the look of that! Looks nippy!

    Full Member

    He didnt inform us that the event wasn't happening thats my problem. To take the site down and not inform anyone is a bit unprofessional in my eyes. Maybe the 60 odd quid isn't as iportant to you?

    Full Member

    Got hold of the "organiser" via facebook. Emailed him essentially saying I hope he wasn't taking the mickey etc. This was his reply.:

    Re: Ride All Night
    Hi Rich, Thanks for the Email.
    Unfortunalty the event is canceled for this year. We tried this and last year but did not get enough numbers for the event to go ahead. No money has been cashed and your cheque can be sent back to you or distroyed. Sorry but I have to send emails to everyone. Kind Regards Chris

    Organisational skills are as lacking as his english skills it would seem. What a chump.

    Full Member

    The PX ones certainly look like a safe bet. I wasn't even aware of them until this thread so thanks v.much! Something learnt!

    Full Member

    Are these generally held in higher regard than the Fulcrum Racing 7's? Ive seen pair of those for 110 quid?

    Full Member

    If thats the case and theyve nicked off, I'll be riding all night to thier office with my set of bombers.

    Full Member

    Loads of them in Newcastle. Jesmond is awash with girls with ruffled up hair, and over sized grey joggers driving a mini that daddy bought them. And lads called Will or Tim, who also wear over sized joggers (usually Canterbury or Abercrombie and Fitch) and have pain stakingly manicured bouffant hair. Sickening.

    Full Member

    Saturday over in Lakes – got a ride planned starting from Skelwith Bridge. Hopefully will be dry with not too much ice!

    Full Member

    Only ever ridden hardtails. As per ricochet, I dont see the need!! Much easier to look after.

    Full Member

    Not sure I agree with the statement thats theres no Wilderness south of Perth. Kielder is pretty isolated in parts. Surely it's open to interpetation of the word "wilderness".

    Full Member

    Sounds like a right tw*t.

    Full Member

    Midges are around at Kielder 100 time, but I dont remember it being too bad. And I usually get bitten to pieces. Plenty of DEET and trousers and not shorts!

    Full Member

    I love both the sufferfest films. Have also done them back to back (only the once) and very nearly saw my lunch again.
    I do think the Spinervals sessions are as tough, if not tougher though! And their session for technique and recovery is also worth a pop.
    New sufferfest out soon by the way!

    Full Member

    Good call on Roger!Another peolton hardman!

    Full Member

    another vote here for hincapie and Jens. Both proper work horses!

    Full Member

    Ive just put Gore on my race bike after it's winter rebuild. The difference is unbelievable. Fair enough theyre expensive and they take a bit more time to fit, but well worth it!!

    Full Member

    sterling effort!

    Full Member

    younggeoff – Can I take you up on your offer of the routes please?
    both formats would be brilliant!
    rich656 AT hotmail DOT COM

    Many thanks!!!

    Full Member

    I love Whinlatter! The blue run, as per other posts, flows really really well. Theres some interesting little more "technical" sections on the blue as well (on some of the ascents) which liven it up!
    Both red loops are also excellent (in my eyes)with some breathtaking views (on a clear day) from the tops.
    In fact, I think I might head over at the weekend!!

    Full Member

    If only theyd crush them by the road side, and then charge them for the removal.

    Full Member

    Good to see the usual STW rules still apply – hammer anyone who so dares as to call it the darkside! :lol:
    It is a sh*ite phrase though. Along with rig. And steed.
    Now if you were to call it a push iron………..

    Full Member

    Nipping my tits. Brilliant. He's gone up in my estimation. A microscopic amount admittedly.

    Full Member

    Theyre usually sick to the power of rad. Pretty easy to tell apart from lesser bikes.

    Full Member

    A bit of fun probably, but there are some people who really need to start getting over it. In the words of Renton, "Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just ****. We, on the other hand, are colonized by ****.". Genius script writing.

    Full Member

    Ill be at a few of them yeah. They look good.
    I saw you can enter on the day – them seem to charge an extra fiver for the privelege.

    Full Member

    Where abouts is Cathedral Cavern? I used to think I knew the Elterwater area pretty well 8O

    Full Member

    Prestwick?! Got to be Northumberland then. Surely…..

    Full Member

    Not sure where you live, but Northumberland never ceases to amaze me!
    Stunning coastline, vast countryside and everybit as 'wildernessy' as Scotland.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Funny all this talk about ignorant people.
    Told a friend I had done one at Whinlatter. He scoffed. He obviously thinks he's too cool for tuition. Arrogant Pr**k. I went off him right there and then.

    I thought it was well worth it and I'd def reccommend the guys at Cyclewise Whinlatter.

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