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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • DickBarton
    Full Member

    All working on my Garmin head unit, but since installing it, the Garmin goes to sleep after about 10 seconds and turns the screen off. It is still running and recording but screen is turned off – to save battery power according the the message. Press a button and the screen turns on and I see everything, but a pain to have to hit a button to see it…need to find the option to turn screen off to on!

    Full Member

    Definitely some.form.of AX…and sadly, I like it!

    Full Member

    Just to counter all the comments, I’ve been lucky enough so far to not have had any pad material debond on any of the pads I’ve used – EBC (about 20 years ago), Superstar (several years ago) and have been using Uber Race pads for the last 5 years or so.

    Full Member

    The issue BC has is that all events are done by local clubs/local people, so BC are absolutely reliant on keeping these ‘volunteers’ on-board.
    It really isn’t a surprise that things aren’t as smooth or as joined up as they could be when you have umpteen volunteers doing the work to get their event sorted. They have officials that will arrive once the event is sorted and ready to go, but there isn’t a central point arranging all this…grassroots really does mean the grass roots getting it all done.
    No idea how it is done in mainland Europe or elsewhere but I can see why the UK is struggling to get something sorted.

    Full Member

    Isn’t any point other than encouraging you to do more exercise and get healthier – which isn’t a bad thing.

    Full Member

    I saw an absolutely stunning Deviate at 10 Under last year – bright yellow with Lion Rampant on the seat tube – it looked utterly stunning.
    Just everything about it was right – the look, the colour and the graphics.

    Full Member

    On Garmin Connect, you can search for challenges. Join those and when you complete them, you get points. You can join any challenge and as long as you track stuff that works for those challenges then they get completed.
    The app tends to make them easy to find. Click your profile and it will show your badges. Click All Badges and it’ll show you available badges. You do activities and earn badges.
    The badges and challenges gives you points, it can be addictive.

    Full Member

    Still too far away from…and having checked my points, my retirement age is closer than the gap between my points and your points!!!

    Full Member

    I’m.feeling properly inadequate as I’m not far off level 5, so looks like I need to be made redundant so I can fill some time with activities whilst searching for a new job!

    Full Member

    Nice work! That is a serious amount of effort to get that level. I’ve got myself in a rabbit hole of sorts with Garmin – trying to get to the next level, but it is slow as the bigger points stuff needs time that I don’t have so can’t get them.
    I’ll get there, just not quickly!
    Reckon I’ll be at least another 4 years before I get to 1000 though, so well done for that result!

    Full Member

    Mr Attenborough is in serious danger if fax machines are targeted…and he is a national treasure!!!

    Full Member

    Yeah, sorry, I saw the thread title and had a quick read of the first couple of posts and hadn’t spotted it was an old thread! Sorry for the confusion I’ve probably caused.

    Full Member

    Very nice!

    Full Member

    British Cycling has (or had) a 30% off thing for members – it seems to generate a random code so no something I could copy and share.

    I thought Fatmap was bringing OS mapping into the system – is there not another thread on here today saying Strava has IGN mapping for France and OS mapping for UK at 1:25k? If so, that is great – but not worth the heavier subscription price for me as I get all the tracking stuff through Garmin, so Strava itself is just for stalking mates and complaining at the amount of biking they are doing instead of working!

    Full Member

    Agreed, Man on Wire is excellent.

    Full Member

    We didn’t make Boris or Liz prime ministers – that was all solely down to the Tory party’s internal system…I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have made it if a public vote had been taken (although suspect it would have been a close run thing!)…
    Anyway, back on thread topic, as much as I hope he doesn’t win, I’m really not happy to hear of another possible assassination attempt has been made. It isn’t clear it is that, but there has to be a far better way to get rid (as in not given any power or control) than that…

    Full Member

    The travel thing sort of makes sense if it is the UCI as they don’t want advantages that can be exploited. They are about the rider being the best and the bikes being very similar to not give an advantage.

    Full Member

    Oh dear…it’ll hopefully help the local area but suspect it’ll change the mountain biking there – may not be a bad thing, but suspect it will be detrimental for mountain bikers that want more than family trails.
    For the locals it’ll hopefully create more jobs, maybe also encourage a wider range of visitors.
    Or it could be utterly shambolic – hopefully it won’t be that.

    Full Member

    I hope it makes a difference, but…how will this all be paid for? If this is saved then something somewhere else will suffer.
    Any thoughts on how to generate more money from bikers without making it obvious they are trying to be fleeced?

    Aware this isn’t a massively positive post, but I’m really not wanting to see anything gets closed, but without a plan to pay for on-going costs and development, I’m struggling to see what can be done.

    Full Member

    I really like the idea of them, never ridden one but I’d like a shot…

    Full Member

    @andrewh – an early prototype of Sputnik? Or the idea that created Sputnik?

    Looking at the destruction man can reap on others – we really are a selfishly irresponsible creature, aren’t we?

    However, some of the other pictures are awe-inspiring…

    Full Member

    The power in each leg is either a power meter i each crank or some clever gubbins internally that determines which crank is putting the power down. I have had a shot on a trainer that measured each leg (well, 2 legs, but showed power on both) – disappointingly, I was 50/50…I was hoping to get an idea that I did have a stronger leg…turns out I’m weak in both of them…in equal measure!!!

    Full Member

    The adapter realigns the position of the cage so it sits a bit further down the frame and is slightly flatter.
    If you have no luck and don’t want the adapter, please give me a shout, as I’d be very keen on it, ta.

    Full Member

    Oh and if you don’t want to run a water bottle cage on your bike, would you sell me the adapter please? When I asked previously, I got offered a 3d printed one but I’m not keen on £18 asking price…so hoping someone gets a new Bird and doesn’t want the bottle cage adapter and I can get it for cheaper than that!

    Full Member

    I found the previous height stuff wasn’t right going from an Aeris 120 LT (27.5) to an Aether 9 (29) – both same travel at rear but the 9 was 150mm.forks rather than 140mm – however, I have a higher front end on the 9 and it has been fantastic.

    Saddle height also appears to be slightly higher – I do t mean amount of post showing I mean actual saddle height from ground is slightly higher.

    I’m not feeling as pitched forward as I was and I’m finding it far comfier on descents (although I’m still needing to up my descending ability).

    I last tried a 29er in 2018 and it was absolutely awful, really slow in the right twisty stuff and cornering felt like it took an age. Pleasantly impressed with the Aether 9 as it feels much quicker in the turns and despite needing to use a slightly easier gear on the climbs, it seems to move over everything with more ease.

    Sorry, bit of a story there!

    Full Member

    It could be made out of cheese…it might not fit together properly…it might not shift as smoothly as expected…

    Plenty of ‘it might not’, but if it is properly cheap and you don’t mind a potential long walk (or hobble – depending on what fails and how injured you are!), then give it a bash. It might be an absolutely bargain of a solution as well as all the negative what-ifs…

    Full Member

    Aye, I was wrong… maybe I was thinking of the cabled version, but follow the video, not my daft suggestion!

    Full Member

    Even worse, says he wasn’t wearing a helmet…

    Full Member

    Still give SRAM a call, they may goodwill it.

    On the axs, I think the release valve is at the top, so remove the saddle and use the red key thing. I’m saying that, I’ve never had to do this so may be wrong (very likely to be wrong!).

    Full Member

    How cheap? And what size?

    Unsure why I’m asking as I don’t have a bike for it!

    Full Member

    Nope, completely broken…can’t seem to send, can’t read and can’t delete…it could be really useful (it was when it worked), so hopefully will be resolved soon-ish.

    I’m keen on the off chance someone has pm’d me offering me a bottle adapter for my Bird that is cheaper than £18… suspect not, but I live in hope.

    Full Member

    The drop is likely to be fixed with a service…the battery eating itself is hopefully a temporary thing that the service will help alleviate.
    Have you installed the latest firmware on the post and the controller?

    Full Member

    When was it last serviced?

    Full Member

    Ah ok…so my thinking was wrong, cool.

    Consensus of opinion so far is more air, so will add more air and see how it goes to start with, ta.

    Full Member

    Not me, spent this morning squashing my fingers braking so spent this afternoon bleeding my brakes – very short lever throw and a nice firm feel with a wee bit of give at the end.
    Absolutely no way I’ll be removing my hands from bars as they feel utterly perfect now!!!
    Turns out around here, I’m special when it comes to bleeding my brakes…hahahaha

    Full Member

    Although Vitus don’t sell anything these days as they went belly up with Chiggle…but second hand bargains should be readily found. They do seem decent bits of kit.

    Full Member

    It is more expensive than power meters…and it sounds as though it needs a service (at £180 – which may be a bargain price for what is replaced)…if you are happy with your current setup then perhaps power meters are the way to they are cheaper and you already know the rest of the setup.

    Full Member

    Whichever one you go for, it’ll get quicker the more you practice with it…

    Full Member

    Is the judge playing it safe and betting that Trump doesn’t win so the sentencing will still go ahead? If Trump does get in then I’m assuming all charges will be instantly dropped as he’ll pardon himself.

    Full Member

    I’d be abandoning the sick one and taking the 3 year old along with me…never too early to learn the joys of BBQ!

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