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  • GoPro Hero 5 and Karma Drone launched
  • DickBarton
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    Oh dear…someone missed dinner?

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    I’d go for the one that has the clamp above the mech as from my experience they tend to last longer before they start slopping around. Personal choice though and you will need to make sure your frame can fit that kind of mech – I suspect as it is a standard looking diamond-framed bike it should, but if it is a small frame the water bottle bolts may be in the way.

    Both are Dual Pull so could work with cable routing from above or below…

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    Full Member

    Was there never any mention from your parents? Are they still alive and if so, can you ask them? Any other siblings from your parents that may know? How about old family friends?

    Full Member

    Jeses man that is some amount of caffiene and sugar…I’d suggest you try halving your intake to begin with – going to almost a complete stop is probably making your body crave for the stuff more…you need to wean yourself off gradually…

    Full Member

    My ghillies are well comfy but they are 15 years old! Are the laces done up properly? Could you have them too tight and the blood is being restricted and causing discomfort?

    Full Member

    Maybe sharki is wanting the trail cleared for when he arrives so he can sample it at it’s finest?

    Only issue with DIY’ing a fallen tree is if it does go pear-shaped and you get injured (or stuck) then there is a whole can of issues waiting to be unleashed on you. Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with DIY’ing it out the way but it needs to be done properly rather than just hacked or dragged/man-handled into the woods (not suggesting this is how it would be done, just trying to set a scene)…best thing would be to report it and let the ‘professional’s deal with it – but if it hasn’t been dealt with after a week then perhaps a wee help wouldn’t go astray…

    Full Member

    Will let the boss know Smogmonster, thanks.

    Full Member

    Anyone have a contact number for Disco Brakes? Can get rotor and adapter for £18 delivered but it won’t let me register to order – will order over phone if I could find a number…


    Full Member

    My wife stopped at 7 months…but was mainly due to not getting comfy on the saddle due to the bump!

    Got a mate whose wife was sea kayaking the day before giving birth so exercise is possible, just not prolonged or extended – don’t push yourself too hard as it also has an affect on the baby…heart rate needs to stay below 130 (I think) for some reason or other but I can’t recall what.

    Full Member

    How much climbign do you do? If it is a lot then don’t go much wider than 650mm – I’ve got some wide things on my new bike and climbing is rather wobbly – feels fine but the bars are twitching all over the place…then if you do start to wander you need to correct it big style to get it going again…

    If you don’t do much climbing or a ‘normal’ amount then it should be fine…going down they are excellent, but going up they aren’t as good.

    Full Member

    Aye has everything but the camera – which is probably going to be liveable with (as I’m fairly certain I’m never going to get the phone I’m ideally after) – I now need to locate a cheap source for one as I can’t get it from Vodafone (without paying big bucks)…cheers.

    Full Member

    I’ve got the first gen Nokia N95 and I’m not looking for another – the slider goes both ways in a pocket (which is why I’m not wanting a slider as a replacement).

    I’m not looking for a phone just for my biking, ideally a phone to do it all (from my original list), so the toughness is a requirement but so is everything else.


    Full Member

    Had a C902 and it failed on pretty much everything – I’m sure it was a faulty phone but put me right off…also has a slider of sorts so I’m not convinced.

    I’m against Iphones – primarily as they are Apple and primarily sold because it looks good and then because it does everything – I’m the complete opposite and loathe things to look good over function, from the mates who have them, they seem to have to charge them everyday – some use them all the time others use them for calls (and the image), but they all say it needs charged everyday – not what I’m after.

    I was getting a bit worried as this had no replies last night – I figured with everyone going on the Iphone Bash/praise onslaught that people would have an idea of something that could satisfy my requirements…but the silence was a touch worrying…so far, Iphone is out – it won’t work with Vodafone anyway and the C902 is a potential contender…

    Anything else? Thanks for the suggestions so far.

    Full Member

    There is a bike bus setup in Glasgow that uses one (Delica), I think someone based down in the Med uses one and I think Rik’s Bike Shop has one and there is someone else from the 7Stanes area that uses one…

    Full Member

    Plenty of the Delica’s are being used by the biking businesses – good runners, 4wd but not the most fuel efficient. You get plenty of variants on it.

    I prefer my Mitsu bike carrier (not an image of mine as mine is now scrapped due to being written off!) –

    Can carry 4 bikes and 4 people in very comfortable surroundings…get you there fast enough and isn’t much worse on fuel as the Delica (considering it is almost 300bhp, twin turbo’d V6 with 4wd!)

    Was a brilliant car, only real downside was the fuel costs, but I was using it as my runabout which probably didn’t help!

    Check YouTube out for the Delica offroading videos, some real impressive stuff…

    Full Member

    billybob – are you complaining because you can’t ride ina muddy field; your mate is getting married and the weather will be nice; Or you aren’t getting married to the lass?

    I’m a bit confused about your moan…just not sure what you are getting at… :wink:

    Full Member

    Berlingo – slightly wider and longer than the Kangoo (of the same era) and cheaper than the Pug Partner (which is the same as the Berlingo but has more safety features – primarily a passenger airbag – it’s a Citreon so chepaer than Pug – but the same vehicle.

    Full Member

    Enduroforkseals also do bearings kits for them – about £24 posted from the US (didn’t get stung for import tax or nowt) – all up the grand total was £24 and they were rather fine bearings…well they are still going strong 3 years after replacing them!

    Full Member

    I’ve only been to a job centre once…and the q was pretty long…if we all stopped eating meat then that q would be even longer as the animals would then also be out of jobs (and don’t get me started on the timescales of the NHS if they also had to look after them as well!!!)…it’s our duty as kings of the food chain to consume these potential Q-blockers…

    The way I see it is this – if a veggie doesn’t want to eat meat, there is more of the tasty stuff for me…so the greens gets consumed but so does the meat…so it’s all good!

    Full Member

    It might help, but surely you can copy and paste? Link works if you copy and paste it into a browser window…

    Full Member

    Ghost shifting could be cable length – if it is too short or neat it could affect the shifting when the suspension is working hard – my late 05/early 06 Trance never had ghostshifting issues, but I kept the cable length as it was from the shop so had plenty of ‘spare’ when the suspension was moving – but never seemed excessive.

    When does the ghost shifting occur? Is it in extreme gears? Cuold the chainline be having an affect?

    Knocking noise – lift the saddle slightly – not enough to lift the rear wheel but enough to unweight it…is the knocking there? If so, it is likely to be the bushings on the shock…if you wiggle the rear wheel side to side, can you feel it? If so, it is either the rear wheel bearings needed tweaked or the rear sub-frame might have some loose bolts that need tightening…

    Full Member

    Where are you based? Balburny estate near Glenrothes, Fife has a jeweller type chap that can do custom stuff – can do pretty much anything and everything…not sure I’ve got the spelling right though…

    Full Member

    Can you email me pictures please? My dad is talking about getting one, so will let him know…also a rough indication of price, thanks.

    Full Member

    My Fiat Bravo Sport does alright – 3 on the roof and 3 bodies inside. I’m going to get rid of it and get another Berlingo – new style one though – it was the dog’s dangles…

    Full Member

    I can’t ride bikes…never really wanted to, but from my view, I reckon they are tubs of lard that need a serious servicing to get them to run properly. Big, useless beasts that do nothing but shout ‘Too much money to waste’ to the world…I think there are far better bikes out there for much less money – no idea why they are so popular as they look seriously overworked and under-engineered pieces of junk.

    I know heehaw about bikes but that is my Harley Opinion…

    Full Member

    Reading that, I can only assume you will be a gibbering wreck after all the cycling you will be doing – I’m not jealous or nowt (I only manage 1 evening cycling a week if everything else is under control!).

    Other than that (which is an attempt at humour!), take it steady and don’t just stop the drugs as that will have a terrible reaction as well…it is very good news to hear you are coming off them, but do it gradually so you adjust to the lower intake of the drug and eventually come off them without any probs…the cycling can only help with the feel good stuff – you will feel better, get fitter and look much healthier as well…

    All the best, I’m sure you’ll find it much easier than you first thought…

    Full Member

    Mine has lasted 4 months and still going strong – no problems with it…well apart from a 2 week spell of tight cranks – which I tracked down to some real weird grit/grass-like substance between crank and bearing…once that was gone went all smooth again…

    Full Member

    Obvious is it not? Commercial vehicles generally tend to be used as part of a job i.e. it isn’t a ‘luxury’ item that can be bought as you can afford it – it’s bought as it is needed to work. If the service is dire, word of mouth soon gets out and sales of VW commercial vehicles gets hit (as in a lot of cases it isn’t the actual vehicle the decides on the purchase – it’s the after sales care as most vehicles are pretty much the same).

    For non-commercial stuff – they don’t need to care as much as the vehicle(s) aren’t bought as a necessity in the sense that you need it for your livelihood – it’s a nice to have that has become the norm.

    Full Member

    They look a very similar shape to some Dia Compe SS5 levers…my mate had a Diamond Back somethig-or-other and it had some cheap cantis on it, levers were the shape shape as Dia Compe SS5’s (same as in the pic) but the SS5’s were allow and these had plastic bits on them…great brakes in terms of function, just don’t look very nice.

    Full Member

    Which half of your body do you want under the tent?

    Full Member

    Like that?

    Full Member

    Grangemouth? ;-)

    Full Member

    Berlingo…I did have one but wrote it off, now looking at trading my existing car in for another…

    Full Member

    How does the roadid work? MedicAlert has a list of my condition/doctor/NOK/medication/allergies/etc on record so if they phone up and quote my member number they get all my details…does the Roadtag thing have a similar service?

    Full Member

    Medic Alert for me – have had it for last 20 years or so…does the job. Also got dextrose tablets, hypo stop and chocolate in my riding kit and a card in my wallet…never had to use any of them luckily.

    Wife hates the medic alert round my neck, reckons a bracelet thing would look nicer…look gayer in my opinion!

    Full Member

    You’re gonna get your head kicked in???

    Full Member

    My most popular image by interestingness –

    Most viewed –

    As found on my Flickr[/url] page!

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    I have a nosey but mainly just to confirm that very few people are interested in looking at my pics…they get looked at but no real idea who is looking or why. I’ve joined a few groups and scattered the pics around these groups but very little traffic seems to be generated…basically, this confirms I’m a boring f@rt and don’t take pics of anything of interest to anyone…

    Full Member

    Cheers for the info…makes sense…I suspect the biggest thing is the need for more commitment…I really do need to get my bottle sorted…will remove a click of rebound off both ends and see what is what. I used the Marin guide to set the suspension up – says 12.5mm sag if I was firm or 15mm sag if I want soft…last time I checked it was sitting at around somewhere just over 13mm.

    Will check the other bits and pieces and give this all a try…I’ve never really bothered setting full bounce up before other than putting air in the shocks…but with the extra 20mm travel, I am noticing the bike moving more and I think it does require more time spent on setting it up (hence my questions – I’m a luddite with suspension).


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