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  • 2019 Fort William World Cup – A Day Of Surviving Qualifying
  • Dickyboy
    Full Member

    My dad used to call them 4 wheel Christians – they'd only ever turn up in a pram, limo or hearse….

    Full Member

    Ritchey WCS not sure if they do them in 25.4 any more but mine is great & very light

    Full Member

    I always wonder what happened to the shoe that my son vomitted into as a tiny baby whilst my mrs was out shopping for wedding clobber – last I heard it was hurriedly put back on the shelf… :lol:

    Full Member

    Haven't had any problems with Mavic xm 317 & Conti GP's at 105psi yet :?

    Full Member

    Perception Acadia is very stable & easy to paddle & okay for flat water, but feels like a barge compared to a Dagger Blackwater 10.5 – I went through 4 kayaks before finding one I like (the Dagger) so +1 for joining a club & trying a few before you buy.

    Full Member

    I do not know for sure but I presume that a 73mm e type bottom bracket will actually be a little wider than 73mm between the cups to accomodate the width of the front mech ring round the bottom bracket

    Full Member

    zillion times better than those stupid soft links…

    Full Member

    no but I've got a stupid headset that I will give to the poster of the 1000th reply

    Full Member

    Sorry for giving this thread a new lease of life, but just read up on some of the maths and the kinetic energy of a moving wheel is roughly equivalent to mass x velocity squared, whereas the kinetic energy of the non rotating parts of a bike is HALF mass x velocity squared – hence the preference to reduce weight of wheels tyres etc – 500g saved on the wheels is worth 1kg on the rest of the bike.
    However even if you have a 5% difference in potential energy & 5% difference in overall kinetic energy when comparing a 30lbs bike plus rider to a 20lbs bike plus rider – the rotating mass accounts for only about 1% of this difference.
    All these feable percentages got me wondering if the correlation is actually non linear, for example I can easily run a half marathon in 2hrs but if I added a 30lb pack on my back (15% of my body weight) I doubt that I'd be able to complete one in 2hrs 18mins – in fact I doubt that I'd even be able to run up some of the hills that I normally can at all – ie I'd be more than 15% slower – so can the reverse not also be true to some extent when climbing a hill on a bike?. Aside from all the obvious "not a good example you are carrying all the weight on your back" comments, what about other non linear effort gains such as increasing from fast walking pace of 4mph to running at 8mph (most reasonably fit people can achieve this with a bit of training) to then running at 12mph which is only the domain of top athletes at half marathon distances. ie there are huge leaps in fitness required to achieve only small improvements in performance at the top end of the scales.
    Just a few thoughts to ponder anyway & in answer to the OP's original question, well if nobody else is then I obviously am…. :oops:
    . and I've already decided to swap my 570g all mountain rims for some 440g ones whatever anyone says

    Full Member

    Been a couple of times & couldn't find anything either :cry:

    Full Member

    Well said Ti29er, ade ward & bike whisperer.

    Having slept on the issue, I'd just like to conclude by saying that on a long slow climb & with all other things being equal my 8.5st girlfriend is going to have to expend approx 8% more energy to get to the top hill if she used a 30lb bike instead of a 20lb bike.

    And yes before you start flaming me for ignoring wind resistance rolling resitance etc, in reality it's the hills that most people find the hardest and at 5mph struggling uphill those factors are going to be fairly minimal on their effect on the percentage of effort required.

    Maybe weight is not the be all & end all, but to ignore it & pretend it doesn't matter makes no sense to me

    Full Member

    Me plus 20lbs bike = 100kgs, me plus 30lbs bike = 105kgs, just in potential energy alone thats a 5% difference which is significant enough for me on the 500m of ascents I regularly take in on a ride around the chilterns…

    Now wheres that maths book so I can add in the energy taken up in accelerating the wheels from 5 to 20 mph say 20 times in a 30 mile ride… no actually I can't be bothered, I'm not going to change anybodies view on the topic so might as well go to bed. Night all

    Full Member

    From wikipedia, and so taken with a pinch of salt, but still way more dependable than STW.. :lol:

    Hmmm interesting, think I'll have to give my son a few calcs to do whilst he's revising for his mech eng degree & see what he can sus out from first principles.

    Bet I'll still be pissed off that I put some 570g AM rims & fatter tyres on my prince albert though :cry:

    Full Member

    Crikey – way too long since I did my Physics & Maths A levels, but I can assure you that acceleration of a 800g weight weenie tyre & rim combo compared to the same of a 1300g all mountain/trail combo is significant – and then multiply that by all the start stops in a single mtb ride.

    Full Member

    Hmmm no mention of rotating mass of wheels & energy required to accelerate same….. technical not!

    Juan – we are talking like for like here your, far as I am concerned I'd rather pay a wee bit more & have some similar tyres / rims at 100gms lighter if I can.

    If you keep an eye on weight & avoiding becoming obsessive (although it can be a dangerous route to go down) you can easily shave 50g off each component which can amount to 1kg in a full build – okay so thats f all when compared with my 87kgs, but seems to make a difference in the weird & wonderful world that I occupy. :wink:

    Full Member

    Just ordered a HandsomeDog for £66 delivered, thanks all round. :D

    Full Member

    "Any particular reason you want steel? "

    Completely numb bum after a long descent on my road based magnesium hardtail a good enough reason? – probably more to do with the 100psi in the 1.3" continental sport contacts but also the frame on that bike is too small for me so looking for replacement anyway.

    Full Member

    2kg or less rather than 2.5kg is what I was suggesting – "lightweight" is all relative afterall.

    HandsomeDog Talisman – now we're talking

    Full Member

    Rock Lobster & P7's don't currently have vee brake mounts – anyone know what years they had both – if at all?

    Inbred – not sure how I managed to miss that one off my list to start with :oops:

    Full Member

    Is there gonna be a prize for the 1000th post? – perhaps we should get Manwells to advertise his bikes here to speed the process up :D

    Full Member

    Point was they only made it in brass so they could put the braille impression on it & then stuck it on the top of a hill where it was highly likely to get nicked.
    Hmmm Surrey V Buckinghamshire in poshness battle – your votes please :?

    Full Member

    1. Number of blind people making it to said view point without sighted companion – few & far between.
    2. Length of time brass plate lasted before being nicked & sold for scrap – bout 6 months.
    3. Result – compared with a much cheaper version even less people either sighted or blind get to find out what the view beholds :cry:.

    Full Member

    At the top of a local viewpoint the powers that be installed a brass plate on a wooden plinth pointing out & naming all the noteworthy things to see across the horizon & also gave a braille translation…..

    Full Member

    Don't the rear seats split anyway so you can drop one side down even if a child seat is fitted on the other?

    Full Member

    whatever you do don't start watching the bike racing its really dull & boring, I'm sure the rugby & tennis are great to watch though :wink:

    Full Member

    +1 for what coffeeking said

    Full Member

    Theoretically I can ride my motorbike at 70mph whilst wearing just flip flops, swimming trunks and an approved helmet. Thus proving that the law is an ass. Helmets if & when you want to, compulsion definitely not.

    Full Member

    mígandi fullur mig hlæja …. ekki

    Full Member

    rkk01 – fine with it if he'd put up signs warning partners of the cameras in the smoke alarm etc!

    Full Member

    Given the amount of material that ends up on the net, I think that "covertly" filming should certainly be discouraged. Putting him on the sex offenders register may be a bit steep, but then again his actions do display a certain tendancy….

    Full Member

    26yo & 28yo wanting the snip? Bit drastic at that age, don't know about age limts but with NHS, but they will want you to wait until a new baby is at least 6 months old.
    btw the most painful part is the local in the John Waynes hairy saddlebags…. :?

    Full Member

    At least this way, those that couldn't contemplate not entering can hand deliver their form & pretty much guarantee a place.
    Me I'm just thinking about returning to the post box with an angle grinder to retrieve the solo entry I just posted. :roll:

    Full Member

    Wrong location on the ticket – you are free as a bird.

    Full Member

    Looks like Stendec fork grease will be the best bet £9 for 150ml should do a few forks (as opposed to £5 – £12 for 29ml of Judy Butter!) cheers Del

    Full Member

    Tried it once, quite a laugh, looked into getting some boards for the kids some time back but never got round to it. Go to one of the places they hire boards out & see how you get on.

    Full Member

    All as clear as daylight then? Doesn't really help knowing that at least two of the pairs of forks I am servicing are oil damped in one leg only…. looks like I might have to buy the tiny expensive pots afterall. The Magura Ronins service require equivalent to one pot of judy butter – ie 15ml per leg, so you can see why I would have liked to have found a cheaper option.

    Full Member

    Scienceofficer – I think you'll find that because I tend to buy things cheap just after they go out of fashion but before they become retro, then most of my forks will need plenty of grease.. :oops:

    Full Member

    Thanks, is that Silkolene RG2 defo okay for fork seals?

    Full Member

    Another vote for overnight Portsmouth to Caen here, one cabin will be fine for the four of you (brother lives in northern brittany so done it a few times), tried the channel tunel the first time I went over – not a clever choice because of the extra driving required on the french side.

    Full Member

    Once flicked the vees after a car passed me at what I thought was too close (on an open national speed limit road – so pretty scary) & then got pulled by the police in the car behind & forced to appologise to the nice mr policeman (passing car didn't even stop or owt). Mind you was out on the Gower so was probably some relatives of his in the passing car in the first place :|

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