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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • dickydutch
    Full Member

    There is something for this – I have one.  Logitech I think it is….

    Works a treat – does seem to trump all other bluetooth connections though, so you sometimes have to manually disconnect it if you need to connect to something else, but its worked seamlessly for me for the last 3 years.

    {EDIT}.  Mine is Logitech – the one above isn’t but it looks identical and is available tomorrow!

    Full Member

    I think I was one of the “other folks” who chatted to you half way up the fire road climb, on a blue slash. I think you were going to ride one of the wolves after we chatted – hope you enjoyed it!?

    Full Member

    You have to be an undercover copper to wear Superdry I thought?

    Full Member

    Watching this with interest – in a very similar position!

    Full Member

    I’ve both.  Both are equally excellent.  Prefer Sutro on mtb and Jawbreaker on road for some reason. No discernible science behind it.

    Full Member

    I paid and entered for this year and having been numerous previous years can support all the good things mentioned above about it. I travel down from the NE for it as it’s everything I love about bike riding and “racing” (I know it’s not a race but theres times!). No egos, great team of volunteer marshalls, great views, great trails, great craic and great bacon sandwiches at the end too!

    Unfortunately I can’t make it this year due to injury but do hope it goes ahead – it would be a shame to see it struggle!

    If you’re on the fence, just do it! One of the best events on the calendar.

    Full Member

    I spent a good couple of days just riding the trails from the top of the lift back down to the bottom in this summer just gone. The trails were great and definitely worth a day or two. I’d come from a week or so in the PdS area and these felt a bit more “raw” which was good. Seem to recall a couple of sections being pretty tricky and certainly steep enough to keep things exciting.

    Full Member

    Full Member


    I will send you a message via email. It’s flagged up with discount admin and I will get back to you soon.

    any chance you could try the same for me please Charlie? another case of not recognising my email address. Perhaps it just doesn’t like “rich’s” and “richie’s”?!

    Full Member

    I have tried email verification a couple of times now Mark, but haven’t received any links yet? (tried yesterday and this morning I think). Nothing in junk/spam etc. Are you able to confirm its been sent out please?

    Full Member

    @johnx2 – I feel like I’ve stumbled over in the same dodgy part of Hull after a night of bright pink drink in Spiders.
    Fond memories of that place.

    Full Member

    Im trying to work out whee you’re at Benpinnick – I’m up above Blanchland. You nearby?

    Full Member

    we have a 2014 3.0l tdi v6 in an Audi A6 allroad for horsebox towing duties. Averages about 37-38 mpg out and about (8 mile country road run to school). easily returns 46-48mpg on motorway runs (no box on).

    Been a brilliant car so far and tows the box effortlessly.

    Full Member

    Some folk see bikes as “tools” and that is fine. But for others, me included, it’s much more than that and whatever it is that SC do, makes it feel much more than a tool. What’s that worth financially? Who cares. If you can afford it and you like it, go for it. They certainly don’t seem to have any issue selling their gear so I suspect they will continue with their tried and tested business model.

    I just don’t understand the concern – some folk like Fords and some like Renault?! Much the same could be said of Rapha. Why buy Rapha when you can go down Sports Direct and buy perfectly functional kit at a fraction of the cost?

    There’s more to cycling (at least for me) than having the best perceived spec or feeling like you’ve cheated the ‘system’ buy buying it all in parts. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve done that too and the process of researching, sourcing and building your own bike can be equally as rewarding.

    Full Member

    Another great event. Been ten years since I was last there but it’s still got that brilliant, grass roots, no ego hard racing/riding.
    Met some fantastic folk and finished in around 2hr 23 after over cooking it slightly at the start.
    Will be back again next year no doubt.
    Full credit to the organisers and to the folks dishing out the teas and coffees. Exactly as mtb riding/racing should be.

    Full Member

    Hotel Indigo is alright, as is Ibis Styles (cheap and cheerful), Malmaison can be had cheap ish but I wasn’t that impressed last time. Theres also Citizen M up the hill which is always alright. Next to that is also the brand new Maldron Hotel which is also good. All within a few minutes walk of the station and close to the Pot Still pub which is great.

    Full Member

    Permanently closed now by all accounts…

    Full Member

    There’s an ecological impact to any form of energy generation. We need some honesty around scales of impact.

    Full Member

    I should have done some prior research but, obviously, I just recommended what I had in time honoured fashion!

    Full Member

    My Stihl electric one feels and performs a million times better than my Karcher. Few years old now and looks good as new. For what it’s worth, it’s bloody heavy even when it’s not full of water. Never got that feeling with a Karcher.

    Full Member

    I live just over the hill from Stanhope so I’m a little biased but the riding can be great (and a little hilly!), if a little exposed in winter. The quieter roads are pretty high and whilst the snow is clearing at the moment, February can be a long cold month!
    That said, you can ride off-road all the way into hamsterley, do a loop of the gravel tracks there and back without too much trouble. Hamsterley is nice and sheltered too!
    Can also ride from Stanhope offroad all the way to Newcastle and back if you liked – longer day out but a brilliant ride. It’s part of the C2C route and Newcastle is now blessed with some brilliant coffee and cake options.

    Full Member

    anyone get any other email confirmation of your entry other than an auto generated one from

    Full Member

    Who knew I could find myself agreeing with TJ! We also live rural northumberland/durham and see them knocking about. I hold them in the same regard as the “shooters” and all the whallopers who trudge across the fells beating for them. Laughable but each to their own I guess.

    Also, I genuinely find it funny that if you are vocal about it being a heinous pasttime, then you are “just not country folk”. All this chat about it being “history” and part of the area? Absolute drivel. Sending 6 yr olds up the smelting flues was also part of the history too.

    One good thing to come from this thread though – this gem of a song.

    Forgotten about that number!

    Full Member

    Ive an entry to this too but only have an email from Nothing “formal” from the dirty reiver lot. This normal?!

    No idea on finish times or anything like that. Haven’t ridden this far in many a year! Really looking forward to a good day out though.

    Full Member

    Having been in that boat, many, many times over the last 10-12 years, I came to realise that to force it is not helpful. Truth is, that you’ve ridden for so long, it’s really really unlikely you’re “done” with it. This feeling of malaise is only temporary. It will pass.

    In terms of speeding up it ‘passing’, I always found that I’m just one ride with mates away from falling madly back in love with it. Any ride. Doesn’t need to be long, or hard. Just fun. I also found that using my bike for something other than fitness, or riding, was a revelation. A bit of a mindset shift if you like. I now think of my rides as an opportunity to switch off. It’s the vehicle for a bit of mental peace if you like. It’s no longer just riding for the enjoyment of the ride itself – it’s so much more than just a ride.

    Anyway, in a less wordy summary, your love of bikes hasn’t gone forever. The malaise will pass. Just have a ride with no expectations. Slow riding gives you a brilliant opportunity to see stuff you’ve never noticed before!

    Full Member

    Another embarassing U-Turn from this bunch of clueless, self serving roasters.

    Full Member

    MTB it is then!

    Full Member

    Did think about the cx bike suitability but I’ve got an mtb day in my head now. Really looking forward to it. First bike event of any real sort in 9 or so years.

    Full Member

    Ah shame I missed that – I had it noted down but family commitments prevented entry. Hope Holme Valley lot get a decent turnout too.

    Full Member

    I suspected that might be the case. Looking forward to riding somewhere different anyway – fact it looks to be dry is a bonus.

    Full Member

    Well spotted to those who picked up on my deliberate error.
    That was an annual estimate. Arguably still cheaper than running the raeburn?!

    Full Member

    Ah, interesting. Whereabouts do you live? And, super-cheekily, how much oil are you using?

    We live in rural Northumberland at 400m elevation so pretty high and winter lasts a long time. Not sure on usage yet, as we’ve only had it about 10 months now and have got through about 1000ish litres I would guess? It is a big old house though and I would expect to use about 1200-1500l per month? Working at home all the time does have it’s downfalls!

    We have an electric Economy 7 aga as well which provides the background heat for most of the house with a wood burner in the lounge which does “that” end of the house in terms of background heat.

    I was looking at the stats via google nest the other day and we haven’t used the CH since April last year – I treated myself to an hour of heat this morning just to check it was working!

    Full Member

    Can’t comment on relative efficiencies of internal vs external but ours is (Worcester Bosch, only a year old) and is outside. They’re really quite efficient these days compared to a few years back.

    I have experience of internal oil boilers and the smell was very definitely noticeable. I would go external every time for that reason alone. That said, perhaps new internal boilers don’t smell?!

    Full Member

    People with historic entitlements to drive 7.5 tonne vehicles and tow heavy trailers are some of the most dangerous drivers on the road.


    Full Member

    For everyone though! (I know that’s what you mean ;))

    Full Member

    Deepdale training up here reckoned on 800 ish pound by the way.

    We don’t just let folk out on motorbikes without training because the stats will no doubt show that accidents would/do ensue.
    If trailer training has not reduced the number of accidents, then get rid of it or make it less costly and more of a CBT style training day.
    If it has reduced accidents, then keep it for all. Surely?

    Full Member

    Same can be said for most post ’97 who appreciate what it takes to tow a trailer/horse box/caravan though. I am infintely more fastidious than some older folk I know when it comes to prepping and towing trailers.
    If it were for road safety (as I’m sure they sold it as) then the government shouldn’t even consider the uproar that would ensue from the elder population. If it helps reduce accident and deaths, an argument that it only applies to younger generations just does not wash.

    I think there’s also a degree of truth in your statement about them not giving it up without a fight. The current government fear the backlash of their devoted old voters more than raising NI and the uproar that caused.

    Full Member

    I have yes unfortunately. And whilst I agree that it is a bit regressive, I just don’t buy into the whole, “you need to draw a line somewhere”. Absolutely you do, but the line should be, “you want to tow a big trailer – brilliant. Come do some training, prove your ability in a test environment and go tow all you like”.

    It’s absolute tosh that by a lottery of your birth date you’re allowed to tow or not. Ridiculous non sensincal concept.

    Full Member

    If the test was brought in to deal exclusively with those issues – (poorly loaded trailers, etc), then why not apply to all drivers? Not just those who were unfortunate enough to pass their test post ’97? I’m guessing the process of passing a driving test back then was no more scrupulous, thorough or intense than it was post ’97?
    (genuine question by the way – not meant to sound facetious)

    Full Member

    It should be one rule for all, regardless of when you passed your test. At least this makes it fair?

    Full Member

    We only realised our youngest lad’s passport expired whilst we were due to be in France on the way down to the tunnel last year. Chanced it and got in and out (with a 3 week out of data passport) just fine via the tunnel both ways. Not even a disapproving nod!

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