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  • Diane
    Free Member

    Keep posting it here. Whatever you want to say or offload – that's what we are on this post for. 🙂

    Free Member

    Hi Mark

    Glad to hear you are doing so well!

    With regard to your fear – don't worry about feeling that way it's all part of your journey and quite natural. I'm sure it can be a very dark space but at the end of each little tunnel you will be stronger. There may be lots of little tunnels each day but hopefully not too many.

    Get outside as much as you can – daylight is a wonderful thing.

    With regard to waking up i know this is a real dread – try a good light hearted book that takes you away from everything and an easy crossword book – make tea and have an early breakfast then maybe you will be able to go back to sleep.

    Hope one of these may help. Still thinking of you both. Chin up x

    Free Member

    Trekster – yes can give you a lift. My son and his friend are coming too. Leaving Penrith at 10. Will post my mobile no on Facebook for you. Cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    Heading up from Penrith at 10 (wont be a fast ride though!)

    Free Member

    Trekster – you around Monday? Going to Dalbeattie

    Free Member

    Innerleithen 😀

    Cambridge is lovely too

    Inners with Cambridge weather – now that would be paradise!

    Free Member

    How often do you get yours serviced etc? Not technically proficient myself

    Free Member

    My forks have same symptoms – just been sent off to Mojo for servicing 🙁

    Free Member

    Mark – you've made a start and this is good – the fight is on.
    Keeping positive with you and for you x

    Free Member

    Are they thinking of taking it down then?

    Free Member

    Waterproof shorts rule! As others have said you can whip them off at the end of a ride and drive home / go to cafe in your lycra. Rear crudcatchers just get in the way on fs bikes when you take air 🙂

    Free Member

    Best of luck with the next phase Mark and Meg and may this day carry you through x

    Free Member

    Oooo i've gone all dizzy

    Free Member

    You'll be fine – was really wet and muddy on Tues but it's not gonna kill you – it's not downhill. Just take waterproofs.

    Free Member

    It must be so comforting having a consultant who is on the ball and knows his stuff. Thank goodness.
    Have a super day on Saturday, i too will be raising a glass x

    Free Member

    You could try Andy at Innerhaven. Great place to stay too :-)In Innerleithen.

    Free Member

    I did all the black except one bit (Steep slab) and i think it is really technical. However having done it gives me the confidence to try other stuff which is very useful 🙂

    Still scared though!

    Free Member

    Keep up the good work Mark. Thanks for the update. Praying you get some good sleep soon x Thinking of you

    Free Member

    Second what Fozlett said – my fav mtb dvd section of all time but then he is such a sweet guy. 😀

    Free Member

    Whilst GT and Inners are essentially up up up then down down down, Kirroughtree is up down up down …… which i found really tiring but i'm not that fit.

    Free Member

    Sorry just thought of something else 🙂

    Free Member

    Neither are jumpy but good technically and not too scary .

    Free Member

    Both good. Dalbeatie is a bit easier on the legs.

    Free Member

    It's a start! 🙂

    Free Member

    Mark – you just had major surgery be kind to yourself – am amazed you could even cross the road! Excepting the cancer that surgery will take a big toll but you will get over that and get stronger – it's just that you are fighting on so many fronts at the moment.
    It will get better and then when you are stronger you can continue the battle. Good so far and thanks for updating us . x

    Free Member

    Are the results up anywhere?

    Free Member

    Oh great to hear he's awake and lively! Hope it's all good from here on. Thinking of you both.

    Free Member

    Chase him up! He shouldn't be allowed to get away with it that's terrible!
    Good luck x

    Free Member

    Looks FAB!

    Free Member

    How lovely!

    Free Member

    Well i'd be up for a sister group up north 😀

    Free Member

    Eaten a whole Mars Bar

    Free Member

    I work in retail and this really p@sses me off! There should be a law stating a launch date of November (Think of all the little kids that see this stuff and have little concept of time!)
    By the time it's done with (January sale) we've been looking at the stuff for 4 months. There is a display in store currently selling little chocolate tree decorations that says 'Let it snow' FFS!!!! 😈

    Free Member

    Morning Pete
    Just wanted to say next time you have to face one of those proceedures alone and afraid PLEASE keep in your thoughts that all the people on here and all your family and friends are rooting for you. (Imagine we are all crowding in the room shouting 'Go Pete' and that Meg is holding your hand)

    Free Member

    Stoney – yes you win! 😀

    Free Member

    Trekster – going to do Gypsies Descent from GT instead so may spot you at the cafe after.

    Free Member

    Aaarrrggghhhh does my head in !

    Free Member

    Flat with a spattering of bomb holes – hopefully not a quagmire this year! 😀

    Free Member

    Just pick some singletrack and follow your nose – you can't get too lost.

    Free Member

    Yes – but i now live in Scotland! 😀

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